I have to go to sleep.
Moram ići spavati.

The password is "Muiriel".
Zaporka je "Muiriel".

The password is "Muiriel".
Lozinka je "Muiriel".

The password is "Muiriel".
Pasvord je "Muiriel".

I will be back soon.
Uskoro se vraćam.

I was in the mountains.
Bio sam na planinama.

I don't know if I have the time.
Ne znam imam li vremena.

Education in this world disappoints me.
Edukacija u ovom svijetu me razočarava.

You're in better shape than I am.
U boljoj si formi nego ja.

That won't happen.
To se neće dogoditi.

I never liked biology.
Nikad nisam volio biologiju.

I never liked biology.
Nikad nisam voljela biologiju.

Are you sure?
Jesi li ti siguran?

Hurry up.

I have to go to bed.
Moram ići u krevet.

What did you answer?
Što si odgovorio?

I love you.
Volim te.

I love you.
Volim te!


Nobody understands me.
Nitko me ne razumije.

Thank you very much!
Mnogo hvala!

What do you want?
Što voliš?

My name is Jack.
Zovem se Jack.

How do you say that in Italian?
Kako se kaže to na talijanskom?

Italy is a very beautiful country.
Italija je jako lijepa država.

I'm tired.
Umoran sam.

Tonight we're going to church.
Idemo u crkvu večeras.

Merry Christmas!
Sretan Božić!

Why do people go to the movies?
Zašto ljudi idu u kino?

I'm thirsty.
Hoću piti.

I'm thirsty.
Žedan sam.

I'm thirsty.
Žedna sam.

Life is beautiful.
Život je lijep.

She's really smart, isn't she?
Vrlo je pametna, zar ne?

It is never too late to learn.
Nikada nije kasno za učenje.

He's sleeping like a baby.
On spava ko beba.

He's sleeping like a baby.
Spava ko beba.

He disappeared without a trace.
On je nestao bez traga.

He disappeared without a trace.
Nestao je bez traga.

Do you have any idea what my life is like?
Imaš li ti ikakvu predstavu o mom životu?

So what if I am gay? Is it a crime?
I što ako sam homoseksualac? Zar je to zločin?

Whose is this?
Čije je ovo?

Better late than never.
Bolje ikad nego nikad.

Like father, like son.
Kakav otac, takav sin.

The early bird catches the worm.
Tko rano rani, dvije sreće grabi.

I don't expect anything from you.
Ne očekujem ništa od tebe.

I've got a frog in my throat.
Imam žabu u grlu.

They quarreled.
Posvađali su se.

Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy.
Firenca je najljepši grad u Italiji.

You must work more.
Moraš više raditi.