# en/ted2020-1.xml.gz
# zh_tw/ted2020-1.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Thank you so much , Chris .
(trg)="1"> 非常謝謝你 , 克里斯 。 能有這個機會第二度踏上這個演講台

(src)="2"> And it 's truly a great honor to have the opportunity to come to this stage twice ; I 'm extremely grateful .
(trg)="2"> 真是一大榮幸 。 我非常感激 。

(src)="3"> I have been blown away by this conference , and I want to thank all of you for the many nice comments about what I had to say the other night .
(trg)="3"> 這個研討會給我留下了極為深刻的印象 , 我想感謝大家 對我之前演講的好評 。

(src)="4"> And I say that sincerely , partly because ( Mock sob ) I need that .
(trg)="4"> 我是由衷的想這麼說 , 有部份原因是因為 — ( 假哭 ) — 我真的有需要 !

(src)="5"> ( Laughter ) Put yourselves in my position .
(trg)="5"> ( 笑聲 ) 請你們設身處地為我想一想 !

(src)="6"> ( Laughter ) I flew on Air Force Two for eight years .
(trg)="6"> 我曾搭乘副總統專機八年 。

(src)="7"> ( Laughter ) Now I have to take off my shoes or boots to get on an airplane !
(trg)="7"> 現在我卻必須脫了鞋子才能上飛機 !

(src)="8"> ( Laughter ) ( Applause ) I 'll tell you one quick story to illustrate what that 's been like for me .
(trg)="8"> ( 笑聲 ) ( 掌聲 ) 讓我跟你們說一個很短的故事 , 你們就會明白我的日子是怎麼過的 。

(src)="9"> ( Laughter ) It 's a true story -- every bit of this is true .
(trg)="9"> 這是一個真實的故事 — 徹頭徹尾都是真實的 。

(src)="10"> Soon after Tipper and I left the -- ( Mock sob ) White House -- ( Laughter ) we were driving from our home in Nashville to a little farm we have 50 miles east of Nashville .
(trg)="10"> 在我跟我夫人蒂佩爾離開 — ( 假哭 ) — 白宮 — ( 笑聲 ) — 後 我們從那什維爾的家開車到 東邊 50 英哩外的一個我們擁有的小農場 —

(src)="11"> Driving ourselves .
(trg)="11"> 自己開車去 。

(src)="12"> ( Laughter ) I know it sounds like a little thing to you , but -- ( Laughter ) I looked in the rear-view mirror and all of a sudden it just hit me .
(trg)="12"> 我知道這對你們來說是一件小事 , 但是 — ( 笑聲 ) — 當我看了後照鏡後 , 才突然驚覺 ~

(src)="13"> There was no motorcade back there .
(trg)="13"> 車後並沒有車隊跟隨 。

(src)="14"> ( Laughter ) You 've heard of phantom limb pain ?
(trg)="14"> 我想大家都聽過 「 鬼腳痛 」 吧 ? ( 笑聲 )

(src)="15"> ( Laughter ) This was a rented Ford Taurus .
(trg)="15"> 那是一部租來的福特金牛座汽車 。 正值晚餐時刻 ,

(src)="16"> ( Laughter ) It was dinnertime , and we started looking for a place to eat .
(trg)="16"> 我們也開始尋找用餐的地方 。

(src)="17"> We were on I-40 .
(trg)="17"> 我們在 I-40 公路上 。 從 238 號出口交流道 , 下到田納西州黎巴嫩市 。

(src)="19"> We got off the exit , we found a Shoney 's restaurant .
(trg)="18"> 我們下了交流道後就開始找餐廳 — 我們發現了一家 Shoney ' s餐館 。

(src)="20"> Low-cost family restaurant chain , for those of you who don 't know it .
(trg)="19"> 如果你沒聽過這家餐廳的話 , 這是一家廉價家庭連鎖式餐廳 。

(src)="21"> We went in and sat down at the booth , and the waitress came over , made a big commotion over Tipper .
(trg)="20"> 我們進去坐下 , 女服務員也走了過來 , 對著蒂佩爾恭維聊天了好一會兒 。 ( 笑聲 )

(src)="22"> ( Laughter ) She took our order , and then went to the couple in the booth next to us , and she lowered her voice so much , I had to really strain to hear what she was saying .
(trg)="21"> 她幫我們點了菜 , 然後就走去了我們座位旁邊的一對夫妻那兒 , 她大大地降低了她的音量 , 我必須很努力才能聽到她在說些什麼 。

(src)="23"> And she said " Yes , that 's former Vice President Al Gore and his wife , Tipper . "
(trg)="22"> 她說 : 是 , 那是前副總統艾爾 • 高爾和他的夫人蒂佩爾 。

(src)="24"> And the man said , " He 's come down a long way , hasn 't he ? "
(trg)="23"> 那位男士跟着說 , 「 他真是一落千丈啊 , 難道不是嗎 ? 」 ( 笑聲 )

(src)="25"> ( Laughter ) ( Applause ) There 's been kind of a series of epiphanies .
(trg)="24"> 這有點兒像是一連串的明證 。

(src)="26"> ( Laughter ) The very next day , continuing the totally true story , I got on a G-V to fly to Africa to make a speech in Nigeria , in the city of Lagos , on the topic of energy .
(trg)="25"> 第二天 , 繼續一個完全真實的故事 , 我搭乘 G-5 飛到非洲奈及利亞的 拉哥斯市去做一個關於能源的演說 。

(src)="27"> And I began the speech by telling them the story of what had just happened the day before in Nashville .
(trg)="26"> 我用前一天剛剛在那什維爾所發生的故事 來作為我演講的開場 。

(src)="28"> And I told it pretty much the same way I 've just shared it with you : Tipper and I were driving ourselves , Shoney 's , low-cost family restaurant chain , what the man said -- they laughed .
(trg)="27"> 我就以如同我剛剛才跟你們說過一樣的方式講了這個故事 。 蒂佩爾和我自己駕駛 , Shoney ' s , 低價家庭連鎖式餐館 , 那位男士所說的話 — 他們都笑了 。

(src)="29"> I gave my speech , then went back out to the airport to fly back home .
(trg)="28"> 演講完後 , 我去機場準備搭機回家 。

(src)="30"> I fell asleep on the plane until , during the middle of the night , we landed on the Azores Islands for refueling .
(trg)="29"> 我在飛機上一直睡到半夜 , 我們在亞速爾群島落地加油 。

(src)="31"> I woke up , they opened the door , I went out to get some fresh air , and I looked , and there was a man running across the runway .
(trg)="30"> 我醒了 , 他們打開了門 , 我出去呼吸一下新鮮空氣 , 然後我看見一個人越過跑道跑過來 。

(src)="32.1"> And he was waving a piece of paper , and he was yelling , " Call Washington !
(src)="32.2"> Call Washington ! "
(trg)="31"> 他揮舞着一張紙 , 並且叫喊着 , 「 打電話到華盛頓 ! 打電話到華盛頓 ! 」

(src)="33"> And I thought to myself , in the middle of the night , in the middle of the Atlantic , what in the world could be wrong in Washington ?
(trg)="32"> 我在想 , 在這半夜裡 , 在大西洋中間 , 到底華盛頓會出什麼事 ? 然後我想起了華盛頓有很多事可能出問題 。

(src)="34"> Then I remembered it could be a bunch of things .
(trg)="33"> ( 笑聲 )

(src)="35"> ( Laughter ) But what it turned out to be , was that my staff was extremely upset because one of the wire services in Nigeria had already written a story about my speech , and it had already been printed in cities all across the United States of America .
(trg)="34"> 結果原來是我的職員很不高興 , 因為 奈及利亞的其中一個通訊社已經寫了一篇關於我演講的報導 。 並且它在全美各大城市都已經刊登了

(src)="36"> It was printed in Monterey , I checked .
(trg)="35"> — 我查出來是在蒙特利所印的 。 報導的起頭是這樣 ,

(src)="37.1"> ( Laughter ) And the story began , " Former Vice President Al Gore announced in Nigeria yesterday , " quote : ' My wife Tipper and I have opened a low-cost family restaurant ' " -- ( Laughter ) " ' named Shoney 's , and we are running it ourselves . ' "
(src)="37.2"> ( Laughter ) Before I could get back to U.S. soil , David Letterman and Jay Leno had already started in on -- one of them had me in a big white chef 's hat , Tipper was saying , " One more burger with fries ! "
(trg)="36"> 「 前副總統艾爾 • 高爾昨日在奈及利亞宣布 , 我夫人蒂佩爾和我開設了一家廉價家庭連鎖式餐館 , 名為 Shoney ' s 餐館是由我們自己親手經營 。 」 ( 笑聲 ) 在我還沒有回到美國前 , 大衛 • 萊特曼和杰伊 • 萊諾已經開始拿我開玩笑了 -- 他們中的一個有我戴上大白色廚師帽子 , 蒂佩爾說 , " 再來一個漢堡配炸薯條 ! "

(src)="38"> ( Laughter ) Three days later , I got a nice , long , handwritten letter from my friend and partner and colleague Bill Clinton , saying , " Congratulations on the new restaurant , Al ! "
(trg)="37"> 三日后 , 我收到一封我朋友兼伙伴兼同事的手寫信件 , 比爾 ・ 克林頓說 , " 艾爾 , 祝賀你的新餐館開張 ! "

(src)="39"> ( Laughter ) We like to celebrate each other 's successes in life .
(trg)="38"> ( 笑聲 ) 我們倆都喜歡互相恭賀對方的成就 。

(src)="40"> ( Laughter ) I was going to talk about information ecology .
(trg)="39"> 我原本應談論一下信息生態的 。

(src)="41"> But I was thinking that , since I plan to make a lifelong habit of coming back to TED , that maybe I could talk about that another time .
(trg)="40"> 但因我計劃終身回來TED , 那我可能下次再談吧 。 ( 掌聲 )

(src)="42"> ( Applause ) Chris Anderson : It 's a deal !
(trg)="41"> 克里斯 ・ 安徒生 : 一言為定 !

(src)="43"> ( Applause ) Al Gore : I want to focus on what many of you have said you would like me to elaborate on : What can you do about the climate crisis ?
(trg)="42"> 艾爾 • 戈爾 : 我想要集中講一些你們希望我詳盡闡述的題目 。 你對氣候危機能做些什麼 ? 我想要以這開始 –

(src)="44"> I want to start with a couple of -- I 'm going to show some new images , and I 'm going to recapitulate just four or five .
(trg)="43"> 我想給你們看一些新的圖象 , 我會概述其中四或五張 。

(src)="45"> Now , the slide show .
(trg)="44"> 現在 , 幻燈片放映 。 我每次演講前都更新我的幻燈片材料 。

(src)="47"> I add new images , because I learn more about it every time I give it .
(trg)="45"> 我增加了新的圖象是因為我每次用它我都學到更多的東西 。

(src)="48"> It 's like beach-combing , you know ?
(trg)="46"> 你知道嗎 , 這就像梳海灘一樣 。 在浪潮一進一退時 ,

(src)="49"> Every time the tide comes in and out , you find some more shells .
(trg)="47"> 你找到更多的貝殼 。

(src)="50"> Just in the last two days , we got the new temperature records in January .
(trg)="48"> 在剛過去的兩天 , 我們得到一月份新的溫度紀錄 。

(src)="51"> This is just for the United States of America .
(trg)="49"> 這只是美國的數字 。 歷年來一月份的平均溫度為

(src)="52"> Historical average for Januarys is 31 degrees ; last month was 39.5 degrees .
(trg)="50"> 31 度 。 上個月是 39.5 度 。

(src)="53"> Now , I know that you wanted some more bad news about the environment -- I 'm kidding .
(trg)="51"> 現在 , 我知道你們想聽更多關於環境的壞消息 。 -- 我只是說笑 -- 但是這些是概括的幻燈片

(src)="54"> But these are the recapitulation slides , and then I 'm going to go into new material about what you can do .
(trg)="52"> 然後我會談一下新的材料 , 是關於個人能做些什麼 。

(src)="55"> But I wanted to elaborate on a couple of these .
(trg)="53"> 但我想先詳盡闡述幾點 。

(src)="56"> First of all , this is where we 're projected to go with the U.S. contribution to global warming , under business as usual .
(trg)="54"> 首先 , 這是我們估計美國對全球性變暖的貢獻 , 在一切正常之下 。 最終使用的電和所有能量的效率

(src)="57"> Efficiency in end-use electricity and end-use of all energy is the low-hanging fruit .
(trg)="55"> 是低垂懸的果子 , 很容易就達到 。 效率和保護 :

(src)="58"> Efficiency and conservation -- it 's not a cost ; it 's a profit .
(trg)="56"> 不是成本 , 是盈利 。 標志是錯誤的 。

(src)="60"> It 's not negative ; it 's positive .
(trg)="57"> 不是負數 , 是正數 。 這些是能支付自己的投資 。

(src)="62"> But they are also very effective in deflecting our path .
(trg)="58"> 但是他們也是非常有效地偏轉我們的前路 。

(src)="63"> Cars and trucks -- I talked about that in the slideshow , but I want you to put it in perspective .
(trg)="59"> 汽車和卡車 -- 我在這裡談了一點 , 但是我想進一步解釋一下 。

(src)="64"> It 's an easy , visible target of concern -- and it should be -- but there is more global warming pollution that comes from buildings than from cars and trucks .
(trg)="60"> 本來就是一個容易而可見的目標 , 是應該那樣的 , 但是來自高樓大廈的全球性變暖污染比 從汽車和卡車產生更多 。

(src)="65"> Cars and trucks are very significant , and we have the lowest standards in the world .
(trg)="61"> 汽車和卡車是非常重要的 , 但是我們在世界上算是有最低的標準 ,

(src)="66.1"> And so we should address that .
(src)="66.2"> But it 's part of the puzzle .
(trg)="62"> 因此我們應該特別對此注意 。 但是這是問題的一部分 。

(src)="67"> Other transportation efficiency is as important as cars and trucks .
(trg)="63"> 其他運輸效率跟汽車和卡車是一樣重要的 !

(src)="68"> Renewables at the current levels of technological efficiency can make this much difference .
(trg)="64"> 可再生能源的當前技術效率 可以產生這些變化 , 與維諾德 , 約翰 • 多爾和其他人 ,

(src)="69"> And with what Vinod , and John Doerr and others , many of you here -- there are a lot of people directly involved in this -- this wedge is going to grow much more rapidly than the current projection shows it .
(trg)="65"> 包括你們在內 -- 直接參與的人們 -- 這一塊會比當前預報的更加迅速地增長 。

(src)="70"> Carbon Capture and Sequestration -- that 's what CCS stands for -- is likely to become the killer app that will enable us to continue to use fossil fuels in a way that is safe .
(trg)="66"> 碳封存 -- 縮略詞就是CCS -- 可能成為最有效 可使我們繼續安全地使用礦物燃料的應用系統 。

(src)="71"> Not quite there yet .
(trg)="67"> 但是我們還沒達到那裡 。

(src)="72.1"> OK .
(src)="72.2"> Now , what can you do ?
(trg)="68"> 好了 。 現在 , 你能做些什麼 ? 從你的家裡減排

(src)="74"> Most of these expenditures are also profitable .
(trg)="69"> 這些開支也是有利的 。

(src)="75"> Insulation , better design .
(trg)="70"> 絕緣材料 , 更好的設計 , 應盡可使用綠色電 。

(src)="77"> I mentioned automobiles -- buy a hybrid .
(trg)="71"> 我以前提及過汽車 -- 買混合動力汽車 。 使用輕鐵 。

(src)="79"> Figure out some of the other options that are much better .
(trg)="72"> 找其他更好的選擇 。 這是很重要的 。

(src)="81"> Be a green consumer .
(trg)="73"> 成為一個綠色消費者 。 你有權去選擇你買的一切 ,

(src)="82"> You have choices with everything you buy , between things that have a harsh effect , or a much less harsh effect on the global climate crisis .
(trg)="74"> 在有苛刻的作用或對 全球性氣候危機的較不苛刻的作用來選擇 。

(src)="83"> Consider this : Make a decision to live a carbon-neutral life .
(trg)="75"> 考慮一下吧 。 決定去過一個碳中立的生活 。

(src)="84"> Those of you who are good at branding , I 'd love to get your advice and help on how to say this in a way that connects with the most people .
(trg)="76"> 你們那些擅長品牌的人 , 我想征求你們的意見和幫助 有關怎樣去說服更多人的方法 。

(src)="85"> It is easier than you think .
(trg)="77"> 實際上這比你想象的更容易 。 是真的 。

(src)="87"> A lot of us in here have made that decision , and it is really pretty easy .
(trg)="78"> 我們這裡很多人都做出了那個決定 , 並且是一個相當容易的決定 。

(src)="88"> It means reduce your carbon dioxide emissions with the full range of choices that you make , and then purchase or acquire offsets for the remainder that you have not completely reduced .
(trg)="79"> 從個人選擇方面來減少二氧化碳排出 , 然後購買或者獲取能 完全地抵消剩下的 。 它的意思在climatecrisis.net有詳盡闡述 。

(src)="90"> There is a carbon calculator .
(trg)="80"> 那裡有碳計算器 。 Participant Productions已經聚集了 ,

(src)="91"> Participant Productions convened -- with my active involvement -- the leading software writers in the world , on this arcane science of carbon calculation , to construct a consumer-friendly carbon calculator .
(trg)="81"> 與我的活躍介入 , 世界的主導軟件作家 在碳演算這神秘科學修建一個 消費者友好的碳計算器 。

(src)="92"> You can very precisely calculate what your CO2 emissions are , and then you will be given options to reduce .
(trg)="82"> 你能非常精確地計算什麼你的二氧化碳排放 , 然后將給你減少排放的選擇 。

(src)="93"> And by the time the movie comes out in May , this will be updated to 2.0 , and we will have click-through purchases of offsets .
(trg)="83"> 並且 , 當電影在 5 月出來的時候 , 這將被更新到 2.0 , 並且我們將有按點購買抵消產品 。

(src)="94"> Next , consider making your business carbon-neutral .
(trg)="84"> 其次 , 考慮把你的企業變成碳中性 。 再次 , 我們一部份人已經做到了

(src)="95"> Again , some of us have done that , and it 's not as hard as you think .
(trg)="85"> 這並不是你想象的那麼困難 。 把你創新的發明與解決氣候問題合並起來 ,

(src)="96"> Integrate climate solutions into all of your innovations , whether you are from the technology , or entertainment , or design and architecture community .
(trg)="86"> 不論你在技術 , 或娛樂 , 或設計和建築行業 。

(src)="97"> Invest sustainably .
(trg)="87"> 可持續地去投資 。 Majora提及了此 。

(src)="99"> Listen , if you have invested money with managers who you compensate on the basis of their annual performance , don 't ever again complain about quarterly report CEO management .
(trg)="88"> 聽着 , 如果你的投資報償是 根據他們的每年表現來計算的 , CEO首席執行官與管理層再不要抱怨季度報告了 。

(src)="100"> Over time , people do what you pay them to do .
(trg)="89"> 隨着時間 , 人們做你支付他們的去做事 。 如果他們的

(src)="101"> And if they judge how much they 're going to get paid on your capital that they 've invested , based on the short-term returns , you 're going to get short-term decisions .
(trg)="90"> 報酬是根據用你的資本來做 短期回歸投資的話 , 你就會得到短期決定 。

(src)="102"> A lot more to be said about that .
(trg)="91"> 此話有多說法 。

(src)="103"> Become a catalyst of change .
(trg)="92"> 成為一個變革的催化劑 。 教育其他人 , 學習更多 , 多討論 。

(src)="105"> The movie is a movie version of the slideshow I gave two nights ago , except it 's a lot more entertaining .
(trg)="93"> 電影出來了 -- 電影是我前兩天晚上給大家看過的幻燈片 的電影版本 , 但電影版本就更有娛樂性了 。 電影版會在五月出來 。

(src)="107"> Many of you here have the opportunity to ensure that a lot of people see it .
(trg)="94"> 在座的每位有這個機會去說服更多人來看它 。

(src)="108"> Consider sending somebody to Nashville .
(trg)="95"> 考慮派人到納稀威 。 選擇好 。

(src)="110"> And I am personally going to train people to give this slideshow -- re-purposed , with some of the personal stories obviously replaced with a generic approach , and it 's not just the slides , it 's what they mean .
(trg)="96"> 我會親自訓練他們去給這個幻燈片的 , 再改一些 , 用一些普通的方法來替換某些個人故事 , 和 -- 這不僅是幻燈片 , 並且他們意味著什麼 。 他們是怎麼連接起來的 。

(src)="112"> And so I 'm going to be conducting a course this summer for a group of people that are nominated by different folks to come and then give it en masse , in communities all across the country , and we 're going to update the slideshow for all of them every single week , to keep it right on the cutting edge .
(trg)="97"> 我今年夏天會舉辦一個培訓班 給一群各方提名來的學員 , 然后把這個幻燈片 , 集體地 , 在全國各地的社區廣播 並且我們每一個星期會去更新所有的材料 來保持它的尖端性 。

(src)="113"> Working with Larry Lessig , it will be , somewhere in that process , posted with tools and limited-use copyrights , so that young people can remix it and do it in their own way .
(trg)="98"> 與拉里 • 萊西希一起合作 , 那個過程中將是 , 張貼有限使用版權的工具 , 因此青年人能用他們自己的方式去再混合使用它 。

(src)="114"> ( Applause ) Where did anybody get the idea that you ought to stay arm 's length from politics ?
(trg)="99"> ( 掌聲 ) 誰說你應該跟政治保持一定的距離 ? 如果你是共和黨人這並不是說我想說服你成為

(src)="116"> We need Republicans as well .
(trg)="100"> 民主黨 。 我們也需要共和黨人 。 這曾經是一個兩黨問題 ,