I will be back soon.
I'll be back soon.

I will be back soon.
I'll come back soon.

I will be back soon.
I'll be back right away.

I'm at a loss for words.
I just don't know what to say.

I'm at a loss for words.
Words fail me.

I'm at a loss for words.
I'm speechless.

I'm at a loss for words.
I am at a loss for words.

I'm at a loss for words.
I don't know what to say.

I'm at a loss for words.
I have no words.

I'm at a loss for words.
I am speechless.

You are in my way.
You're in my way.

I may give up soon and just nap instead.
Maybe I'll just give up soon and take a nap instead.

I never liked biology.
I never liked Biology.

That's MY line!
That's my line!

He's kicking me!
He is kicking me!

He's kicking me!
He's kicking me.

Are you sure?
Are you certain?

Hurry up.
Make haste.

Hurry up.
Hurry up!

So what?
Then what?

I'm gonna shoot him.
I will shoot him.

That is intriguing.
That's intriguing.

This is not important.
This isn't important.

You can do it.
You CAN do it.

That wasn't my intention.
That was not my intention.

That wasn't my intention.
It was not my intention.

No one will know.
Nobody will know.

What did you answer?
How did you reply?

It's not much of a surprise, is it?
It isn't much of a surprise, is it?

I love you.
I love you!

I love you.
I heart you.

I am curious.
I want to know.

I am curious.
I'm curious.

I don't know what to do anymore.
I don't know what to do any more.

It is inevitable that I go to France someday, I just don't know when.
It is inevitable that I will go to France someday, I just don't know when.

I can't explain it either.
Neither can I explain it.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.
Everyone has both strong and weak points.

It's not something anyone can do.
It isn't something that anyone can do.

"What's going on in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea."
"What's happening in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea."

Let me know if there is anything I can do.
Let me know if there's anything I can do.

I want a boat that will take me far away from here.
I want a boat that'll take me far away from here.

You're an angel!
You're an angel.

You're lucky because he didn't bite you.
You are lucky because he didn't bite you.

Thank you very much!
Many thanks.

Thank you very much!
Thanks a lot!

Thank you very much!
Thank you very much.

That's a good idea!
That's a good idea.

They say love is blind.
They say that love is blind.

How long does it take to get to the station?
How long does it take to get to the train station?

It is already eleven.
It's already 11.