# en/ted2020-10.xml.gz
# zh/ted2020-10.xml.gz

(src)="1"> With all the legitimate concerns about AIDS and avian flu -- and we 'll hear about that from the brilliant Dr. Brilliant later today -- I want to talk about the other pandemic , which is cardiovascular disease , diabetes , hypertension -- all of which are completely preventable for at least 95 percent of people just by changing diet and lifestyle .
(trg)="1"> 所有對於愛滋病同禽流感嘅擔心 都係好合理嘅 而我哋稍後亦會從 Brilliant 醫生 聽到有關嘅嘢 不過 , 而家我想講嘅係另一啲流行病 就係心血管疾病 、 糖尿病同高血壓 而且對於 95 % 以上嘅患者嚟講 只要改變飲食習慣同生活作息 呢啲病完全係可以預防嘅

(src)="2.1"> And what 's happening is that there 's a globalization of illness occurring , that people are starting to eat like us , and live like us , and die like us .
(src)="2.2"> And in one generation , for example , Asia 's gone from having one of the lowest rates of heart disease and obesity and diabetes to one of the highest .
(src)="2.3"> And in Africa , cardiovascular disease equals the HIV and AIDS deaths in most countries .
(trg)="2"> 但現正發生嘅事就係慢性病開始全球化 其他國家嘅人嘅飲食同生活方式 甚至死亡方式 都開始同我哋相似 例如短短一代人嘅時間 亞洲已經由其中一個心臟病 、 肥胖 同糖尿病發病率極低嘅地區 變成發病率極高嘅地區 喺非洲 , 患心血管疾病嘅人數 等同於喺大多數國家 死於愛滋病嘅人數

(src)="3"> So there 's a critical window of opportunity we have to make an important difference that can affect the lives of literally millions of people , and practice preventive medicine on a global scale .
(trg)="3"> 所以呢個係一個關鍵時刻 我哋必須做一個重要嘅改變 去影響幾百萬人嘅生命 同埋喺全球實施預防性醫學

(src)="4"> Heart and blood vessel diseases still kill more people -- not only in this country , but also worldwide -- than everything else combined , and yet it 's completely preventable for almost everybody .
(trg)="4"> 心血管疾病導致嘅死亡人數 比其他疾病加起嚟仲要高 呢樣嘢唔單止喺我哋嘅國家 全世界亦一樣 不過對絕大多數人嚟講

(src)="5.1"> It 's not only preventable ; it 's actually reversible .
(src)="5.2"> And for the last almost 29 years , we 've been able to show that by simply changing diet and lifestyle , using these very high-tech , expensive , state-of-the-art measures to prove how powerful these very simple and low-tech and low-cost interventions can be like -- quantitative arteriography , before and after a year , and cardiac PET scans .
(trg)="5"> 心血管疾病係完全可以避免嘅 甚至可以醫好 喺過去接近二十九年 我哋以一啲高科技 、 昂貴 先進嘅方法證明咗 透過改變飲食同生活作息 呢啲非常簡單 、 原始 、 低成本嘅 治療方法有幾大嘅威力 例如對比一年前同一年後嘅 定量動脈造影術 同埋心臟正子掃描

(src)="6"> We showed a few months ago -- we published the first study showing you can actually stop or reverse the progression of prostate cancer by making changes in diet and lifestyle , and 70 percent regression in the tumor growth , or inhibition of the tumor growth , compared to only nine percent in the control group .
(trg)="6"> 幾個月前 , 我們發表第一份研究 指出只需透過改變飲食同生活習慣 你就能夠停止或者逆轉前列腺癌擴散 令到 70 % 嘅癌細胞縮小 或者停止生長 相對之下 , 對照組只有 9 %

(src)="7"> And in the MRI and MR spectroscopy here , the prostate tumor activity is shown in red -- you can see it diminishing after a year .
(trg)="7"> 喺呢啲磁力共振造影同埋光譜分析裏邊 紅色係前列腺癌細胞活動 可以見到佢喺一年後減少咗

(src)="8.1"> Now there is an epidemic of obesity : two-thirds of adults and 15 percent of kids .
(src)="8.2"> What 's really concerning to me is that diabetes has increased 70 percent in the past 10 years , and this may be the first generation in which our kids live a shorter life span than we do .
(src)="8.3"> That 's pitiful , and it 's preventable .
(trg)="8"> 現時癡肥非常流行 影響到三份之二嘅成人同 15 % 嘅兒童 特別令我擔心嘅係 過往十年糖尿病人數已經上升咗 70 % 我哋可能係第一個代人 見到細路短命過我哋 咁係好可悲 而且呢個情況其實係可以避免

(src)="9.1"> Now these are not election returns , these are the people -- the number of the people who are obese by state , beginning in ' 85 , ' 86 , ' 87 -- these are from the CDC website -- ' 88 , ' 89 , ' 90 , ' 91 -- you get a new category -- ' 92 , ' 93 , ' 94 , ' 95 , ' 96 , ' 97 , ' 98 , ' 99 , 2000 , 2001 -- it gets worse .
(src)="9.2"> We 're kind of devolving .
(src)="9.3"> ( Laughter ) Now what can we do about this ?
(src)="9.4"> Well , you know , the diet that we 've found that can reverse heart disease and cancer is an Asian diet .
(trg)="9"> 呢啲並唔係選舉結果 而係各州肥胖人口統計 由 85 、 86 、 87 年起計 呢啲資料取自美國疾病管制 暨預防中心網站 — — 88 、 89 、 90 、 91 年 一個新嘅分類 — — 92 、 93 、 94 、 95 、 96 年 97 、 98 、 99 、 2000 、 2001 — — 越嚟越差 我哋一直喺度退化 ( 笑聲 ) 而家我哋可以為到呢樣做啲乜呢 ? 我哋發現亞洲嘅飲食習慣 可以預防心臟病同癌症

(src)="10"> But the people in Asia are starting to eat like we are , which is why they 're starting to get sick like we are .
(trg)="10"> 但亞洲人都開始食得好似我哋咁 因此佢哋都開始病到好似我哋咁

(src)="11.1"> So I 've been working with a lot of the big food companies .
(src)="11.2"> They can make it fun and sexy and hip and crunchy and convenient to eat healthier foods , like -- I chair the advisory boards to McDonald 's , and PepsiCo , and ConAgra , and Safeway , and soon Del Monte , and they 're finding that it 's good business .
(trg)="11"> 我一直有同好多大型飲食公司合作 佢哋可以令食用健康食品變得 樂趣 、 吸引 、 流行 、 有口感又方便 例如 , 我擔任麥當勞 、 百事可樂 康尼格拉食品 、 Safeway 嘅 諮詢董事會嘅主席 嚟緊仲會做埋台爾蒙食品 諮詢董事會主席 佢哋發現健康食品市場充滿商機

(src)="12.1"> The salads that you see at McDonald 's came from the work -- they 're going to have an Asian salad .
(src)="12.2"> At Pepsi , two-thirds of their revenue growth came from their better foods .
(trg)="12"> 你喺麥當勞見到嘅沙律 就係我哋嘅成果 佢哋將會有亞洲款式嘅沙律 喺百事可樂公司 三分二嘅營業增長 嚟自佢哋改良咗嘅食品

(src)="13.1"> And so if we can do that , then we can free up resources for buying drugs that you really do need for treating AIDS and HIV and malaria and for preventing avian flu .
(src)="13.2"> Thank you .
(trg)="13"> 所以如果我哋可以咁做 我哋就可以慳返好多資源 去買我哋真正需要嘅藥物 去治療愛滋病 、 瘧疾 , 或者禽流感 多謝各位 !

# en/ted2020-10376.xml.gz
# zh/ted2020-10376.xml.gz

(src)="1"> On a warm August morning in Harare , Farai , a 24-year-old mother of two , walks towards a park bench .
(trg)="1"> 喺八月嘅一個上晝 喺津巴布韋首都哈拉雷 有個叫法拉嘅女人 佢廿四歲 , 有兩個仔女 行去公園嘅一張長櫈度

(src)="2"> She looks miserable and dejected .
(trg)="2"> 佢望落去好鬱悶 、 好沮喪

(src)="3"> Now , on the park bench sits an 82-year-old woman , better known to the community as Grandmother Jack .
(trg)="3"> 嗰張公園長凳已經 有個八十二歲嘅婆婆坐喺度 人人都叫佢做 Jack 婆婆

(src)="4"> Farai hands Grandmother Jack an envelope from the clinic nurse .
(trg)="4"> 法拉遞畀 Jack 婆婆 一封診所護士畀佢嘅介紹信

(src)="5"> Grandmother Jack invites Farai to sit down as she opens the envelope and reads .
(trg)="5"> Jack 婆婆請佢坐低 然後打開個信封讀

(src)="6"> There 's silence for three minutes or so as she reads .
(trg)="6"> 婆婆睇信嘅三分鐘裡邊 , 冇人講嘢

(src)="7"> And after a long pause , Grandmother Jack takes a deep breath , looks at Farai and says , " I 'm here for you .
(trg)="7"> 隔咗一陣 , Jack婆婆深呼吸 佢望住法拉講 : 「 我係來幫你嘅 ,

(src)="8"> Would you like to share your story with me ? "
(trg)="8"> 你可唔可以講下你嘅事啊 ? 」

(src)="9"> Farai begins , her eyes swelling with tears .
(trg)="9"> 法拉眼濕濕

(src)="10"> She says , " Grandmother Jack , I 'm HIV-positive .
(trg)="10"> 佢話 : 「 Jack 婆婆啊 , 我有愛滋病已經四年 。

(src)="12"> My husband left me a year ago .
(trg)="11"> 老公一年前走咗佬 。

(src)="13"> I have two kids under the age of five .
(trg)="12"> 我有兩個仔女 , 佢哋都未到五歲 。

(src)="14"> I 'm unemployed .
(trg)="13"> 我失業 ,

(src)="15"> I can hardly take care of my children . "
(trg)="14"> 我根本照顧唔嚟我啲仔女 。 」

(src)="16"> Tears are now flowing down her face .
(trg)="15"> 佢淚流滿面

(src)="17"> And in response , Grandmother Jack moves closer , puts her hand on Farai , and says , " Farai , it 's OK to cry .
(trg)="16"> 見到咁 , Jack 婆婆坐埋過去 輕輕攬住法拉 話 : 「 法拉 , 你可以喊㗎 。

(src)="18"> You 've been through a lot .
(trg)="17"> 你經歷咗好多事 ,

(src)="19"> Would you like to share more with me ? "
(trg)="18"> 可唔可以再講多啲畀我聽 ? 」

(src)="20"> And Farai continues .
(trg)="19"> 法拉繼續講 :

(src)="21"> " In the last three weeks , I have had recurrent thoughts of killing myself , taking my two children with me .
(trg)="20"> 「 喺過去嘅三個禮拜 , 我成日喺度諗自殺 , 仲想帶埋啲仔女走 。

(src)="22"> I can 't take it anymore .
(trg)="21"> 我頂唔順喇 ,

(src)="23"> The clinic nurse sent me to see you . "
(trg)="22"> 所以護士叫我嚟揾你 。 」

(src)="24"> There 's an exchange between the two , which lasts about 30 minutes .
(trg)="23"> 佢哋兩個傾咗大概半個鐘

(src)="25"> And finally , Grandmother Jack says , " Farai , it seems to me that you have all the symptoms of kufungisisa . "
(trg)="24"> 最尾 , Jack 婆婆話 : 「 法拉 , 睇嚟 『 Kufungisisa 』 嘅病徵你都有曬 。 」

(src)="26"> The word " kufungisisa " opens up a floodgate of tears .
(trg)="25"> 聽到呢個字 , 法拉又即刻喊番

(src)="27"> So , kufungisisa is the local equivalent of depression in my country .
(trg)="26"> 「 Kufungisisa 」 係當地話 「 抑鬱症 」 嘅意思

(src)="28"> It literally means " thinking too much . "
(trg)="27"> 直譯就係 「 諗太多 」

(src)="29"> The World Health Organization estimates that more than 300 million people globally , today , suffer from depression , or what in my country we call kufungisisa .
(trg)="28"> 世界衛生組織統計 依家全世界有多過三億人有抑鬱症 即係我個國家叫嘅 「 Kufungisisa 」

(src)="30"> And the World Health Organization also tells us that every 40 seconds , someone somewhere in the world commits suicide because they are unhappy , largely due to depression or kufungisisa .
(trg)="29"> 世界衛生組織又話 全世界每四十秒 就有一個人因為 抑鬱症 , 或者 「 Kufungisisa 」 而自殺

(src)="31"> And most of these deaths are occurring in low- and middle-income countries .
(trg)="30"> 呢啲自殺個案 多數出現喺中 、 低收入國家

(src)="32"> In fact , the World Health Organization goes as far as to say that when you look at the age group between 15 to 29 , a leading cause of death now is actually suicide .
(trg)="31"> 事實上 世界衛生組織仲話 十五到二十九歲嘅年齡層 佢哋主要嘅死因係自殺

(src)="33"> But there are wider events that lead to depression and in some cases , suicide , such as abuse , conflict , violence , isolation , loneliness -- the list is endless .
(trg)="32"> 但係 , 導致抑鬱症 甚至自殺嘅原因有好多 例如虐待 衝突 、 暴力 隔離 、 孤獨等等

(src)="34"> But one thing that we do know is that depression can be treated and suicides averted .
(trg)="33"> 不過 , 我哋知道 抑鬱症有得醫 , 自殺可以避免

(src)="35"> But the problem is we just don 't have enough psychiatrists or psychologists in the world to do the job .
(trg)="34"> 問題係 全世界冇咁多 精神科醫生或者心理學家 來睇所有嘅病人

(src)="36"> In most low- and middle-income countries , for instance , the ratio of psychiatrists to the population is something like one for every one and a half million people , which literally means that 90 percent of the people needing mental health services will not get it .
(trg)="35"> 譬如 , 喺中 、 低收入國家 精神科醫生對人口嘅比例 大概係一對一百五十萬 即係話 , 九成需要心理服務嘅人 都得唔到幫助

(src)="37"> In my country , there are 12 psychiatrists , and I 'm one of them , for a population of approximately 14 million .
(trg)="36"> 我哋成個國家 只有十二個精神科醫生 而我係其中嘅一個 我哋國家人口有一千四百萬

(src)="38"> Now , let me just put that into context .
(trg)="37"> 我再畀多啲實際故事

(src)="39"> One evening while I was at home , I get a call from the ER , or the emergency room , from a city which is some 200 kilometers away from where I live .
(trg)="38"> 有一晚 , 我喺屋企 收到 ER 打嚟嘅電話 ER 即係急症室 間急症室喺離我 兩百公里嘅一個城市度

(src)="40"> And the ER doctor says , " One of your patients , someone you treated four months ago , has just taken an overdose , and they are in the ER department .
(trg)="39"> 個主診醫生話 : 「 你有個病人 , 你四個月前醫過佢 。 佢啱啱用藥過量 , 依家入咗急症室 。

(src)="41"> Hemodynamically , they seem to be OK , but they will need neuropsychiatric evaluation . "
(trg)="40"> 佢嘅血液動力正常 , 不過需要神經心理科嘅檢查 。 」

(src)="42"> Now , I obviously can 't get into my car in the middle of the night and drive 200 kilometers .
(trg)="41"> 當然 , 我無可能半夜揸車 揸兩百公里去嗰度

(src)="43"> So as best as we could , over the phone with the ER doctor , we come up with an assessment .
(trg)="42"> 所以 , 我哋唯有 喺電話度 諗出對應嘅辦法

(src)="44"> We ensure that suicidal observations are in place .
(trg)="43"> 我要確保有人觀察著病人嘅自殺傾向

(src)="45"> We ensure that we start reviewing the antidepressants that this patient has been taking , and we finally conclude that as soon as Erica -- that was her name , 26-year-old -- as soon as Erica is ready to be released from the ER , she should come directly to me with her mother , and I will evaluate and establish what can be done .
(trg)="44"> 要確保我哋審視返病人 服用抗抑鬱藥嘅劑量 最後得出嘅結論係 Erica — — 呢個係病人嘅名 , 佢廿六歲 喺 Erica 可以出院時 佢同佢媽媽就應該有直接來揾我 然後我就會對佢做檢查同評估 同決定下一步要點做

(src)="46"> And we assumed that that would take about a week .
(trg)="45"> 我哋估計 Erica 大概一個禮拜之後就會來

(src)="47"> A week passes .
(trg)="46"> 過咗一個禮拜

(src)="48"> Three weeks pass .
(trg)="47"> 過咗三個禮拜

(src)="49"> No Erica .
(trg)="48"> 我都冇見到 Erica

(src)="50"> And one day I get a call from Erica 's mother , and she says , " Erica committed suicide three days ago .
(trg)="49"> 有一日 , Erica 媽媽打電話畀我 佢話 : 「 Erica 三日前自殺咗 。

(src)="51"> She hanged herself from the mango tree in the family garden . "
(trg)="50"> 佢喺屋企花園 一樖芒果樹度吊頸 。 」

(src)="52"> Now , almost like a knee-jerk reaction , I couldn 't help but ask , " But why didn 't you come to Harare , where I live ?
(trg)="51"> 我本能反應噉忍唔住問 : 「 噉點解你哋冇嚟哈拉雷揾我 ?

(src)="53"> We had agreed that as soon as you 're released from the ER , you will come to me . "
(trg)="52"> 我哋講好咗 , Erica 一出院 , 你哋就會嚟揾我 。 」

(src)="54"> Her response was brief .
(trg)="53"> 佢解釋得好簡單 :

(src)="55"> " We didn 't have the 15 dollars bus fare to come to Harare . "
(trg)="54"> 「 去哈拉雷嘅車費要十五蚊 , 我哋籌唔到錢 。 」

(src)="56"> Now , suicide is not an unusual event in the world of mental health .
(trg)="55"> 喺精神科裏面 自殺唔算罕見

(src)="57"> But there was something about Erica 's death that struck me at the core of my very being .
(trg)="56"> 但 Erica 嘅死 好震憾我

(src)="58"> That statement from Erica 's mother : " We didn 't have 15 dollars bus fare to come to you , " made me realize that it just wasn 't going to work , me expecting people to come to me .
(trg)="57"> 佢媽媽嗰句 「 我哋籌錢唔到 十五蚊嘅車費嚟揾你 。 」 令我醒覺 等病人嚟揾我 呢個方法行唔通

(src)="59"> And I got into this state of soul-searching , trying to really discover my role as a psychiatrist in Africa .
(trg)="58"> 我開始自我反省 重新諗 我喺非洲做精神科醫生嘅職責

(src)="60"> And after considerable consultation and soul-searching , talking to colleagues , friends and family , it suddenly dawned on me that actually , one the most reliable resources we have in Africa are grandmothers .
(trg)="59"> 經過一番請教同思考 又同同事 、 家人 、 朋友傾過 我突然醒覺 其實非洲最多嘅資源 就喺啲婆婆

(src)="61"> Yes , grandmothers .
(trg)="60"> 無錯 , 係婆婆

(src)="62"> And I thought , grandmothers are in every community .
(trg)="61"> 我喺度諗 每個社區都有好多婆婆

(src)="63"> There are hundreds of them .
(trg)="62"> 有成幾百個

(src)="64"> And -- ( Laughter ) And they don 't leave their communities in search of greener pastures .
(trg)="63"> 仲有 ( 笑聲 ) 佢哋唔會離職 , 唔會換工走人

(src)="65"> ( Laughter ) See , the only time they leave is when they go to a greener pasture called heaven .
(trg)="64"> ( 笑聲 ) 佢哋唯一走佬會去嘅地方 就係天堂

(src)="66"> ( Laughter ) So I thought , how about training grandmothers in evidence-based talk therapy , which they can deliver on a bench ?
(trg)="65"> ( 笑聲 ) 所以我諗 , 不如訓練呢啲婆婆 教佢哋循證談話療法 等佢哋可以坐喺公園長櫈度幫人

(src)="67"> Empower them with the skills to listen , to show empathy , all of that rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy ; empower them with the skills to provide behavior activation , activity scheduling ; and support them using digital technology .
(trg)="66"> 根據認知行為療法 教佢哋聆聽嘅技巧 教佢哋表達同情心 教佢哋技巧來引導病人做正確行為 安排病人嘅活動 同埋教佢哋學識用數碼科技

(src)="68"> You know , mobile phone technology .
(trg)="67"> 譬如 ︰ 手機

(src)="69"> Pretty much everyone in Africa has a mobile phone today .
(trg)="68"> 依家 , 喺非洲人人都有手機

(src)="70"> So in 2006 , I started my first group of grandmothers .
(trg)="69"> 喺 2006 年 我組織到 第一班婆婆

(src)="71"> ( Applause ) Thank you .
(trg)="70"> ( 掌聲 ) 多謝

(src)="72"> ( Applause ) Today , there are hundreds of grandmothers who are working in more than 70 communities .
(trg)="71"> ( 掌聲 ) 今日 , 我哋有幾百個婆婆 分散喺七十幾個社區度做嘢

(src)="73"> And in the last year alone , more than 30,000 people received treatment on the Friendship Bench from a grandmother in a community in Zimbabwe .
(trg)="72"> 單單係舊年 已經有三萬以上嘅津巴布韋人 喺社區嘅 「 友誼長櫈 」 計劃度 接受咗一個婆婆嘅治療

(src)="74"> ( Applause ) And recently , we published this work that is done by these grandmothers in the Journal of the American Medical Association .
(trg)="73"> ( 掌聲 ) 最近 , 我哋喺 美國醫學研究協會嘅雜誌 發表文章講述呢啲計劃同婆婆嘅工作

(src)="75"> And -- ( Applause ) And our results show that six months after receiving treatment from a grandmother , people were still symptom-free : no depression , suicidal ideation completely reduced .
(trg)="74"> 仲有 ( 掌聲 ) 我哋嘅研究結果顯示 接受過婆婆治療嘅病人 喺六個月後 依然無復發嘅徵像 無抑鬱 少咗好多自殺嘅傾向

(src)="76"> In fact , our results -- this was a clinical trial -- in fact , this clinical trial showed that grandmothers were more effective at treating depression than doctors and -- ( Laughter ) ( Applause ) And so , we 're now working towards expanding this program .
(trg)="75"> 我哋嘅研究顯示 — — 呢個係臨床試驗 臨床試驗結果顯示 婆婆醫抑鬱症仲有效過醫生 ( 笑聲 ) ( 掌聲 ) 所以 我哋依家努力擴展呢個計劃

(src)="77"> There are more than 600 million people currently aged above 65 in the world .
(trg)="76"> 依家 , 全球有六億 六十五歲以上嘅人口

(src)="78"> And by the year 2050 , there will be 1.5 billion people aged 65 and above .
(trg)="77"> 到 2050 年 會有十五億 六十五歲以上嘅人口

(src)="79"> Imagine if we could create a global network of grandmothers in every major city in the world , who are trained in evidence-based talk therapy , supported through digital platforms , networked .
(trg)="78"> 想像一下 , 如果我哋能夠 喺全世界所有主要城市 建立一個國際婆婆網絡 而啲婆婆又受過 循證談話療法嘅訓練 有電子平台支援佢哋 又有網絡將佢哋聯繫起來

(src)="80"> And they will make a difference in communities .
(trg)="79"> 佢哋會為社區做出好多貢獻

(src)="81"> They will reduce the treatment gap for mental , neurological and substance-use disorders .
(trg)="80"> 佢哋會縮窄當地 心理 、 神經同濫用藥物問題上嘅 醫療供求差距

(src)="82"> Finally , this is a file photograph of Grandmother Jack .
(trg)="81"> 最後 呢張係 Jack 婆婆嘅相

(src)="83"> So , Farai had six sessions on the bench with Grandmother Jack .
(trg)="82"> 法拉喺 「 友誼長櫈 」 同婆婆有六次療程

(src)="84"> Today , Farai is employed .
(trg)="83"> 依家 , 法拉揾到工做

(src)="85"> She has her two children at school .
(trg)="84"> 佢兩個仔女讀緊書

(src)="86"> And as for Grandmother Jack , one morning in February , we expected her to see her 257th client on the bench .
(trg)="85"> 至於 Jack 婆婆 喺二月嘅一個上晝 佢本來會嚟見佢第 257 位病人

(src)="87"> She didn 't show up .
(trg)="86"> 但係佢無出現

(src)="88"> She had gone to a greener pasture called heaven .
(trg)="87"> 佢去咗天堂