# en/ted2020-103.xml.gz
# eu/ted2020-103.xml.gz

(src)="1"> I 'm not quite sure whether I really want to see a snare drum at nine o 'clock or so in the morning .
(trg)="1"> Ez nago oso ziur danbor bat ikusi nahi izateaz goikeko 9etan .

(src)="2"> ( Laughter ) But anyway , it 's just great to see such a full theater , and really , I must thank Herbie Hancock and his colleagues for such a great presentation .
(trg)="2"> ( barreak ) Hala ere , harrigarria da aretoa hain betea ikustea eta benetan eskertu behar ditut Herbie Hancock eta bere lagunak aurkezpen honengatik .

(src)="3"> ( Applause ) One of the interesting things , of course , is the combination of that raw hand on the instrument and technology , and what he said about listening to our young people .
(trg)="3"> Gauzarik interesgarrienetako bat , jakina , instrumentuan duen esku zuzen hori , teknologia eta , noski , gazteei entzuteaz esan zuenaren nahasketa da .

(src)="4"> Of course , my job is all about listening .
(trg)="4"> Nire lana entzutean datza , noski ,

(src)="5"> And my aim , really , is to teach the world to listen .
(trg)="5"> eta nire helburua , izatez , jendeari entzuten irakastea da .

(src)="6"> That 's my only real aim in life .
(trg)="6"> Hori da nire egiazko helburu bakarra bizitzan .

(src)="7"> And it sounds quite simple , but actually , it 's quite a big , big job .
(trg)="7"> Eta oso erraza dirudi , baina benetan lan oso oso handia da .

(src)="8"> Because you know , when you look at a piece of music , for example , if I just open my little motorbike bag -- we have here , hopefully , a piece of music that is full of little black dots on the page .
(trg)="8"> Zuek badakizuelako , musika pieza bat begiratzen denean -adibidez , nire poltxatxoa irekitzen badut- hemen dugu , espero dut , musika zati bat , orria puntutxo beltzez betetzen duena .

(src)="9"> And , you know , we open it up ...
(trg)="9"> Badakizue , irekitzen dut eta musika irakurtzen dut .

(src)="11"> So technically , I can actually read this .
(trg)="10"> Beraz , teknikoki hau irakur dezaket .

(src)="12"> I will follow the instructions , the tempo markings , the dynamics .
(trg)="11"> Argibideak segituko ditut : denbora argibideak , dinamikak .

(src)="13"> I will do exactly as I 'm told .
(trg)="12"> Zehatz-mehatz egingo dut esten didana .

(src)="14"> And so therefore , because time is short , if I just played you , literally , the first , maybe , two lines or so -- It 's very straightforward ; there 's nothing too difficult about the piece .
(trg)="13.1"> Eta honela , motza denez , lehenengo bi lerroak joko ditut gutxi gora behera .
(trg)="13.2"> Oso erraza da .
(trg)="13.3"> Ez dago gauza zailegirik .

(src)="15"> But here , I 'm being told that the piece of music is very quick .
(trg)="14"> Baina esaten dit oso azkarra dela .

(src)="16"> I 'm being told where to play on the drum .
(trg)="15"> Danborraren zein tokitan jo behar dudan esaten dit .

(src)="17"> I 'm being told which part of the stick to use .
(trg)="16"> Makilaren zein parterekin jo behar dudan esaten dit .

(src)="18"> And I 'm being told the dynamic .
(trg)="17"> Dinamika esaten dit

(src)="19"> And I 'm also being told that the drum is without snares .
(trg)="18"> Eta esaten dit danborrak ez duela bordoirik .

(src)="20"> Snares on , snares off .
(trg)="19"> Bordoia jarrita , bordoia kenduta .

(src)="21"> So therefore , if I translate this piece of music , we have this idea .
(trg)="20"> Beraz , musika zati hau itzultzen badut ideia hau izango dugu .

(src)="22"> ( Drum sounds ) ( Drum sounds end ) And so on .
(trg)="21"> Eta horrela .

(src)="23"> My career would probably last about five years .
(trg)="22"> Nire karrerak 5 urte iraungo zituen .

(src)="24"> ( Laughter ) However , what I have to do as a musician is do everything that is not on the music ; everything that there isn 't time to learn from a teacher , or to talk about , even , from a teacher .
(trg)="23.1"> ( barreak ) Hala ere , musikari bezala egin behar dudana partituran agertzen ez dena egitea da .
(trg)="23.2"> Irakasle batengandik ikasteko aukera ez dagoen guzti hori , edo irakaslearekin komentatu gabe geratzen diren aspektu horiek ..

(src)="25"> But it 's the things you notice when you 're not actually with your instrument that , in fact , become so interesting , and that you want to explore through this tiny , tiny surface of a drum .
(trg)="24"> Baina gauza horiek dira , hain zuzen , instrumentuarekin ez zaudenean nabaritzen direnak , hain interesgarriak bihurtzen direnak aztertu nahi ditugula danborraren gainazal txiki horretatik .

(src)="26"> So there , we experience the translation .
(trg)="25"> Ongi da : itzulpena ikusi dugu .

(src)="28"> ( Drum sounds ) ( Drum sounds end ) ( Applause ) Now my career may last a little longer .
(trg)="26.1"> Orain ikus dezagun interpretazioa .
(trg)="26.2"> Orain nire karrerak zertxobait gehiago iraungo du ! ( barreak )

(src)="29"> ( Laughter ) But in a way , you know , it 's the same if I look at you and I see a nice , bright young lady with a pink top on .
(trg)="27"> Baina modu batera berdina da begiratu eta gazte bat ikusten badut blusa arrosarekin .

(src)="30"> I see that you 're clutching a teddy bear , etc . , etc .
(trg)="28"> Panpinazko hartz bat duela eskutartean , etab , etab .

(src)="31"> So I get a basic idea as to what you might be about , what you might like , what you might do as a profession , etc . , etc .
(trg)="29"> Horrela , nolakoa den , ideia bat jasotzen dut , zer gauza gustatu zaizkiokeen , zein den bere lanbidea igarri , etab , etab .

(src)="32"> However , that 's just the initial idea I may have that we all get when we actually look and we try to interpret .
(trg)="30.1"> Hala ere , ideia hau hasierako ideia bat baino ez da , denok duguna begiratzen dugunean .
(trg)="30.2"> Eta interpretatzen ahalegintzen gara ,

(src)="33"> But actually it 's so unbelievably shallow .
(trg)="31.1"> baina hain azalekoa da ...
(trg)="31.2"> Era berean , partitura begiratzen dut , oinarrizko ideia bat dut ,

(src)="34"> In the same way , I look at the music ; I get a basic idea ; I wonder what technically might be hard , or , you know , what I want to do .
(trg)="32"> neure buruari galdetzen diot zer izan daitekeen teknikoki zaila , edo zer da egin nahi dudan lehenengo gauza .

(src)="35"> Just the basic feeling .
(trg)="33"> Oinarrizko sentsazioa bakarrik .

(src)="36"> However , that is simply not enough .
(trg)="34"> Hala ere , hau bakarrik ez da nahikoa .

(src)="37"> And I think what Herbie said : please listen , listen .
(trg)="35"> Eta Herbiek esan zuena gogora dakart - mezedez , entzun ezazue , entzun ezazue .

(src)="38"> We have to listen to ourselves , first of all .
(trg)="36"> Entzun egin behar dugu , geure buruari lehenengo .

(src)="39"> If I play , for example , holding the stick -- where literally I do not let go of the stick -- ( Drum sound ) you 'll experience quite a lot of shock coming up through the arm .
(trg)="37"> Adibidez , makila heltzen jotzen badut - makila literalki soltatu gabe - dardara asko sentituko ditut besotik gora .

(src)="40"> And you feel really quite -- believe it or not -- detached from the instrument and from the stick , even though I 'm actually holding the stick quite tightly .
(trg)="38"> Eta sentitzen nahiz - sinistu ala ez- , oso harrituta , instrumentuarengan eta makilarengan , oso sendoki heltzen ari naizen arren .

(src)="41"> ( Drum sound ) By holding it tightly , I feel strangely more detached .
(trg)="39"> Gogor heltzen , instrumentutik urrunago sentitzen nahiz era arraroan .

(src)="42"> If I just simply let go and allow my hand , my arm , to be more of a support system , suddenly -- ( Drum sound ) I have more dynamic with less effort .
(trg)="40"> Baina nire eskua eta besoa askatzen baditut eta usten badiet euskarri sistema bat izaten , bapatean dinamika gehiago daukat esfortzu txikiagorekin .

(src)="43"> Much more -- ( Drum sound ) and I just feel , at last , one with the stick and one with the drum .
(trg)="41.1"> Askoz gehiago .
(trg)="41.2"> Eta azkenean sentitzen dut batera nabilela makilarekin eta danborrarekin .

(src)="44"> And I 'm doing far , far less .
(trg)="42"> Eta azkoz gutxiago egiten ari nahiz .

(src)="45"> So in the same way that I need time with this instrument , I need time with people in order to interpret them .
(trg)="43"> Beraz , instrumentu honekin denbora behar dudan moduan , denbora behar dut pertsonak interptretatzeko .

(src)="46"> Not just translate them , but interpret them .
(trg)="44"> Ez itzultzea bakarrik , baita interptretatzea ere .

(src)="47"> If , for example , I play just a few bars of a piece of music for which I think of myself as a technician -- that is , someone who is basically a percussion player -- ( Marimba sounds ) ( Marimba sounds end ) And so on , if I think of myself as a musician -- ( Marimba sounds ) ( Marimba sounds end ) And so on .
(trg)="45.1"> Adibidez , musika zati baten konpas batzuk jotzen baditut neure burua tekniko bezala hartzen dut soilik , hau da , perkusioa jotzen duen norbait ... eta honela .
(trg)="45.2"> Musikaritzat hartzen badut neure burua ... eta honela .

(src)="48"> There is a little bit of a difference there that is worth just -- ( Applause ) thinking about .
(trg)="46"> Diferetzia xume bat badago ( barreak ) pentsatzea merezi duena . ( txaloak )

(src)="49.1"> And I remember when I was 12 years old , and I started playing timpani and percussion , and my teacher said , " Well , how are we going to do this ?
(src)="49.2"> You know , music is about listening . "
(trg)="47.1"> Eta gogoratzen dut , 12 urte nintuenean eta tinbalak eta perkusioa jotzen hasi nintzen , eta nire irakasleak esan zuen : " Beno , nola egingo dugu hau ?
(trg)="47.2"> Badakizu , musika , entzutean datza . "

(src)="50"> And I said , " Yes , I agree with that , so what 's the problem ? "
(trg)="48.1"> " Bai , ados nago .
(trg)="48.2"> Beraz , non dago arazoa ?

(src)="51"> And he said , " Well , how are you going to hear this ?
(trg)="49"> Eta berak esan zidan : " Beno , nola etzungo duzu hau ?

(src)="52"> How are you going to hear that ? "
(trg)="50"> Nola entzungo duzu beste hori ? "

(src)="53"> And I said , " Well , how do you hear it ? "
(trg)="51"> Eta nik esan nuen : " Nola entzuten duzu zuk ? "

(src)="54"> He said , " Well , I think I hear it through here . "
(trg)="52"> Berak esan zuen : " Uste dut hemendik entzuten dudala . "

(src)="55"> And I said , " Well , I think I do too , but I also hear it through my hands , through my arms , cheekbones , my scalp , my tummy , my chest , my legs and so on . "
(trg)="53.1"> Eta nik esan nuen : " Beno , baita nik ere , uste dut .
(trg)="53.2"> Baina horretaz aparte nire eskuekin entzuten dut , nire besoekin , masailekin , ilearekin , nire triparekin , nire bularraldearekin , hankekin , etab . "

(src)="56"> And so we began our lessons every single time tuning drums , in particular , the kettle drums , or timpani to such a narrow pitch interval , so something like -- ( Marimba sounds ) that of a difference .
(trg)="54"> Klase bakoitza danborrak afinatzen hasten genuen -bereziki tinbalak- interbalo txiki baten , honen antzerako ... diferentzia txikiekin .

(src)="57"> Then gradually : ( Marimba sounds ) And gradually : ( Marimba sounds ) And it 's amazing that when you do open your body up , and open your hand up to allow the vibration to come through , that in fact the tiny , tiny difference -- ( Marimba sounds ) can be felt with just the tiniest part of your finger , there .
(trg)="55"> Gero gradualki ... eta gradualki ... eta harrigarria da zeure gorputza irekitzen duzunean eta zeure eskuak dardarak sentitzeko , izatez , diferentzia txiki hori ... zeure hatzaren parterik txikienarekin sentitu daiteke , hortxe .

(src)="58"> And so what we would do is that I would put my hands on the wall of the music room , and together , we would " listen " to the sounds of the instruments , and really try to connect with those sounds far , far more broadly than simply depending on the ear .
(trg)="56"> Beraz nik nire eskuak musika aretoaren paretaren kontra jartzen nituen , eta elkarrekin " entzun egiten genituen " instrumentuen soinuak , eta benetan soinuetan arreta jartzen saiatzen ginen belarriaz bakarrik baliatuko bagina baino era askoz zabalagoan .

(src)="59"> Because of course , the ear is subject to all sorts of things .
(trg)="57"> Belarria gauza askorekin alda daiteke , noski .

(src)="60"> The room we happen to be in , the amplification , the quality of the instrument , the type of sticks -- ( Marimba sounds ) ( Marimba sounds end ) Etc . , etc . , they 're all different .
(trg)="58.1"> Aretoa , anplifikazioa , instrumentuaren kalitatea , makil mota , etab. etab .
(trg)="58.2"> Denak ezberdinak dira .

(src)="61"> ( Marimba sounds ) ( Marimba sounds end ) Same amount of weight , but different sound colors .
(trg)="59"> Pisu berdina baina soinu mota ezberdina .

(src)="62"> And that 's basically what we are ; we 're just human beings , but we all have our own little sound colors , as it were , that make up these extraordinary personalities and characters and interests and things .
(trg)="60.1"> Eta hori da funtsean garena .
(trg)="60.2"> Gizakiak gara , baina denok daukagu geure " soinu kolorea " , horrela esateagatik , izakera harrigarri hauek egiten dituena , izakerak , zaletazunak , etab .

(src)="63.1"> And as I grew older , I then auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music in London , and they said , " Well , no , we won 't accept you , because we haven 't a clue , you know , of the future of a so-called ' deaf musician . ' "
(src)="63.2"> And I just couldn 't quite accept that .
(trg)="61.1"> Hazi nintzenean , Londoneko Royal Academy of Music-en zartzeko audizioak egin nituen eta zera ezan zidaten : " Beno , ez , ez zaitugu onartzen ez dugulako ideiarik musikari ' gor ' baten etorkizuna zein izan daitekeen . "
(trg)="61.2"> Eta nik ezin nuen hori onartu .

(src)="64"> And so therefore , I said to them , " Well , look , if you refuse -- if you refuse me through those reasons , as opposed to the ability to perform and to understand and love the art of creating sound -- then we have to think very , very hard about the people you do actually accept . "
(trg)="62"> Beraz esan nien : " Beno , ikusi , ezetz esaten badidazue , arrazoi horiengatik ez banauzue onartzen , -- soinuen artea interpretatu , ulertu eta maitatzeko gaitasunari kontra eginez -- orduan , nor onartzen duzuen oso oso sakonki aztertu beharko dugu . "

(src)="65"> And as a result , once we got over a little hurdle , and having to audition twice , they accepted me .
(trg)="63"> Eta ondorioz , -behin arazo hau gainditu nuenean eta bigarren audizioa izan ondoren -- onartu egin ninduten .

(src)="66"> And not only that , what had happened was that it changed the whole role of the music institutions throughout the United Kingdom .
(trg)="64"> Eta ez hori bakarrik : gertatu zenak guztiz aldatu zuen Erresuma Batuko musika instituzioen rola .

(src)="67"> Under no circumstances were they to refuse any application whatsoever on the basis of whether someone had no arms , no legs -- they could still perhaps play a wind instrument if it was supported on a stand .
(trg)="65.1"> Inoiz ez zuten sarrera eskari bat gaitzetsiko norbaitek besorik edo hankarik ez zuelako .
(trg)="65.2"> Agian , haizezko musika trensna bat jo ahal izateko euskarri batetan jarri beharko zen instrumentu .

(src)="68"> No circumstances at all were used to refuse any entry .
(trg)="66"> Zirkunstatzia bat ere ezingo da erabili sarrera eskari bat errefusatzeko .

(src)="69"> And every single entry had to be listened to , experienced , and then , based on the musical ability , then that person could either enter or not .
(trg)="67"> Eta eskari bakoitza entzun eta frogatu beharko da , eta gero , musika gaitasuneri begira , pertsona onartu edo ez .

(src)="70"> And so therefore , this in turn meant that there was an extremely interesting bunch of students who arrived in these various music institutions , and I have to say , many of them now in the professional orchestras throughout the world .
(trg)="68.1"> Honek , ikasle talde interesgarri bat musika instituzio hauetara ailegatzea egin zuen .
(trg)="68.2"> Eta esan behara dago horietako asko , gaur egun , munduko orkestra profesionaletan ari direla jotzen .

(src)="71"> The interesting thing about this as well , though -- ( Applause ) is quite simply that not only were people connected with sound -- which is basically all of us -- we well know that music really is our daily medicine .
(trg)="69"> Honen gauza interesgarria da , nahiz eta ... - ( txaloak ) - jende hau ez dagoela soilik soinuari lotuta , -gutako gehienok bezala- musika gure eguneroko botika da .

(src)="72"> I say " music , " but actually I mean " sound . "
(trg)="70"> Musika esaten dut baina soinuaz ari nahiz .

(src)="73"> Because some of the extraordinary things I 've experienced as a musician -- when you may have a 15-year-old lad who has got the most incredible challenges , who may not be able to control his movements , who may be deaf , who may be blind , etc . , etc . -- suddenly , if that young lad sits close to this instrument , and perhaps even lies underneath the marimba , and you play something that 's so incredibly organ-like , almost -- I don 't really have the right sticks , perhaps -- but something like this -- let me change -- ( Soft marimba sounds ) ( Soft marimba sounds end ) Something that 's so unbelievably simple -- but he would be experiencing something that I wouldn 't be , because I 'm on top of the sound .
(trg)="71.1"> Badakizue ?
(trg)="71.2"> Musikari bezala hainbat gauza harrigarri ezagutu ditut : 15 urteko mutiko bat izan dezakezu , erronka handiak gainditu behar dituena , agian bere mugimenduak ezin dituena kontrolatu , agian gorra dena edo itsua dena , etab . , etab .
(trg)="71.3"> Bat batean , gazte hori instrumentutik gertu eseritzen bada , eta marinba baten azpian etzaten bada ere , eta organoaren oso antzerako zerbait jotzen badiozu , -ez dut makil egokirik- baina honelako zerbait .
(trg)="71.4"> Utz ezadazue aldatzen .
(trg)="71.5"> Oso sinplea den zerbait ... baina berak nik sentituko ez nuen zerbait sentituko luke ni soinuaren gainean nagoelako .

(src)="74"> I have the sound coming this way .
(trg)="72"> Niri soinua alde honetatik ailegatzen zait .

(src)="75"> He would have the sound coming through the resonators .
(trg)="73"> Berari erresonatzaileen bitartez ailegatuko litzaioke .

(src)="76"> If there were no resonators on here , we would have : ( Marimba sounds ) So he would have a fullness of sound that those of you in the front few rows wouldn 't experience , those of you in the back few rows wouldn 't experience , either .
(trg)="74.1"> Erresonatzailerik ez balego hemen hau izango genuke ... beraz hemen dagoen soinua , lehenengo iladetan zaudetenak ezin izango zenuten modu batera sentituko luke .
(trg)="74.2"> Atzean zaudetenak ere ezingo zenuten sentitu .

(src)="77"> Every single one of us , depending on where we 're sitting , will experience this sound quite , quite differently .
(trg)="75"> Gutako bakoitzak , eserita dagoen lekuaren arabera , soinu hau era desberdinean sentitzen du .

(src)="78"> And of course , being the participator of the sound , and that is , starting from the idea of what type of sound I want to produce , for example , this sound : ( No sound ) Can you hear anything ?
(trg)="76.1"> Eta , noski , soinu honen parte hartzaile izanda , eta hau zein soinu mota egin nahi dudan jakinda abiatuta- adibidez , soinu hau .
(trg)="76.2"> Zerbait entzun dezakezue ?

(src)="79"> Exactly -- because I 'm not even touching it .
(trg)="77"> Horixe da , ez nagoelako ukitzen ere .

(src)="80"> ( Laughter ) But yet , we get the sensation of something happening .
(trg)="78"> Baina , hala ere , zerbait gertatzen ari dela antzeman dezakegu .

(src)="81"> In the same way that when I see a tree moves , then I imagine that tree making a rustling sound .
(trg)="79"> Zuhaitzak mugitzen ikusten ditudanean bezala eta imajinatzen dut zuhaitza soinu xuxurlaria egiten .

(src)="82"> Do you see what I mean ?
(trg)="80"> Ikusten zer esan nahi dudan ?

(src)="83"> Whatever the eye sees , then there 's always sound happening .
(trg)="81"> Ikus dezakegun edozein gauzari lotuta beti dago soinu bat .

(src)="84"> So there 's always , always that huge -- I mean , just this kaleidoscope of things to draw from .
(trg)="82"> Beraz beti dago kaleidoskopio handi bat nondik gauzak atera ditzazkegun .

(src)="85"> So all of my performances are based on entirely what I experience , and not by learning a piece of music , putting on someone else 's interpretation of it , buying all the CDs possible of that particular piece of music , and so on and so forth , because that isn 't giving me enough of something that is so raw and so basic , and something that I can fully experience the journey of .
(trg)="83.1"> Honela nire ekitaldi guztiak nik sentitzen dudanean oinarrituta daude guztiz , eta ez musika zati bat ikastean bakarrik , edo beste edozeinen interptretazioa erreproduzitzean , edo musika zati hori azaltzen den CD guztaik analizatuz soinuen bila .
(trg)="83.2"> Horrek ez zidalako emango hain oinarrizko materiala nik ibilbide guztia sentitu ahal izateko .

(src)="86"> So it may be that , in certain halls , this dynamic may well work .
(trg)="84"> Beraz , izan daiteke areto batzuetan dinamika hau erabili ahal daitekela .

(src)="87"> ( Soft marimba sounds ) ( Soft marimba sounds end ) It may be that in other halls , they 're simply not going to experience that at all , and so therefore , my level of soft , gentle playing may have to be -- ( Marimba sounds ) ( Marimba sounds end ) Do you see what I mean ?
(trg)="85.1"> Izan liteke beste aretotan ezinezkoa izatea hau sentitzea eta orduan nire leuntasun maila jotzerako orduan izan beharko luke ...
(trg)="85.2"> Ikusten zer esan nahi dudan ?

(src)="88"> So , because of this explosion in access to sound , especially through the Deaf community , this has not only affected how music institutions , how schools for the deaf treat sound , and not just as a means of therapy -- although , of course , being a participator of music , that definitely is the case as well -- but it 's meant that acousticians have had to really think about the types of halls they put together .
(trg)="86.1"> Beraz , soinuaren sarbide eztanda honetan , bereziki pertsona gorren artean , honek ez du musika instituzioak eta gorrentzako musika eskolak soinua tratatzeko duten era aldatu bakarrik .
(trg)="86.2"> Eta ez bakarrik terapia bezala , baina noski , musika partaide bat izanez gero kasu berdina da .
(trg)="86.3"> Akustika teknikariak muntatzen duten areto motetan pentsatu behar izatea ere eragin du .
(trg)="86.4"> Esango nuke munduan oso areto gutxi daudela

(src)="89"> There are so few halls in this world that actually have very good acoustics , dare I say .
(trg)="87"> benetan soinu ona dutenak .

(src)="90"> But by that I mean , where you can absolutely do anything you imagine .
(trg)="88"> Edozer gauza egin daitekeen aretotaz ari naiz .

(src)="91"> The tiniest , softest , softest sound to something that is so broad , so huge , so incredible .
(trg)="89.1"> Soinu txiki , leun batetik hain zabala , hain handia , hain harrigarria den zerbaiteraino .
(trg)="89.2"> Beti dago zerbait -

(src)="92"> There 's always something : it may sound good up there , may not be so good there ; it may be great there , but terrible up there ; maybe terrible over there , but not too bad there , etc . , etc .
(trg)="90.1"> ondo entzun daiteke hemen , txarragoa izan daiteke hor .
(trg)="90.2"> Oso ona izan daiteke hemen , baina oso txarra han .
(trg)="90.3"> Agian oso txara han , baina ez oso txarra hor , etab , etab .

(src)="93"> So to find an actual hall is incredible -- for which you can play exactly what you imagine , without it being cosmetically enhanced .
(trg)="91"> Beraz areto bat aurkitzea ia ezinezkoa da , nun imaginatzen duzuna jo dezakezun , zehatz-mehatz , " estetikoki hobetua " izan gabe .

(src)="94"> So therefore , acousticians are actually in conversation with people who are hearing impaired , and who are participators of sound .
(trg)="92"> Beraz , akustika teknikariak entzumen arazoak dituzten pertsonekin eta soinuaren partaideak direnekin eztabaidan daude .

(src)="95"> And this is quite interesting .
(trg)="93"> Eta hori oso interesgarria da .

(src)="96.1"> I cannot give you any detail as far as what is actually happening with those halls , but it 's just the fact that they are going to a group of people for whom so many years , we 've been saying , " Well , how on earth can they experience music ?
(src)="96.2"> They 're deaf . "
(trg)="94.1"> Ezin dizuet zehazpenik eman areto hauekin gertatzen ari denaz , baina pertsona talde horri kontsultan ari dira , hainbeste urtetan haietaz honelako gauzak esan eta gero : " Beno , nola sentitu dezakete musika ?
(trg)="94.2"> Gorrak dira . "

(src)="97"> We go like that , and we imagine that 's what deafness is about .
(trg)="95"> Guk hau bakarrik egiten dugu eta imajinatzen dugu gorra izatea hau dela .

(src)="98"> Or we go like that , and we imagine that 's what blindness is about .
(trg)="96"> Edo honela egiten dugu eta imajinatzen dugu itsua izatea hau dela .

(src)="99"> If we see someone in a wheelchair , we assume they cannot walk .
(trg)="97"> Norbait gurpil aulki batean ikusten badugu , suposatzen dugu ezin duela oinez egin .

(src)="100"> It may be that they can walk three , four , five steps .
(trg)="98"> Izan liteke hiru , lau edo bost pausu eman ditzakeela .

(src)="101"> That , to them , means they can walk .
(trg)="99"> Hau , haientzat , ibiltzea izan arren .

(src)="102"> In a year 's time , it could be two extra steps .
(trg)="100"> Urte bateko epean , bi pausu gehiago izan daitezke .