Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.
Parĩ niko upe táva iporãvéva opa yvórape.
It would be so cool if I could speak ten languages!
Iporaitereiva'era añe'eramo pa ñe'eme.
This baby penguin is too cute!
Ko yperana mitã iporã itereiva!
Japan is full of beautiful cities. Kyoto and Nara, for instance.
Hapõ oreko heta táva porã. Kioto ha Nara, techaukarã.
You can't get lost in big cities; there are maps everywhere!
Nde ndeikatui rekañy táva guasúpe; oĩ yvyra'anga opa rendáre!
Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy.
Florensia ha'e táva porãve Italiape.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Oimeraẽ ohesamombúva hapichápe, toñehesamombu avei chupe.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Térã oitýva hapichágui hãi, tojeity avei chugui.
How many schools are there in your city?
Mboy mbo'ehao oĩ nde táva ipýpe?
I saw a flock of birds flying aloft.
Ahecha kuri umi guyra aty oveveva.
The sky is blue.
Yvága hovy hína.
Birds were singing in the sky.
Guyrakuéra oñe'ẽ va'ekue yvágape.
Kanazawa is a quiet city.
Kanasagua ha'e táva py'aguapy.
A republic is a nation whose head is not a king or queen, but a president.
Peteĩ tavakuairetã ha'e peteĩ tetã isambyhyhára ndaha'ei peteĩ mburuvicha guasu térã peteĩ mburuvicha guasu kuña, isambyhyhára ha'e peteĩ tendota.
Never mind.
Oĩ porãma.
I'm living in the city.
Aiko távape.
Is Okayama a big city?
Ha'epa Okaiama peteĩ táva guasu?
The English poet Percy Shelley went so far as to call hell a city much like London.
Ñe'ẽpapara Ingyaterra pegua Percy Shelley oho pahaitegua omboheravo añaretã peteĩ táva hi'anteite Londye rehe.
Hello, Meg, how have you been?
Maitei, Meg, mba'eichapa reko?
Hello, John! How are you?
Maitei, John! Mba'eichapa reko?
Hello, Tom. Good morning.
Maitei, Tom. Mba'eichapa ne ko'ẽ?
Hello. This is Joe Carlton. May I speak to Michael?
Maitei. Che hera Joe Carlton. Ikatu añe'ẽ Michael ndie?
Hello. This is Ogawa speaking.
Maitei. Ogawa oñe'ẽva.
Hello. This is Ogawa speaking.
Maitei. Ápe Ogawa oñe'ẽva.
Hello, I'm Tomoko Sato from Japan.
Maitei, Che ha'e Tomoko Sato Hapõ pegua.
Hello. Is this the Gotos' residence?
Maitei. Ha'epa Goto hóga?
Hello, is Mr Freeman in?
Maitei, oĩpa Karai Freeman?
Try again.
Eha'ã jey.
The capital of Brazil is Brasilia.
Brasil itavusu ha'e Brasilia.
The television doesn't work.
Ta'ãngambyry ndokói.
It had the head of a woman, the body of a lion, the wings of a bird, and the tail of a serpent.
Oguerekókuri kuña akã, leõ hete, guyra pepo, ha mbói huguái.
The boy was naked to the waist.
Mitã ndorekoiva kamisa ipyti'are.
There are a lot of people and cars in this city. It is a busy city.
Oĩ heta ava ha mba'yrumýi ko távape. Ko táva omba'apoveva.
This flashlight needs two batteries.
Ko tesapeha oikotevẽ mokõi píla.
You always sing.
Akóinte repurahéi.
That house is big.
Upe óga iguasu.
That house is big.
Amo óga iguasu.
Tomorrow never comes.
Ko'ẽrõ araka'eve oguahẽ.
Tomorrow never comes.
Ko'ẽrõ araka'eve noguahẽi.
Dogs can swim.
Jaguakuéra oytakuaa.
You may as well call a cat a small tiger as call a tiger a big cat.
Nde ikatu rehenói peteĩ mbarakaja "jaguarete michĩ" ha peteĩ jaguarete "mbarakaja guasu".
All the citizens of the city have access to the city library.
Opa tavaygua ikatu oike táva arandukarendápe.
The city hall is located at the center of the city.
Tavao oĩ táva mbytépe.
The city hall is in the center of the city.
Tavao oĩ táva mbytépe.
I like dogs.
Iporã chéve jaguakuéra.
The population of Osaka City is larger than that of Kyoto City.
Táva Osaka ogurekove tavayguakuéra Táva Kioto rehe.
In order to catch animals, they used the bola.
Oipuru "voleadóra" Ojapi haguã mymbakuéra
He never lies.
Ha'e araka'eve ojapu.
Soldiers bear arms.
Ñorairõhára kuéra oipuru mboka.
For example, this is a pen.
Techapyrã, kóva hína peteĩ haiha.