# en/ahmedali.xml.gz
# so/abduh.xml.gz
(src)="s1.1"> In the name of Allah , most benevolent , ever-merciful .
(trg)="s1.1"> Magaca Eebe yaan kubillaabaynaa ee Naxariis guud iyo mid gaaraba Naxariista .
(src)="s1.2"> ALL PRAISE BE to Allah , Lord of all the worlds ,
(trg)="s1.2"> Mahad Eebaa iska leh ee barbaariyaha Caalamka ah ( Koonka ) .
(src)="s1.3"> Most beneficent , ever-merciful ,
(trg)="s1.3"> Ee naxariis guud iyo mid gaaraba naxariista .
(src)="s1.4"> King of the Day of Judgement .
(trg)="s1.4"> Ee hanta maalinta abaalmarinta ( Qiyaamada ) .
(src)="s1.5"> You alone we worship , and to You alone turn for help .
(trg)="s1.5"> adiga unbaan ku caabudaynaa , adiga unbaana kaa kaalmo waydiisanaynaa ( Eebow ) .
(src)="s1.6"> Guide us ( O Lord ) to the path that is straight ,
(trg)="s1.6"> ee nagu hanuuni jidka toosan ( Xaqa ) .
(src)="s1.7"> The path of those You have blessed , Not of those who have earned Your anger , nor those who have gone astray .
(trg)="s1.7"> Jidka kuwii aad unicmaysay eedan u cadhoonin dhuminna .
(src)="s2.1"> ALIF LAM MIM .
(trg)="s2.1"> Aad baa Macnaheeda looga hadlay , waxaana la sheegay inay magaca suuradda tahay , ama ay ku tusin Muejisadda Quraanka , Eebe unbaa waa la dhahaa .
(src)="s2.2"> This is The Book free of doubt and involution , a guidance for those who preserve themselves from evil and follow the straight path ,
(trg)="s2.2"> Kitaabkaas ( Quraanka ) shaki kuma jiro Hanuunbaana ugu sugan kuwa dhawrsada .
(src)="s2.3"> Who believe in the Unknown and fulfil their devotional obligations , and spend in charity of what We have given them ;
(trg)="s2.3"> ee ah kuwa rumeeya waxan la arkayn ( ee xaq ah ) oogana Salaadda , waxaan ku arzaaqnayna wax ka bixiya .
(src)="s2.4"> Who believe in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed to those before you , and are certain of the Hereafter .
(trg)="s2.4"> ee ah kuwa rumeeya waxa lagugu dajiyey Nabiyow , iyo wixii la dajiyey horay , Aakhirana yaqiinin .
(src)="s2.5"> They have found the guidance of their Lord and will be successful .
(trg)="s2.5"> kuwaasi hanuun Eebe yey ku suganyihiin , kuwaasina waa uun kuwa liibaanay .
(src)="s2.6"> As for those who deny , it is all the same if you warn them or not , they will not believe .
(trg)="s2.6"> kuwii Gaaloobay waxaa isugumid ah udigtayaa iyo umaadan diginaa mana rumeeyaan ( xaqa ) .
(src)="s2.7.0"> God has sealed their hearts and ears , and veiled their eyes .
(src)="s2.7.1"> For them is great deprivation .
(trg)="s2.7"> Lebaa daabacay Quluubtooda iyo Maqalkooda. aragoodana wuxuu yeeley Dabool waxaana u sugnaaday Cadaab weyn .
(src)="s2.8"> And there are some who , though they say : " We believe in God and the Last Day , " ( in reality ) do not believe .
(trg)="s2.8"> Dadka waxaa ka mid ah kuwo dhihi waxaan rumeynay Eebe iyo maalintii dambaysay ( Qiyaamada ) haddana aan Mu 'miniin ahyn .
(src)="s2.9"> They ( try to ) deceive God and those who believe , yet deceive none but themselves although they do not know .
(trg)="s2.9"> waxay khiyaameyn Eebe iyo kuwa ( Xaqa ) rumeeyey naftooda ahayn mase kasayaan .
(src)="s2.10.0"> Sick are their hearts , and God adds to their malady .
(src)="s2.10.1"> For them is suffering for they lie .
(trg)="s2.10"> Quluubtay ka bukaan markaasaa Eebe u siyaadiyay Cuduro waxayna mudan Cadaab daran Beentoodii Darteed .
(src)="s2.11"> When asked to desist from spreading corruption in the land they say : " Why , we are reformers . "
(trg)="s2.11"> marka lagu dhoho ha fasaadinina dhulka waxay dhahaan annagu waxaan uun nahay Hagaajiyayaal .
(src)="s2.12"> Yet they are surely mischief-mongers , even though they do not know .
(trg)="s2.12"> iyaga unbaa fasaadiyayaal ah hasa yeeshee ma kasayaan .
(src)="s2.13.0"> When asked to believe as others do , they say : " Should we believe like fools ? "
(src)="s2.13.1"> And yet they are the fools , even though they do not know .
(trg)="s2.13"> marka lagu dhaho rumeeya sida Dadku u rumeeyey waxay dhihi mawaxaannu u rumayn sida sufahada ( Caqli gaabka ) , waxaase sufaha ah iyaga uun laakiin ma oga .
(src)="s2.14"> When they meet the faithful they say : " We believe ; " but when alone with the devils ( their fellows ) , they say : " We are really with you ; we were joking . "
(trg)="s2.14"> markay la kulmaan kuwa ru-meeyey ( Xaqa ) waxay dhihi waan rumaynay , markay la kaliyoobaan shaydaamiidana waxay dhahaan annagu waan idinla Jirraa , ee waxaan ahayn uun kuwa ku jees jeesa ( Mu 'miniinta ) .
(src)="s2.15"> But God will turn the joke against them and allow them to sink deeper into evil and wander perplexed in their wickedness .
(trg)="s2.15"> Eebaa ja abaal marin Jees jeeska , wuxuuna u siyaadin kibirkooda iyo Baadidooda , iyagoo ku dhexwareeri .
(src)="s2.16"> They are indeed those who bartered away good guidance for error and gained nothing from the deal , nor found the right way .
(trg)="s2.16"> kuwaase waxay ku gateen haadida hanuunka , mana ribxin ( faa 'iidin ) ganacsigoodu mana hanuunsana .
(src)="s2.17"> They are like a man who kindles a fire , and when its glow has illumined the air God takes away their light leaving them in the dark where they will not be able to see .
(trg)="s2.17"> waxay la mid yihiin mid huriyey Dab , markuu iftiimiyay gaararkoodana yaa Eche la tagay Nuurkoodii ugagana tadax arkayn .
(src)="s2.18"> They are deaf , dumb and blind , and shall never return ;
(trg)="s2.18"> waa Dhaga la 'aan , Hadala 'aan , aragla 'aan , xaqana uma soo noqdaan .
(src)="s2.19.0"> Or like rain pouring from the sky which hides within it darkness , thunder and lightning .
(src)="s2.19.1"> They thrust their fingers into their ears for safety against noise and death .
(src)="s2.19.2"> But God surrounds those who believe not from all sides .
(trg)="s2.19"> wuxuu la midyahay xaalkoodu sidii Roob Samada ka soo degay oo Mugdiyo onkod iyo Hillaac leh , oy yeelayaan Farahooda Dhagahooda hanqadhka ( Danabka ) xaggiisa geeri ka digtooni darteed , Eebana waa koobay Gaalo .
(src)="s2.20.0"> Verily the lightning could snatch away their eyes .
(src)="s2.20.1"> When it flashes forth they walk in its flare .
(src)="s2.20.2"> When darkness returns they stand still .
(src)="s2.20.3"> And if the Lord wills so He could take away their hearing and sight ; surely God is all-powerful .
(trg)="s2.20"> wuxuu u dhawyahay hillaacu ( xaqu ) inuu dafo aragooda , markastoos u Ifo way ku socdaan , markuu ku mugdiyoobana way istaagaan , hadduu Eebe doonana wuxuu la tagaa Maqalkooda iyo Aragooda Eebana wax walba waa karaa ( oos doonoo ) .
(src)="s2.21"> So , O you people , adore your Lord who created you , as He did those before you , that you could take heed for yourselves and fear Him
(trg)="s2.21"> Dadow caabuda Echihiinna idin abuuray idinka iyo kuwii idinka horrecyey , waxaadna mudataan inaad dhowrsataan .
(src)="s2.22.0"> Who made the earth a bed for you , the sky a canopy , and sends forth rain from the skies that fruits may grow -- your food and sustenance .
(src)="s2.22.1"> So , do not make another the equal of God knowingly .
(trg)="s2.22"> Eebaha Dhulka idiin ka yeelay Gogol , Samadana dhismo , idiinkanasoo dajiyey Samada Biyo , kuna soo bixiyey Midho si laydiinku arzuqo ee hayeelina Eebe kuwa la mid ah idiinkoo og .
(src)="s2.23"> If you are in doubt of what We have revealed to Our votary , then bring a Surah like this , and call any witness , apart from God , you like , if you are truthful .
(trg)="s2.23"> haddaad shakisantihiin waxaan ku dejinay addoonkanaga ( Nabiga ) keena Suurad la mid ah , una yeedha markhaatiyadin ( kaalmeeyayaashiinna ) ee Eebe ka soo hadhay haddaad runlowtihiin .
(src)="s2.24"> But if you cannot , as indeed you cannot , then guard yourselves against the Fire whose fuel is men and rocks , which has been prepared for the infidels .
(trg)="s2.24"> haddaydaan falin mana falaysaane ka dhawrsada Naar lagu shido Dadka iyo Dhagaxa , loona darbay gaalada .
(src)="s2.25.0"> Announce to those who believe and have done good deeds , glad tidings of gardens under which rivers flow , and where , when they eat the fruits that grow , they will say : " Indeed they are the same as we were given before , " so like in semblance the food would be .
(src)="s2.25.1"> And they shall have fair spouses there , and live there abidingly .
(trg)="s2.25"> ugu bishaaree kuwa rumeeyey ( xaqa ) Camal fiicanna falay inay mudan Janooyin ay socoto dhexdeeda Wabiyaalkii , markastoo laga arxaaqo xaggeeda midho waxay dhahaan kani waa kii horay naloogu arzuqay , waxaa la siiyey isagoo isu eg ( araga ) waxayna dhexdeeda ku leeyihiin Haween ( Janno ) oo nadiif ah , dhexdeedana way ku waari .
(src)="s2.26.0"> God is not loath to advance the similitude of a gnat or a being more contemptible ; and those who believe know whatever is from the Lord is true .
(src)="s2.26.1"> But those who disbelieve say : " What does God mean by this parable ? "
(src)="s2.26.2"> He causes some to err this way , and some He guides ; yet He turns away none but those who transgress ,
(trg)="s2.26"> Eebe kama xishoodo ( reebtoonaado ) inuu tusaale u yeelo kaneeco iyo waxkasareeyaba , kuwa ( xaqa ) ru-meeyeyse waxay ogyihiin inuu xaqyahay ( Quraanku ) kana yimid xagga Eebahood kuwa gaaloobayse waxay dhihi muxuu Eebe ula jeedaatusaalahan , wuxuu ku dhumin Eebe in badan wuxuuna ku hanuunin in badan waxaan faasiqiin ahayna kuma dhumiyo .
(src)="s2.27"> Who , having sealed it , break God 's covenant , dividing what He ordained cohered ; and those who spread discord in the land will suffer assuredly .
(trg)="s2.27"> ee ah kuwa buriya ballanka Eebe intay adkeeyeen ka dib , oo gooya wuxuu faray Eebe in la xidhiidhiyo oo fasaadiya Dhulka kuwaasu waa kuwa khasaaray .
(src)="s2.28.0"> Then how can you disbelieve in God ?
(src)="s2.28.1"> He gave you life when you were dead .
(src)="s2.28.2"> He will make you die again then bring you back to life : To Him then you will return .
(trg)="s2.28"> seed uga gaaloobaysaan Eebe idinkoo ahaa waxaan noolayn , markaas Eebe idin soo noolayn ka dibna xaggiisa laydiin eelin .
(src)="s2.29"> He made for you all that lies within the earth , then turning to the firmament He proportioned several skies : He has knowledge of everything .
(trg)="s2.29"> Eebe waa kan idiin abuuray waxa dhulka ku sugan dhamaan , markaas Samada ahaysiiyey kana dhigay Todobo Samo , Eebe wax walbana waa ogyahay .
(src)="s2.30.0"> Remember , when your Lord said to the angels : " I have to place a trustee on the earth , " they said : " Will You place one there who would create disorder and shed blood , while we intone Your litanies and sanctify Your name ? "
(src)="s2.30.1"> And God said : " I know what you do not know . "
(trg)="s2.30"> xus markuu ku yidhi Eebahaa Malaa 'igta waxaan yeeli Dhulka cid u hadha , oyna dheheen ma waxaad yeeli dhexdeeda cid fasaadisa oo kudaadisa dhiig annagoo ku wayneynayna markaasuu yidhi anigu waxaan ogahay waxaydaan ogayn .
(src)="s2.31"> Then He gave Adam knowledge of the nature and reality of all things and everything , and set them before the angels and said : " Tell Me the names of these if you are truthful . "
(trg)="s2.31"> Eebe wuxuu baray Nabi Aadam magacyada dhammaan , markaasuu u bandhigay Eebe malaa 'igtakuna yidhi 'iiga warama magacyada kuwaas hadaad runlowtihiin .
(src)="s2.32"> And they said : " Glory to You ( O Lord ) , knowledge we have none except what You have given us , for You are all-knowing and all-wise . "
(trg)="s2.32"> waxayna dheheen nasahnidaada Eebow , cilmi malihin waxaad na barto mooyee waxaad tahay adigu wax oge falsan .
(src)="s2.33.0"> Then He said to Adam : " Convey to them their names . "
(src)="s2.33.1"> And when he had told them , God said : " Did I not tell you that I know the unknown of the heavens and the earth , and I know what you disclose and know what you hide ? "
(trg)="s2.33"> wuxuuna yidhi Eebe Aadamow uga warran magacyadooda , markuu magacyadooda uga warramay yuu yidhi Eebe miyaanan idiin ku dhihin anigu waxaan ogahay waxa ku maqan Samooyinka. iyo inaan ogahay waxaad muujinaysaan iyo waxaad qarsanaysaan .
(src)="s2.34"> Remember , when We asked the angels to bow in homage to Adam , they all bowed but Iblis , who disdained and turned insolent , and so became a disbeliever .
(trg)="s2.34"> xus markaan ku nidhi Malaa 'igay u sujuuda Aadam , markaasay sujnudeen Ibliis mooye , wuu diiday wuuna iskibriyay , wuxuuna ka midnoqday galaada .
(src)="s2.35"> And We said to Adam : " Both you and your spouse live in the Garden , eat freely to your fill wherever you like , but approach not this tree or you will become transgressors .
(trg)="s2.35"> waxaana nidhi Aadamow dag adida iyo Haweenaydaadu janada , kana cuna xageeda ( cunno ) shifo oo waasac ah meeshaad doontaan hana u dhawaanina geedan oo markaas aad kamid noqotaan daalimiinta .
(src)="s2.36.0"> But Satan tempted them and had them banished from the ( happy ) state they were in .
(src)="s2.36.1"> And We said : " Go , one the antagonist of the other , and live on the earth for a time ordained , and fend for yourselves . "
(trg)="s2.36"> Waxaana ka fogeeyey xagooda Jannada shaydaan wuxuuna ka bixiyey waxay ku sugnaayeen , waxaana ku nidhi ka hoobta Jannada , qaarkiinna dhulka idiinku sugnaaday meel aad ku nagaataan iyo raaxo tan iyo waqti .
(src)="s2.37"> Then his Lord sent commands to Adam and turned towards him : Indeed He is compassionate and kind .
(trg)="s2.37"> waxuuna kala kulmay Aadam xagga Eebe kalimooyin , wuuna ka toobad aqbalay Eebana waa toobad aqbalbadane waana naxariiste .
(src)="s2.38.0"> And We said to them : " Go , all of you .
(src)="s2.38.1"> When I send guidance , whoever follows it will neither have fear nor regret ;
(trg)="s2.38"> waxaan ku nidhi ka hoobta xaggeeda dhamaantiin , hadduu idiinka yi-maaddo xaggayga hanuun ruuxii raaca hanuunka cabsi korkiisa ma ahaato iyo murug midna .
(src)="s2.39"> But those who deny and reject Our signs will belong to Hell , and there abide unchanged . "
(trg)="s2.39"> kuwa gaaloobayse oo beeniyey aayaadkanaga , kuwaasu waa chclunaar dhexdeedana way ku waari .
(src)="s2.40.0"> O children of Israel , remember the favours I bestowed on you .
(src)="s2.40.1"> So keep your pledge to Me , and I will mine to you , and be fearful of Me ,
(trg)="s2.40"> Bini Israa 'iilow xusa nicmadayda aan idiinku nicmeeyey , oofiyana ballankaygii aan oofiyo ballankiina , aniga uun igacabsada .
(src)="s2.41"> And believe in what I have sent down which verifies what is already with you ; and do not be the first to deny it , nor part with it for little gain ; and beware of Me .
(trg)="s2.41"> rumeeyana waxaan dejiyey isagoo rumayn waxaad haysataan , hana noqonina mid ka gaaloobay quraanka kii ugu horreeyay , hana ku gadanina aayaadkayga qiimo yar ( aduunka ) aniga uun iga dhawrsada .
(src)="s2.42"> Do not confuse truth with falsehood , nor conceal the truth knowingly .
(trg)="s2.42"> hana ku khaldina xaqa baadilka , ood qarisaan xaqa idinkoo og .
(src)="s2.43"> Be firm in devotion ; give zakat ( the due share of your wealth for the welfare of others ) , and bow with those who bow ( before God ) .
(trg)="s2.43"> ooga salaada , hixiyana sakada , lana rukuuca ( lukada ) .
(src)="s2.44.0"> Will you enjoin good deeds on the others and forget your own selves ?
(src)="s2.44.1"> You also read the Scriptures , why do you then not understand ?
(trg)="s2.44"> ma waxaad faraysaan dadka wanaaga od halmaansantihin naftiina idinkoo akhrin Kitaabka miyeydaan wax ka sayn .
(src)="s2.45"> Find strength in fortitude and prayer , which is heavy and exacting but for those who are humble and meek ,
(trg)="s2.45"> kaalmaysta samirka iyo salaadda wayna ku wayn tahay salaaddu ( ku culustahay ) kuwa khushuuca mooyee .
(src)="s2.46"> Who are conscious that they have to meet their Lord , and to Him they have to return .
(trg)="s2.46"> kuwa citiqaadsan inay la kulmi Echahood xagiisana loo celin .
(src)="s2.47"> Remember , O children of Israel , the favours I bestowed on you , and made you exalted among the nations of the world .
(trg)="s2.47"> Bini 'israa 'iillow xusa nicmadeydii aan idiinku nicmeeyey , iyo inaan idinka fadilay caalamkii ( markaas ) .
(src)="s2.48"> Take heed of the day when no man will be useful to man in the least , when no intercession matter nor ransom avail , nor help reach them .
(trg)="s2.48"> 48 kana dhawrsada maalin aan naf abaalmarinayn naf ( kale ) qiyaamada aan lagana aqbalayn shafeeeo lagana qaadayn ( ogalayn ) furasho loona gargaarayn .
(src)="s2.49"> Remember , We saved you from the Pharaoh 's people who wronged and oppressed you and slew your sons but spared your women : In this was a great favour from your Lord .
(trg)="s2.49"> xusa markaan idinka korinay fircoon iyo colkiisii ce idin dhadhansiin jiray cadaab daran , ayna gawrici jireen wiilashiina ayna dayn jireen gabdhihiina , taasina waxaa ku sugan irntixaam wayn oo Eebihiin .
(src)="s2.50"> Remember , We parted the sea and saved you , and drowned the men of Pharaoh before your very eyes .
(trg)="s2.50"> xusa markaan idiin dhanballay badda oon idin korinay oona maanshaynay fircoon iyo colkiisii idinkoo cegaya .
(src)="s2.51"> Yet , remember , as We communed with Moses for forty nights you took the calf in his absence ( and worshipped it ) , and you did wrong .
(trg)="s2.51"> xusa markaan u yaboohnay ( Nabi ) muuse afartan habeen , markaas aad yeelateen dibi ( aad caabudeen ) gadaashiis idinkoo daalimiin ah .
(src)="s2.52"> Even so , We pardoned you that you may be grateful .
(trg)="s2.52"> markaas aan idin saamaxnay arrintaas ka dib si aad u mahdisaan .
(src)="s2.53"> Remember , We gave Moses the Book and Discernment of falsehood and truth , that you may be guided .
(trg)="s2.53"> xusa markaan siinay ( Nabi ) muusc kitaab iyo kala bixiyc ( xaqa iyo baadilka ) si aad u hanuuntaan .
(src)="s2.54.0"> Remember , Moses said : " My people , by taking this calf you have done yourselves harm , so now turn to your Creator in repentance , and kill your pride , which is better with your Lord . "
(src)="s2.54.1"> And ( the Lord ) softened towards you , for He is all-forgiving and merciful .
(trg)="s2.54"> xusa markuu ( Nabi ) muuse ku yidhi qoonkisa qoonkiisa qoonkayiw waxaad dulmideennaftiina yeelashadiini dibiga ( caabudo ) ee u toobadkeena Eebihiina dilana naftiina , saasaa idinku khayr badan Eebihiin agtiis , markaasu idinka toobad aqbalay maxaa yeelay Eche waa toobad aqbal badane naxariista .
(src)="s2.55"> Remember , when you said to Moses : " We shall not believe in you until we see God face to face , " lightning struck you as you looked .
(trg)="s2.55"> xusa markaad dhahdeen muusow kuma rumaynayno intaan ka aragno Eebe si cadaan ah , markaasay idin qabatay qaylo iyo naar idinkoo eegi .
(src)="s2.56"> Even then We revived you after you had become senseless that you might give thanks ;
(trg)="s2.56"> markaasaan idin soo bixinay geeridiinii ka dib si aad u mahadisaan .
(src)="s2.57.0"> And made the cloud spread shade over you , and sent for you manna and quails that you may eat of the good things We have made for you .
(src)="s2.57.1"> No harm was done to Us , they only harmed themselves .
(trg)="s2.57"> waxaan idinku haddaynay Daruur , waxaan idinku soo dajinay macaan iyo hilib ( shimbireed ) waxaana idinku nidhi wax ka cuna wanaaggan idiinku arzaaqnay , mana ayan na dulmin , laakiin waxay ahaayeen naftooda uun kuwa dulmiya .
(src)="s2.58.0"> And remember , We said to you : " Enter this city , eat wherever you like , as much as you please , but pass through the gates in humility and say : ' May our sins be forgiven . '
(src)="s2.58.1"> We shall forgive your trespasses and give those who do good abundance .
(trg)="s2.58"> Xusa markaan nidhi gala magaaladan oo kacuna xageeda Meejaad doontaan barwaaqa ah. kana gala irridda idinkoo sujuudsan dhahana ( Eebow ) hoobi ( danbi ) aan idiin dhaafno gafafkiinee. waxaan u siyaadinayna samafalayaasha ( wanaag ) .
(src)="s2.59"> But the wicked changed and perverted the word We had spoken to a word distorted , and We sent from heaven retribution on the wicked , for they disobeyed .
(trg)="s2.59"> markaasay ku badaleen kuwwi dulmi falay hadalkii loo yidhi mid aan ahayn , markaasaan kaga soodajinay kuwii dulmiga falay Cadaab samada faasiqnimadoodii ay falayeen darteed .
(src)="s2.60.0"> And remember , when Moses asked for water for his people , We told him to strike the rock with his staff , and behold , twelve springs of gushing water gushed forth so that each of the tribes came to know its place of drinking .
(src)="s2.60.1"> Eat and drink , ( enjoy ) God 's gifts , and spread no discord in the land .
(trg)="s2.60"> Xusa markuu ( Nabi ) Muuse u roobdoonay qoonkiisa markaasaan ku nidhi ku garaac ushaada Dhagaxa , waxaana ka dilaacay xaggeeda Labo iyo toban ilood , wunna ogaaday ruuxkasto ( Koox kasta ) meeshay ka cabbilahayd , waxaan ku nidhi ka cuna oo ka cabba rizqiga Eebe Dhulkana fasaad ha ku xumeynina .
(src)="s2.61.0"> Remember , when you said : " O Moses , we are tired of eating the same food ( day after day ) , ask your Lord to give us fruits of the earth , herbs and cucumbers , grains and lentils and onions ; " he said : " Would you rather exchange what is good with what is bad ?
(src)="s2.61.1"> Go then to the city , you shall have what you ask . "
(src)="s2.61.2"> So they were disgraced and became indigent , earning the anger of God , for they disbelieved the word of God , and slayed the prophets unjustly , for they transgressed and rebelled .
(trg)="s2.61"> Xusa markaad dhahdeen Muusow kuma samrayno cunno kaliya ee noobari Eebaha ha noo soo bixiyo waxa dhulku soo dhaliyo , oo ah Bagal , Xinidh , Toon , cadas iyo Basal , wuxuuna ku yidhi mawaxaad ku bedalanaysaan wax xun kii khayrka badnaa , u ( hoobta ) daga masar waxaad helaysaan waxaad warsateen , waxaana laguqadaray dulli iyo miskiinimo , waxayna lanoqdeen cadho Eeve , arrintaasna waxaa ugu wacan inay yihiin kuwo ka Gaalooba aayaadka Eebe , dilayeenna Nabiyada xaql … aan , taasina waa caasinimadooda darteed iyo xadgudubkoodii .
(src)="s2.62"> Surely the believers and the Jews , Nazareans and the Sabians , whoever believes in God and the Last Day , and whosoever does right , shall have his reward with his Lord and will neither have fear nor regret .
(trg)="s2.62"> kuwwi rumeeyey iyo kuwii Yuhuudda ah iyo Nasaarada iyo saab 'iiinta cidii rumeysa Eebe iyo Maalintii dambee oo camal suubanna falay waxay ku leeyihiin Eebe agtiisa ajir , cabsina korkooda ma noqoto mana tiiraanyoodan .
(src)="s2.63"> Remember the day We made the covenant with you and exalted you on the Mount and said : " Hold fast to what We have given you , and remember what is therein that you may take heed . "
(trg)="s2.63"> Xusa markaan idinka qaadnay ballan ( adag ) oo korkiina yeelay ( Buurta ) Dhuur oon idinku nidhi ku qaata waxaan idinsiinay niyad adag , xusuustana waxa ku sugan , si aad u dhawrsataan .
(src)="s2.64"> But you went back ( on your word ) , and but for the mercy and grace of God you were lost .
(trg)="s2.64"> markaasaad jeedsateen intaas ka dib , hadduusan jirin fadliga Eebe ee korkiina iyo naxariistiisa waxaad ahaan lahaydeen kuwa Khasaaray .
(src)="s2.65"> You know and have known already those among you who had broken the sanctity of the Sabbath , and to whom We had said : " Become ( like ) apes despised , "
(trg)="s2.65"> dhab ahaanbaad u ogtihin kuwii xadgudbay Sabtida , oo idinka mid ah markaasaan ku nidhi noqda daanyeer la fageeyo ( oo dullaysan ) .
(src)="s2.66"> And whom We made an example for the people ( of the day ) and those after them , and warning for those who fear God .
(trg)="s2.66"> waxaana kayeelay ciqabtaas waanada waxa ka horeeya iyo wax ka danbeeyaba , iyo waano kuwa dhowrsada .
(src)="s2.67.0"> Remember , when Moses said to his people : " God demands that you sacrifice a cow , " they said : " Are you making fun of us ? "
(src)="s2.67.1"> And he said : " God forbid that I be of the ignorant . "
(trg)="s2.67"> xusa markuu ku ( yidhi ) ( Nabi ) Muuse Qoomkiisa Eebe wuxuu idin fari inaad gawraedaan sac , waxayna dheheen miyaad nagu jees jeesi , wuxuuna yidhi waxaan ka magangali Eebe inaan ka mid noqdo Jaahiliinta .
(src)="s2.68.0"> " Call on your Lord for us , " they said , " that He might inform us what kind she should be . "
(src)="s2.68.1"> " Neither old nor young , says God , but of age in between , " answered Moses .
(src)="s2.68.2"> " So do as you are bid . "
(trg)="s2.68"> waxaayna dhaheen noobari Eebahaa ha noo caddeeyo waxay tahaye , wuxuuna yidhi Eebe wuxuu leeyahay waa sac oon duq ahayn yarayna , oo u dhaxaysa taas ( labadaas ) ee fala waxa laydin fari .
(src)="s2.69.0"> " Call on your Lord , " they said , " to tell us the colour of the cow . "
(src)="s2.69.1"> " God says , " answered Moses , " a fawn coloured cow , rich yellow , well pleasing to the eye . "
(trg)="s2.69"> waxay dhaheen noobari Eebahaa ha noo caddeeyo Midabkeeda , wuxuuna yidhi Eebe wuxuu leeyahay waa sac Boora ah , booranimadeed darantahay , oo ka farxin ( cajabin ) kuwa eegi .
(src)="s2.70.0"> " Call on your Lord , " they said , " to name its variety , as cows be all alike to us .
(src)="s2.70.1"> If God wills we shall be guided aright . "
(trg)="s2.70"> waxay dhaheen no hari Eebahaa ha noo caddeeyo waxay tahay , maxaa yeelay waxaa is kaga , kaana shabbahday ( isu ekaatay ) Lo 'dee , hadduu Eebe doonana waan toosaynaa .
(src)="s2.71.0"> And Moses said : " He says it 's a cow unyoked , nor worn out by ploughing or watering the fields , one in good shape with no mark or blemish . "
(src)="s2.71.1"> " Now have you brought us the truth , " they said ; and then , after wavering , they sacrificed the cow .
(trg)="s2.71"> wuxuu yidhi Eebe wuxuu leeyahay waa sac aan laylanayn oon qodayn dhulka , oon waraabinayna Beerta , wayna ka nabadgashantahay ( eeeb ) midab kalana ma leh , waxay dheheen haddaad la timid dhabta , markaasay gawraccen Siccii , waxayna udhwadeen inayna falin .
(src)="s2.72"> Remember when you killed a man and blamed each other for the deed , God brought to light what you concealed .
(trg)="s2.72"> xusa markaad disheen naf ood isku khilaafteen Eebana wuu soo bixin ( muujin ) Waxaad qarineyseen .
(src)="s2.73.0"> We had pronounced already : " Slay ( the murderer ) for ( taking a life ) . "
(src)="s2.73.1"> Thus God preserves life from death and shows you His signs that you may understand .
(trg)="s2.73"> waxaan ku nidhi ku garaaca kan la dilay Saca qaarkiis , saasuuna u nooleeyaa Eebe wixii dhintay , idiina tusin aayaadkiisa si aad wax u kastaan .
(src)="s2.74.0"> Yet , in spite of this , your hearts only hardened like rocks or even harder , but among rocks are those from which rivers flow ; and there are also those which split open and water gushes forth ; as well as those that roll down for fear of God .
(src)="s2.74.1"> And God is not negligent of all that you do .
(trg)="s2.74"> markaasay ingagtay Quluubtiinu intaas ka dib , waxayna la mid tahay Dhagax , ama waa ka darantahay ingeega , Dhagaxyada waxaa ka mid ah kuway ka burqadaan wabiyaal , waxaana ka mid ah kuwo dildillaaca oo ka soo .
(src)="s2.75"> How do you expect them to put their faith in you , when you know that some among them heard the word of God and , having understood , perverted it knowingly ?
(trg)="s2.75"> ma waxaad damcaysaan Mu 'miniintaay inay rumeeyaan yuhuudda xaqa oy ( idinraacaan ) iyahoo kooz ka mid ahi ay maqlayaan hadalka Eebe ( Towreed ) haddana ay xarrifaan ( leexiyaan ) intay kaseen kadib , iyagoo og ( inay gafsanyihiin ) .
(src)="s2.76.0"> For when they meet the faithful , they say : " We believe ; " but when among themselves , they say : " Why do you tell them what the Lord has revealed to you ?
(src)="s2.76.1"> They will only dispute it in the presence of your Lord .
(src)="s2.76.2"> Have you no sense indeed ? "
(trg)="s2.76"> markay la kulmaan kuwii rumeeye ( xaqana ) waxay dhahaan waan rumaynay , markuu qaarkood qaarka kale la kaliyoobana waxay dhahaan ma waxaad uga sheekaynaysaan ( u qireeysaan ) Mu 'miniinta , waxa Eebe idiinfaray ( oo xaqnimada NabigaMuxamed ah ) si ay idiinkula doodaan Eebe agtiisa miyaydaan waxkasayn .
(src)="s2.77"> Do they not know that God is aware of what they hide and what they disclose ?
(trg)="s2.77"> miyayna ogayn in Eebe ogyahay waxay qarsan iyo waxay muujin .
(src)="s2.78"> Among them are heathens who know nothing of the Book but only what they wish to believe , and are only lost in fantasies .
(trg)="s2.78"> waxaa ka mid ah Ehelu Kitaabka kuwo aan wax qorayn waxna akhriyeyn , oon aqooninna Kitaab ( Towreed ) hasa yeeshee rumayn yididiilo , waxaan malo ahayna kuma socdaan .
(src)="s2.79"> But woe to them who fake the Scriptures and say : " This is from God , " so that they might earn some profit thereby ; and woe to them for what they fake , and woe to them for what they earn from it !
(trg)="s2.79"> halaag wuxuu u sugnaaday kuwa ku qoraya Kitaabka ( Towreed ) Gacmhooda hadana dhihi kani wuxuu ka yimid xagga Eebe si ay qiimo yar ugu gataan , halaag baana ugu sugnaaday waxay qori Gacmahoodu , halaag baana ugu suganaaday waxay kasban .
(src)="s2.80.0"> Yet they say : " The Fire will not touch us for more than a few days . "
(src)="s2.80.1"> Say ..
(src)="s2.80.2"> " Have you so received a promise from God ? "
(src)="s2.80.3"> " Then surely God will not withdraw His pledge .
(src)="s2.80.4"> Or do you impute things to God of which you have no knowledge at all ? "
(trg)="s2.80"> waxay dhaheen yuhuud nama taabanayso naaru waxaan ayaamo tirsan ahayn , waxaad dhahdaa ma ballan baad ka qaadateen Eebe agtiisa oosan idinkaga baxayn Eebe ballankiisa. mise waxaad ku sheegaysaan waxaydaan ogayn .
(src)="s2.81"> Why , they who have earned the wages of sin and are enclosed in error , are people of Hell , where they will abide for ever .
(trg)="s2.81"> saas ma aha ee ruuxii kasbada xumaan oo uu koobo gafkiisu ciddaasi waa asaxaabta naarta , wayna ku waari dhexdeeda .
(src)="s2.82"> But those who believe and do good deeds are people of Paradise , and shall live there forever .
(trg)="s2.82"> kuwa rumeeyey ( xaqse ) oo camal wanaagsan sameeya kuwaasi waa asaxaabta Jannada wayna kuwaari dhexdeeda .
(src)="s2.83"> Remember , when We made a covenant with the people of Israel and said : " Worship no one but God , and be good to your parents and your kin , and to orphans and the needy , and speak of goodness to men ; observe your devotional obligations , and give zakat ( the due share of your wealth for the welfare of others ) , " you went back ( on your word ) , except only a few , and paid no heed .
(trg)="s2.83"> xusa markaan ka qaadnay Banii Israa 'iil ballan inaydaan caabudin Eebe mooyee , iyo inay u sama falaan labada Waalid iyo qaraabada , agoonta masaakiinta iyo inay u dhahaan wanaag , salaaddana ooaan bixiyaana sakada , markaasaad jeesateen in yar oo ininka mid ah mooyee , idinkoo jeedsan .
(src)="s2.84"> And remember , when We made a covenant with you whereby you agreed you will neither shed blood among you nor turn your people out of their homes , you promised , and are witness to it too .
(trg)="s2.84"> xusa markaan idinka qaadnay ballan ( adag ) inaydaan iska daadin Dhiig ( inaydaan isdilin ) aydaan qaarkiin ( qaarka kale ) Guryihiinna , ka bixinin markaasaad aqoonsateen arrintaas idinkoo marag furi .
(src)="s2.85.0"> But you still kill one another , and you turn a section of your people from their homes , assisting one another against them with guilt and oppression .
(src)="s2.85.1"> Yet when they are brought to you as captives you ransom them , although forbidden it was to drive them away .
(src)="s2.85.2"> Do you , then , believe a part of the Book and reject a part ?
(src)="s2.85.3"> There is no other award for them who so act but disgrace in the world , and on the Day of Judgement the severest of punishment ; for God is not heedless of all that you do .
(trg)="s2.85"> hadana waxaad ahaateen kuwo dili Naftooda , oo ka erya kooxo idinka mid ah Guryahooda , idinkoo isugu kaalmayn korkoodu dambi iyo colnimo haddii la qafaashana waad furanaysaan , iyadooy dhabtu tahay inay xaaraan idinka tahay bixintoodu , Miyaad rumaynaysaan Kitaabtka qaarkiis , kana gaaloobaysaan qaar , ruuxii saas fala oo idinka mid ah abaalkiisu ma aha dulli adduun iyo maalinta qiyaame oo loo celin cadaab daran mooyee , Eebana ma halmaamayo waxaad falaysaan .
(src)="s2.86"> They are those who bought the life of the world at the cost of the life to come ; and neither will their torment decrease nor help reach them .
(trg)="s2.86"> kuwaasina waa kuwa ku gatay nolosha adduunyo ( ee dhaw ) aakhiro , lagamane fududeeyo xaggooda cadaabka loomana gargaaro .
(src)="s2.87.0"> Remember We gave Moses the Book and sent after him many an apostle ; and to Jesus , son of Mary , We gave clear evidence of the truth , reinforcing him with divine grace .
(src)="s2.87.1"> Even so , when a messenger brought to you what did not suit your mood you turned haughty , and called some imposters and some others you slew .
(trg)="s2.87"> dhab ahaan yaan u siinnay ( Nabi ) musse Kitaabka , waxaana raacinnary gadaashiis Rasuullo , waxaana siinnay ( Nabi ) Ciise Ibnu maryama Mucjizaad cad cad , waxaana ku xoojinay ruux daahir ah ( Jibriil ) marastoose idiinla yimaaddo rasuul waxaan naftiinu jeclayn ( xaqa ) ma iskibrisaan , koox waad beenisaan , kooxna waa dishaan .
(src)="s2.88.0"> And they say : " Our hearts are enfolded in covers . "
(src)="s2.88.1"> In fact God has cursed them for their unbelief ; and only a little do they believe .
(trg)="s2.88"> waxayna dheheen yuhuud quluubtanadu waxay ku sugantahay dabool , saas ma aha ee waa la nacladay gaalnimadooda darteed wax yar bay rumeeyn .
(src)="s2.89.0"> And when the Book was sent to them by God verifying what had been revealed to them already even though before it they used to pray for victory over the unbelievers and even though they recognised it when it came to them , they renounced it .
(src)="s2.89.1"> The curse of God be on those who deny !
(trg)="s2.89"> markuu uga yimid Yuhuud Kitaab xagga Eebe isagoo rumeyn waxa agtooda ah ( Tawreed ) horayna u ahaayeen kuwa ku gargaarsada kuwii gaaloobay , markuu yimid waxay garanayeen way ka gaaloobeen Nabiga , naclad korkooda ha ahaato , gaaladee .
(src)="s2.90.0"> They bartered their lives ill denying the revelation of God out of spite that God should bestow His grace among His votaries on whomsoever He will , and thus earned wrath upon wrath .
(src)="s2.90.1"> The punishment for disbelievers is ignominious .
(trg)="s2.90"> waxaa u xun waxay ku gataan Naftooda inay ka gaaloobeen xaqa Eebe soo dajiyey xasad dartiis , ku soo dajinta Eebe fadligiisa ciduu doono , oo adoomadiisa ka mid ah , waxayna la noqdeen Cadho Cadho kale lagu kordhiyey , gaalana waxaa u sugnaaday cadaab wax dulleeya .
(src)="s2.91.0"> And when it is said to them : " believe in what God has sent down , " they say : " We believe what was sent to us , and do not believe what has come thereafter , " although it affirms the truth they possess already .
(src)="s2.91.1"> Say : " Why have you then been slaying God 's apostles as of old , if you do believe ? "
(trg)="s2.91"> marka lagu yidhaah Yuhuudda rumeeya waxa Eebe soo dajiyey waxay dhahaan waxaannu rumeeyn waxa nalagu soo dejiyey , wayna ka gaaloobaan waxa ka dambeeyey , isagoo xaq ah oo rumeyn waxa agtooda ah , waxaad dhahdaa maxaad ugu disheen nabiyada Eebe horay haddaad Mu 'miniin tihiin .
(src)="s2.92"> Although Moses had come to you with evidence of the truth , you chose the calf in his absence , and you transgressed .
(trg)="s2.92"> dhab ahaan yuu idiin la yimid ( Nabi ) Muuse mucjisooyin , markaasaad yeelateen Dibi ( ilaah ) isaga kadib idinkoo daalimiin ah .
(src)="s2.93.0"> Remember when We took your pledge and exalted you on the Mount ( saying : ) " Hold fast to what We have given you , firmly , and pay heed , " you said : " We have heard and will not obey . "
(src)="s2.93.1"> ( The image of ) the calf had sunk deep into their hearts on account of unbelief .
(src)="s2.93.2"> Say : " Vile is your belief if you are believers indeed ! "
(trg)="s2.93"> xusa markaan idinka qaadnay ballan , korkiinana yeelay ( Buurta Dhuur ) oon idinku nidhi ku qaata waxaan idin siinay xoog ( niyadadag ) maqlana ( xaqa ) waxayna dheheen waan mawalay waana caasinay , waxaana laga waraabiyey quluubtooda ( jacaylkii ) Dibiga ( ay caabudeen ) gaalnimadooda darteed , waxaad dhahdaa waxaa xumaan badan wuxuu idinfarayo imaankiinu haddaad muuminiin tihiin .