# en/ted2020-755.xml.gz
# oc/ted2020-755.xml.gz

(src)="1"> So , imagine you 're standing on a street anywhere in America and a Japanese man comes up to you and says , " Excuse me , what is the name of this block ? "
(trg)="1"> Imaginatz-vos en un carrèra en bèth lòc d 'Amèrica. e un japonés que vos apròpa e que 'vs demanda : « Desencusatz-me , e quin s 'apèra eth nòm d 'aguest blòc ? »

(src)="2"> And you say , " I 'm sorry , well , this is Oak Street , that 's Elm Street .
(trg)="2"> E qu 'arrespondetz , « Que 'm sap de grèu , bon , aguesta qu 'ei era Carrèra Oak , e aquera era Carrèra Elm .

(src)="3"> This is 26th , that 's 27th . "
(trg)="3"> Aguest qu 'ei eth 26au . , e aqueth eth 27au . »

(src)="4"> He says , " OK , but what is the name of that block ? "
(trg)="4"> Eth e ditz , « Tiò tiò , mès quin s 'apèra aguest blòc ? »

(src)="5"> You say , " Well , blocks don 't have names .
(trg)="5"> E qu 'arrespondetz , « Bon , eths blòcs non an cap de nòm .

(src)="6"> Streets have names ; blocks are just the unnamed spaces in between streets . "
(trg)="6"> Eras carrèras , òc ; eths blòcs non son sonque eths espacis sense nòm entram eras carrèras . »

(src)="7"> He leaves , a little confused and disappointed .
(trg)="7"> Eth que se 'n va , un shinhau confús e decebut .

(src)="8"> So , now imagine you 're standing on a street , anywhere in Japan , you turn to a person next to you and say , " Excuse me , what is the name of this street ? "
(trg)="8"> Ara , imaginatz-vos en ua carrèra en bèth lòc de Japon , e vos viratz a ua quauquarrés ath costat e que 'u demandatz , « Desencusatz-me , e quin s 'apèra aguesta carrèra ? »

(src)="9"> They say , " Oh , well that 's Block 17 and this is Block 16 . "
(trg)="9"> E que 'vs arresponden , « Bon , aguest qu 'ei eth blòc 17 e aqueth eth 16 . »

(src)="10"> And you say , " OK , but what is the name of this street ? "
(trg)="10"> E que demandatz , « Tiò tiò , mès quin s 'apèra aguesta carrèra ? »

(src)="11"> And they say , " Well , streets don 't have names .
(trg)="11"> E que 'vs arresponden , « Bon , eras carrèras non an cap de nòm .

(src)="12"> Blocks have names .
(trg)="12"> Eths blòcs òc qu 'an de nòm . »

(src)="13.1"> Just look at Google Maps here .
(src)="13.2"> There 's Block 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 .
(trg)="13.1"> Tè , guardatz ací en Google Maps .
(trg)="13.2"> Que i a eth blòc 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 .

(src)="14"> All of these blocks have names , and the streets are just the unnamed spaces in between the blocks .
(trg)="14"> Totis aguestis blòcs qu 'an un nòm , e eras carrèras non son sonque eths espacis sense nòm entram eths blòcs .

(src)="15"> And you say then , " OK , then how do you know your home address ? "
(trg)="15"> E alavetz que demandatz , « Que va plan , alavetz quin sabetz era adreça de çò de vòste ? »

(src)="16"> He said , " Well , easy , this is District Eight .
(trg)="16"> Eth que 'vs arresponden , « Qu 'ei simple , aguest qu 'ei eth districte ueit .

(src)="17"> There 's Block 17 , house number one . "
(trg)="17"> Ací qu 'ei eth blòc 17 , casa numèro 1 . »

(src)="18"> You say , " OK , but walking around the neighborhood , I noticed that the house numbers don 't go in order . "
(trg)="18"> E que didetz , « Que va plan , mès en tot caminar peth vesinat , que m 'avisi qu 'eras casas non seguissen cap d 'orde . »

(src)="19.1"> He says , " Of course they do .
(src)="19.2"> They go in the order in which they were built .
(trg)="19.1"> E eth que ditz , « B 'ei plan que 'n seguissen .
(trg)="19.2"> Que seguissen eth orde de bastida .

(src)="20"> The first house ever built on a block is house number one .
(trg)="20"> Era prumèra casa a èster bastida daguens un blòc qu 'ei era casa numèro 1 .

(src)="21"> The second house ever built is house number two .
(trg)="21"> Era dusau casa a èster bastida qu 'ei era casa numèro 2 .

(src)="22.1"> Third is house number three .
(src)="22.2"> It 's easy .
(src)="22.3"> It 's obvious . "
(trg)="22.1"> Era tresau , qu 'ei era casa numèro 3 .
(trg)="22.2"> Qu 'ei simple .

(src)="23"> So , I love that sometimes we need to go to the opposite side of the world to realize assumptions we didn 't even know we had , and realize that the opposite of them may also be true .
(trg)="23.1"> Qu 'ei òbvi .
(trg)="23.2"> Que 'm shauta pr 'amor qu 'a viatges mos cau anar tath aute costat deth mond entà pr 'amor d 'avisar-mos deras supausicions que non sabíam que hadíam , e avisar-mos qu 'eth contrari que pòt èster vertat tanben .

(src)="24"> So , for example , there are doctors in China who believe that it 's their job to keep you healthy .
(trg)="24"> Per exemple , que i a de mètges en China que creden qu 'ei lor trebalh mantie 'vs saludable .

(src)="25.1"> So , any month you are healthy you pay them , and when you 're sick you don 't have to pay them because they failed at their job .
(src)="25.2"> They get rich when you 're healthy , not sick .
(trg)="25.1"> Alavetz , cada mes qu 'ètz saludable pagatz-le , e quand ètz malaut non avetz cap de paga 'u pr 'amor qu 'an falhat en lor trebalh .
(trg)="25.2"> Que 's hèn rics quand ètz saludable , non cap malaut .

(src)="26"> ( Applause ) In most music , we think of the " one " as the downbeat , the beginning of the musical phrase : one , two , three , four .
(trg)="26"> ( Aplaudiments ) Ena màger part dera musica , que pensam a « un » coma eth compas d 'entrada , eth començament dera fasa musicau : un , dus , tres , quate .

(src)="27"> But in West African music , the " one " is thought of as the end of the phrase , like the period at the end of a sentence .
(trg)="27"> Mès ena musica africana occidentau , « un » qu 'ei vist coma era fin dera frasa , coma eth punt e finau ena fin dera frasa .

(src)="28"> So , you can hear it not just in the phrasing , but the way they count off their music : two , three , four , one .
(trg)="28"> Alavetz , que 'u podetz enténder non sonque ena frasa , mès tanben en lor faiçon de compdar era musica : dus , tres , quate , un .

(src)="29"> And this map is also accurate .
(trg)="29"> E aguesta carta qu 'ei corrècta tanben .

(src)="30"> ( Laughter ) There 's a saying that whatever true thing you can say about India , the opposite is also true .
(trg)="30"> ( Arríder ) Que i a un arrepervèri que ditz que quinsevolha vertat que podetz díder sus India , eth contrari que pòt èster vertat tanben .

(src)="31"> So , let 's never forget , whether at TED , or anywhere else , that whatever brilliant ideas you have or hear , that the opposite may also be true .
(trg)="31"> Alavetz , non mo 'n desbrembam jamès , autant en TED o a ont que siga , que quina brilhant idia que siga qu 'avetz o qu 'entenetz , eth contrari que pòt èster vertat tanben .

(src)="32"> Domo arigato gozaimashita .
(trg)="32.1"> Dōmo arigatō gozaimasita .
(trg)="32.2"> ( « Plan mercés » en japonés )