(not (languageSpoken (PronounFn FirstPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Ungendered-NLAttr SubjectPronoun) JapaneseLanguage))
I don't speak Japanese.

(nameString (PronounFn FirstPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Ungendered-NLAttr SubjectPronoun) "Jack")
My name is Jack.

((TypeCapableFn behaviorCapable) Bear-Animal (SubcollectionOfWithRelationToTypeFn Climbing eventOccursAt Tree-ThePlant) doneBy)
A bear can climb a tree.

((TypeCapableFn behaviorCapable) Bear-Animal (SubcollectionOfWithRelationToTypeFn Climbing eventOccursAt Tree-ThePlant) performedBy)
A bear can climb a tree.

(thereExists ?PERSON1 (thereExists ?PERSON2 (and (nameStrings ?PERSON1 "Philip") (nameStrings ?PERSON2 "Tom") (relatives ?PERSON1 ?PERSON2))))
Philip and Tom are related to each other.

(#$capitalCity #$France #$Paris)
Paris is the capital of France.

(and (isa 1 OddNumber) (isa 3 OddNumber) (isa 5 OddNumber))
One, three, and five are odd numbers.

(behaviorCapable-PerformedBy Madonna Singing-Human)
Madonna is able to sing.

(numberOfInhabitants CityOfAucklandNZ 1000000)
There are a million people in Auckland.

(numberOfInhabitants CityOfAucklandNZ 1000000)
Auckland has a population of a million.

(isa CityOfAucklandNewZealand (CityInCountryFn NewZealand) )
Auckland is a city in New Zealand.

(mostNotableIsa Batman Superhero)
The thing you have to know about Batman is, he's a superhero.

(likesAsFriend Batman Robin-BatmanSidekick)
Batman is friends with Robin.

(likesAsFriend Batman Robin-BatmanSidekick)
The Caped Crusader is friends with Robin, the boy Wonder.

(implies (isa ?AP (FruitFn AppleTree)) (colorOfObject ?AP RedColor))
Every apple is red.

(implies (isa ?AP (FruitFn AppleTree)) (colorOfObject ?AP RedColor))
Apples are red.

(implies (isa ?AP (FruitFn AppleTree)) (or (colorOfObject ?AP RedColor) (colorOfObject ?AP GreenColor)))
Apples are red or green.

(implies (isa ?AP (FruitFn AppleTree)) (or (colorOfObject ?AP RedColor) (colorOfObject ?AP GreenColor)))
If something is an apple, then it's either red or green, or possibly both.

(goals Sauron (forAll ?HOB (implies (isa ?HOB Hobbit) (feelsTowardsObjectToDegree ?HOB Sauron Fear highToVeryHighAmountOf))))
Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him.

(cost (TheFn (SubcollectionOfWithRelationToTypeFn Chair-PieceOfFurniture primaryConstituent Wood)) Expensive)
The wooden chair is expensive.

(isa (TheFn (MaleFn HumanYoungAdult)) Doctor-Medical)
The young man is a doctor.

(commonFoodTypeOfCuisine Baguette FrenchCuisine)
The baguette is French.

(organizationHead CityCouncilOfAustin LeeLeffingwell)
Lee Leffingwell is the head of the Austin City Council.

(genls Android Robot)
An android is a kind of robot.

(genls Android Robot)
All androids are robots.

(genls Android Robot)
Every android is a robot.

(genls Android Robot)
If something's an android, it's also a robot.

(personFoundInLocation BritneySpears ?WHERE)
Where is Britney Spears?

(evaluate 3 (PlusFn 1 2))
One plus two equals three.

(thereExists ?M (and (mother (TheFn NewbornAnimal) ?M) (needs-Generic (TheFn NewbornAnimal) ?M)))
The baby needs its mother.

(isa AbrahamLincoln FamousHuman)
Abraham Lincoln is a famous person.

(relationAllExists properPhysicalParts IPhone-AppleCellphone Touchscreen-Capacitive)
iPhones have capacitive touchscreens.

(forAll ?X (implies (and (different PlanetJupiter ?X) (isa ?X PlanetInTheSolarSystem)) (largerThan PlanetJupiter ?X massOfObject)))
Jupiter is the most massive planet in the solar system.

(not (thereExists ?X (owns ?X MoonOfEarth)))
Nobody owns the moon.

(thereExists ?Y (forAll ?X (loves ?Y ?X)))
Somebody loves everyone.

(exceptionalAtActivityType (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr SubjectPronoun) (InstrumentPlayingFn Cello))
He plays cello exceptionally well.

(nameString (PronounFn FirstPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Ungendered-NLAttr SubjectPronoun) "Jack")
My name's Jack.

(on-Physical (TheFn Cat) (TheFn Mat))
The cat is on the mat.

(relationAllInstance sellsProductType ConvenienceStore CandyBar)
Convenience stores sell candy bars.

(agentTypeSellsProductType ConvenienceStore CandyBar)
Convenience stores sell candy bars.

(oppositeCollections WakingUpFromSleep GoingToSleep)
Waking up is the opposite of going to sleep.

(nameString (PronounFn FirstPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Ungendered-NLAttr SubjectPronoun) "Farshad")
My name is Farshad.

(#$capitalCity #$France #$Paris)
Paris is France's capital.