The password is "Muiriel".
Pāsverd dho "Muiriel" thana.

I will be back soon.
Añā geñ rue'e.

This is never going to end.
Nena kā cabana.

I just don't know what to say.
Kajī theya'a kañ adha renāy thana.

You are in my way.
Aña' horaremeya.

You are in my way.
Aña' horare mena'ameya.

I miss you.
Ameñ uṛu'u thana.

I'm going to go.

Are you sure?
Sarige cī?

Hurry up.

How long did you stay?
Cimin gāṛim tailena?

How long did you stay?
Cimin gāṛim thailena?

I love you.
Ameñ sukue tana.

I love you.
Abeneñ sukue tana.

I don't speak Japanese.
Japanis kañ jagar ethoya.

What do you want?
Cena'am namthana?

What do you want?
Cena'ben namthana?

What do you want?
Cena'pe namthana?

My name is Jack.
Aña'a nuthum Jēk thana.

I'm tired.
Laga janañ.

I have a headache.
Bō'o hasuñ thana.

It's cold.
Rabaŋ thana.

I'm thirsty.
Thethaŋiñ thana.

I'm thirsty.
Dha'a thethaŋiñ thana.

I don't want to go to school.
Iskul ka sen sukuñ thana.

It is raining.

What are you talking about?
Cena'am jagare thana?

What are you talking about?
Cena'ben jagare thana?

What are you talking about?
Cena'ape jagare thana?

"Thank you." "You're welcome."
"Bithiyem." "Ē mar."

Where are you?

Where are you?

Where are you?

No way!

Do you live here?
Nerem thaine?

Do you live here?
Nereben thaine?

Do you live here?
Nerepe thaine?

Do you live here?
Nerem taine?

Do you live here?
Nereben taine?

Do you live here?
Nerepe taine?

Are you happy?
Rānsarepea ci kā?

Are you happy?
Rānsarema ci kā?

Are you happy?
Rānsarebena ci kā?

What are you looking for?
Cena'am namthana?

What are you looking for?
Cena'ben namthana?

What are you looking for?
Cena'ape namthana?

What are you looking at?
Cena'am nelthana?

You are very brave.
Esu biyer hō thanam.

You are very brave.
Esu biyer hōkin thanaben.

You are very brave.
Esu biyer hōko thanape.