I love you.
Me ama tu.
I love you.
Ме ама вос.
I love you.
Me ama vos.
But the universe is infinite.
Ma la universa es infinita.
My name is Jack.
Me nom es Jac.
Would you like to dance with me?
Esce tu ta vole dansa con me?
Would you like to dance with me?
Еске ту та воле данса кон ме?
When do we arrive?
Cuando nos va ariva?
When do we arrive?
Куандо нос ва арива?
The check, please.
Per favore, dona la fatura.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Roma no ia es construida en un dia.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Рома но иа ес конструида ен ун диа.
Life is beautiful.
La vive es bela.
I'm not inspired anymore.
Me es no plu inspirada.
Where are you?
Do tu es?
Where are you?
Do vos es?
He has just published an interesting series of articles.
El ia publici resente un serie interesante de articles.
You piss me off!
Tu irita me.
No way!
It's a dead end.
Lo es un rua sin sorti.
I don't necessarily trust translations.
Me no fida neseseda traduis.
I don't necessarily trust translations.
Me no fida neseseda relocas.
The day before yesterday you impressed everyone, but I already knew you.
Tu ia impresa cadun a la dia ante ier, ma me ia conose ja tu.
Life is not long, it is wide!
La vive no es longa, lo es larga!
When I was your age, Pluto was a planet.
Cuando me ia ave tuа eda, Pluto ia es un planeta.
She is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
El es a la borda de un crise mental.
Elephants are the largest land animals alive today.
Elefantes es la animales la plu grande cual vive sur tera oji.
If you teach me how to dance, I will show you my hidden scars.
Si tu ensenia me a dansa, me va mostra a tu mea sicatrises ascondeda.
Better late than never.
Plu bon tarda ca nunca.
In life there are ups and downs.
En la vive on ave altas e basas.
Would you like to come?
Esce tu vole veni?
Would you like to come?
Esce vos vole veni?
Would you like to come?
Tu vole veni?
Would you like to come?
Vos vole veni?
Would you like to come?
Еске ту воле вени?
Would you like to come?
Еске вос воле вени?
Would you like to come?
Ту воле вени?
Would you like to come?
Вос воле вени?
Do you love music?
Esce tu ama musica?
Do you love music?
Еске ту ама мусика?
Can you swim?
Esce tu sabe nada?
Do you not play tennis?
Esce tu no jua tenis?
You will soon get accustomed to living here.
Tu va abitua pronto a vive asi.
You will soon get accustomed to living here.
Ту ва абитуа пронто а виве аси.
I know your name.
Me sabe tu nom.
Your answer is wrong.
Tuа responde es falsa.
Your answer is wrong.
Tuа responde es noncoreta.
When is your birthday?
Cuando tuа aniversario es?
When is your birthday?
Куандо туа аниверсарио ес?