Tallá yo na monte.
I was in the mountains.

Tallá yo aquel na monte.
I was in the mountains.

Makatriste el educación de este mundo.
Education in this world disappoints me.

Ay hindê se sucedé.
That won't happen.

Manada gente ta pensá que loco yo.
Most people think I'm crazy.

Ta pateá le cumigo!
He's kicking me!

Siguráo tu?
Are you sure?

Hurry up.

Quiere yo quedá un rey si grande ya yo.
When I grow up, I want to be a king.

Bien gordo gayót yo.
I'm so fat.

Ay tirá yo cunele.
I'm gonna shoot him.

Ta hablá lang yo!
I'm just saying!

Por que tu ta priguntá?
Why do you ask?

Ta amá yo contigo.
I love you.

Muchas gracias!
Thank you very much!

Cosa tu quiere?
What do you want?

Gracias, amó lang aquel.
Thanks, that's all.

Donde puede llamá na teléfono?
Where can one make a phone call?

Llamá cunel policía!
Call the police!

Casáo ya yo y tiene yo dos anák.
I am married and have two children.

Hindé yo ta entendé alemán.
I don't understand German.

Si no puede tu hace el cosa tu quiere, ta hace tu el cosa tu puede.
When you can't do what you want, you do what you can.

Nuáy tu ablá cunele nada?
You didn't tell him anything?

Por que man tu casá na un mujer si quiere tu hombre?
Why would you marry a woman if you like men?

Bien escuro gayót afuera.
It's all dark outside.

Donde el baño?
Where is the bathroom?

Cuanto el tip ta dale na España?
How much do you leave for a tip in Spain?

Ta dale yo comé de mio gato todo'l ága y todo'l noche.
I feed my cat every morning and every evening.

Hindê se importante.
It's not important.

Pensaba yo deverasan aquel.
I thought it was true.

Puede ustedes usá suyo library.
You may make use of his library.

Nuay tu sabé que ya murí ya le dos años ya?
Didn't you know that he passed away two years ago?

Cosa tu quiere quedá grande?
What do you want to be when you grow up?

Puede tu escují cunel grande o diútay cajón.
You may take either the big box or the small one.

Hindé tu debe dependé na ayuda del otro.
You mustn't depend on others for help.

Necesita tu pagá el tuyo mga debe.
You should pay your debts.

Ya cae de tuyo lápiz.
You dropped your pencil.

Tiene tu masquín cosa lápiz?
Do you have any pencils?

Sabe tu donde ta quedá el batâ mujer?
Do you know where the girl lives?

Ya dejá tu cunel ventana abierto?
Did you leave the window open?

Nuay llegá de tuyo tata y nana, no?
Your parents didn't come, did they?

Nuay tu oí ya llamá de tuyo nombre?
Didn't you hear your name called?

Hindé ya batâ diútay de tuyo hija.
Your daughter is not a child anymore.

Cuando de tuyo cumpleaño?
When is your birthday?

Ay dale yo cuntigo un bike na de tuyo cumpleaños.
I will give you a bicycle for your birthday.

Comenzá kitá si preparáo ya tu.
We'll start whenever you are ready.

Principiá kitá si preparáo ya tu.
We'll start whenever you are ready.

Ya dejá yo de tuyo páyong na bus.
I left your umbrella in the bus.

Ta comé ustedes canon alí na de ustedes país?
Do you eat rice in your country?

Cosa ya man ya pasá cun tuyo perro?
What's become of your dog?