# en/ted2020-2739.xml.gz
# ig/ted2020-2739.xml.gz
(src)="1"> Last year ...
(trg)="1"> Afo gara-aga ...
(src)="2"> was hell .
(trg)="2"> dirim ka oku .
(src)="3"> ( Laughter ) It was my first time eating Nigerian " jollof . "
(trg)="3"> ( Ichi ochi ) O bukwa oge mbu , m riri osikapa " joloofu " ndi Naijiria .
(src)="4"> ( Laughter ) Actually , in all seriousness , I was going through a lot of personal turmoil .
(trg)="4"> ( Ichi ochi ) N ' eziokwu , ihe m gabigara buru ibu .
(src)="5"> Faced with enormous stress , I suffered an anxiety attack .
(trg)="5"> N ' etiti nnukwu nsogbu m , A gabigakwala m nnukwu egwu .
(src)="6"> On some days , I could do no work .
(trg)="6"> Ufodu Ubochi , E nweghim ike iru aru oru .
(src)="7"> On other days , I just wanted to lay in my bed and cry .
(trg)="7"> Ubochi ndi ozo , m choo kam noro n 'akwa m , bee akwa .
(src)="8"> My doctor asked if I 'd like to speak with a mental health professional about my stress and anxiety .
(trg)="8"> Dokinta juru nam a ga-acho ihu okacha ibe na-ahu maka isi izu oke , maka nsogbu na nchegbum .
(src)="9"> Mental health ?
(trg)="9"> Isi izu oke ?
(src)="10"> I clammed up and violently shook my head in protest .
(trg)="10"> Oriri m onu , e fekwara m isi n 'iwe .
(src)="11"> I felt a profound sense of a shame .
(trg)="11"> Ihere onwe juru m ahu .
(src)="12"> I felt the weight of stigma .
(trg)="12"> O dikwa m k 'ajuru m aju .
(src)="13"> I have a loving , supportive family and incredibly loyal friends , yet I could not entertain the idea of speaking to anyone about my feeling of pain .
(trg)="13"> E nwerem ezinulo huru m n 'anya nke ukwu na ndi enyi m tukwasara obi , na agbanyeghi ya , ekweghi m agwa onye obula , gbasara ihe mgbu m .
(src)="14"> I felt suffocated by the rigid architecture of our African masculinity .
(trg)="14"> O dikwam k 'onweghi ihe m puru ime n 'ihi omenala anyi n 'Africa , gbasara obi isi ike nwoke kwesiri inwe .
(src)="15"> " People have real problems , Sangu .
(trg)="15"> " Ndi nmadu na enwe nsogbu , Sangu .
(src)="16"> Get over yourself ! "
(trg)="16"> Nagide onwe gi "
(src)="17"> The first time I heard " mental health , " I was a boarding school student fresh off the boat from Ghana , at the Peddie School in New Jersey .
(trg)="17"> Oge mbu m nuru maka " isi izu oke , " E sim Ghana puta ohuu , banye na Ulo akwukwo e be obibi , a kporo Peddie di na New Jersey .
(src)="18"> I had just gone through the brutal experience of losing seven loved ones in the same month .
(trg)="18"> A kam gabigara iru uju nmadu asaa ndi nwuru n ' otu onwa .
(src)="19"> The school nurse , concerned about what I 'd gone through -- God bless her soul -- she inquired about my mental health .
(trg)="19"> Onye n 'eleta ndi ahu n 'adighi , k ' ometuru gbasara ihe m na-agabiga -- Chukwu gozie mkpuruobi ya -- o juru m gbasara isi izu oke m .
(src)="20.1"> " Is she mental ? "
(src)="20.2"> I thought .
(trg)="20"> m juom onwe si , " ara a na-ayi ya ? "
(src)="21"> Does she not know I 'm an African man ?
(trg)="21"> O makwa n 'abu m dimkpa Africa ?
(src)="22"> ( Laughter ) Like Okonkwo in " Things Fall Apart , " we African men neither process nor express our emotions .
(trg)="22"> ( Ochi ) Dika Okonkwo , n 'ime " Things Fall Apart , " Anyi bu umu nwoke Africa anaghi ekwuputa ihe na-akpagbu anyi
(src)="23"> We deal with our problems .
(trg)="23"> Anyi na-e gbokwa mkpa anyi n 'onwe anyi
(src)="24"> ( Applause ) We deal with our problems .
(trg)="24"> ( Iku aka ) Anyi na-e gbokwa mkpa anyi n 'onwe anyi .
(src)="25"> I called my brother and laughed about " Oyibo " people -- white people -- and their strange diseases -- depression , ADD and those " weird things . "
(trg)="25"> A kporo m nwanne m nwoke , ma chikwa ochi megide ndi oyibo -- na kwa oria di iche iche ha na-aya -- nchegbu , na kwa ihe ndi ozo .
(src)="26"> Growing up in West Africa , when people used the term " mental , " what came to mind was a madman with dirty , dread-locked hair , bumbling around half-naked on the streets .
(trg)="26"> Site n 'ozuzu m nwetara n 'West Africa , O bu onye ara bu isi ruru unyi , gbakwara oto a kpaghari na-agbata anyi n 'obi mgbe o bula ekwuru ' mental . '
(src)="27"> We all know this man .
(trg)="27"> Anyi maara onye ara ahu nke oma .
(src)="28"> Our parents warned us about him .
(trg)="28"> Nne na nna anyi doro anyi aka na nti gbasara ya .
(src)="29"> " Mommy , mommy , why is he mad ? "
(trg)="29"> " Nne , nne , gini mere o jikwa buru onye ara ? "
(src)="30"> " Drugs !
(trg)="30"> o bu " ogwu na-aba n 'isi !
(src)="31"> If you even look at drugs , you end up like him . "
(trg)="31"> ilegodu y 'anya , ihe mere ya , emee gi . "
(src)="32"> ( Laughter ) Come down with pneumonia , and your mother will rush you to the nearest hospital for medical treatment .
(trg)="32"> ( Ochi ) Oria oyi yaa gi , nne gi ga-ebuze gi n 'ulo ogwu k 'agwoo gi .
(src)="33"> But dare to declare depression , and your local pastor will be driving out demons and blaming witches in your village .
(trg)="33"> Mana kwuo na i naghi eche uche nke oma , Onye amuma obodo ebido ichu gi ajo mmuo ma na-ebogide ya amusi obodu gi .
(src)="34"> According to the World Health Organization , mental health is about being able to cope with the normal stressors of life ; to work productively and fruitfully ; and to be able to make a contribution to your community .
(trg)="34"> Nzuko World Health Organisation , kwukwara na isi izu oke bu i nwe ike i ji gabiga ihe na esogbu anyi kwa ubochi ; i ji were na-aru olu ga amita mkpuru ; nakwa i nwe ike meere obodo gi ezigbo ihe .
(src)="35"> Mental health includes our emotional , psychological and social well-being .
(trg)="35"> Isi izu oke gunyere uche izu onu na kwa mmeko mmadu n 'ibe ya .
(src)="36"> Globally , 75 percent of all mental illness cases can be found in low-income countries .
(trg)="36"> Gburugburu uwa niile , iri asaa na ise ime otu nari onodu isi mgbaka o bula n 'esite n 'obodo otutu ndi bi n 'aya bu ogbenye .
(src)="37"> Yet most African governments invest less than one percent of their health care budget in mental health .
(trg)="37"> N 'agbanyeghi nkea , otutu ndi ochichi Africa na-aroputa naani otu n 'ime uzo otu nari bojeeti ahu ike obodo ha i ji kwado isi izu oke .
(src)="38"> Even worse , we have a severe shortage of psychiatrists in Africa .
(trg)="38"> Nke kazi njo buzi n 'anyi enweghi otutu ndi oka ibe n 'ahu maka isi izu oke n 'Africa .
(src)="39"> Nigeria , for example , is estimated to have 200 -- in a country of almost 200 million .
(trg)="39"> Na Nigeria , i ji maa atu , o bu nari abuo n 'ime obodo ndi no n 'ime ya ruru nde nari abuo .
(src)="40"> In all of Africa , 90 percent of our people lack access to treatment .
(trg)="40"> N 'Africa niile , iri itoolu n 'ime otu nari nmadu a naghi e nweta ezigbo ogwu ahu ike .
(src)="41"> As a result , we suffer in solitude , silenced by stigma .
(trg)="41"> N 'ihi nkea , anyi n 'anwu n 'ekwughi okwu , na kwa i kpa oke a na-akpa n 'etiti ndi ahu di na ndi ahu adighi .
(src)="42"> We as Africans often respond to mental health with distance , ignorance , guilt , fear and anger .
(trg)="42"> Agwa anyi na-akpa mgbe o bula ekwutere okwu isi izu oke , bu nke ikpa oke , amaghi ihe , amam ikpe , egwu , na kwa iwe .
(src)="43"> In a study conducted by Arboleda-Flórez , directly asking , " What is the cause of mental illness ? "
(trg)="43"> Na nchoputa nke Arboleda-Florez , oge o juru si , " kedu ihe n 'ebute isi mgbaka ? "
(src)="44"> 34 percent of Nigerian respondents cited drug misuse ; 19 percent said divine wrath and the will of God -- ( Laughter ) 12 percent , witchcraft and spiritual possession .
(trg)="44"> iri ato na ano n 'ime otu nari si n 'o bu ogwu n 'aba n 'isi ; iri n 'itoolu si na o bu iwe si na chi nakwa otu chi siri choo ya -- ( ochi ) iri na abuo , si na o bukwa amusu .
(src)="45"> But few cited other known causes of mental illness , like genetics , socioeconomic status , war , conflict or the loss of a loved one .
(trg)="45"> Mana ufodu kwuputezikwara ihe ndi ozo nwere ike i bute ya , dika site n 'obara nne na nna , inwe ma o bu enweghi ego , agha , esemokwu ma o bu onwu onye nmadu huru n 'anya .
(src)="46"> The stigmatization against mental illness often results in the ostracizing and demonizing of sufferers .
(trg)="46"> I kpa oke a na-akpaso ndi isi mgbaka n 'eme ka ha dika ndi achupuru achupu nakwa ndi a juru aju .
(src)="47"> Photojournalist Robin Hammond has documented some of these abuses ...
(trg)="47"> Onye n 'edeta okwa ; Robin Hammond detukwara ufodu ikpa okea ...
(src)="48"> in Uganda , in Somalia , and here in Nigeria .
(trg)="48"> Na Uganda , Na Somalia , Nakwa ebea bu Nigeria .
(src)="49"> For me , the stigma is personal .
(trg)="49"> Na nghota nke m , Ikpa oke si na mkpebi obi nke nmadu .
(src)="50"> In 2009 , I received a frantic call in the middle of the night .
(trg)="50"> N 'afo 2009 , A nataram ozi site n 'igwe eji ekwu okwu , n 'otu abali .
(src)="51"> My best friend in the world -- a brilliant , philosophical , charming , hip young man -- was diagnosed with schizophrenia .
(trg)="51"> Enyim kasi hunanya n 'uwa niile -- ezigbo nwoke mara nma , ma marakwa akwukwo nke ukwu -- nwere oria ' schizophrenia ' site na nchoputa ulo ogwu .
(src)="52"> I witnessed some of the friends we 'd grown up with recoil .
(trg)="52"> Ndi enyi soro anyi were too , gbanwere ma kpawa oke .
(src)="53"> I heard the snickers .
(trg)="53"> a nukwaram ochi azu .
(src)="54"> I heard the whispers .
(trg)="54"> A nukwara m ntamu .
(src)="55"> " Did you hear he has gone mad ? "
(trg)="55"> " I nuru n 'isi agbakaala ya ? "
(src)="56"> ( Kru English ) " He has gone crazy ! "
(trg)="56"> " O yi bago ara ! "
(src)="57"> Derogatory , demeaning commentary about his condition -- words we would never say about someone with cancer or someone with malaria .
(trg)="57"> Okwu mkpari na nneda anya gbasara onodu ya -- okwu enweghi ike ikwu gbasara onye n 'aria cancer ma o bu oria anwunta .
(src)="58"> Somehow , when it comes to mental illness , our ignorance eviscerates all empathy .
(trg)="58"> ufodu oge , e kwute okwu oria isi mgbaka , amaghi ihe anyi n 'ekpuchi obi ime ebere anyi .
(src)="59"> I stood by his side as his community isolated him , but our love never wavered .
(trg)="59"> A nonyerem ya oge obodo ya gbaketara ya azu , n 'ihi na ihunanya anyi sikwara ike .
(src)="60"> Tacitly , I became passionate about mental health .
(trg)="60"> N 'ezie , e bidoro m nwebe nmasi gbasara isi izu oke .
(src)="61"> Inspired by his plight , I helped found the mental health special interest alumni group at my college .
(trg)="61"> Site n 'onodu enyi m , e sokwam were kee ogbako ndi nwere nmasi gbasara isi izu oke n 'ulo akwukwo koleeji anyi .
(src)="62"> And during my tenure as a resident tutor in graduate school , I supported many undergraduates with their mental health challenges .
(trg)="62"> Dika onye mgbazi na Mahadum m kuziri ka m gusiri akwukwo , E nyekwara m umu akwukwo Mahadum aka na nsogbu gbasara isi izu oke ha .
(src)="63"> I saw African students struggle and unable to speak to anyone .
(trg)="63"> A huru m k 'umu akwukwo Africa si adoli mana ha adighi ekwe agwa onye o bula .
(src)="64"> Even with this knowledge and with their stories in tow , I , in turn , struggled , and could not speak to anyone when I faced my own anxiety , so deep is our fear of being the madman .
(trg)="64"> N 'agbanyeghi ihem maara gbasara isu izu oke na akuko ihe di ozo n 'agabiga , Mu onwem , na-agabigazikwa nke m , mana o nweghi onye m nwere ike i gwa , n 'ihi n 'egwu na-atuzikwa m , Otu a k 'egwu anyi i bu onye ara siri di omimi .
(src)="65"> All of us -- but we Africans especially -- need to realize that our mental struggles do not detract from our virility , nor does our trauma taint our strength .
(trg)="65"> Anyi niile -- o kachasi ndi Africa -- kwesiri i ghota na ihe anyi na-agabiga a dighi e gosi adighi ike anyi , nke mkpagwu n 'eyi anyi egwu ji e mebi ume anyi .
(src)="66"> We need to see mental health as important as physical health .
(trg)="66"> O kwesiri k 'anyi ghota n 'isi izu oke dikwa mkpa dika ahu izu oke .
(src)="67"> We need to stop suffering in silence .
(trg)="67"> O di mkpa n 'anyi kwusiri ita ahuhu ma daa ogbi k 'aturu a na-akpuchasi aji .
(src)="68"> We must stop stigmatizing disease and traumatizing the afflicted .
(trg)="68"> Anyi ga-akwusi i neghara ndi oria na kwa oria ha n 'aya .
(src)="69"> Talk to your friends .
(trg)="69"> Gwa ndi enyi gi .
(src)="70"> Talk to your loved ones .
(trg)="70"> Gwa ndi i huru n 'anya .
(src)="71"> Talk to health professionals .
(trg)="71"> Gwa ndi okacha ibe na-elekota , ndi oria
(src)="72"> Be vulnerable .
(trg)="72"> o buru na ahu esighi gi ike
(src)="73"> Do so with the confidence that you are not alone .
(trg)="73"> gosiputa ya na-enwegi egwu o bula. o bughi naani onwe gi kwu .
(src)="74"> Speak up if you 're struggling .
(trg)="74"> Kwupute ihe i na-agabiga .
(src)="75"> Being honest about how we feel does not make us weak ; it makes us human .
(trg)="75"> Ikwu eziokwu gbasara otu ahu si e me anyi , a naghi e gosi a dighi ike anyi ; o bu akara na-anyi bu nmadu .
(src)="76"> It is time to end the stigma associated with mental illness .
(trg)="76"> O ge erugo i ji kwusi i kpa oke gbasara ndi isi mgbaka .
(src)="77"> So the next time your hear " mental , " do not just think of the madman .
(trg)="77"> Ya bu , oge ozo i nuru maka " mental , " e chela naani maka onye ara .
(src)="78"> Think of me .
(trg)="78"> Chee maka m .
(src)="79"> ( Applause ) Thank you .
(trg)="79"> ( Iku aka ) Daalu nu .
(src)="80"> ( Applause )
(trg)="80"> ( Iku aka )
# en/ted2020-3596.xml.gz
# ig/ted2020-3596.xml.gz
(src)="1"> What if an African girl from a traditional family in a part of future Africa is accepted into the finest university in the galaxy , planets away ?
(trg)="1"> Ọ bụrụ kwanụ na nwa agbọghọ Afrika si na ezinụlọ dị n 'otu akụkụ nke Afrika n 'ọdịnihu ka anabatara na mahadum nke kacha mma na ụzọ kpakpando dị na ngapụ ụwa ?
(src)="2"> What if she decides to go ?
(trg)="2"> Ọ bụrụ kwanụ ma ọ chọọ ịga ?
(src)="3"> This is an excerpt from my " Binti " novella trilogy : I powered up the transporter and said a silent prayer .
(trg)="3"> Nke a bụ nkewapụta si na akụkọ " Binti " di ụzọ atọ A gbanyere m ụgbọ njem wee kpee ekpere n 'ime obi m
(src)="4"> I had no idea what I was going to do if it didn 't work .
(trg)="4"> Amaghị m ihe m ga-eme ma ọ bụrụ na ọ rụghị ọrụ
(src)="5"> My transporter was cheap , so even a droplet of moisture or , more likely , a grain of sand , would cause it to short .
(trg)="5"> Ụgbọ njem mụ dị ọnụ ala ya bụ na otu ntụpọ mmiri ma ọ bụ otu mkpụrụ aja ga eme ya ka ọ mebie .
(src)="6"> It was faulty , and most of the time I had to restart it over and over before it worked .
(trg)="6"> Ọ na emebikarị , mgbe ọbụla ana m ebidokarị ya ọtụtụ oge tupu ọ rụọ ọrụ
(src)="7"> " Please not now , please not now , " I thought .
(trg)="7"> " Biko ọ bụghị ugbua , biko ọ bụghị ugbua , " e kwuru m n 'ime obi m .
(src)="8"> The transporter shivered in the sand and I held my breath .
(trg)="8"> Ụgbọ nje m mara jijiji n 'aja m wee jide ume m
(src)="9"> Tiny , flat and black as a prayer stone , it buzzed softly and then slowly rose from the sand .
(trg)="9"> Ọ pere mpe , basaa , na eji oji ka nkume ekpere , ọ zụrụ obere ụzụ wee jiri nwayọ bilie n 'aja
(src)="10"> Finally , it produced the baggage-lifting force .
(trg)="10"> Ọ mechara , wepụta ike nke buliri ya
(src)="11"> I grinned .
(trg)="11"> A chịrị m ọchị .
(src)="12"> Now I could make it to the shuttle on time .
(trg)="12"> Ugbua aga m eru n 'ugbọelu ahụ n 'oge .
(src)="13"> I swiped otjize from my forehead with my index finger and knelt down , then I touched the finger to the sand , grounding the sweet-smelling red clay into it .
(trg)="13"> e ji m mkpịsịaka hichapụ otjize n 'ihu isi m m wee sekpuru ala wee metụ mkpịsị aka n 'aja , na-agbari ụrọ na-esi isi ọma n 'ime ya .
(src)="14"> " Thank you , " I whispered .
(trg)="14"> M wee jiri nwayọ kwuo " Daalụ , "
(src)="15"> It was a half-mile walk along the dark desert road .
(trg)="15"> Ọ bụ ije kilomita n 'ogologo ụzọ ọzara gbara ọchịchịrị .
(src)="16"> With the transporter working I would make it there on time .
(trg)="16"> Ụgbọ nje m ka na arụ ọrụ Aga m eru ebe ahụ n 'oge
(src)="17"> Straightening up , I paused and shut my eyes .
(trg)="17"> A kwụụrụ m ọto , kwụsịnata , wee mechie anya m .
(src)="18"> Now , the weight of my entire life was pressing on my shoulders .
(trg)="18"> Ugbua , ibu ndụ m niile na arụgide m n 'ubu .
(src)="19"> I was defying the most traditional part of myself for the first time in my entire life .
(trg)="19"> Nke a bụ izizi m na emere onwe m isiike na ndụ m niile .
(src)="20"> I was leaving in the dead of night , and they had no clue .
(trg)="20"> Ana m ahapụ n 'etiti abalị , ma ha amaghịị .