He d'anar a dormir.
I have to go to sleep.
La contrasenya és "Muiriel".
The password is "Muiriel".
L'educació d'aquest món em decep.
Education in this world disappoints me.
Hurry up.
I love you.
Moltes felicitats!
Has tingut sort perquè no t'ha mossegat.
You're lucky because he didn't bite you.
Moltes gràcies.
Thank you very much!
Moltes gràcies!
Thank you very much!
Es van quedar sense paraules.
They were left speechless.
Vaja, em sap greu.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Les úniques respostes útils són les que creen noves preguntes.
The only useful answers are those that raise new questions.
"Ah!" és una interjecció.
"Ah!" is an interjection.
Bon nadal!
Merry Christmas!
Bones festes de nadal!
Merry Christmas!
Ell toca el piano molt bé.
He plays the piano very well.
Fa fred.
It's cold.
No vull anar a l'escola.
I don't want to go to school.
Massa tard.
Too late.
No tinc la força per continuar triant.
I don't have the strength to keep trying.
Què? Encara no saps conduir?
What... you still don't know how to drive?
La llibertat no és gratuïta.
Freedom is not free.
Estic embarassada de quatre mesos.
I am four months pregnant.
Qui ve amb mi?
Who is coming with me?
La pel·lícula va començar a les 2.
The film started at 2 o'clock.
És més fàcil divertir-se que treballar.
It's easier to have fun than to work.
Ull per ull, dent per dent.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Li vas dir que havies enllestit la feina feia tres dies.
You told her that you had finished the work three days before.
Penses quedar-te molt de temps a Berlin?
Are you planning on staying long in Berlin?
Penseu quedar-vos molt de temps a Berlin?
Are you planning on staying long in Berlin?
Ho vas comprar al mercat negre?
Did you buy it on the black market?
Ets un bon noi.
You are a good boy.
Quin és el teu propòsit real?
What's your real purpose?
Fes la teua elecció.
Make your choice.
Aquí és la teva bossa.
Here is your bag.
Ací està la teua bossa.
Here is your bag.
Ací tens la teua bossa.
Here is your bag.
T'he de dir una cosa.
I have something to tell you.
Us he de dir una cosa.
I have something to tell you.
Tinc una cosa a dir-te.
I have something to tell you.
Ho faré, estigueu o no d'acord amb mi.
I am going to do it whether you agree or not.
Sisplau, lleva't els mitjons.
Take off your socks, please.
Lleva't els calcetins, per favor.
Take off your socks, please.
Lleveu-vos els calcetins, per favor.
Take off your socks, please.
Tot el cel s'il·luminà i va haver-hi una explosió.
The whole sky lit up and there was an explosion.
Estic malalt. Oi que avisaràs un metge?
I'm sick. Will you send for a doctor?
Hem de reduir la despesa per tal d'estalviar diners.
We must cut our expenses to save money.
Qui paga, mana.
Money talks.
Surt de la classe.
Get out of the classroom.
Els peixos viuen al mar.
Fish live in the sea.