
¡Munches gracies!
Thank you very much!

Ye más fácil divertise que trabayar.
It's easier to have fun than to work.

Por favor, dime lo que quies.
Please let me know what you want.

Pa entamar, tienes que dexar de fumar.
First, you have to stop smoking.

¿Por qué nun fuiste a la oficina?
Why did you not go to the office?

El fueu siempre ye peligrosu.
Fire is always dangerous.


¡Que semeya más guapa!
What a beautiful picture!

¿Apetezte venir al baile?
How would you like to go to a dance?

El nenu mancóse.
The kid got hurt.

Esa película ye afayadiza pa xente de toles edaes.
That movie is suitable for people of all ages.


¡Bon nataliegu!
Happy birthday to you!

Ía prestame que fixeras una prueba de sangre.
I'd like you to have a blood test.

Préstame xugar al fútbol.
I like to play soccer.

Préstame trabayar.
I like to work.

Escribió un llibru sobre China.
He wrote a book on China.

Dixo que diba a echa-yos una mano.
He said he would give a helping hand to them.

Vimos daqué estraño nel cielu.
We saw a strange object in the sky.

Tolos seres humanos nacen llibres y iguales en dignidá y drechos y, pola mor de la razón y la conciencia de so, han comportase hermaniblemente los unos colos otros.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

¿Quién yes tú?
Who are you?

¿Por qué nun fuiste a la oficina?
Why didn't you go to the office?

Tengo fame.
I'm hungry!

Bones nueches.
Good night!

A la fiesta vinieron sólo seis persones.
Only six people came to the party.

¡Munches gracies!
Thanks a lot!

El unicorniu ye un monstruu fabulosu.
The unicorn is a fabulous monster.

Where is it?

¿Necesites les llaves?
Do you need the keys?

¿Necesites les llaves?
You need the keys?

Where is he?

Yes mui guapa.
You're very pretty.

Yes mui guapa.
You're beautiful.

Traime esi vasu lleche.
Bring me that glass of milk.

Lleva-y les llaves al to hermanu.
Take the keys to your brother.

Lleva-y les llaves al to hermanu.
Bring the keys to your brother.

Préstame tar contigo.
I like to be with you.

¡Democracia real yá!
Free democracy now!

Nun falo castellanu.
I don't speak Spanish.

Toi bien namorada.
I'm so in love!

Toi bien namoráu.
I'm so in love!

¡¿Tu yes faltosu o fais-te, ho?!
You're retarded, or something?!

El Burj Khalifa ye por agora el rascacielos más altu del mundu.
Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.

El Burj Khalifa ye actualmente el rascacielos más altu del mundu.
Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.

Ellos llegaron tarde por causa de la tormenta.
They arrived late because of the storm.

Andorra ye un pequeñu principat, asitiáu entre España y Francia.
Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France.

Vivimos xuntos.
We live together.

Where is she?

Tom nun trouxo les sos llaves
Tom didn't bring his keys.