# en/ted2020-1094.xml.gz
# sh/ted2020-1094.xml.gz
(src)="1"> When I got my current job , I was given a good piece of advice , which was to interview three politicians every day .
(trg)="1"> Kada sam počeo raditi svoj sadašnji posao , dobio sam dobar savjet a to je da svakog dana intervjuišem troje političara .
(src)="2"> And from that much contact with politicians , I can tell you they 're all emotional freaks of one sort or another .
(trg)="2"> I iz svog tog kontakta sa političarima , mogu vam reći da su svi oni na neki način emocionalni čudaci .
(src)="3"> They have what I called " logorrhea dementia , " which is they talk so much they drive themselves insane .
(trg)="3"> Oni pate od nečega što ja nazivam logorrhea dementia , što znači da pričaju toliko mnogo da na kraju sami sebe izlude .
(src)="4"> ( Laughter ) But what they do have is incredible social skills .
(trg)="4"> ( Smijeh ) No , ono što oni posjeduju su nevjerovatne socijalne vještine .
(src)="5"> When you meet them , they lock into you , they look you in the eye , they invade your personal space , they massage the back of your head .
(trg)="5"> Kada se sretnete , oni vas obgrle , gledaju vas u oči , zaposjednu vaš lični prostor , masiraju vam potiljak .
(src)="6"> I had dinner with a Republican senator several months ago who kept his hand on my inner thigh throughout the whole meal -- squeezing it .
(trg)="6"> Prije nekoliko mjeseci sam bio na večeri sa jednim Republikanskim senatorom koji je tokom cijele večere držao ruku na unutrašnjoj strani moje butine -- stiskajući je .
(src)="7"> I once -- this was years ago -- I saw Ted Kennedy and Dan Quayle meet in the well of the Senate .
(trg)="7"> Jednom sam -- to je bilo prije mnogo godina -- vidjeo Teda Kennedyja i Dana Quayle kako se susreću u Senatu .
(src)="8"> And they were friends , and they hugged each other and they were laughing , and their faces were like this far apart .
(trg)="8"> Njih dvojica su bili prijatelji , zagrlili su se i smijali su se , dok su im lica bila tek ovoliko udaljena .
(src)="9"> And they were moving and grinding and moving their arms up and down each other .
(trg)="9"> I micali su se i stiskali i mazili jedan drugog .
(src)="10.1"> And I was like , " Get a room .
(src)="10.2"> I don 't want to see this . "
(trg)="10.1"> Ja sam bio u fazonu , " Uzmite sobu .
(trg)="10.2"> Ne želim ovo gledati . "
(src)="11"> But they have those social skills .
(trg)="11"> Ali oni naprosto posjeduju te socijalne vještine .
(src)="12"> Another case : Last election cycle , I was following Mitt Romney around New Hampshire , and he was campaigning with his five perfect sons : Bip , Chip , Rip , Zip , Lip and Dip .
(trg)="12.1"> Drugi slučaj : Tokom poslednjeg izbornog kruga sam pratio Mitta Romneya kroz New Hampshire .
(trg)="12.2"> On je vodio kampanju sa petoricom svojih savršenih sinova : Bipom , Chipom , Ripom , Zipom , Lipom i Dipom .
(src)="13"> ( Laughter ) And he 's going into a diner .
(trg)="13"> ( Smijeh ) I on odlazi u restoran .
(src)="14"> And he goes into the diner , introduces himself to a family and says , " What village are you from in New Hampshire ? "
(trg)="14"> Ulazi u restoran , predstavlja se jednoj porodici i kaže , " Iz kojeg ste sela u New Hampshireu ? "
(src)="15"> And then he describes the home he owned in their village .
(trg)="15"> Te potom opiše kuću koju je imao u njihovom selu .
(src)="16"> And so he goes around the room , and then as he 's leaving the diner , he first-names almost everybody he 's just met .
(trg)="16"> I tako prošeta prostorijom , a na izlasku iz restorana , obraća se prvim imenom gotovo svima koje je tek tada upoznao .
(src)="17"> I was like , " Okay , that 's social skill . "
(trg)="17"> Pomislio sam " Pa dobro , to je socijalna vještina . "
(src)="18"> But the paradox is , when a lot of these people slip into the policy-making mode , that social awareness vanishes and they start talking like accountants .
(trg)="18"> Ali paradoks je u tome što kada mnogi od ovih ljudi otpočnu sa oblikovanjem politika , ta socijalna svijest iščezne i oni počinju pričati kao računovođe .
(src)="19"> So in the course of my career , I have covered a series of failures .
(trg)="19"> Tokom svoje karijere sam pisao o mnogim neuspjesima .
(src)="20"> We sent economists in the Soviet Union with privatization plans when it broke up , and what they really lacked was social trust .
(trg)="20"> Kada se Sovjetski Savez raspao mi smo poslali ekonomiste sa planovima privatizacije , a ono što je njima zapravo nedostajalo je bilo socijalno povjerenje .
(src)="21"> We invaded Iraq with a military oblivious to the cultural and psychological realities .
(trg)="21"> Izvršili smo vojnu invaziju Iraka nesvjesni kulturnih i psiholoških realnosti .
(src)="22"> We had a financial regulatory regime based on the assumptions that traders were rational creatures who wouldn 't do anything stupid .
(trg)="22"> Imali smo finansijski regulatorni režim zasnovan na pretpostavkama da su trgovci racionalna stvorenja koja ne bi učinila ništa glupo .
(src)="23"> For 30 years , I 've been covering school reform and we 've basically reorganized the bureaucratic boxes -- charters , private schools , vouchers -- but we 've had disappointing results year after year .
(trg)="23"> Trideset godina pišem o reformi školstva a praktično smo reorganizovali birokratske kutije -- povelje , privatne škole , vaučere -- no , godinu za godinom imamo razočaravajuće rezultate .
(src)="24"> And the fact is , people learn from people they love .
(trg)="24"> A činjenica je da ljudi uče od onih koje vole .
(src)="25"> And if you 're not talking about the individual relationship between a teacher and a student , you 're not talking about that reality .
(trg)="25"> I ako ne govorite o individualnoj vezi između nastavnika i učenika , ne govorite o toj realnosti ,
(src)="26"> But that reality is expunged from our policy-making process .
(trg)="26"> ta realnost je izbrisana iz našeg procesa definisanja politika .
(src)="27"> And so that 's led to a question for me : Why are the most socially-attuned people on earth completely dehumanized when they think about policy ?
(trg)="27"> I to je me je dovelo do pitanja : Zbog čega socijalno najprilagođeniji ljudi na planeti postanu potpuno dehumanizirani kada razmišljaju o politikama ?
(src)="28"> And I came to the conclusion , this is a symptom of a larger problem .
(trg)="28"> I došao sam do zaključka da je to simptom jednog većeg problema .
(src)="29"> That , for centuries , we 've inherited a view of human nature based on the notion that we 're divided selves , that reason is separated from the emotions and that society progresses to the extent that reason can suppress the passions .
(trg)="29"> Vijekovima nasljeđujemo sliku ljudske prirode koja je zasnovana na pojmu da smo mi podijeljelja bića , da je razum odvojen od emocija i da društvo napreduje do te mjere da razum može potisnuti strasti .
(src)="30"> And it 's led to a view of human nature that we 're rational individuals who respond in straightforward ways to incentives , and it 's led to ways of seeing the world where people try to use the assumptions of physics to measure how human behavior is .
(trg)="30.1"> To je dovelo do viđenja ljudske prirode po kojem smo mi racionalne individue koje na direktan način odgovaraju na podsticaje .
(trg)="30.2"> I to je dovelo do načina posmatranja svijeta u kojem ljudi pokušavaju da koriste pretpostavke iz fizike kako bi izmjerili ljudsko ponašanje .
(src)="31"> And it 's produced a great amputation , a shallow view of human nature .
(trg)="31"> To je stvorilo ogroman nedostatak , površno posmatranje ljudske prirode .
(src)="32"> We 're really good at talking about material things , but we 're really bad at talking about emotions .
(trg)="32"> Jako smo dobri kada pričamo o materijalnim stvarima , ali smo očajni kada govorimo o emocijama .
(src)="33"> We 're really good at talking about skills and safety and health ; we 're really bad at talking about character .
(trg)="33"> Dobri smo kada pričamo o vještinama , bezbjednosti i zdravlju , ali smo jako loši kada pričamo o karakteru .
(src)="34"> Alasdair MacIntyre , the famous philosopher , said that , " We have the concepts of the ancient morality of virtue , honor , goodness , but we no longer have a system by which to connect them . "
(trg)="34"> Alasdair MacIntyre , poznati filosof , je rekao " Poznajemo pojmove drevne moralnosti , vrline , časti , dobrote , ali više nemamo sistem kojim bismo ih povezali . "
(src)="35"> And so this has led to a shallow path in politics , but also in a whole range of human endeavors .
(trg)="35"> I to nas je dovelo do površnog puta u politici , ali i mnogim drugim ljudskim nastojanjima .
(src)="36"> You can see it in the way we raise our young kids .
(trg)="36"> To možete vidjeti u načinu na koji odgajamo djecu .
(src)="37"> You go to an elementary school at three in the afternoon and you watch the kids come out , and they 're wearing these 80-pound backpacks .
(trg)="37"> Ako odete u osnovnu školu u tri sata poslijepodne i gledate djecu kako izlaze , sva djeca nose ruksake teške 40 kilograma .
(src)="38"> If the wind blows them over , they 're like beetles stuck there on the ground .
(trg)="38"> Kada bi ih vjetar otpuhao , ležali bi kao bube izvrnute na zemlji .
(src)="39"> You see these cars that drive up -- usually it 's Saabs and Audis and Volvos , because in certain neighborhoods it 's socially acceptable to have a luxury car , so long as it comes from a country hostile to U.S. foreign policy -- that 's fine .
(trg)="39"> Vidite te automobile koji prilaze -- uglavnom su to Saabovi , Audi i Volvo , jer je u pojedinim dijelovima grada društveno prihvatljivo imati luksuzni auto dok god je porijeklom iz zemlje koja je neprijateljski nastrojena prema američkoj vanjskoj politici -- to je u redu .
(src)="40"> They get picked up by these creatures I 've called uber-moms , who are highly successful career women who have taken time off to make sure all their kids get into Harvard .
(trg)="40"> Po njih dolaze ova stvorenja koja ja nazivam uber-mamama , to su izuzetno uspješne žene koje naprave pauzu u karijeri kako bi bile sigurne da će im djeca upasti na Harvard .
(src)="41"> And you can usually tell the uber-moms because they actually weigh less than their own children .
(trg)="41"> Uber-mame uglavnom možete prepoznati po tome što imaju manje kilograma od sopstvene djece .
(src)="42"> ( Laughter ) So at the moment of conception , they 're doing little butt exercises .
(trg)="42.1"> ( Smijeh ) .
(trg)="42.2"> U trenutku začeća one rade vježbice za guzu .
(src)="43"> Babies flop out , they 're flashing Mandarin flashcards at the things .
(trg)="43"> Bebe izlete van , dok im one mašu karticama na mandarinskom jeziku ispred nosa .
(src)="44"> Driving them home , and they want them to be enlightened , so they take them to Ben & amp ; Jerry 's ice cream company with its own foreign policy .
(trg)="44"> Voze ih kući , žele da budu prosvijetljeni , pa ih vode u Ben i Jerry 's slastičarne koje imaju sopstvenu vanjsku politiku .
(src)="45"> In one of my books , I joke that Ben & amp ; Jerry 's should make a pacifist toothpaste -- doesn 't kill germs , just asks them to leave .
(trg)="45"> U jednoj od mojih knjiga sam se našalio da bi Ben i Jerry 's trebali napraviti pacifisirajuću pastu za zube -- koja ne ubija klice , već ih samo zamoli da odu .
(src)="46"> It would be a big seller .
(trg)="46"> Odlično bi se prodavala .
(src)="47"> ( Laughter ) And they go to Whole Foods to get their baby formula , and Whole Foods is one of those progressive grocery stores where all the cashiers look like they 're on loan from Amnesty International .
(trg)="47.1"> ( Smijeh ) I potom odlaze u prodavnice zdrave hrane da uzmu suplemente za bebe .
(trg)="47.2"> A ove prodavnice zdrave hrane su ona vrsta progresivnih prodavnica u kojima sve kasirke izgledaju kao da su pozajmljenje od organizacije Amnesty International .
(src)="48"> ( Laughter ) They buy these seaweed-based snacks there called Veggie Booty with Kale , which is for kids who come home and say , " Mom , mom , I want a snack that 'll help prevent colon-rectal cancer . "
(trg)="48"> ( Smijeh ) Tu kupuju krekere od algi koji se zovu Veggie Booty sa keljom , koji su za djecu koja dođu kući kažu : " Mama , mama , hoću užinu koja pomaže u prevenciji raka debelog crijeva !
(src)="49"> ( Laughter ) And so the kids are raised in a certain way , jumping through achievement hoops of the things we can measure -- SAT prep , oboe , soccer practice .
(trg)="49"> ( Smijeh ) I tako se ta djeca odgajaju na određen način , preskaču kroz obruč ostvarenja koja se mogu izmjeriti -- pripreme za prijemni ispit , oboa , fudbal .
(src)="50"> They get into competitive colleges , they get good jobs , and sometimes they make a success of themselves in a superficial manner , and they make a ton of money .
(trg)="50"> Upisuju se na konkurentne koledže , dobijaju dobre poslove , i ponekad postanu uspješni na površan način , i zarade gomilu novca .
(src)="51"> And sometimes you can see them at vacation places like Jackson Hole or Aspen .
(trg)="51"> A ponekad ih možete vidjeti u odmaralištima poput Jackson Hole ili Aspena .
(src)="52"> And they 've become elegant and slender -- they don 't really have thighs ; they just have one elegant calve on top of another .
(trg)="52"> I onda vidite da su i oni postali elegantni i vitki -- zapravo nemaju butine ; imaju samo dva elegantna lista , jedan na drugome .
(src)="53"> ( Laughter ) They have kids of their own , and they 've achieved a genetic miracle by marrying beautiful people , so their grandmoms look like Gertrude Stein , their daughters looks like Halle Berry -- I don 't know how they 've done that .
(trg)="53"> ( Smijeh ) I oni imaju svoju djecu , a ostvarili su genetsko čudo ženeći se ili udajući lijepim ljudima , tako da njihove bake izgledaju kao Gertrude Stein , njihove kćerke poput Halle Berry -- ne znam kako im to uspjeva .
(src)="54"> They get there and they realize it 's fashionable now to have dogs a third as tall as your ceiling heights .
(trg)="54"> Dospiju dotle i tada shvate da je sada u modi imati pse koji su visoki do pola zida .
(src)="55"> So they 've got these furry 160-pound dogs -- all look like velociraptors , all named after Jane Austen characters .
(trg)="55"> I tako oni imaju ove čupave pse teške 80kg -- koji izgledaju kao velociraptori ( vrsta dinosaurusa , prim.prev . ) , a imena su dobili po likovima Jane Austin .
(src)="56"> And then when they get old , they haven 't really developed a philosophy of life , but they 've decided , " I 've been successful at everything ; I 'm just not going to die . "
(trg)="56"> I onda kada ostare , shvate da zapravo nisu razvili životnu filozofiju , ali odluče , " Uspješan / -na sam u svemu , i jednostavno neću umrijeti . "
(src)="57"> And so they hire personal trainers ; they 're popping Cialis like breath mints .
(trg)="57"> I onda unajme lične trenere , gutaju Cialis kao pepermint bombone .
(src)="58"> You see them on the mountains up there .
(trg)="58"> I tako ih viđate na planinama .
(src)="59"> They 're cross-country skiing up the mountain with these grim expressions that make Dick Cheney look like Jerry Lewis .
(trg)="59"> Skijaju uz planinu sa namrgođenim izrazom lica tako da pored njih Dick Cheney izgleda kao Jerry Lewis .
(src)="60"> ( Laughter ) And as they whiz by you , it 's like being passed by a little iron Raisinet going up the hill .
(trg)="60"> ( Smijeh ) I dok proleću pored vas kao da vas mimoilaze male željezne grožđice koje se penju uzbrdo .
(src)="61"> ( Laughter ) And so this is part of what life is , but it 's not all of what life is .
(trg)="61"> ( Smijeh ) Znači , ovo je dio onoga što čini život , ali nije sve u životu .
(src)="62"> And over the past few years , I think we 've been given a deeper view of human nature and a deeper view of who we are .
(trg)="62"> Mislim da smo tokom nekoliko poslednjih godina , dobili dublji pogled na ljudsku prirodu i dublji uvid u to ko smo mi .
(src)="63"> And it 's not based on theology or philosophy , it 's in the study of the mind , across all these spheres of research , from neuroscience to the cognitive scientists , behavioral economists , psychologists , sociology , we 're developing a revolution in consciousness .
(trg)="63"> A on ne počiva na teologiji ili filosofiji , već na izučavanju uma , u raznim sferama istraživanja. od neuroloških do kognitivnih naučnika , bihejvioralnih ekonomista , psihologa , sociologa , razvijamo revoluciju svjesti .
(src)="64"> And when you synthesize it all , it 's giving us a new view of human nature .
(trg)="64"> I kada napravite sintezu svega toga , dobijemo novi pogled na ljudsku prirodu .
(src)="65"> And far from being a coldly materialistic view of nature , it 's a new humanism , it 's a new enchantment .
(trg)="65"> Daleko od toga da je to hladno materijalističko viđenje prirode , to je novi humanizam , nova očaranost .
(src)="66"> And I think when you synthesize this research , you start with three key insights .
(trg)="66"> Mislim da , kada napravite sintezu ovog istraživanja , otpočnete sa tri ključna uvida .
(src)="67"> The first insight is that while the conscious mind writes the autobiography of our species , the unconscious mind does most of the work .
(trg)="67"> Prvi uvid je taj da dok svjesni um piše autobiografiju naše vrste , nesvjesni um obavlja najveći dio posla .
(src)="68"> And so one way to formulate that is the human mind can take in millions of pieces of information a minute , of which it can be consciously aware of about 40 .
(trg)="68"> Mogli bismo reći da ljudski um može primiti milione informacija u minuti , ali može biti svjestan samo otprilike njih 40 .
(src)="69"> And this leads to oddities .
(trg)="69"> A to vodi ka čudnim stvarima .
(src)="70"> One of my favorite is that people named Dennis are disproportionately likely to become dentists , people named Lawrence become lawyers , because unconsciously we gravitate toward things that sound familiar , which is why I named my daughter President of the United States Brooks .
(trg)="70"> Jedna od mojih omiljenih je da ljudi po imenu Dennis imaju disproporcionalnu vjerovatnoću da postanu zubari ( Dennis-dentist ) , oni koji se zovu Lawrence postaju advokati ( Lawrence-lawyer ) jer nesvjesno gravitiramo ka stvarima koje zvuči poznato , a zbog čega sam svoju kćerku nazvao Predsjednica Sjedinjenih Država Brooks .
(src)="71"> ( Laughter ) Another finding is that the unconscious , far from being dumb and sexualized , is actually quite smart .
(trg)="71"> ( Smijeh ) Drugo otkriće je da to nesvjesno , koje je daleko od toga da je glupo i seksualizirano , zapravo prilično pametno .
(src)="72"> So one of the most cognitively demanding things we do is buy furniture .
(trg)="72"> Jedna od kognitivno najzahtjevnijih stvari koje radimo je kupovina namještaja .
(src)="73"> It 's really hard to imagine a sofa , how it 's going to look in your house .
(trg)="73"> Zaista je teško zamisliti kako će divan izgledati u vašem domu .
(src)="74"> And the way you should do that is study the furniture , let it marinate in your mind , distract yourself , and then a few days later , go with your gut , because unconsciously you 've figured it out .
(trg)="74"> A ono što biste trebali učiniti je da proučite namještaj , pustite ga da se marinira u vašim mislima , i da se zanimate nečim drugim , te da poslije nekoliko dana slijedite osjećaj , jer ste nesvjesno već odlučili .
(src)="75"> The second insight is that emotions are at the center of our thinking .
(trg)="75"> Drugi uvid je da su emocije u centru našeg razmišljanja .
(src)="76"> People with strokes and lesions in the emotion-processing parts of the brain are not super smart , they 're actually sometimes quite helpless .
(trg)="76"> Ljudi koji su imali moždani udar ili lezije u dijelu mozga koji obrađuje emocije nisu super pametni , ponekad su zapravo potpuno bespomoćni .
(src)="77"> And the " giant " in the field is in the room tonight and is speaking tomorrow morning -- Antonio Damasio .
(trg)="77"> Večeras je sa nama veliki stručnjak u toj oblasti -- Antonio Damasio , koji će govoriti sutra .
(src)="78"> And one of the things he 's really shown us is that emotions are not separate from reason , but they are the foundation of reason because they tell us what to value .
(trg)="78"> Jedna od stvari koje nam je pokazao je da emocije nisu odvojene od razuma , već su temelj razuma jer nam kazuju šta da vrjednujemo .
(src)="79"> And so reading and educating your emotions is one of the central activities of wisdom .
(trg)="79"> Čitanje i obrazovanje vaših emocija su jedna od centralnih aktivnosti mudrosti .
(src)="80"> Now I 'm a middle-aged guy .
(trg)="80"> Evo , ja sam muškarac u srednjim godinama ;
(src)="81"> I 'm not exactly comfortable with emotions .
(trg)="81"> nije mi baš prijatno sa emocijama .
(src)="82"> One of my favorite brain stories described these middle-aged guys .
(trg)="82"> Jedna od mojih omiljenih priča o mozgu opisuje nekoliko muškaraca srednjih godina .
(src)="83"> They put them into a brain scan machine -- this is apocryphal by the way , but I don 't care -- and they had them watch a horror movie , and then they had them describe their feelings toward their wives .
(trg)="83"> Stavljaju ih uređaj u za skeniranje mozga -- usput , ovo je apokrifično , no nije me briga -- i daju im da gledaju horor film , a potom ih pitaju da opišu šta osjećaju prema svojim suprugama .
(src)="84"> And the brain scans were identical in both activities .
(trg)="84"> Snimke mozga su bile identične prilikom obje aktivnosti .
(src)="85"> It was just sheer terror .
(trg)="85"> To je bio potpuni užas .
(src)="86"> So me talking about emotion is like Gandhi talking about gluttony , but it is the central organizing process of the way we think .
(trg)="86"> Tako da kada ja pričam o emocijama je kao kada bi Gandhi pričao o proždrljivosti , no to je centralni organizacioni proces načina na koji razmišljamo .
(src)="87"> It tells us what to imprint .
(trg)="87"> Govori nam šta da zapamtimo .
(src)="88"> The brain is the record of the feelings of a life .
(trg)="88"> Mozak je skladište osjećanja jednog života .
(src)="89"> And the third insight is that we 're not primarily self-contained individuals .
(trg)="89"> I treći uvid je da nismo prvenstveno samo-dovoljne individue .
(src)="90"> We 're social animals , not rational animals .
(trg)="90"> Mi smo društvene životinje , a ne racionalne životinje .
(src)="91"> We emerge out of relationships , and we are deeply interpenetrated , one with another .
(trg)="91"> Izranjamo iz veza , i duboko smo prožeti jedni drugima .
(src)="92"> And so when we see another person , we reenact in our own minds what we see in their minds .
(trg)="92"> I kada vidimo drugu osobu , u sopstvenim umovima preslikamo ono što vidimo u njihovim .
(src)="93"> When we watch a car chase in a movie , it 's almost as if we are subtly having a car chase .
(trg)="93"> Kada gledamo jurnjavu auta u filmu , kao da i mi sami donekle učestvujemo u jurnjavi .
(src)="94"> When we watch pornography , it 's a little like having sex , though probably not as good .
(trg)="94"> Kada gledamo pornografiju , pomalo je kao da i sami upražnjavamo seks , premda , vjerovatno , ne podjednako dobro .
(src)="95"> And we see this when lovers walk down the street , when a crowd in Egypt or Tunisia gets caught up in an emotional contagion , the deep interpenetration .
(trg)="95"> Vidimo to kada zaljubljeni parovi šetaju ulicom , kada masu ljudi u Egiptu ili Tunisu preplavi emotivni talas , duboko uzajamno prožimanje .
(src)="96"> And this revolution in who we are gives us a different way of seeing , I think , politics , a different way , most importantly , of seeing human capital .
(trg)="96"> A ova revolucija u tome ko smo mi omogućava da na drugačiji način posmatramo politiku što je najznačajnije , na drugačiji način posmatramo ljudski potencijal .
(src)="97"> We are now children of the French Enlightenment .
(trg)="97"> Mi smo sada djeca francuskog prosvjetiteljstva .
(src)="98"> We believe that reason is the highest of the faculties .
(trg)="98"> Vjerujemo da je razum najviša od sposobnosti .
(src)="99"> But I think this research shows that the British Enlightenment , or the Scottish Enlightenment , with David Hume , Adam Smith , actually had a better handle on who we are -- that reason is often weak , our sentiments are strong , and our sentiments are often trustworthy .
(trg)="99"> No , mislim da ovo istraživanje pokazuje da je britansko prosvjetiteljstvo , ili škotsko prosvjetiteljstvo , sa Davidom Humom , Adamom Smithom , zapravo imalo bolju ideju o tome ko smo mi -- razum je često slab , naša osjećanja su jaka , a osjećanjima se često može vjerovati .
(src)="100"> And this work corrects that bias in our culture , that dehumanizing bias .
(trg)="100"> Ovaj rad ispravlja tu pristrasnost u našoj kulturi , tu duboko humanizirajuću pristrasnost .