# bs/korkut.xml.gz
# en/ahmedali.xml.gz

(src)="s1.1"> U ime Allaha , Milostivog , Samilosnog !
(trg)="s1.1"> In the name of Allah , most benevolent , ever-merciful .

(src)="s1.2"> Tebe , Allaha , Gospodara svjetova , hvalimo ,
(trg)="s1.2"> ALL PRAISE BE to Allah , Lord of all the worlds ,

(src)="s1.3"> Milostivog , Samilosnog ,
(trg)="s1.3"> Most beneficent , ever-merciful ,

(src)="s1.4"> Vladara Dana sudnjeg ,
(trg)="s1.4"> King of the Day of Judgement .

(src)="s1.5"> Tebi se klanjamo i od Tebe pomoć tražimo !
(trg)="s1.5"> You alone we worship , and to You alone turn for help .

(src)="s1.6"> Uputi nas na Pravi put ,
(trg)="s1.6"> Guide us ( O Lord ) to the path that is straight ,

(src)="s1.7"> na Put onih kojima si milost Svoju darovao , a ne onih koji su protiv sebe srdžbu izazvali , niti onih koji su zalutali !
(trg)="s1.7"> The path of those You have blessed , Not of those who have earned Your anger , nor those who have gone astray .

(src)="s2.1"> Elif Lām Mīm .
(trg)="s2.1"> ALIF LAM MIM .

(src)="s2.2"> Ova Knjiga , u koju nema nikakve sumnje , uputstvo je svima onima koji se budu Allaha bojali ;
(trg)="s2.2"> This is The Book free of doubt and involution , a guidance for those who preserve themselves from evil and follow the straight path ,

(src)="s2.3"> onima koji u nevidljivi svijet budu vjerovali i molitvu obavljali i udjeljivali dio od onoga što im Mi budemo davali ;
(trg)="s2.3"> Who believe in the Unknown and fulfil their devotional obligations , and spend in charity of what We have given them ;

(src)="s2.4"> i onima koji budu vjerovali u ono što se objavljuje tebi i u ono što je objavljeno prije tebe , i onima koji u onaj svijet budu čvrsto vjerovali .
(trg)="s2.4"> Who believe in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed to those before you , and are certain of the Hereafter .

(src)="s2.5"> Njima će Gospodar njihov na Pravi put ukazati i oni će ono što žele ostvariti .
(trg)="s2.5"> They have found the guidance of their Lord and will be successful .

(src)="s2.6"> Onima koji neće da vjeruju doista je svejedno – opominjao ih ti ili ne opominjao – oni neće vjerovati .
(trg)="s2.6"> As for those who deny , it is all the same if you warn them or not , they will not believe .

(src)="s2.7"> Allah je zapečatio srca njihova i uši njihove , a pred očima njihovim je koprena ; njih čeka patnja golema .
(trg)="s2.7.0"> God has sealed their hearts and ears , and veiled their eyes .
(trg)="s2.7.1"> For them is great deprivation .

(src)="s2.8"> Ima ljudi koji govore : " Vjerujemo u Allaha i u onaj svijet ! " – a oni nisu vjernici .
(trg)="s2.8"> And there are some who , though they say : " We believe in God and the Last Day , " ( in reality ) do not believe .

(src)="s2.9"> Oni nastoje prevariti Allaha i one koji vjeruju , a oni , i ne znajući , samo sebe varaju .
(trg)="s2.9"> They ( try to ) deceive God and those who believe , yet deceive none but themselves although they do not know .

(src)="s2.10"> Njihova srca su bolesna , a Allah njihovu bolest još povećava ; njih čeka bolna patnja zato što lažu .
(trg)="s2.10.0"> Sick are their hearts , and God adds to their malady .
(trg)="s2.10.1"> For them is suffering for they lie .

(src)="s2.11"> Kada im se kaže : " Ne remetite red na Zemlji ! " – odgovaraju : " Mi samo red uspostavljamo ! "
(trg)="s2.11"> When asked to desist from spreading corruption in the land they say : " Why , we are reformers . "

(src)="s2.12.0"> Zar ? !
(src)="s2.12.1"> A , uistinu , oni nered siju , ali ne opažaju .
(trg)="s2.12"> Yet they are surely mischief-mongers , even though they do not know .

(src)="s2.13"> Kad im se kaže : " Vjerujte kao što pravi ljudi vjeruju ! " – oni odgovaraju : " Zar da vjerujemo u ono u što bezumni vjeruju ? " – A , uistinu , oni su bezumni , ali ne znaju .
(trg)="s2.13.0"> When asked to believe as others do , they say : " Should we believe like fools ? "
(trg)="s2.13.1"> And yet they are the fools , even though they do not know .

(src)="s2.14"> Kada susretnu one koji vjeruju , govore : " Vjerujemo ! " – a čim ostanu nasamo sa šejtanima svojim , govore : " Mi smo s vama , mi se samo rugamo . "
(trg)="s2.14"> When they meet the faithful they say : " We believe ; " but when alone with the devils ( their fellows ) , they say : " We are really with you ; we were joking . "

(src)="s2.15"> Allah njih izvrgava poruzi i podržava ih da u svome nevjerstvu lutaju .
(trg)="s2.15"> But God will turn the joke against them and allow them to sink deeper into evil and wander perplexed in their wickedness .

(src)="s2.16"> Umjesto Pravim , oni su krenuli krivim putem ; njihova trgovina im nije donijela nikakvu dobit , i oni ne znaju šta rade .
(trg)="s2.16"> They are indeed those who bartered away good guidance for error and gained nothing from the deal , nor found the right way .

(src)="s2.17"> Slični su onima koji potpale vatru , i kad ona osvijetli njihovu okolicu , Allah im oduzme svjetlo i ostavi ih u mraku , i oni ništa ne vide !
(trg)="s2.17"> They are like a man who kindles a fire , and when its glow has illumined the air God takes away their light leaving them in the dark where they will not be able to see .

(src)="s2.18"> Gluhi , nijemi i slijepi su , nikako da se osvijeste .
(trg)="s2.18"> They are deaf , dumb and blind , and shall never return ;

(src)="s2.19"> Ili , oni su nalik na one , koji za vrijeme silnog pljuska s neba , u punom mraku , usred grmljavine i munja , stavljaju zbog gromova prste u uši svoje bojeći se smrti – a nevjernici ne mogu umaći Allahu .
(trg)="s2.19.0"> Or like rain pouring from the sky which hides within it darkness , thunder and lightning .
(trg)="s2.19.1"> They thrust their fingers into their ears for safety against noise and death .

(src)="s2.20.0"> Munja samo što ih ne zaslijepi ; kada god im ona bljesne , oni prođu , a čim utonu u mraku , stanu .
(trg)="s2.20.0"> Verily the lightning could snatch away their eyes .
(trg)="s2.20.1"> When it flashes forth they walk in its flare .

(src)="s2.20.1"> A da Allah hoće , mogao bi im oduzeti i sluh i vid , jer Allah , zaista , sve može .
(trg)="s2.20.2"> When darkness returns they stand still .
(trg)="s2.20.3"> And if the Lord wills so He could take away their hearing and sight ; surely God is all-powerful .

(src)="s2.21"> O ljudi , klanjajte se Gospodaru svome , koji je stvorio vas i one prije vas , da biste se kazne sačuvali ;
(trg)="s2.21"> So , O you people , adore your Lord who created you , as He did those before you , that you could take heed for yourselves and fear Him

(src)="s2.22.0"> koji vam je Zemlju učinio posteljom , a nebo zdanjem ; koji s neba spušta kišu i čini da s njom rastu plodovi , hrana za vas .
(trg)="s2.22.0"> Who made the earth a bed for you , the sky a canopy , and sends forth rain from the skies that fruits may grow -- your food and sustenance .

(src)="s2.22.1"> Zato ne činite svjesno druge Allahu ravnim !
(trg)="s2.22.1"> So , do not make another the equal of God knowingly .

(src)="s2.23"> A ako sumnjate u ono što objavljujemo robu Svome , načinite vi jednu suru sličnu objavljenim njemu , a pozovite i božanstva vaša , osim Allaha , ako istinu govorite .
(trg)="s2.23"> If you are in doubt of what We have revealed to Our votary , then bring a Surah like this , and call any witness , apart from God , you like , if you are truthful .

(src)="s2.24"> Pa ako ne učinite , a nećete učiniti , onda se čuvajte vatre za nevjernike pripremljene , čije će gorivo biti ljudi i kamenje .
(trg)="s2.24"> But if you cannot , as indeed you cannot , then guard yourselves against the Fire whose fuel is men and rocks , which has been prepared for the infidels .

(src)="s2.25.0"> A one koji vjeruju i dobra djela čine obraduj džennetskim baščama kroz koje će rijeke teći ; svaki put kada im se iz njih da kakav plod , oni će reći : " Ovo smo i prije jeli " – a biće im davani samo njima slični .
(trg)="s2.25.0"> Announce to those who believe and have done good deeds , glad tidings of gardens under which rivers flow , and where , when they eat the fruits that grow , they will say : " Indeed they are the same as we were given before , " so like in semblance the food would be .

(src)="s2.25.1"> U njima će čiste žene imati , i u njima će vječno boraviti .
(trg)="s2.25.1"> And they shall have fair spouses there , and live there abidingly .

(src)="s2.26.0"> Allah se ne ustručava da za primjer navede mušicu ili nešto sićušnije od nje ; oni koji vjeruju – ta oni znaju da je to Istina od Gospodara njihova ; a oni koji ne vjeruju – govore : " Šta to Allah hoće sa ovim primjerom ? "
(trg)="s2.26.0"> God is not loath to advance the similitude of a gnat or a being more contemptible ; and those who believe know whatever is from the Lord is true .
(trg)="s2.26.1"> But those who disbelieve say : " What does God mean by this parable ? "

(src)="s2.26.1"> Time On mnoge u zabludi ostavlja , a mnogima na Pravi put ukazuje ; ali , u zabludi ostavlja samo velike grješnike ,
(trg)="s2.26.2"> He causes some to err this way , and some He guides ; yet He turns away none but those who transgress ,

(src)="s2.27"> koji krše već čvrsto prihvaćenu obavezu prema Allahu i prekidaju ono što je Allah naredio da se održava , i prave nered na Zemlji ; oni će nastradati .
(trg)="s2.27"> Who , having sealed it , break God 's covenant , dividing what He ordained cohered ; and those who spread discord in the land will suffer assuredly .

(src)="s2.28"> Kako možete da ne vjerujete u Allaha , vi koji ste bili ništa , pa vam je On život dao ; On će , zatim , učiniti i da pomrete i poslije će vas oživiti , a onda ćete se Njemu vratiti .
(trg)="s2.28.1"> He gave you life when you were dead .
(trg)="s2.28.2"> He will make you die again then bring you back to life : To Him then you will return .

(src)="s2.29"> On je za vas sve što postoji na Zemlji stvorio , zatim je Svoju volju prema nebu usmjerio i kao sedam nebesa ga uredio ; On sve zna .
(trg)="s2.29"> He made for you all that lies within the earth , then turning to the firmament He proportioned several skies : He has knowledge of everything .

(src)="s2.30.0"> A kada Gospodar tvoj reče melekima : " Ja ću na Zemlji namjesnika postaviti ! " – oni rekoše : " Zar će Ti namjesnik biti onaj koji će na njoj nered činiti i krv proljevati ?
(src)="s2.30.1"> A mi Tebe veličamo i hvalimo i , kako Tebi dolikuje , štujemo . "
(trg)="s2.30.0"> Remember , when your Lord said to the angels : " I have to place a trustee on the earth , " they said : " Will You place one there who would create disorder and shed blood , while we intone Your litanies and sanctify Your name ? "

(src)="s2.30.2"> On reče : " Ja znam ono što vi ne znate . "
(trg)="s2.30.1"> And God said : " I know what you do not know . "

(src)="s2.31"> I pouči On Adema nazivima svih stvari , a onda ih predoči melekima i reče : " Kažite Mi nazive njihove , ako istinu govorite ! "
(trg)="s2.31"> Then He gave Adam knowledge of the nature and reality of all things and everything , and set them before the angels and said : " Tell Me the names of these if you are truthful . "

(src)="s2.32"> " Hvaljen neka si " – rekoše oni – " mi znamo samo ono čemu si nas Ti poučio ; Ti si Sveznajući i Mudri . "
(trg)="s2.32"> And they said : " Glory to You ( O Lord ) , knowledge we have none except what You have given us , for You are all-knowing and all-wise . "

(src)="s2.33.0"> " O Ademe " – reče On – " kaži im ti nazive njihove ! "
(trg)="s2.33.0"> Then He said to Adam : " Convey to them their names . "

(src)="s2.33.1"> I kad im on kaza nazive njihove , Allah reče : " Zar vam nisam rekao da samo Ja znam tajne nebesa i Zemlje i da samo Ja znam ono što javno činite i ono što krijete ! "
(trg)="s2.33.1"> And when he had told them , God said : " Did I not tell you that I know the unknown of the heavens and the earth , and I know what you disclose and know what you hide ? "

(src)="s2.34"> A kada rekosmo melekima : " Poklonite se Ademu ! " – oni se pokloniše , ali Iblis ne htjede , on se uzoholi i posta nevjernik .
(trg)="s2.34"> Remember , when We asked the angels to bow in homage to Adam , they all bowed but Iblis , who disdained and turned insolent , and so became a disbeliever .

(src)="s2.35"> I Mi rekosmo : " O Ademe , živite , ti i žena tvoja , u Džennetu i jedite u njemu koliko god želite i odakle god hoćete , ali se ovom drvetu ne približujte pa da sami sebi nepravdu nanesete ! "
(trg)="s2.35"> And We said to Adam : " Both you and your spouse live in the Garden , eat freely to your fill wherever you like , but approach not this tree or you will become transgressors .

(src)="s2.36.0"> I šejtan ih navede da zbog drveta posrnu i izvede ih iz onoga u čemu su bili .
(trg)="s2.36.0"> But Satan tempted them and had them banished from the ( happy ) state they were in .

(src)="s2.36.1"> " Siđite ! " – rekosmo Mi – " jedni drugima ćete neprijatelji biti , a na Zemlji ćete boraviti i do roka određenoga živjeti ! "
(trg)="s2.36.1"> And We said : " Go , one the antagonist of the other , and live on the earth for a time ordained , and fend for yourselves . "

(src)="s2.37"> I Adem primi neke riječi od Gospodara svoga , pa mu On oprosti ; On , doista , prima pokajanje , On je milostiv .
(trg)="s2.37"> Then his Lord sent commands to Adam and turned towards him : Indeed He is compassionate and kind .

(src)="s2.38.0"> Mi rekosmo : " Silazite iz njega svi !
(trg)="s2.38.0"> And We said to them : " Go , all of you .

(src)="s2.38.1"> Od Mene će vam uputstvo dolaziti , i oni koji uputstvo Moje budu slijedili – ničega se neće bojati i ni za čim neće tugovati .
(trg)="s2.38.1"> When I send guidance , whoever follows it will neither have fear nor regret ;

(src)="s2.39"> A onima koji ne budu vjerovali i knjige Naše budu poricali – biće stanovnici Džehennema ; u njemu će vječno ostati . "
(trg)="s2.39"> But those who deny and reject Our signs will belong to Hell , and there abide unchanged . "

(src)="s2.40"> O sinovi Israilovi , sjetite se blagodati Moje koju sam vam podario , i ispunite zavjet koji ste Mi dali – ispuniću i Ja svoj koji sam vama dao , i samo se Mene bojte !
(trg)="s2.40.0"> O children of Israel , remember the favours I bestowed on you .
(trg)="s2.40.1"> So keep your pledge to Me , and I will mine to you , and be fearful of Me ,

(src)="s2.41.0"> Vjerujte u ono što objavljujem , čime se potvrđuje da je istinito ono što vi imate , i ne budite prvi koji u to neće vjerovati .
(src)="s2.41.1"> I ne zamjenjujte riječi Moje za nešto što malo vrijedi , i samo se Mene bojte !
(trg)="s2.41"> And believe in what I have sent down which verifies what is already with you ; and do not be the first to deny it , nor part with it for little gain ; and beware of Me .

(src)="s2.42"> I istinu sa neistinom ne miješajte i istinu svjesno ne tajite !
(trg)="s2.42"> Do not confuse truth with falsehood , nor conceal the truth knowingly .

(src)="s2.43"> Molitvu obavljajte i zekat dajite i zajedno sa onima koji molitvu obavljaju i vi obavljajte !
(trg)="s2.43"> Be firm in devotion ; give zakat ( the due share of your wealth for the welfare of others ) , and bow with those who bow ( before God ) .

(src)="s2.44.0"> Zar da od drugih tražite da dobra djela čine , a da pri tome sebe zaboravljate , vi koji Knjigu učite ?
(src)="s2.44.1"> Zar se opametiti nećete ?
(trg)="s2.44.0"> Will you enjoin good deeds on the others and forget your own selves ?
(trg)="s2.44.1"> You also read the Scriptures , why do you then not understand ?

(src)="s2.45"> Pomozite sebi strpljenjem i molitvom , a to je , zaista , teško , osim poslušnima ,
(trg)="s2.45"> Find strength in fortitude and prayer , which is heavy and exacting but for those who are humble and meek ,

(src)="s2.46"> koji su uvjereni da će pred Gospodara svoga stati i da će se Njemu vratiti .
(trg)="s2.46"> Who are conscious that they have to meet their Lord , and to Him they have to return .

(src)="s2.47"> O sinovi Israilovi , sjetite se blagodati Moje koju sam vam podario i toga što sam vas nad ostalim ljudima bio uzdigao ;
(trg)="s2.47"> Remember , O children of Israel , the favours I bestowed on you , and made you exalted among the nations of the world .

(src)="s2.48"> i bojte se Dana kada niko ni za koga neće moći ništa učiniti , kada se ničiji zagovor neće prihvatiti , kada se ni od koga otkup neće primiti i kada im niko neće u pomoć priteći ;
(trg)="s2.48"> Take heed of the day when no man will be useful to man in the least , when no intercession matter nor ransom avail , nor help reach them .

(src)="s2.49"> i kada smo vas od faraonovih ljudi izbavili , koji su vas najgorim mukama mučili : mušku vam djecu klali a žensku u životu ostavljali ; – a to vam je bilo veliko iskušenje od Gospodara vašeg –
(trg)="s2.49"> Remember , We saved you from the Pharaoh 's people who wronged and oppressed you and slew your sons but spared your women : In this was a great favour from your Lord .

(src)="s2.50"> i kada smo zbog vas more rastavili i vas izbavili , a faraonove ljude , na oči vaše , potopili ;
(trg)="s2.50"> Remember , We parted the sea and saved you , and drowned the men of Pharaoh before your very eyes .

(src)="s2.51"> i kada smo Musau četrdeset noći obećanje ispunjavali , vi ste , u njegovu odsustvu , sami sebi čineći nepravdu , tele obožavati počeli .
(trg)="s2.51"> Yet , remember , as We communed with Moses for forty nights you took the calf in his absence ( and worshipped it ) , and you did wrong .

(src)="s2.52"> Zatim smo vam , i poslije toga , oprostili da biste zahvalni bili ;
(trg)="s2.52"> Even so , We pardoned you that you may be grateful .

(src)="s2.53"> i kada smo Musau Knjigu , koja rastavlja istinu od neistine , dali da biste Pravim putem išli ;
(trg)="s2.53"> Remember , We gave Moses the Book and Discernment of falsehood and truth , that you may be guided .

(src)="s2.54.0"> i kada je Musa rekao narodu svome : " O narode moj , prihvativši tele , vi ste samo sebi nepravdu učinili ; zato se Stvoritelju svome pokajte i između vas prestupnike smrću kaznite .
(trg)="s2.54.0"> Remember , Moses said : " My people , by taking this calf you have done yourselves harm , so now turn to your Creator in repentance , and kill your pride , which is better with your Lord . "

(src)="s2.54.1"> To je bolje za vas kod Stvoritelja vašeg , On će vam oprostiti !
(src)="s2.54.2"> On prima pokajanje i On je milostiv " ;
(trg)="s2.54.1"> And ( the Lord ) softened towards you , for He is all-forgiving and merciful .

(src)="s2.55"> i kada ste uglas rekli : " O Musa , mi ti nećemo vjerovati dok Allaha ne vidimo ! " – munja vas je ošinula , vidjeli ste .
(trg)="s2.55"> Remember , when you said to Moses : " We shall not believe in you until we see God face to face , " lightning struck you as you looked .

(src)="s2.56"> Zatim smo vas , poslije smrti vaše , oživili da biste zahvalni bili .
(trg)="s2.56"> Even then We revived you after you had become senseless that you might give thanks ;

(src)="s2.57.0"> I Mi smo vam od oblaka hladovinu načinili i manu i prepelice vam slali : " Jedite lijepa jela kojima vas opskrbljujemo ! "
(trg)="s2.57.0"> And made the cloud spread shade over you , and sent for you manna and quails that you may eat of the good things We have made for you .

(src)="s2.57.1"> A oni Nama nisu naudili , sami sebi su nepravdu nanijeli ;
(trg)="s2.57.1"> No harm was done to Us , they only harmed themselves .

(src)="s2.58"> i kada smo rekli : " Uđite u ovaj grad i jedite što god hoćete i koliko god hoćete , a na kapiju pognutih glava uđite , i recite : ' Oprosti ' – oprostićemo vam grijehe vaše , a onima koji čine dobra djela daćemo i više ! " –
(trg)="s2.58.0"> And remember , We said to you : " Enter this city , eat wherever you like , as much as you please , but pass through the gates in humility and say : ' May our sins be forgiven . '
(trg)="s2.58.1"> We shall forgive your trespasses and give those who do good abundance .

(src)="s2.59"> onda su oni koji su bili nepravedni zamijenili drugom Riječ koja im je bila rečena i Mi smo na one koji su bili nepravedni s neba kaznu spustili zato što nisu poslušali ;
(trg)="s2.59"> But the wicked changed and perverted the word We had spoken to a word distorted , and We sent from heaven retribution on the wicked , for they disobeyed .

(src)="s2.60.0"> i kada je Musa za narod svoj vodu molio , Mi smo rekli : " Udari štapom svojim po stijeni ! " – i iz nje je dvanaest vrela provrelo , i svako bratstvo je vrelo iz kojeg će piti znalo .
(trg)="s2.60.0"> And remember , when Moses asked for water for his people , We told him to strike the rock with his staff , and behold , twelve springs of gushing water gushed forth so that each of the tribes came to know its place of drinking .

(src)="s2.60.1"> " Jedite i pijte Allahove darove , i ne činite zlo po Zemlji nered praveći ! " –
(trg)="s2.60.1"> Eat and drink , ( enjoy ) God 's gifts , and spread no discord in the land .

(src)="s2.61.0"> i kada ste rekli : " O Musa , mi ne možemo više jednu te istu hranu jesti , zato zamoli , u naše ime , Gospodara svoga da nam podari od onoga što zemlja rađa : povrća , i krastavica , i pšenice , i leće , i luka crvenoga ! " – on je rekao : " Zar želite da ono što je bolje zamijenite za ono što je gore ?
(trg)="s2.61.0"> Remember , when you said : " O Moses , we are tired of eating the same food ( day after day ) , ask your Lord to give us fruits of the earth , herbs and cucumbers , grains and lentils and onions ; " he said : " Would you rather exchange what is good with what is bad ?

(src)="s2.61.1"> Idite u grad , imaćete ono što tražite ! "
(trg)="s2.61.1"> Go then to the city , you shall have what you ask . "

(src)="s2.61.2"> I poniženje i bijeda na njih padoše i Allahovu srdžbu na sebe navukoše zato što u Allahove dokaze nisu vjerovali i što su ni krive ni dužne vjerovjesnike ubijali , zato što su neposlušni bili i što su sve granice zla prelazili .
(trg)="s2.61.2"> So they were disgraced and became indigent , earning the anger of God , for they disbelieved the word of God , and slayed the prophets unjustly , for they transgressed and rebelled .

(src)="s2.62"> One koji su vjerovali , pa i one koji su bili jevreji , kršćani i sabejci – one koji su u Allaha i u onaj svijet vjerovali i dobra djela činili – doista čeka nagrada od Gospodara njihova ; ničega se oni neće bojati i ni za čim neće tugovati ! –
(trg)="s2.62"> Surely the believers and the Jews , Nazareans and the Sabians , whoever believes in God and the Last Day , and whosoever does right , shall have his reward with his Lord and will neither have fear nor regret .

(src)="s2.63"> i kada smo od vas zavjet uzeli i brdo iznad vas podigli : " Svojski prihvatite ono što smo vam dali i neka vam je na umu ono što je u Knjizi , da biste se kazne sačuvali ! " –
(trg)="s2.63"> Remember the day We made the covenant with you and exalted you on the Mount and said : " Hold fast to what We have given you , and remember what is therein that you may take heed . "

(src)="s2.64"> vi ste poslije toga odustali , i da nije bilo Allahove dobrote prema vama i milosti Njegove , uistinu biste stradali .
(trg)="s2.64"> But you went back ( on your word ) , and but for the mercy and grace of God you were lost .

(src)="s2.65"> Vama je poznato ono što se dogodilo onima od vas koji su se o subotu ogriješili , kao i to da smo im Mi rekli : " Budite majmuni prezreni ! "
(trg)="s2.65"> You know and have known already those among you who had broken the sanctity of the Sabbath , and to whom We had said : " Become ( like ) apes despised , "

(src)="s2.66"> Savremenicima i pokoljenjima njihovim to smo učinili opomenom , a poukom onima koji se boje Allaha .
(trg)="s2.66"> And whom We made an example for the people ( of the day ) and those after them , and warning for those who fear God .

(src)="s2.67"> A kada je Musa rekao narodu svome : " Allah vam naređuje da zakoljete kravu " – oni upitaše : " Zbijaš li ti to s nama šalu ? " – " Ne dao mi Allah da budem neznalica ! " – reče on .
(trg)="s2.67.0"> Remember , when Moses said to his people : " God demands that you sacrifice a cow , " they said : " Are you making fun of us ? "
(trg)="s2.67.1"> And he said : " God forbid that I be of the ignorant . "

(src)="s2.68"> " Zamoli Gospodara svoga , u naše ime " – rekoše – " da nam objasni kojih godina ona treba biti . " – " On kaže " – odgovori on – " da ta krava ne smije biti ni stara ni mlada , nego između toga , srednje dobi , pa izvršite to što se od vas traži ! "
(trg)="s2.68.0"> " Call on your Lord for us , " they said , " that He might inform us what kind she should be . "
(trg)="s2.68.1"> " Neither old nor young , says God , but of age in between , " answered Moses .

(src)="s2.69"> " Zamoli Gospodara svoga , u naše ime " – rekoše – " da nam objasni kakve boje treba biti . " – " On poručuje " – odgovori on – " da ta krava treba biti jarkorumene boje , da se svidi onima koji je vide . "
(trg)="s2.69.0"> " Call on your Lord , " they said , " to tell us the colour of the cow . "
(trg)="s2.69.1"> " God says , " answered Moses , " a fawn coloured cow , rich yellow , well pleasing to the eye . "

(src)="s2.70"> " Zamoli Gospodara svoga , u naše ime " – rekoše – " da nam objasni kakva još treba biti jer , nama krave izgledaju slične , a mi ćemo nju , ako Allah htjedne , sigurno pronaći . "
(trg)="s2.70.0"> " Call on your Lord , " they said , " to name its variety , as cows be all alike to us .
(trg)="s2.70.1"> If God wills we shall be guided aright . "

(src)="s2.71"> " On poručuje " – reče on – " da ta krava ne smije biti istrošena oranjem zemlje i natapanjem usjeva ; treba biti bez mahane i bez ikakva biljega . " – " E sad si je opisao kako treba ! " – rekoše , pa je zaklaše , i jedva to učiniše .
(trg)="s2.71.0"> And Moses said : " He says it 's a cow unyoked , nor worn out by ploughing or watering the fields , one in good shape with no mark or blemish . "
(trg)="s2.71.1"> " Now have you brought us the truth , " they said ; and then , after wavering , they sacrificed the cow .

(src)="s2.72"> I kada ste jednog čovjeka ubili , pa se oko njega prepirati počeli – Allah je dao da iziđe na vidjelo ono što ste bili sakrili –
(trg)="s2.72"> Remember when you killed a man and blamed each other for the deed , God brought to light what you concealed .

(src)="s2.73"> Mi smo rekli : " Udarite ga jednim njezinim dijelom ! " – i eto tako Allah vraća mrtve u život i pruža vam dokaze Svoje da biste shvatili .
(trg)="s2.73.0"> We had pronounced already : " Slay ( the murderer ) for ( taking a life ) . "
(trg)="s2.73.1"> Thus God preserves life from death and shows you His signs that you may understand .

(src)="s2.74"> Ali srca vaša su poslije toga postala tvrda , kao kamen su ili još tvrđa , a ima i kamenja iz kojeg rijeke izbijaju , a ima , zaista , kamenja koje puca i iz kojeg voda izlazi , a ima ga , doista , i koje se od straha pred Allahom ruši . – A Allah motri na ono što radite .
(trg)="s2.74.0"> Yet , in spite of this , your hearts only hardened like rocks or even harder , but among rocks are those from which rivers flow ; and there are also those which split open and water gushes forth ; as well as those that roll down for fear of God .
(trg)="s2.74.1"> And God is not negligent of all that you do .

(src)="s2.75"> Zar se vi nadate da će vam se jevreji odazvati i vama za ljubav vjernici postati , a neki među njima su Allahove riječi slušali pa su ih , pošto su ih shvatili , svjesno izvrnuli .
(trg)="s2.75"> How do you expect them to put their faith in you , when you know that some among them heard the word of God and , having understood , perverted it knowingly ?

(src)="s2.76.0"> Kad sretnu vjernike , oni govore : " Vjerujemo ! " , a čim se osame jedni s drugima , kažu : " Zar ćete im kazivati o onome što je Allah samo vama objavio , pa da im to bude dokaz protiv vas pred Gospodarom vašim ?
(trg)="s2.76.0"> For when they meet the faithful , they say : " We believe ; " but when among themselves , they say : " Why do you tell them what the Lord has revealed to you ?
(trg)="s2.76.1"> They will only dispute it in the presence of your Lord .

(src)="s2.76.1"> Zar se nećete opametiti ? "
(trg)="s2.76.2"> Have you no sense indeed ? "