Hello, Tom.
Tom Kedu.

I look forward to it.
Ana m ele anya ya.

Turtles don't have teeth.
Mbe enweghị ezé.

Can you ask Tom to come inside?
Gwagodi Tomu ka-obata n'ime?

Can you ask Tom to come inside?
I nwere Ike Igwa Tomu ka-obata n'ime?

Are you planning to go there?
I na-akwado Iga ebe ahu?

Did Tom discuss that with Mary?
Tomu na Mari akpara Ihe ahu?

Can I borrow this dictionary?
Enwere m ike ibiri gi diksonari a?

Did you see Tom get on the bus?
Ihuru mgbe Tomu bara n'me ugbo ala ahu?

Could I ask another question?
Enwerem ike iju gi ajuju ozo?

I haven't met Tom's family yet.
Mu na ndi be Tomu ahubeghi.

I haven't met Tom's family yet.
Akam ahubeghi ndi be Tomu.

I know Tom is working for Mary.
Amam na Tomu na-aruru Meri Oru.

Did you report what happened?
Ikwukwara Ihe meru?

I know Tom wants to talk to me.
Amam na Tomu choro igwa m okwu.

I know Tom wants to talk with me.
Amam na Tomu choro ka mu na ya kpa.

I know Tom wants to talk with me.
Amam na Tomu choro ka mu na ya kwo.

Did you start the dishwasher?
I tinyere ihe na-asa efere ka obido.

May I talk about this with Tom?
Mu na Tomu enwere Ike ikwu maka ihea?

Didn't you know that already?
Obu n'imaburo maka ihea?

Did you take out the rubbish?
I wepuru ahihia ahu?