# en/ted2020-179.xml.gz
# mt/ted2020-179.xml.gz

(src)="1"> ( Applause ) ( Music ) ( Applause )
(trg)="1"> ( iċ-ċapċap ) ( mużika ) ( iċ-ċapċap )

# en/ted2020-549.xml.gz
# mt/ted2020-549.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Alright .
(trg)="1"> Mela se nurikhom xi stampi ,

(src)="2"> I 'm going to show you a couple of images from a very diverting paper in The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine .
(trg)="2"> minn riċerka pjaċevoli , mhux tas-soltu , minn go " The Journal of Ultrasound in Medecine "

(src)="3"> I 'm going to go way out on a limb and say that it is the most diverting paper ever published in The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine .
(trg)="3"> U hawn ha nissogra ngħid li dan hu l-izjed artiklu pjaċevoli li qatt ġie ipubblikat f ' " The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine "

(src)="4"> The title is " Observations of In-Utero Masturbation . "
(trg)="4"> It-titlu hu " Observations of In-Utero Masturbation . " - " Osservazzjoni ta ' Masturbazzjoni fil-guf "

(src)="5.1"> ( Laughter ) Okay .
(src)="5.2"> Now on the left you can see the hand -- that 's the big arrow -- and the penis on the right .
(src)="5.3"> The hand hovering .
(trg)="5.1"> ( Daħq ) Okay .
(trg)="5.2"> Mela fuq ix-xellug tistaw taraw l-id .
(trg)="5.3"> Dik il-vleġġa l-kbira .
(trg)="5.4"> U l-pene fuq il-lemin .
(trg)="5.5"> Bl-id qeda il-fuq .

(src)="6"> And over here we have , in the words of radiologist Israel Meisner , " The hand grasping the penis in a fashion resembling masturbation movements . "
(trg)="6"> U fuq din in-naħa għandna fil-kliem tar-radjoloġista Iżraeljan Meisner , " L-id taqbad il-pene , f 'movimenti assoċċjati mal-masturbazzjoni "

(src)="7"> Bear in mind this was an ultrasound , so it would have been moving images .
(trg)="7.1"> Żommu f 'moħħkhom li dan " ultrasound " .
(trg)="7.2"> Jiġifieri li dawn ikunu stampa tiċċallaq .

(src)="8"> Orgasm is a reflex of the autonomic nervous system .
(trg)="8"> L-Orgażmu huwa prodott tas-sistema nervuż awtonomiku .

(src)="9"> Now , this is the part of the nervous system that deals with the things that we don 't consciously control , like digestion , heart rate and sexual arousal .
(trg)="9"> Din hija il-parti mis-sistema nervuża li tieħu ħsieb dawk l-affarijiet li man nkunux konxji minnhom. bħad-diġestjoni , ir-ritmu tal-qalb , u l-istimulu sesswali .

(src)="10"> And the orgasm reflex can be triggered by a surprisingly broad range of input .
(trg)="10"> L-orgażmu jista jiġi stimulat b 'ħafna modi .

(src)="11.1"> Genital stimulation .
(src)="11.2"> Duh .
(trg)="11"> Stimulazzjoni ġenitali .

(src)="12"> But also , Kinsey interviewed a woman who could be brought to orgasm by having someone stroke her eyebrow .
(trg)="12.1"> Duh .
(trg)="12.2"> Imma fl-istess ħin Kinsey , kellu intervista ma mara , li setgħet torgażma billi xi ħadd jmellsila il-ħaġeb < i > .

(src)="13"> People with spinal cord injuries , like paraplegias , quadriplegias , will often develop a very , very sensitive area right above the level of their injury , wherever that is .
(trg)="13.1"> < / i > eyebrow Uħud bi ħsara fl-ispina , bħal parapliġja u kwadrupliġja , fi kliem ieħor paraliżi ħafna drabi jkollhom xi parti sensittiva ħafna ħafna eżatt il-fuq minn fejn weġġgħu .
(trg)="13.2"> Tkun fejn tkun .

(src)="14"> There is such a thing as a knee orgasm in the literature .
(trg)="14"> Hemm dokumentat orgażmu tal-irkoppa fil-kitba .

(src)="15"> I think the most curious one that I came across was a case report of a woman who had an orgasm every time she brushed her teeth .
(trg)="15"> Naħseb l-iżjed każ kurjuż li qatt iltqajt miegħu kien il-każ irappurtat taċ waħda mara li kellha orgażmu kull darba li taħsel sniena .

(src)="16"> ( Laughter ) Something in the complex sensory-motor action of brushing her teeth was triggering orgasm .
(trg)="16"> ( Iżjed daħq ) Din kellha x 'taqsam , mal-movimenti li tagħmel waqt il-ħasil ta ' snien li kien qed iġegħla torgażma

(src)="17"> And she went to a neurologist , who was fascinated .
(trg)="17"> Imsomma , dil-mara marret għand in-neuroloġista li ħa nteress kbir f 'dan il-każ .

(src)="18"> He checked to see if it was something in the toothpaste , but no -- it happened with any brand .
(trg)="18.1"> Għal l-ewwel iċċekja jekk kienx mit- " toothpaste " .
(trg)="18.2"> Imma le , tkun liema tkun id-ditta , ma tagħmilx differenza .

(src)="19"> They stimulated her gums with a toothpick , to see if that was doing it .
(trg)="19"> Stimulawla il-ħanek b 'toothpick , biex jaraw jekk jirnexxilhomx .

(src)="20.1"> No .
(src)="20.2"> It was the whole , you know , motion .
(trg)="20.1"> Le , xejn .
(trg)="20.2"> Kien il-proċess kollu li kien qed jagħti dar-riżultat .

(src)="21"> And the amazing thing to me is that you would think this woman would have excellent oral hygiene .
(trg)="21"> U l-biċċa stramba għalija hi , li ovvjament se timmaġina li dil-mara se jkollha iġene orali eċċelenti .

(src)="22"> ( Laughter ) Sadly -- this is what it said in the journal paper -- " She believed that she was possessed by demons and switched to mouthwash for her oral care . "
(trg)="22"> ( Daħq ) Sfortunatament , skond il-ġurnal , " Kienet temmen li kienet iposseduta mix-xjaten u bdiet tuża mouthwash għal iġene orali "

(src)="23"> It 's so sad .
(trg)="23"> Miskina .

(src)="24"> ( Laughter ) When I was working on the book , I interviewed a woman who can think herself to orgasm .
(trg)="24"> ( Daħq ) Meta kont qeda naħdem fuq il-ktieb , kelli intervista ma mara , li bil-ħsieb biss , kien ikollha orgażmu .

(src)="25"> She was part of a study at Rutgers University .
(trg)="25"> Dil-mara kienet parti mill-istudju ta l-Universita taċ Rutgers .

(src)="26.1"> You 've got to love that .
(src)="26.2"> Rutgers .
(trg)="26"> Ma tistax ma toġgħbokx .

(src)="27"> So I interviewed her in Oakland , in a sushi restaurant .
(trg)="27.1"> Rutgers .
(trg)="27.2"> Mela kelli l-intervista magħha f 'Oakland f 'ristorant li jservi sushi ( ikel ġappuniż ) .

(src)="28"> And I said , " So , could you do it right here ? "
(trg)="28"> Staqsejta " Allura , jista jkollok orgażmu issa , hawnhekk ? "

(src)="29"> And she said , " Yeah , but you know I 'd rather finish my meal if you don 't mind . "
(trg)="29"> U rrispondiet " Iva , imma jekk ma jimpurtax nippreferi nkompli niekol " ( Daħq )

(src)="30"> ( Laughter ) But afterwards , she was kind enough to demonstrate on a bench outside .
(trg)="30"> Wara l-ikla għamlitli dimostrazzjoni fuq bank barra .

(src)="31.1"> It was remarkable .
(src)="31.2"> It took about one minute .
(trg)="31"> Kienet xi ħaga rimarkabbli. ħadet xi minuta biss .

(src)="32"> And I said to her , " Are you just doing this all the time ? "
(trg)="32"> U staqsejta , " Allura tagħmel hekk il-ħin kollu ? "

(src)="33.1"> ( Laughter ) She said , " No .
(src)="33.2"> Honestly , when I get home , I 'm usually too tired . "
(trg)="33.1"> ( Daħq ) Qaltli " Le .
(trg)="33.2"> Onestament meta nasal id-dar , nkun għajjiena ħafna issoltu "

(src)="34"> ( Laughter ) She said that the last time she had done it was on the Disneyland tram .
(trg)="34"> ( Daħq ) Qaltli li l-aħħar darba li għamlita kienet fuq tram f 'Disneyland .

(src)="35"> ( Laughter ) The headquarters for orgasm , along the spinal nerve , is something called the sacral nerve root , which is back here .
(trg)="35.1"> ( Daħq ) Is-sors ewlieni ta ' l-orgażmu , qiegħda man-nervituri tad-dahar f 'xi ħaġa msejħa is- " sacral nerve root " .
(trg)="35.2"> Li qeda hawn wara .

(src)="36"> And if you trigger , if you stimulate with an electrode , the precise spot , you will trigger an orgasm .
(trg)="36"> U jekk tistimula , b 'electrode ( xokk żgħir ) il-punt eżatt , se jkollok orgażmu .

(src)="37"> And it is a fact that you can trigger spinal reflexes in dead people -- a certain kind of dead person , a beating-heart cadaver .
(trg)="37.1"> Filfatt jista jkollok rispons ta ' l-ispina f 'nies mejta .
(trg)="37.2"> Ċertu tip ta ' mejtin imma , kadavri bil-qalb għada tħabbat .

(src)="38"> Now this is somebody who is brain-dead , legally dead , definitely checked out , but is being kept alive on a respirator , so that their organs will be oxygenated for transplantation .
(trg)="38"> Dan ikun xi ħadd li għandu moħħu mejjet , stat veġetali , legalment mejjet , ikkonfermat mit-tobba , imma miżmum ħaj fuq il-magni respiratorji , ħalli l-organi tagħhom jiġu ossiġenati sew biex ikunu jistgħu jintużaw għal trapjant .

(src)="39"> Now in one of these brain-dead people , if you trigger the right spot , you will see something every now and then .
(trg)="39"> Mela f 'dawn il-mejtin jekk tolqot il-post eżatt tara rispons kultant .

(src)="40"> There is a reflex called the Lazarus reflex .
(trg)="40"> Dan ir-rispons jgħidulu ir-rispons ta ' Lażżru .

(src)="41"> And this is -- I 'll demonstrate as best I can , not being dead .
(trg)="41"> U issa ha nipprova nurikhom mill-aħjar li nista , billi miniex mejta .

(src)="42.1"> It 's like this .
(src)="42.2"> You trigger the spot .
(trg)="42"> Tagħmel hekk , tmiss il-punt eżatt .

(src)="43"> The dead guy , or gal , goes ... like that .
(trg)="43"> U l-mejjet jew mejta tagħmel ... hekk .

(src)="44"> Very unsettling for people working in pathology labs .
(trg)="44"> Ma tantx tiġi apprezzata min minn jaħdem laboratorju patoloġiku .

(src)="45"> ( Laughter ) Now , if you can trigger the Lazarus reflex in a dead person , why not the orgasm reflex ?
(trg)="45"> ( Daħq ) Issa jekk tista tagħmel ir-rifless ta Lażżru f 'persuna mejta , għala mhux ir-rifless orgażmatiku ?

(src)="46"> I asked this question to a brain death expert , Stephanie Mann , who was foolish enough to return my emails .
(trg)="46"> Staqsejt dil-mistoqsija lill-esperta fuq stat veġetali , Stephanie Mann , li kienet ċuċ biżżejjed li irrisponditli l-emails .

(src)="47"> ( Laughter ) I said , " So , could you conceivably trigger an orgasm in a dead person ? "
(trg)="47"> ( Daħq ) Qedtila , " Allura , hemm ċans sew li jista ' jkun hemm orgażmu f 'persuna mejta ? '

(src)="48"> She said , " Yes , if the sacral nerve is being oxygenated , you conceivably could . "
(trg)="48.1"> Qaltli " Jekk is-Sacral nerve jkun ossiġinat iva .
(trg)="48.2"> Hemm ċans kbir li tista "

(src)="49"> Obviously it wouldn 't be as much fun for the person .
(trg)="49"> Ovvjament ma tantx se tkun ta gost għal persuna .

(src)="50"> But it would be an orgasm -- ( Laughter ) nonetheless .
(trg)="50"> Imma se tkun orgażmu -- ( Daħq ) xorta .

(src)="51"> There is a researcher at the University of Alabama who does orgasm research .
(trg)="51"> Jien isuġġerejta lil -- riċerkatur fl-Universita t 'Alabama li jagħmel riċerka fuq l-orgażmi .

(src)="52"> I said to her , " You should do an experiment .
(trg)="52"> Qedtila , " Missek tesperimenta .

(src)="53.1"> You know ?
(src)="53.2"> You can get cadavers if you work at a university . "
(trg)="53"> Taf int , għandek dawk il-kadavri kollha , ħabba xogħlok fl-universita "

(src)="54"> I said , " You should actually do this . "
(trg)="54"> Qedtila " Bis-serjeta qed ngħidlek "

(src)="55"> She said , " You get the human subjects review board approval for this one . "
(trg)="55"> Qaltli " Il-Permess mingħand il-bord ta esperimentazzjoni fuq il-bniedem f 'idek . "

(src)="56"> ( Laughter ) According to 1930s marriage manual author , Theodoor van De Velde , a slight seminal odor can be detected on the breath of a woman within about an hour after sexual intercourse .
(trg)="56"> ( Daħq ) Skond l-awtur ta manwal fuq iż-żwieġ , li nħareg fl-1930 Theodoor Van de Velde , riħa ħafifa ta sperma tista tiġi innutata ma n-nifs ta ' mara sa wara siegha li jkollha x 'taqsam sesswalment .

(src)="57"> Theodoor van De Velde was something of a semen connoisseur .
(trg)="57"> Theodore Van de Velde kien espert ta l-isperma .

(src)="58"> ( Laughter ) This is a guy writing a book , " Ideal Marriage , " you know .
(trg)="58"> ( Daħq ) Dan hu l-persuna li kiteb " Ideal Marriage - Iż-Żwieg Idejali " għal ġieħna .

(src)="59"> Very heavy hetero guy .
(trg)="59"> Raġel eterosesswali kemm tista .

(src)="60"> But he wrote in this book , " Ideal Marriage " -- he said that he could differentiate between the semen of a young man , which he said had a fresh , exhilarating smell , and the semen of mature men , whose semen smelled , quote , " Remarkably like that of the flowers of the Spanish chestnut .
(trg)="60"> Imma fil-ktieb tiegħu " Ideal Marriage - Iż-Żwieg Idejali " kiteb li seta jagħraf id-differenza bejn l-isperma ta raġel żagħżugħ li skond hu , għandha riħa friska , eżilaranti u l-isperma ta raġel matur li l-sperma tieghu kellha riħa ta , u hawn nikkwota " Rimarkabbli , bħal fjuri tal-Ġellewza Spanjola .

(src)="61"> Sometimes quite freshly floral , and then again sometimes extremely pungent . "
(trg)="61"> Kultant qisa fjura għada tiftaħ u kultant ukoll qawwija wisq "

(src)="62.1"> ( Laughter ) Okay .
(src)="62.2"> In 1999 , in the state of Israel , a man began hiccupping .
(trg)="62"> ( Daħq ) Mela , fl-1999 , fl-Izrael raġel qabdu is-sulluzzu .

(src)="63"> And this was one of those cases that went on and on .
(trg)="63"> U kien wieħed minn dawk il-każijiet li jibqa sejjer u sejjer .

(src)="64"> He tried everything his friends suggested .
(trg)="64"> Ipprova kull ma ssuġerewlu sħabu .

(src)="65"> Nothing seemed to help .
(trg)="65"> Xejn ma ħadem .

(src)="66"> Days went by .
(trg)="66"> Għaddew il-jiem .

(src)="67"> At a certain point , the man , still hiccupping , had sex with his wife .
(trg)="67"> F 'ċertu mument , dar-raġel bis-sulluzzu għaddej , kellu x 'jaqsam ma martu .

(src)="68"> And lo and behold , the hiccups went away .
(trg)="68"> U ċum bum , is-sulluzzu telaq .

(src)="69"> He told his doctor , who published a case report in a Canadian medical journal under the title , " Sexual Intercourse as a Potential Treatment for Intractable Hiccups . "
(trg)="69"> Qal lit-tabib tieghu , li ppublika rapport tal-kaz f 'ġurnal mediku Kanadiz , taht it-titlu , " Is-Sess bħala Kura Possibli ta Sulluzzu Kontinwu "

(src)="70"> I love this article because at a certain point they suggested that unattached hiccuppers could try masturbation .
(trg)="70"> Joġgħobni mmens dan l-artiklu għax f 'ċertu punt jissuġerixxu li dawk li jaqbadhom is-sulluzzu u jkunu single , jippruvaw il-masturbazzjoni .

(src)="71"> ( Laughter ) I love that because there is like a whole demographic : unattached hiccuppers .
(trg)="71"> ( Daħq ) Toġgħobni dik għax daħħlu parti demografika ġdida .

(src)="72"> ( Laughter ) Married , single , unattached hiccupper .
(trg)="72.1"> Nies single bis-sulluzzu .
(trg)="72.2"> ( Daħq ) Miżżewgin .
(trg)="72.3"> Single .
(trg)="72.4"> Single 's bis-sulluzzu

(src)="73"> In the 1900s , early 1900s , a lot of gynecologists believed that when a woman has an orgasm , the contractions serve to suck the semen up through the cervix and sort of deliver it really quickly to the egg , thereby upping the odds of conception .
(trg)="73.1"> Fil-bidu ta ' l-1900 ġinekoloġisti , ħafna minnhom kienu jemmnu li meta mara jkollha orgażmu , il-kontrazzjonijiet iservu biex jiġbdu l-isperma lejn iċ-ċerviċi ( cervix ) u b 'hekk l-isperma tasal iżjed malajr ħdejn il-bajda .
(trg)="73.2"> B 'hekk jiżdied iċ-ċans ta ' konċepiment .

(src)="74"> It was called the " upsuck " theory .
(trg)="74"> Kienet imsejħa it-tejorija " Upsuck "

(src)="75"> ( Laughter ) If you go all the way back to Hippocrates , physicians believed that orgasm in women was not just helpful for conception , but necessary .
(trg)="75"> ( Daħq ) Jekk tmorru lura sa żmien Hippocrates , it-tobba kienu jemmnu li l-orgażmu f 'mara ma kienux biss tajbin għal konċepiment , imma neċessarji .

(src)="76"> Doctors back then were routinely telling men the importance of pleasuring their wives .
(trg)="76"> It-tobba ta dak iz-żmien kienu jgħidu lil irġiel l-importanza li jagħtu pjaċir il-marthom .

(src)="77"> Marriage-manual author and semen-sniffer Theodoor van De Velde -- ( Laughter ) has a line in his book .
(trg)="77"> Il-kittieb tal-Marriage Manual , u espert tar-riħa ta ' l-isperma Theodore Van de Velde -- ( Daħq ) għandu frażi fil-ktieb tiegħu .

(src)="78"> I loved this guy .
(trg)="78"> Għoġobni dar-raġel , sibt ħafna xi ngħid fuqu , is-sur Theodore Van de Velde .

(src)="80"> He had this line in his book that supposedly comes from the Habsburg Monarchy , where there was an empress Maria Theresa , who was having trouble conceiving .
(trg)="79"> Mela kellu sentenza fil-ktieb tiegħu , li suppost ġejja mill-Monarkija ta ' Habsburg . ( l-Awtrijaċi ) Dawn kellhom Imperatriċi Maria Tereża , li kellha problema tikonċepixi .

(src)="81"> And apparently the royal court physician said to her , " I am of the opinion that the vulva of your most sacred majesty be titillated for some time prior to intercourse . "
(trg)="80"> U apparentament it-tabib tal-familja rjali qallha , " Jien ta ' l-opinjoni li il-vulva , ta ' l-Onorevoli Majesta ' tiġi eċċitata qabel maj jkollha x 'taqsam "

(src)="82"> ( Laughter ) It 's apparently , I don 't know , on the record somewhere .
(trg)="81"> ( Daħq ) Apparentament , manafx fejn , hemm miktub li

(src)="83"> Masters and Johnson : now we 're moving forward to the 1950s .
(trg)="82"> Masters u Johnson : issa mxejna lejn il-ħamsinijiet ( 1950 's ) .

(src)="84"> Masters and Johnson were upsuck skeptics , which is also really fun to say .
(trg)="83.1"> kienu xettiċi tat-tejorija upsuck .
(trg)="83.2"> U anka biex tgħida iġġiblek tbissima .

(src)="85"> They didn 't buy it .
(trg)="84"> Ma niżżluwiex .

(src)="86"> And they decided , being Masters and Johnson , that they would get to the bottom of it .
(trg)="85"> U ddeċidew , billi huma Masters u Johnson , li jinvestigawa .

(src)="87"> They brought women into the lab -- I think it was five women -- and outfitted them with cervical caps containing artificial semen .
(trg)="86.1"> Ġabu xi nisa ġo laboratorju .
(trg)="86.2"> Naħseb kienu ħamsa .
(trg)="86.3"> U libbsuhom kappep fuq iċ-ċerviċi ( cervix ) li kellhom fihom , sperma artifiċjali .

(src)="88"> And in the artificial semen was a radio-opaque substance , such that it would show up on an X-ray .
(trg)="87"> U f 'din l-isperma artifiċjali , kien hemm sustanza li fuq X-ray kienet tidher , msejjħa radio-opaque .

(src)="89"> This is the 1950s .
(trg)="88"> Dan kien fil-bidu tal-ħamsinijiet .

(src)="90"> Anyway , these women sat in front of an X-ray device .
(trg)="89"> Imsomma dawn in-nisa qadu bilqeda quddiem magna tal-X-ray .

(src)="91"> And they masturbated .
(trg)="90"> U bdew jimmasturbaw .

(src)="92"> And Masters and Johnson looked to see if the semen was being sucked up .
(trg)="91"> U Masters u Johnson qadu attenti biex jaraw jekk l-isperma jigiex miġbud il-fuq .

(src)="93"> Did not find any evidence of upsuck .
(trg)="92"> Ma sabu l-ebda evidenza ta " upsuck " .

(src)="94"> You may be wondering , " How do you make artificial semen ? "
(trg)="93"> Nimmaġimakhom taħsbu " Imma kif tagħmel sperma artifiċjali ? "

(src)="95.1"> ( Laughter ) I have an answer for you .
(src)="95.2"> I have two answers .
(trg)="94"> ( Daħq ) Għandi tweġiba għalikhom , anzi tnejn .

(src)="96"> You can use flour and water , or cornstarch and water .
(trg)="95"> Tista tuza ' jew dqiq u ilma jew lamtu tal-qamħirrun ( cornstarch ) u ilma

(src)="97"> I actually found three separate recipes in the literature .
(trg)="96"> filfatt sibt dawn iġ-ġiex riċetti f 'artikli differenti .

(src)="98"> ( Laughter ) My favorite being the one that says -- you know , they have the ingredients listed , and then in a recipe it will say , for example , " Yield : two dozen cupcakes . "
(trg)="97"> ( Daħq ) Il-favorita tiegħi tkun dik li tgħid -- taf int , jkollok il-lista ta ' l-ingredjenti. u mbad ir-riċetta li tgħidlek , per eżempju , " Tagħmel ġiex tużżani pasti "

(src)="99"> This one said , " Yield : one ejaculate . "
(trg)="98"> Din kellha miktub " Tagħmel , eġakulazzjoni waħda . "

(src)="100"> ( Laughter ) There 's another way that orgasm might boost fertility .
(trg)="99"> ( Daħq ) Hemm mod ieħor kif l-orgażmu jista jżid il-fertilita ' .