# en/ted2020-23973.xml.gz
# tk/ted2020-23973.xml.gz
(src)="1"> Today , more than half of all people in the world live in an urban area .
(trg)="1"> Bugün , adamlaryñ ÿarysyndan köpüsi şäher sebitlerinde ÿaşaÿar .
(src)="2"> By mid-century , this will increase to 70 % .
(trg)="2"> şu asyryñ ortalarynda , bu 70 % köpeler .
(src)="3"> But as recently as 100 years ago , only two out of ten people lived in a city , and before that , it was even less .
(trg)="3"> Ÿöne 100 ÿyl mundan öñem , bary-ÿogy 10-dan 2-si şäherde ÿaşaÿardy ondan öñ bolsa , ondanam azdy .
(src)="4"> How have we reached such a high degree of urbanization , and what does it mean for our future ?
(trg)="4"> Nädip bu derejedäki urbanizasiÿa ÿetipdiris ? we gelejegimiz üçin bu näme añlatÿar ?
(src)="5"> In the earliest days of human history , humans were hunter-gatherers , often moving from place to place in search of food .
(trg)="5"> Adamçylygyñ ilkinji döwürlerinde , adamlar awçy-toplaÿjylardy , iÿmit gözleginde göçüp-gonup ÿörüpdirler .
(src)="6"> But about 10,000 years ago , our ancestors began to learn the secrets of selective breeding and early agricultural techniques .
(trg)="6"> Emma 10 müñ ÿyl mundan öñ ata-babalar haÿwanlary öÿdekileşdirmegiñ we ekerançylygyñ usullaryny öwrenip başlapdyrlar
(src)="7"> For the first time , people could raise food rather than search for it , and this led to the development of semi-permanent villages for the first time in history .
(trg)="7"> Taryhda ilkinji gezek , adamlar iÿmiti gözläp tapman , ösdürip başladylar , bu bolsa öz gezeginde ÿarym-oturumly obalaryñ döremegine getirdi
(src)="8"> " Why only semi-permanent ? " you might ask .
(trg)="8"> " Näme üçin diñe ÿarym-otyrymly ? ” diÿip sorarsyñyz .
(src)="9"> Well , at first , the villages still had to relocate every few years as the soil became depleted .
(trg)="9"> Ilki başda , obalar topragyñ guraklaşmagy sebäpli her birnäçe ÿyldan göçmelidiler
(src)="10"> It was only with the advent of techniques like irrigation and soil tilling about 5,000 years ago that people could rely on a steady and long-term supply of food , making permanent settlements possible .
(trg)="10"> Diñe suwarma we toprak sürme ÿaly usullaryñ özgermegi bilen , takmynan 5 müñ ÿyl mundan öñ , durnukly we uzak möhletleÿin iÿmit üpçünçiligi sebäpli , doly oturumlulyk mümkin boldy .
(src)="11"> And with the food surpluses that these techniques produced , it was no longer necessary for everyone to farm .
(trg)="11"> Täze usullaryñ iÿmiti artdyryp başlamagy sebäpli , herkimiñ ekerançylyk etmek zerurlygy aÿyryldy .
(src)="12"> This allowed the development of other specialized trades , and , by extension , cities .
(trg)="12"> Bu bolsa , ÿöriteleşdirilen söwdanyñ ösmegine yz-ÿanam , şäherleriñ gelip çykmagyna getirdi .
(src)="13"> With cities now producing surplus food , as well as tools , crafts , and other goods , there was now the possibility of commerce and interaction over longer distances .
(trg)="13"> Indi , şäherlerde iÿmitiñ agdyklyk etmegi bilen , şeÿlede gurallaryñ , esbaplaryñ , we başgada harytlaryñ köpelmegi bilen , has uzak aralykdan söwda we ara-gatnaşyga mümkinçilik döredi .
(src)="14"> And as trade flourished , so did technologies that facilitated it , like carts , ships , roads , and ports .
(trg)="14.1"> Söwda ösdügiçe , ony añsatlaşdyryjy tehnologiÿalar hem köpeldi .
(trg)="14.2"> Ÿagny arabalar , gämiler , ÿollar we portlar .
(src)="15"> Of course , these things required even more labor to build and maintain , so more people were drawn from the countryside to the cities as more jobs and opportunities became available .
(trg)="15.1"> Elbetde , bu zatlary dolandyrmak üçin hasda köp iş güjüni talap etdi .
(trg)="15.2"> Bu sebäpli hem obalardan , mümkinçilik we iş ÿer köpelmegi bilen , hasda köp adam şäherlere çekildi .
(src)="16"> If you think modern cities are overcrowded , you may be surprised to learn that some cities in 2000 B.C. had population densities nearly twice as high as that of Shanghai or Calcutta .
(trg)="16"> Siz häzirki şäherler dyknyşyk görseñiz , ( asyrdan öñ ) 2 müñinji ÿyllarda käbir şäherleriñ ilat dyknyşyklygy , Şanhaÿ ÿa Kalkuttañkydan iki essesidigi , geñ galdyrar .
(src)="17"> One reason for this was that transportation was not widely available , so everything had to be within walking distance , including the few sources of clean water that existed then .
(trg)="17.1"> Bunuñ sebäpleriniñ biri hem , transportyñ el-ÿeterli bolmazlygy , Şonuñ üçin hemme zat , pyÿada ÿeterlik aralykda bolmalydy .
(trg)="17.2"> Şol sanda barja arassa suw çeşmeleride .
(src)="18"> And the land area of the city was further restricted by the need for walls to defend against attacks .
(trg)="18"> Üste-üstine şäheriñ gury ÿer meÿdany çozuşlardan goranmak üçin diwarlar bilen çäklendirilendi .
(src)="19"> The Roman Empire was able to develop infrastructure to overcome these limitations , but other than that , modern cities as we know them , didn 't really get their start until the Industrial Revolution , when new technology deployed on a mass scale allowed cities to expand and integrate further , establishing police , fire , and sanitation departments , as well as road networks , and later electricity distribution .
(trg)="19.1"> Rim Imperiÿasy , infrastruktura dikeltmegi bilen , bu kynçylyklary ÿeñip bildiler .
(trg)="19.2"> Emma bundan daşary , bize tanyş şäherler , Senagat Öwrülşigine çenli baş almandylar .
(trg)="19.3"> Täze tehnologiÿalaryñ köpçülikleÿin öndürülmegi , şäherleriñ giñelmegine we hasda birikdirilmegine getirip , polisiÿa , ÿangyn we sanitariÿa gulluklary , köçeleri we soñurrak elektrik tok paÿlaÿjy ulgamlaryny döredilmegini mümkin etdi .
(src)="20"> So , what is the future of cities ?
(trg)="20"> Indi , şäherleriñ gelejegi nähili ?
(src)="21"> Global population is currently more than 7 billion and is predicted to top out around 10 billion .
(trg)="21"> Häzir dünÿäniñ ilaty , 7 milÿarddan gowyrak , we 10 milÿarda ÿetmegi çaklanylÿar .
(src)="22"> Most of this growth will occur in the urban areas of the world 's poorest countries .
(trg)="22"> Bu ösüşiñ köpüsi dünÿäniñ iñ garyp ÿurtalarynyñ şäher zolaklarynda bolar .
(src)="23"> So , how will cities need to change to accommodate this growth ?
(trg)="23"> Bu ösüşleri garşylamak üçin , şäherler nähili özgermeli bolarka ?
(src)="24"> First , the world will need to seek ways to provide adequate food , sanitation , and education for all people .
(trg)="24"> Ilki bilen , dünÿe adamlara ÿeterlik iÿmit , arassaçylyk , we bilim bilen , üpjün etmegi başarmaly .
(src)="25"> Second , growth will need to happen in a way that does not damage the land that provides us with the goods and services that support the human population .
(trg)="25"> Ikinjisi , ösüş , harytlary we hyzmatlary üpjün etÿän , topraga zeper ÿetirmez ÿaly bolup geçmeli .
(src)="26"> Food production might move to vertical farms and skyscrapers , rooftop gardens , or vacant lots in city centers , while power will increasingly come from multiple sources of renewable energy .
(trg)="26"> Belki iÿmit öndürüjiligi , dik ekerançylyga , we belent binalara , üçekdäki melleklere we şäherleriñ boş ÿerlerine geçiriler , elektrik togy bolsa gitdigiçe bir näçe , täzelenip biliji çeşmelerden alynar .
(src)="27"> Instead of single-family homes , more residences will be built vertically .
(trg)="27"> Ÿeke maşgala öÿlere derek , köp öÿler dikligine gurular .
(src)="28"> We may see buildings that contain everything that people need for their daily life , as well as a smaller , self-sufficient cities focused on local and sustainable production .
(trg)="28"> Şeÿlede , adamlaryñ gündeki ihtiÿaçlaryny , hemmesini öz içinde saklaÿan binalar , we kiçiräk , öz-özüni dolandyryjy , ÿerli we durnukly öndürüjilige üns berÿän şäherler .
(src)="29"> The future of cities is diverse , malleable , and creative , no longer built around a single industry , but reflecting an increasingly connected and global world .
(trg)="29"> Şäherleriñ gelejegi her dürli , ynjyk we döredijilik ukyply , öñkiler ÿaly bir senagatyñ esasynda gurulman , oña derek gitdigiçe birikdirilen we global dünÿäñ aÿlasynda gurular .
# en/ted2020-865.xml.gz
# tk/ted2020-865.xml.gz
(src)="1"> I was here four years ago , and I remember , at the time , that the talks weren 't put online .
(trg)="1"> Men bärde 4 ýyl mundan ozal bolupdym we şol wagtlar
(src)="2"> I think they were given to TEDsters in a box , a box set of DVDs , which they put on their shelves , where they are now .
(trg)="2.1"> bu gürrüňler internede goýulmaýardy .
(trg)="2.2"> Meň pikirimçe TED-lilere bir gutyň içinde berilýärdi bir DVD gutysynda .
(trg)="2.3"> Bu gutyny tekjelere goýýardylar , häzir hem şol ýerinde durýandyr .
(src)="3.1"> ( Laughter ) And actually , Chris called me a week after I 'd given my talk , and said , " We 're going to start putting them online .
(src)="3.2"> Can we put yours online ? "
(trg)="3"> ( Gülüşmeler ) Hatda Kris maňa jaň edende gürrüňümden 1 hepde soňrady maňa şeýle diýdi " Gürrüňleri internede goýýarys .
(src)="4"> And I said , " Sure . "
(trg)="4.1"> Seniňkileri hem goýup bilerismi ? "
(trg)="4.2"> Menem " elbette " diýdim .
(src)="5"> And four years later , it 's been downloaded four million times .
(trg)="5.1"> We 4 ýyl soňra aýdyşym ýaly , gürrüňe tomaşa eden adam sany 4 ...
(trg)="5.2"> Neme , aslynda 4 miliýon gezek ýüklenipdir bu wideo .
(src)="6"> So I suppose you could multiply that by 20 or something to get the number of people who 've seen it .
(trg)="6"> Ýagny bu sany 20-ä köpeltsek ýa-da şoňa ýakyn sana takmynan wideoýa tomaşa eden adam sany taparys .
(src)="7"> And , as Chris says , there is a hunger for videos of me .
(trg)="7"> Diýmek Krisiň aýdyşy ýaly , adamlar meni wideoda görmäge teşne ekenler .
(src)="8"> ( Laughter ) ( Applause ) Don 't you feel ?
(trg)="8"> ( Gülüşmeler ) ( El çarpyşmalar ) ... sizem şeýle duýaňzokmy ?
(src)="9"> ( Laughter ) So , this whole event has been an elaborate build-up to me doing another one for you , so here it is .
(trg)="9"> ( Gülüşmeler ) Ýagny , bütin bu tertip meniň size ýene bir gürrüň etmegim üçin taýýarlanan bir oýun .
(src)="10"> ( Laughter ) Al Gore spoke at the TED conference I spoke at four years ago and talked about the climate crisis .
(trg)="10.1"> Ynha baş üstüne .
(trg)="10.2"> ( Gülüşmeler ) 4 ýyl öň Al Gor TED konferensiýasynda çykyş edipdi. we klimat krizisinden söz edipdi .
(src)="11"> And I referenced that at the end of my last talk .
(trg)="11"> Soňky gürrüňümiň soňunda onuň sözlerine deginipdim .
(src)="12"> So I want to pick up from there because I only had 18 minutes , frankly .
(trg)="12"> Galan ýerimden dowam edeýin näme etsemem şol wagt diňe 18 minudym bardy .
(src)="13"> ( Laughter ) So , as I was saying -- ( Laughter ) You see , he 's right .
(trg)="13.1"> Nirede galypdyk ...
(trg)="13.2"> ( Gülüşmeler ) Mamlady
(src)="14"> I mean , there is a major climate crisis , obviously , and I think if people don 't believe it , they should get out more .
(trg)="14.1"> Möhüm bir krizisiň bardygy gün ýüzündedi .
(trg)="14.2"> Muňa ynanmaýanlara biraz köpüräk köçä çykmaklaryny maslahat berýärin .
(src)="15"> ( Laughter ) But I believe there is a second climate crisis , which is as severe , which has the same origins , and that we have to deal with with the same urgency .
(trg)="15"> ( Gülüşmeler ) Ýöne men ýene bir klimat krizisiniň bardygyna ynanýaryn birinjisi ýaly ýowuz , we çykyş sebäbi deň we bu krizisede deň gyssaglykda çemeleşmelidiris .
(src)="16"> And you may say , by the way , " Look , I 'm good .
(trg)="16"> Diýmek isleýänim -- bu ýagdaýda " Seret , başymyzda bir krizis bar
(src)="17"> I have one climate crisis , I don 't really need the second one . "
(trg)="17"> ikinji birine ätiýajym ýok " diýip bilersiňiz .
(src)="18"> ( Laughter ) But this is a crisis of , not natural resources -- though I believe that 's true -- but a crisis of human resources .
(trg)="18"> Ýöne bu krizis , tebigy sebäplerden däl ynanjyma görä ynsan çeşmeli bir krizis .
(src)="19"> I believe fundamentally , as many speakers have said during the past few days , that we make very poor use of our talents .
(trg)="19"> Meniň pikirimçe , esasynda , soňky günlerde köp çykyş edijiniň aýdyşy ýaly ukyplarymyzy örän netijesiz
(src)="20"> Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be , or if they have any to speak of .
(trg)="20.1"> ulanýarys .
(trg)="20.2"> Birnäçe adam durmuşyny ukyplarynyň nämedigini bilmän geçirýär , ýada bir ukybynyň bardygyndan hem habarsyz .
(src)="21"> I meet all kinds of people who don 't think they 're really good at anything .
(trg)="21"> Birnäçe adam bilen tanyşýan özleriniň gowy edýän hiç işleriniň ýokdygyny çaklaýarlar .
(src)="22"> Actually , I kind of divide the world into two groups now .
(trg)="22"> Men dünýäni 2 topara bölýärin .
(src)="23"> Jeremy Bentham , the great utilitarian philosopher , once spiked this argument .
(trg)="23"> Žeremi Bentam , beýik peýdaçy filozof bir gezek şeýle bir jedel başladypdy .
(src)="24"> He said , " There are two types of people in this world : those who divide the world into two types and those who do not . "
(trg)="24"> Şeýle diýipdi , " Dünýäde 2 görnüş ynsan bar , dünýädäki ynsanlary ikä bölýänler we bölmeýänler . "
(src)="25"> ( Laughter ) Well , I do .
(trg)="25"> ( Gülüşmeler ) Men bölýänlerden .
(src)="26"> ( Laughter ) I meet all kinds of people who don 't enjoy what they do .
(trg)="26"> ( Gülüşmeler ) Bir topar adam bilen tanyşýan edýän işlerini söýenoklar .
(src)="27"> They simply go through their lives getting on with it .
(trg)="27"> Durmuşlaryny ýaşmaly
(src)="28"> They get no great pleasure from what they do .
(trg)="28.1"> diýip ýaşaýarlar .
(trg)="28.2"> Edýän işlerinden lezzet almaýarlar .
(src)="29"> They endure it rather than enjoy it , and wait for the weekend .
(trg)="29"> Lezzet almak ýerine , ol işe sabyr edýärler we hepde soňuna garaşýarlar .
(src)="30"> But I also meet people who love what they do and couldn 't imagine doing anything else .
(trg)="30"> Emma başga adamlar bilen hem tanyşýaryn edýän işlerini söýýärler we başga iş etmegi pikirem edenoklar .
(src)="31"> If you said , " Don 't do this anymore , " they 'd wonder what you 're talking about .
(trg)="31"> Olara " Indi bu işi etme " diýseňiz , " Sen näme diýýäniňi bilýäňmi ? "
(src)="32"> It isn 't what they do , it 's who they are .
(trg)="32.1"> diýip sorarlar .
(trg)="32.2"> Sebäbi edýänleri iş däl-de olaryň kişiligidir .
(src)="33"> They say , " But this is me , you know .
(trg)="33"> " Emma bu men . "
(src)="34"> It would be foolish to abandon this , because it speaks to my most authentic self . "
(trg)="34.1"> diýerler .
(trg)="34.2"> " Iň köp özüm ýaly duýmagymy üpjin edýän işden aýrylmak samsyklyk bolar . "
(src)="35"> And it 's not true of enough people .
(trg)="35"> Gynansakda bu ýagdaý ýeterlik adam üçin degişli däl .
(src)="36"> In fact , on the contrary , I think it 's still true of a minority of people .
(trg)="36"> Aslyna seredeňde , meniň pikrimçe düýp göter tersi
(src)="37"> And I think there are many possible explanations for it .
(trg)="37.1"> gaty az adama degişli .
(trg)="37.2"> Meniň pikrimçe munyň birnäçe
(src)="38"> And high among them is education , because education , in a way , dislocates very many people from their natural talents .
(trg)="38.1"> düşündürilişi bolup biler .
(trg)="38.2"> Bulardan iň ýokarda bolany okuw , sebäbi okuw adamlary tebigy ukyplaryndan uzaklaşdyryp biler .
(src)="39"> And human resources are like natural resources ; they 're often buried deep .
(trg)="39"> Ynsan ukyplary , tebigy çeşmeler ýalydyr köplenç has çuňluklarda gömülgidir .
(src)="40"> You have to go looking for them , they 're not just lying around on the surface .
(trg)="40.1"> Gowy edip gözlemek gerek .
(trg)="40.2"> Töwerekde , üst ýüzünde durmazlar .
(src)="41"> You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves .
(trg)="41"> Ýüze çykyp biljekleri ýagdaýyň taýýarlanmasy gerekli .
(src)="42"> And you might imagine education would be the way that happens , but too often , it 's not .
(trg)="42.1"> Çak edip biljegiňiz ýaly munuň ýoly okuwdan geçmelidir .
(trg)="42.2"> Ýöne köplenç geçmez .
(src)="43"> Every education system in the world is being reformed at the moment and it 's not enough .
(trg)="43.1"> Dünýädaki ähli okuw sistemalary şuwagt reforma içinde .
(trg)="43.2"> Ýöne bu ýeterli däl .
(src)="44"> Reform is no use anymore , because that 's simply improving a broken model .
(trg)="44"> Reforma indi ýeterlik çözgüt däl sebäbi reforma diýmek döwük bir nusgany bejermek diýmekdir .
(src)="45"> What we need -- and the word 's been used many times in the past few days -- is not evolution , but a revolution in education .
(trg)="45"> Gerekli bolan -- dogry bu gep soňky wagtlarda köp ulanylýan boldy özä -- okuwyň ewolusiýa geçirmegi diýmek däldir , gerekli bolan okuwyň rewolusiýasydyr .
(src)="46"> This has to be transformed into something else .
(trg)="46"> Indi okuw öz halyndan başga bir hala geçmelidir .
(src)="47"> ( Applause ) One of the real challenges is to innovate fundamentally in education .
(trg)="47"> ( El çarpyşmalar ) Iň uly kynçylyklaryň biri okuwyň esasynda
(src)="48"> Innovation is hard , because it means doing something that people don 't find very easy , for the most part .
(trg)="48.1"> täzeçileşdirmekdir .
(trg)="48.2"> Täzelik kyndyr sebäbi adamlar öwrenişmekde kynçylyk çekjekler täze bir zatlar etmeli bolarlar .
(src)="49"> It means challenging what we take for granted , things that we think are obvious .
(trg)="49"> Dogry diýýan zatlarymyzy derňemegimizi gerekli , ap-aýdyňdygyny pikir etýän zatlarymyzy täzeden gözden geçirmelidiris .
(src)="50"> The great problem for reform or transformation is the tyranny of common sense .
(trg)="50"> Reforma ýa-da üýtgetmek bilen baglanşykly iň uly mesele umumy duýgynyň şertsiz kabul edilmegidir .
(src)="51"> Things that people think , " It can 't be done differently , that 's how it 's done . "
(trg)="51"> Adamlar bir zady kabul ederler sebäbi olar " Bu iş başga görnüşde edilmez çünki bu hemişe şeyle edildi " diýerler .
(src)="52"> I came across a great quote recently from Abraham Lincoln , who I thought you 'd be pleased to have quoted at this point .
(trg)="52"> Geçen bir gün Abraham Linkolnyň ajaýyp sözüne gabat geldim , bu ýerde ondan bir çykarma etsem göwnüňizden turar diýip pikir edýärin ,
(src)="53"> ( Laughter ) He said this in December 1862 to the second annual meeting of Congress .
(trg)="53.1"> şeýle dälmi ?
(trg)="53.2"> ( Gülüşmeler ) Muny 1862-iň Dekabrynda kongresiň ikinji ýyllyk ýygnagynda aýdypdyr .
(src)="54"> I ought to explain that I have no idea what was happening at the time .
(trg)="54"> Ýöne şuny boýnuma alýan , ol wagtlar nämeler bolup geçýändigi barada
(src)="55"> We don 't teach American history in Britain .
(trg)="55"> hiç pikrim ýok. çünki biz Angiliýada Amerikanyň taryhyny okatmaýarys .
(src)="56.1"> ( Laughter ) We suppress it .
(src)="56.2"> You know , this is our policy .
(trg)="56"> ( Gülüşmeler ) Ýörite gizleýäris , syýasatymyz şeýle .
(src)="57"> ( Laughter ) No doubt , something fascinating was happening then , which the Americans among us will be aware of .
(trg)="57"> ( Gülüşmeler ) Borla , 1862-de dogurdanam örän möhüm zatlar bolýardy aramyzdaky Amerikalylar bilerler .
(src)="58"> But he said this : " The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present .
(trg)="58"> Şeýle diýipdir : " Asuda geçmişiň doguşlary tupanly bugün üçin ýetersizdir .
(src)="59"> The occasion is piled high with difficulty , and we must rise with the occasion . "
(trg)="59"> Bir ýagdaý şertler kynlaşdykça aşylmagy kyn ýagdaýa gelip biler , onda biz bu kynçylyklaryň üstine çykyp bu ýagdaýy aşmalydyrys .
(src)="60"> I love that .
(trg)="60"> Men bu garaýyşa haýran galdym .
(src)="61"> Not rise to it , rise with it .
(trg)="61"> Bir ýagdaýyň hötdesinden , kynçylyklardan gaçyp dälde olary ulanyp gelmek .
(src)="62"> " As our case is new , so we must think anew and act anew .
(trg)="62"> " Biziň dawamyz täze , diýmek täze düşünjelerimiz bolmaly we hereketlerimizde täze bolmaly .
(src)="63"> We must disenthrall ourselves , and then we shall save our country . "
(trg)="63"> Özümizi azat etmelidiris diňe şonda soňra öz ýurdymyzy halas edip bileris . "
(src)="64"> I love that word , " disenthrall . "
(trg)="64"> " Azat etmek " bu söze haýran .
(src)="65"> You know what it means ?
(trg)="65"> Näme diýmekdigini bilýänizmi ?
(src)="66"> That there are ideas that all of us are enthralled to , which we simply take for granted as the natural order of things , the way things are .
(trg)="66"> Tussagy bolan pikirlerimiz bar diýmek hemişe bolandygyny we boljagyny kabul eden öz ugurly gidişiň bölegi hasaplaýan pikirlerimiz .
(src)="67"> And many of our ideas have been formed , not to meet the circumstances of this century , but to cope with the circumstances of previous centuries .
(trg)="67"> Pikirlerimiziň köpüsi içinde bolan asyrmyzyň şertlerine görä döremedik tersine geçen asyrlaryň meselelerini çözmek üçin ýüze çykandyrlar .
(src)="68"> But our minds are still hypnotized by them , and we have to disenthrall ourselves of some of them .
(trg)="68.1"> Emma zehinlerimiz häzirem bu düşünjelere gipnoz edilen .
(trg)="68.2"> Bu düşünjelerden özümizi azat etmelidiris .
(src)="69"> Now , doing this is easier said than done .
(trg)="69"> Muny etmegi aýtmak elbette etmekden has aňsat .
(src)="70"> It 's very hard to know , by the way , what it is you take for granted .
(trg)="70"> Bu ýagdaýda nämani soragsyz kabul edýändigimizi bilmek örän kyndyr .
(src)="71"> And the reason is that you take it for granted .
(trg)="71"> Munuň sebäbide soraglamazlygymyzdyr .