
Zovem se Džek.
My name is Jack.

Moje ime je Jack.
My name is Jack.

Kako se kaže to na italijanskom?
How do you say that in Italian?

Ne želim ići u školu.
I don't want to go to school.

Voliš li glazbu?
Do you love music?

Gdje je tvoja škola?
Where is your school?

Šećer je zamijenio med kao sladilo.
Sugar replaced honey as a sweetener.

Nacrtaj krug.
Draw a circle.

Ne razgovaraj sa njim dok vozi.
Don't speak to him while he is driving.

Lav je kralj džungle.
The lion is the king of the jungle.

Konačno sam dobio posao.
I finally got a job.

Marija je knjiški moljac.
Mary is a bookworm.

Hajde da se pravimo da smo vanzemaljci.
Let's pretend we are aliens.

Pod krevetom je mačka.
There is a cat under the bed.

Da li si ikada bio u Parizu ?
Have you ever been to Paris?

Maslac je izrađen od mlijeka.
Butter is made from milk.

Postoji mačka.
There is a cat.

Ovo je knjiga.
It is a book.

Njen je, zar ne?
It is hers, is it not?

Njena je, zar ne?
It is hers, is it not?

Njeno je, zar ne?
It is hers, is it not?

To je lutka.
That's a doll.

Je li tvoja?
Is it yours?

Je li tvoje?
Is it yours?

Je li tvoj?
Is it yours?

Naći ćeš knjigu u knjižnici.
You'll find the book in the library.

Djevojke su zauzete kao pčele.
The girls are as busy as bees.

Pas zove se Ken.
The dog's name is Ken.

Kuća je u njegovom posjedstvu.
The house is owned by him.

Teka nije tvoja, njegova je.
The notebook is not yours. It's his.

Postoje suptilne razlike između ove dvije slike.
There are subtle differences between the two pictures.


Molimte skini vašu majcu.
Please take off your shirt.

Zdravo, Tom.
Hello, Tom.

Ovo je knjiga.
This is a book.

Ovo je moj pisaći sto.
This is my desk.

Ovo je dobar udžbenik.
This is a good textbook.

Hoćeš li zaplesati sa mnom?
May I have this dance?

Ova riba je velika.
This fish is big.

Beč je lijep grad.
Vienna is a beautiful city.

Na stolici je mačka.
There is a cat on the chair.

Sretan Uskrs!
Happy Easter!

To je njegov auto.
That is his car.

Ko je taj čovjek?
Who is that man?

Ta torba je moja.
That bag is mine.

Želim tu torbu.
I want that bag.

Jesi li ti student?
Are you a student?

Da li si ti studentica?
Are you a student?

Kako se ti zoveš?
What is your name?