# en/ted2020-1183.xml.gz
# ltg/ted2020-1183.xml.gz

(src)="1"> A few years ago , I felt like I was stuck in a rut , so I decided to follow in the footsteps of the great American philosopher , Morgan Spurlock , and try something new for 30 days .
(trg)="1"> Pyrma dažim godim es sasajutu , kai byutu īsasprīds kasdīnā , deļtuo izdūmuoju sekuot dyžanuo amerikaņu filosofa Morgana Sperloka pāduos i 30 dīnys paraudzeit kū jaunu .

(src)="2"> The idea is actually pretty simple .
(trg)="2"> Ideja ir cīši vīnkuorša .

(src)="3"> Think about something you 've always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days .
(trg)="3"> Aizadūmoj par kū taidu , kū sovā dzeivē vysod esi gribiejis padareit i paraugi tū cytys 30 dīnys .

(src)="4"> It turns out 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit or subtract a habit -- like watching the news -- from your life .
(trg)="4"> Izaruoda , kai 30 dīnys ir taišni eistuo laika šaļts , kab dabuotu jaunu īrodumu voi pamastu kaidu vacū , pīvadumam , ziņu vieršonuos nu sovys dzeivis .

(src)="5"> There 's a few things I learned while doing these 30-day challenges .
(trg)="5"> Ir koč kas , kū īsavuiceju , dorūt itūs 30 dīnu aizdavumus .

(src)="6"> The first was , instead of the months flying by , forgotten , the time was much more memorable .
(trg)="6"> Vysu pyrma mieneši naproskrieja garum , aizmiersteibā , i beja daudzi vairuok kū atguoduot .

(src)="7"> This was part of a challenge I did to take a picture every day for a month .
(trg)="7"> Daļa izaicynuojuma aizdavuma beja kotru mieneša dīnu sataiseit vīnu fotografeju .

(src)="8"> And I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that day .
(trg)="8"> Es atguodoju , kur taišni beju i kū tymā dīnā dareju .

(src)="9"> I also noticed that as I started to do more and harder 30-day challenges , my self-confidence grew .
(trg)="9"> Pamaneju , ka kai dareju vaira i gryušuokus 30 dīnu aizdavumus , auga muna ticeiba sev .

(src)="10"> I went from desk-dwelling computer nerd to the kind of guy who bikes to work .
(trg)="10"> Nū sātā sādūša datortuorpa es tyku par puiškinu , kurs brauc iz dorbu ar ritini .

(src)="11"> For fun !
(trg)="11"> Prīcys piec !

(src)="12.1"> ( Laughter ) Even last year , I ended up hiking up Mt .
(src)="12.2"> Kilimanjaro , the highest mountain in Africa .
(trg)="12"> ( Smīklys ) Pārnajā godā saguoja izkuopt Kilimandžaro , aukstuokajā kolnā Afrikā .

(src)="13"> I would never have been that adventurous before I started my 30-day challenges .
(trg)="13"> Pyrma izsuoču sovus 30 dīnu aizdavumus nikod nabyutu tveics piec taidim pīdzeivuojumim

(src)="14"> I also figured out that if you really want something badly enough , you can do anything for 30 days .
(trg)="14"> Es saprotu , ka eistyn koč kū gribi , tod 30 dīnuos var padareit vysa kuo !

(src)="15"> Have you ever wanted to write a novel ?
(trg)="15"> Asat nazkod gribiejuši pīraksteit romanu ?

(src)="16"> Every November , tens of thousands of people try to write their own 50,000-word novel , from scratch , in 30 days .
(trg)="16"> Kotru novembri desmitim tyukstūšu cylvāku 30 dīnu laikā rauga pīraksteit sovu 50 000 vuordu romanu nu nullis .

(src)="17"> It turns out , all you have to do is write 1,667 words a day for a month .
(trg)="17"> Izaruoda , kai jiusim tik viņ kai vīnu mienesi kotru dīnu juopīroksta 1 667 vuordi .

(src)="18"> So I did .
(trg)="18"> Tai es ari dareju .

(src)="19"> By the way , the secret is not to go to sleep until you 've written your words for the day .
(trg)="19"> Cyta vydā , nūslāpums ir naīt gulātu , cikom naasat pīrakstejuši ituos dīnys vuordus .

(src)="20"> You might be sleep-deprived , but you 'll finish your novel .
(trg)="20"> Jiusim varbyut byus mīga bods , nu dabeigsit sovu romanu .

(src)="21"> Now is my book the next great American novel ?
(trg)="21"> Voi muna gruomota ir jauns dyžanais Amerikys romans ?

(src)="22.1"> No .
(src)="22.2"> I wrote it in a month .
(trg)="22.1"> Nā !
(trg)="22.2"> Es tū pīraksteju par vīnu mienesi !

(src)="23"> It 's awful .
(trg)="23"> Jis ir baimeigs !

(src)="24"> ( Laughter ) But for the rest of my life , if I meet John Hodgman at a TED party , I don 't have to say , " I 'm a computer scientist . "
(trg)="24"> ( Smīklys ) Tok vysu tuoļuokuo dzeivi , kod TED večerinkā sasateiku ar Džonu Hodžmenu , maņ nav juosoka : „ Es asu datorzynuotnīks . ”

(src)="25"> No , no , if I want to , I can say , " I 'm a novelist . "
(trg)="25"> Nā , nā , ka grybu , varu saceit : „ Asu rakstinīks . ”

(src)="26"> ( Laughter ) So here 's one last thing I 'd like to mention .
(trg)="26"> ( Smīklys ) Vei , pādejais , kū grybu saceit .

(src)="27"> I learned that when I made small , sustainable changes , things I could keep doing , they were more likely to stick .
(trg)="27"> Es īsavuiceju , ka dorūt mozys i ilgtspiejeigys puormejis , tū , kū es varu dareit ari iz prīšku , tys īrosts palyka .

(src)="28"> There 's nothing wrong with big , crazy challenges .
(trg)="28"> Lelim i trokim izaicynuojumim nav ni vainis .

(src)="29"> In fact , they 're a ton of fun .
(trg)="29"> Eistyneibā , tī ir dyžan ļusteigi .

(src)="30"> But they 're less likely to stick .
(trg)="30"> Tok tī drūsai viņ nabyus īrodums .

(src)="31"> When I gave up sugar for 30 days , day 31 looked like this .
(trg)="31"> 30 dīnys atsasokūt nu cukra , 31 . dīna izaviere koč kai itai :

(src)="32"> ( Laughter ) So here 's my question to you : What are you waiting for ?
(trg)="32"> ( Smīklys ) Tai niu es jums vaicoju : Kuo jius vēļ gaidit ?

(src)="33"> I guarantee you the next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not , so why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot !
(trg)="33"> Es varu drūsai saceit , ka cytys 30 dīnys īs iz prīkšu taipat , kai guojušys. pateik jums tys voi nā , tod parkū napadūmuot par kū taidu , kū vysod asat gribiejs paraudzeit , i dareit tū !

(src)="34"> For the next 30 days .
(trg)="34"> Cytys 30 dīnys .

(src)="35"> Thanks .
(trg)="35"> Paļdis .

(src)="36"> ( Applause )
(trg)="36"> ( Publika plaukšynoj )

# en/ted2020-276.xml.gz
# ltg/ted2020-276.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Well , I 'm involved in other things , besides physics .
(trg)="1"> Sūpluok fizikai es asmu īsasaistejs ari cytur .

(src)="2"> In fact , mostly now in other things .
(trg)="2"> Eisteneibā , itūšaļt vaira taišni cytuos lītuos .

(src)="3"> One thing is distant relationships among human languages .
(trg)="3"> Vīna ir attuoluos attīceibys cylvāku volūdu vydā .

(src)="4"> And the professional , historical linguists in the U.S.
(trg)="4"> Profesionali viesturis volūdnīki ASV

(src)="5"> and in Western Europe mostly try to stay away from any long-distance relationships , big groupings , groupings that go back a long time , longer than the familiar families .
(trg)="5"> i Vokoru Eiropā pa lelam rauga turētīs par gobolu nu vyskaidom attuolom attīceibom ; lelim grupiejumim , cīši vacim grupiejumim , vacuokim kai zynomuos volūdu saimis .

(src)="6.1"> They don 't like that .
(src)="6.2"> They think it 's crank .
(src)="6.3"> I don 't think it 's crank .
(trg)="6.1"> Jim tys napateik ; Jī dūmoj , ka tei ir kaprize .
(trg)="6.2"> Es nadūmoju , ka tai ir kaprize .

(src)="7"> And there are some brilliant linguists , mostly Russians , who are working on that , at Santa Fe Institute and in Moscow , and I would love to see where that leads .
(trg)="7.1"> Ir nazcik genialu volūdnīku , puorsvorā krīvu , kurī pi tuo struodoj Santafe Iņstitutā i Moskovā .
(trg)="7.2"> Es cīši grybātu redzēt , iz kureini tys nūvess .

(src)="8"> Does it really lead to a single ancestor some 20 , 25,000 years ago ?
(trg)="8"> Voi tys eistyn nūvess pī vīna prīškguojieja pyrma kaidu 20 — 25 tyukstūšu godu ?

(src)="9"> And what if we go back beyond that single ancestor , when there was presumably a competition among many languages ?
(trg)="9"> I ka nu mes ītu vēļ tuoļuok pyrma ituo kūpeiguo prīškguojieja , kod , drūsai viņ , beja daudzu volūdu sovstarpeiga konkureņce ?

(src)="10.1"> How far back does that go ?
(src)="10.2"> How far back does modern language go ?
(trg)="10.1"> Cik tuoli paguotnē tys īt ?
(trg)="10.2"> Cik tuoli paguotnē īt myuslaiku volūda ?

(src)="11"> How many tens of thousands of years does it go back ?
(trg)="11"> Cik daudzus dasmytus tyukstūšys godu tuoļā paguotnē tei īt ?

(src)="12"> Chris Anderson : Do you have a hunch or a hope for what the answer to that is ?
(trg)="12"> Kriss Aņdersons : Jums ir nūjauta voi nūceja par tū , kaids ir atsacejums ?

(src)="13"> Murray Gell-Mann : Well , I would guess that modern language must be older than the cave paintings and cave engravings and cave sculptures and dance steps in the soft clay in the caves in Western Europe , in the Aurignacian Period some 35,000 years ago , or earlier .
(trg)="13"> Marijs Gells-Manns : Es pasaceitu miniejumu , kai myuslaiku volūdom juobyut vacuokom kai olu zeimiejumi , olu graviejumi i olu skuļpturom , i daņču sūlim meikstajā muolā Vokoru Eiropys oluos Oriņakys periodā pyrma kaidu 35 000 godu voi seņuok .

(src)="14"> I can 't believe they did all those things and didn 't also have a modern language .
(trg)="14"> Es naspātu nūticēt , ka jī spieja tū vysu dareit , najādzūt myuslaiku volūdu .

(src)="15"> So , I would guess that the actual origin goes back at least that far and maybe further .
(trg)="15"> Deļtuo es pīļaunu , kai patīsuo izceļsme ir vacuoka , mozuokais tikpoš vaca , kas zyn i vacuoka .

(src)="16.1"> But that doesn 't mean that all , or many , or most of today 's attested languages couldn 't descend perhaps from one that 's much younger than that , like say 20,000 years , or something of that kind .
(src)="16.2"> It 's what we call a bottleneck .
(trg)="16.1"> Nu tys nanūzeimoj , ka vysys , daudzys voi koč vairums nu myuslaiku zynuomuos volūdys navarieja izaceļt , pīvadumam , nū vīnys , kurei ir daudz jaunuoka , saceisim , 20 000 godu vaca voi liedzeigai .
(trg)="16.2"> Tū mes saucam par šaurū vītu .

(src)="17"> CA : Well , Philip Anderson may have been right .
(trg)="17"> K.A. : Filipam Aņdersonam varieja byut taisneiba .

(src)="18"> You may just know more about everything than anyone .
(trg)="18"> Var byut , jius par tū zynat vaira kai kurs cyts .

(src)="19.1"> So , it 's been an honor .
(src)="19.2"> Thank you Murray Gell-Mann .
(trg)="19.1"> Deļtuo tys ir gūds .
(trg)="19.2"> Paļdis jums , Marij Gell-Mann .

(src)="20"> ( Applause )
(trg)="20"> ( Publika plaukšynoj )

# en/ted2020-755.xml.gz
# ltg/ted2020-755.xml.gz

(src)="1"> So , imagine you 're standing on a street anywhere in America and a Japanese man comes up to you and says , " Excuse me , what is the name of this block ? "
(trg)="1"> Tai , īsadūmojat , ka stuovat nazkur Amerikā iz ūļneicys , i pi jums daīt japaņs i prosa : „ Atlaidit , kai sauc itū kvartalu ? ”

(src)="2"> And you say , " I 'm sorry , well , this is Oak Street , that 's Elm Street .
(trg)="2.1"> Jius atsokat : „ Atlaidit .
(trg)="2.2"> Nu , itei ir Oukstrita , tei ir Elmstrita .

(src)="3"> This is 26th , that 's 27th . "
(trg)="3"> Tei ir 26 . sāta , tei — 27 . ”

(src)="4"> He says , " OK , but what is the name of that block ? "
(trg)="4"> „ Lobi , ” jis atsoka , „ nu kai sauc itū kvartalu ? ”

(src)="5"> You say , " Well , blocks don 't have names .
(trg)="5"> Jius sokat : „ Nu , kvartalim nav vuordu .

(src)="6"> Streets have names ; blocks are just the unnamed spaces in between streets . "
(trg)="6"> Vuordi ir ūļneicom ; kvartali ir tik vītys bez vuordim ūļneicu vydā . ”

(src)="7"> He leaves , a little confused and disappointed .
(trg)="7"> Jis nūīt drupeit apjucs i veilīs .

(src)="8"> So , now imagine you 're standing on a street , anywhere in Japan , you turn to a person next to you and say , " Excuse me , what is the name of this street ? "
(trg)="8"> Niu īsadūmojat , ka stuovat iz ūļneicys nazkur Japanā , jius pasagrīžat pret sūpluok cylvāku i vaicojat : „ Atlaidit , kai sauc itū ūļneicu ? ”

(src)="9"> They say , " Oh , well that 's Block 17 and this is Block 16 . "
(trg)="9"> Jis atsoka : „ Nu , itys ir 17 . kvartals , itys — 16 . kvartals . ”

(src)="10"> And you say , " OK , but what is the name of this street ? "
(trg)="10"> I jius atsokat : „ Lobi , i kai sauc itū ūļneicu ? ”

(src)="11"> And they say , " Well , streets don 't have names .
(trg)="11"> I jis atsoka : „ Nu , ūļneicom nav vuordu .

(src)="12"> Blocks have names .
(trg)="12"> Vuordi ir kvartalim .

(src)="13.1"> Just look at Google Maps here .
(src)="13.2"> There 's Block 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 .
(trg)="13.1"> Pasaverit Google Maps .
(trg)="13.2"> Vei , 14 .,15 . , 16 . , 17 . , 18 . , 19 . kvartals .

(src)="14"> All of these blocks have names , and the streets are just the unnamed spaces in between the blocks .
(trg)="14.1"> Vysim kvartalim ir vuordi .
(trg)="14.2"> Ūļneicys ir tik vītys bez vuordu kvartalu vydā .

(src)="15"> And you say then , " OK , then how do you know your home address ? "
(trg)="15"> I tod jius vaicojat : „ Lobi , a kai tod jius zinit sovu sātys adresu ? ”

(src)="16"> He said , " Well , easy , this is District Eight .
(trg)="16"> „ Vīnkuorši , ” jis atsoka , „ itys ir ostoitais kvartals .

(src)="17"> There 's Block 17 , house number one . "
(trg)="17"> Es dzeivoju 17 . kvartalā , sātā numer vīns . ”

(src)="18"> You say , " OK , but walking around the neighborhood , I noticed that the house numbers don 't go in order . "
(trg)="18"> „ Lobi , ” jius sokat , „ nu , īmūt pa apleicīni , es īvāruoju , ka sātu numeri nav seceigi . ”

(src)="19.1"> He says , " Of course they do .
(src)="19.2"> They go in the order in which they were built .
(trg)="19.1"> Jis atsoka : „ Skaidrys , ka ir .
(trg)="19.2"> Tuos ir numerātys piec tū pastateišonys seceibys .

(src)="20"> The first house ever built on a block is house number one .
(trg)="20"> Pyrmuo kvartalā pastateituo sāta ir sāta numer vīns .

(src)="21"> The second house ever built is house number two .
(trg)="21"> Ūtrei pastateituo sāta ir sāta numer div .

(src)="22.1"> Third is house number three .
(src)="22.2"> It 's easy .
(src)="22.3"> It 's obvious . "
(trg)="22"> Treša ir sāta numer treis .

(src)="23"> So , I love that sometimes we need to go to the opposite side of the world to realize assumptions we didn 't even know we had , and realize that the opposite of them may also be true .
(trg)="23.1"> Vīgli !
(trg)="23.2"> Logiski ! ”
(trg)="23.3"> Deļtuo maņ pateik , kai myusim ir reizem juobrauc iz ūtru pasauļa molu , kab saprostu pījāmumus , kurūs mes seņuok nazynuojom i saprostu , ka ari pretejais var byut pareizs .

(src)="24"> So , for example , there are doctors in China who believe that it 's their job to keep you healthy .
(trg)="24"> Tai , pīvadumam , Kīnā uorsti tur , ka jū dorbs ir ryupētīs , kab tu byutu vasals .

(src)="25.1"> So , any month you are healthy you pay them , and when you 're sick you don 't have to pay them because they failed at their job .
(src)="25.2"> They get rich when you 're healthy , not sick .
(trg)="25.1"> Deļtuo sevkuru mienesi , kurū asat vasals , jius jim moksuojot , i , kod asat navasals , jums navajag jim moksuot , deļtuo ka jī nav kuorteigi darejuši sovu dorbu .
(trg)="25.2"> Jī teik bogotuoki , kod jius asat vasali , a na navasali .

(src)="26"> ( Applause ) In most music , we think of the " one " as the downbeat , the beginning of the musical phrase : one , two , three , four .
(trg)="26"> ( Plaukšīni ) Leluokajā daļā muzykys mes skaitam „ vīns ” kai pyrmū sitīni , muzykaluos frazys suokys .

(src)="27"> But in West African music , the " one " is thought of as the end of the phrase , like the period at the end of a sentence .
(trg)="27.1"> Vīns , div , treis , četri .
(trg)="27.2"> Tok Vokoru Afrikys muzykā „ vīns ” teik skaiteits par frazys beigom , taipat kai atstarpe pyrma teikuma gola .

(src)="28"> So , you can hear it not just in the phrasing , but the way they count off their music : two , three , four , one .
(trg)="28.1"> Tū var dzierdēt na tik frazejumā , bet taipat i tymā , kai jī skaita ritmu .
(trg)="28.2"> Div , treis , četri , vīns .

(src)="29"> And this map is also accurate .
(trg)="29"> Taipat i itei karta ir preciza .

(src)="30"> ( Laughter ) There 's a saying that whatever true thing you can say about India , the opposite is also true .
(trg)="30"> ( Smīklys ) Ir sokamvuords , ka , vysleidz kaidu patīsu lītu jius pasaceitu par Indeju , taipat i pretejais byus taisneiba .

(src)="31"> So , let 's never forget , whether at TED , or anywhere else , that whatever brilliant ideas you have or hear , that the opposite may also be true .
(trg)="31"> Deļtuo naaizmierssim , vysleidza , voi TED voi vysur cytur , kur var dzierdēt kaidys genialys idejis ir jums voi cytim , taipat i preteijais var byut taisneiba .

(src)="32"> Domo arigato gozaimashita .
(trg)="32"> Lels jums paļdis !