An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Œch per œch, dent per dent.

Have you ever been to Paris?
T'sè gia stai a Pariis?

How are you?
Come va-la?

A cat came out from under the desk.
Un gatt l'è gnì föa da sota la scrivania.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Vun, duu, trii, quatter, cinqu, ses, sett, vott, noeuv, des.

This is not a sentence.
L'è mia na fras, chesta.

One language is never enough.
Una lengua l'è mai assé.

More coffee, please.
Mo dal cafè, p'piasée.

It wasn't my fault.
L'è mia colpa méa.

Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.
Ol Burj Khalipha l’è al mumént ol gratacèl piö ólt al mónt.

I don't need anything.
Gh'ho nota.

I don't need anything.
Gh'ho naot.

I know you're going to say no.
Al so che ti diré no.

He dressed up as a woman.
Us s'vestiis coma na dona.

Tom was very scared.
Al Tom gh'éa pagüra.

There's no reason to be afraid.
Gh'è mia rason da véec pagüra.

There are a lot of big cities in Brazil.
G'è un sac de citaa grande in Brazil.