I will be back soon.
Bíi théesháadedi le wa.

Give me your money.
Bóo ban ne ledi losheth netho.

Give me the book.
Bóo ban ne ledi áabeth.

Hello, Tom.
Wil sha, Thom.

This is a map.
Bíi hi luben wa.

He gives me chills.
Ban be héeyath ledi wa.

Give me five days.
Bóo ban ne ledi sháaleth shan.

I like chocolate.
Ban ahana thenath ledi wa.

Give me time.
Bóo ban ne ledi hatheth.

A horse is an animal.
Omid mid wi.

A horse is an animal.
Omid mid wa.

Come again tomorrow.
Bóo nesháad ne sháaleya aril wa.

I don't know.
Bíi lothel ra le wa.

I am going to school.
Bíi ril sháad le ulinedi wa.

People can't live without air.
Bíi methad ra mewíi with shum raden wáa.

People can't live without air.
Methad ra rawíi with shum raden wáa.

I am going to the shop.
Bíi ril sháad le wehedi wa.

To be or not to be?
Báa náhin e náhin ra?

I'm a good teacher.
Le wothal wohomá wa.

I'm a good teacher.
Le wothal wohomá wáa.

Winter is coming.
Nosháad weman wa.

Winter is coming.
Nosháad weman wi.

Winter is coming.
Nosháad weman wáa.

You couldn't live without water.
Bíi eril thad habelid ra ne ili raden wa.

The world has changed.
Eril sheb Doni wa.

Tom wept.
Eril delishe Thom wa.

Tom wept.
Bíi eril delishe Thom wa.

Tom wept.
Eril delishe Thom wáa.

Tom wept.
Eril delishe Thom wo.

Tom wept.
Bíi eril delishe Thom wáa.

Tom wept.
Bíi eril delishe Thom wo.

They have wine.
Bíi thi ben rushith wáa.

I'm sincere.
Di le shadonenal wa.

Are you still alone?
Báa násholan ne?

I'm going to know tomorrow.
Aril lothel le sháaleya aril wa.

Is Tom here?
Báa Thom nuha?

Tom is your friend.
Thom lan nethu wa.

We don't get along.
Sha ra lezh wa.

I live in Istanbul.
Bíi habelid le Eshanebuleha wa.

I never forget a face.
Bíi radom ra le onath rahadihad wi.

I have a cat.
Bíi ril thi le ruleth wa.

I'm going to church.
Bíi ril sháad le áathamedi wa.

My blood is no redder than yours.
Melaya luhili letha i netha; hesho ra letha wi.

Tom loves to cook.
Bíi ab Thom emahineth wa.

Uranus is similar to Neptune.
Bíi zhe wohumeya wothamehal lenetha wonibeya wothamehaleth wáa.

Uranus is similar to Neptune.
Zhe wohumeya wothamehal lenetha wonibeya wothamehaleth wáa.

I'm speaking Ottoman.
Bíi di le Athomandaneth wa.

Give me water.
Bóo ban ne ledi ilith.

It's red.
Laya be wa.

It's red.
Laya be wi.