I love you.
Ich liib dich.

I love you.
I ha Di gärn.

Härzliche Glückwunsch!

Thank you very much!

My name is Jack.
Mi name isch Jack.

Speak more slowly, please!
Bitte schwätze Sie langsamer.

Speak more slowly, please!
Bitte schwätz langsamer.

The check, please.
D Rächnig, bitte.

I have a headache.
Ich han Chopfweh.

I don't feel well.
Mir gaats nöd so guet.

Call the police!
Riefe Sie dr Polizei!

Call the police!
Rief dr Polizei!

He's a good person.
Er isch en gueti Person.

Enjoy your meal!
En guetä mitenand!

Where do you come from?
Vo wo chunnsch?

It's awfully cold today.
Es isch fürchterlich chalt hüt.

Do you need an ambulance?
Bruuchsch en Ambulanz?

Have a nice weekend.
Es schööns Wuchenend!

My name is Hopkins.
Mi name isch Hopkins.

Can I help you?
Chan ich Ihnä hälfä?

Can I help you?
Chan ich dir hälfä?

Leave me alone!
Löhn Si mi in Ruh.

Leave me alone!
Loh mi in Ruh.

Have a nice day.
Ich wünsch Ihne e schöne Daag.

Have a nice day.
Ich wünsch Dir e schöne Daag.

Have a nice day.
En schööne Taag!

Tom likes cheese.
De Tom het gern Chäs.

Es duet mr leid...

That can't be true.
Das chan ned wahr sii.

Here is your key.
Da isch din Schlüssel.

Here is your key.
Da isch Ihre Schlüssel.

What is your name?
Wiä häissisch?

What is your name?
Wiä häissät Si?

The man you saw in my office yesterday is from Belgium.
De Maa, wo du gester im Büro gseh hesch, chunnt vo Belgie.


Good luck.
Viel Glück.

Good luck.
Vill Glück!

My name is Yamada.
Mi name isch Yamada.

I come from Saitama.
Ich chumm us Saitama.

I have a bicycle.
Ich ha es Velo.

I can speak English a little.
Ich red Änglisch.

I can swim well.
Ich chan guet schwimme.

I tried to escape.
Ich han versuecht z flüchte.

I have a slight headache.
Ich han es bitzeli Chopfweh.

Elephants live in Asia and Africa.
Elefante läbed in Asie und Afrika.

An elephant has a long nose.
En Elefant het en langi Nase.

Who planted the tree?
Wer het de Baum pflanzt?

The sun is rising.
D Sunne isch am uufgah.

What is he like?
Wie isch er?

He has a bicycle.
Er hät es Velo.