# bs/ted2020-1004.xml.gz
# en/ted2020-1004.xml.gz
(src)="1"> Ovdje sam da bih Vam pokazao fotografije plemena Lakota .
(trg)="1"> I 'm here today to show my photographs of the Lakota .
(src)="2"> Mnogi od Vas su možda čuli za ovo pleme , ili barem za jednu veću grupu plemena zvanih Sijuksi .
(trg)="2"> Many of you may have heard of the Lakota , or at least the larger group of tribes , called the Sioux .
(src)="3"> Lakota je jedno od mnogih plemena koji su bili prisilno naseljeni u logore za ratne zarobljenike , koji se danas nazivaju rezervatima .
(trg)="3"> The Lakota are one of many tribes that were moved off their land to prisoner-of-war camps , now called reservations .
(src)="4.1"> Na rezervatu Pajn Ridž , snimio sam fotografije koje ćete danas vidjeti .
(src)="4.2"> Ovaj rezervat se nalazi oko 120 km jugoistočno od planine Blek Hils u Južnoj Dakoti .
(trg)="4"> The Pine Ridge Reservation , the subject of today 's slide show , is located about 75 miles southeast of the Black Hills in South Dakota .
(src)="5"> Ponekad ga nazivaju Logorom za ratne zarobljenike broj 334 , i to je mjesto gdje pleme Lakota danas živi .
(trg)="5"> It is sometimes referred to as Prisoner of War Camp Number 334 , and it is where the Lakota now live .
(src)="6"> Ako je iko od Vas ikada čuo za AIM , Američki Indijanski Pokret , ili za Rasela Minsa , ili za Leonarda Peltiera , ili za oružani sukob na Oglala rezervatu , onda znate i da je rezervat Pajn Ridž epicentar svih problema Američkih Indijanaca .
(trg)="6"> Now , if any of you have ever heard of AIM , the American Indian Movement , or of Russell Means , or Leonard Peltier , or of the standoff at Oglala , then you know Pine Ridge is ground zero for Native issues in the US .
(src)="7.1"> Pozvan sam danas da ispričam nešto o svojoj vezi sa plemenom Lakota , za koju mogu reći da je zaista teška .
(src)="7.2"> Jer , ukoliko niste sami zaključili na osnovu boje moje kože , ja sam bijelac , a to je ogromna prepreka kad ste u indijanskom rezervatu .
(trg)="7"> So I 've been asked to talk a little bit today about my relationship with the Lakota , and that 's a very difficult one for me , because , if you haven 't noticed from my skin color , I 'm white , and that is a huge barrier on a Native reservation .
(src)="8"> Na fotografijama ćete vidjeti mnogo ljudi ,
(trg)="8"> You 'll see a lot of people in my photographs today .
(src)="9"> s kojima sam se ja zbližio i koji su me dočekali kao porodica .
(trg)="9"> I 've become very close with them , and they 've welcomed me like family .
(src)="10.1"> Oslovljavali su me sa brate ili striče i uvijek su me iznova pozivali u zadnjih pet godina .
(src)="10.2"> Ali , na rezervatu Pajn Ridž ,
(trg)="10"> They 've called me " brother " and " uncle , " and invited me again and again over five years .
(src)="11"> ja ću uvijek biti wašichu ,
(trg)="11"> But on Pine Ridge , I will always be what is called " wasichu . "
(src)="12"> a riječ wašichu u jeziku plemena Lakota označava nekoga ko nije Indijanac , ali u svom drugom značenju , ova riječ znači " onaj koji uzima najbolje meso za sebe . "
(trg)="12"> " Wasichu " is a Lakota word that means " non-Indian , " but another version of this word means " the one who takes the best meat for himself . "
(src)="13"> A ja upravo to značenje želim naglasiti - onaj koji uzima najbolji dio mesa za sebe .
(trg)="13"> And that 's what I want to focus on -- the one who takes the best part of the meat .
(src)="14"> To znači pohlepan .
(trg)="14"> It means " greedy . "
(src)="15"> Pogledajte auditorij u kojem se nalazimo .
(trg)="15"> So take a look around this auditorium today .
(src)="16"> Na kampusu smo privatnog univerziteta na zapadu Sjedinjenih Država , sjedimo u crvenim somotnim stolicama s novcem u džepu .
(trg)="16"> We are at a private school in the American West , sitting in red velvet chairs with money in our pockets .
(src)="17"> I ako pogledamo kako živimo , zaista smo uzeli najbolji dio mesa .
(trg)="17"> And if we look at our lives , we have indeed taken the best part of the meat .
(src)="18"> Dakle , pogledajmo sada zbirku fotografija ljudi koji su izgubili da bismo mi mogli imati , i znajte kad vidite ova lica da to nisu samo slike Lakota indijanaca , već da su te slike simbol za sve domorodačke narode .
(trg)="18"> So let 's look today at a set of photographs of a people who lost so that we could gain , and know that when you see these people 's faces , that these are not just images of the Lakota ; they stand for all indigenous people .
(src)="19"> Na ovom listu papira , je zapisana istorija koju sam naučio od mojih prijatelja i familije iz plemena .
(trg)="19"> On this piece of paper is the history the way I learned it from my Lakota friends and family .
(src)="20"> Ovo što slijedi je hronologija skopljenih sporazuma , prekršenih sporazuma i masakra predstavljenih kao bitke .
(trg)="20"> The following is a time line of treaties made , treaties broken and massacres disguised as battles .
(src)="21.1"> Počeću s godinom 1824 .
(src)="21.2"> Ured za indijanske poslove
(trg)="21"> I 'll begin in 1824 .
(src)="22"> je osnovan unutar Ministarstva za rat , iz čega se dala naslutiti agresija u našim odnosima prema Američkim starosjediocima .
(trg)="22"> What is known as the Bureau of Indian Affairs was created within the War Department , setting an early tone of aggression in our dealings with the Native Americans .
(src)="23"> 1851 . : Sklopljen je prvi Sporazum u Fort Laramiju , čime su jasno označene granice Lakota nacije .
(trg)="23"> 1851 : The first treaty of Fort Laramie was made , clearly marking the boundaries of the Lakota Nation .
(src)="24"> Prema sporazumu , to je zemlja suverenog naroda .
(trg)="24"> According to the treaty , those lands are a sovereign nation .
(src)="25"> Da su granice po ovom sporazumu bile poštivane - što su i trebale biti po zakonskoj osnovi - karta S.A.D. bi danas ovako izgledala .
(trg)="25"> If the boundaries of this treaty had held -- and there is a legal basis that they should -- then this is what the US would look like today .
(src)="26"> 10 godina poslije ,
(trg)="26"> Ten years later .
(src)="27"> Homsted zakon , kojeg je potpisao predsjednik Linkoln , izazvao je buijicu doseljenika bijelaca na indijansku zemlju .
(trg)="27"> The Homestead Act , signed by President Lincoln , unleashed a flood of white settlers into Native lands .
(src)="28"> 1863 . : Ustanak Santi Sijuksa u Minesoti se završava vješanjem 38 Sijuksa muškaraca , što je najveće masovno smaknuće u američkoj istoriji .
(trg)="28"> 1863 : An uprising of Santee Sioux in Minnesota ends with the hanging of 38 Sioux men , the largest mass execution in US history .
(src)="29"> Pogubljenje je naredio Predsjednik Linkoln samo dva dana nakon što je potpisao Proglas o oslobođenju robova .
(trg)="29"> The execution was ordered by President Lincoln , only two days after he signed the Emancipation Proclamation .
(src)="30.1"> 1866 , začeci transkontinentalne željeznice - jedno novo doba .
(src)="30.2"> Prisvojili smo zemlju da bi putevi i vozovi
(trg)="30"> 1866 : The beginning of the Transcontinental Railroad -- a new era .
(src)="31"> presjekli zemlju Lakota tačno kroz njeno srce .
(trg)="31"> We appropriated land for trails and trains to shortcut through the heart of the Lakota Nation .
(src)="32"> Sporazuma kao da nije ni bilo .
(trg)="32"> The treaties were out the window .
(src)="33.1"> Zauzvrat , tri plemena pod vođstvom Lakota poglavice Crvenog Oblaka višestruko su napadali i poražavali američku vojsku .
(src)="33.2"> Želim da ponovim taj dio .
(trg)="33"> In response , three tribes led by the Lakota chief Red Cloud attacked and defeated the US army , many times over .
(src)="34"> Lakote su porazili američku vojsku .
(trg)="34"> I want to repeat that part : The Lakota defeat the US army .
(src)="35"> 1868 . : Drugi sporazum u Fort Laramiju jasno jamči suverenitet Velike Sijuks nacije i Lakotino vlasništvo svete Blek Hils planine .
(trg)="35"> 1868 : The second Fort Laramie Treaty clearly guarantees the sovereignty of the Great Sioux Nation and the Lakotas ' ownership of the sacred Black Hills .
(src)="36.1"> Vlada takođe obećava pravo na zemlju i lov u susjednim državama .
(src)="36.2"> " Obećajemo da okrugu Pauder River
(trg)="36"> The government also promises land and hunting rights in the surrounding states .
(src)="37"> od sada pa nadalje bijelci neće imati pristup . "
(trg)="37"> We promise that the Powder River country will henceforth be closed to all whites .
(src)="38"> Sporazum se činio kao potpuna pobjeda Crnog Oblaka i Sijuksa .
(trg)="38"> The treaty seemed to be a complete victory for Red Cloud and the Sioux .
(src)="39"> Zapravo je ovo jedini rat u američkoj istoriji , u kojem je vlada potpisala mirovni sporazum pristajući na sve zahtjeve neprijatelja .
(trg)="39"> In fact , this is the only war in American history in which the government negotiated a peace by conceding everything demanded by the enemy .
(src)="40"> 1869 . : Završena je transkontinentalna željeznica .
(trg)="40"> 1869 : The Transcontinental Railroad was completed .
(src)="41"> Počela je prevoziti , između ostalog , mnoštva lovaca koji su otpočeli masovno ubijanje bizona , eliminarajući tako izvor hrane , odjeće i skrovišta za Sijukse .
(trg)="41"> It began carrying , among other things , large numbers of hunters , who began the wholesale killing of buffalo , eliminating a source of food , clothing and shelter for the Sioux .
(src)="42"> 1871 . : Zakonom o prisvajanju Indijanaca svi Indijanci postaju štićenici federalne vlade .
(trg)="42"> 1871 : The Indian Appropriation Act makes all Indians wards of the federal government .
(src)="43"> Pored toga , vojska je izdala naredbe braneći Indijancima na zapadu da napuste rezervate .
(trg)="43"> In addition , the military issued orders forbidding western Indians from leaving reservations .
(src)="44"> Svi Indijanci na zapadu su u tom momentu postali ratni zarobljenici .
(trg)="44"> All western Indians at that point in time were now prisoners of war .
(src)="45"> Takođe 1871 . , okončali smo period sklapanja sporazuma .
(trg)="45"> Also in 1871 , we ended the time of treaty-making .
(src)="46"> Problem sa sporazumima je taj što dozvoljavaju plemenima da budu suverene nacije , ali mi se s tim nismo mogli složiti ;
(trg)="46"> The problem with treaties is they allow tribes to exist as sovereign nations , and we can 't have that .
(src)="47"> mi smo imali planove .
(trg)="47"> We had plans .
(src)="48"> 1874 . : General Džordž Kaster je proglasio pronalazak zlata na Lakota teritoriji , naročito u planini Blek Hils .
(trg)="48"> 1874 : General George Custer announced the discovery of gold in Lakota territory , specifically the Black Hills .
(src)="49"> Vijest o zlatu privukla je velike mase doseljenika bijelaca na zemlje Lakota nacije .
(trg)="49"> The news of gold creates a massive influx of white settlers into Lakota Nation .
(src)="50"> Kaster predlaže da Kongres pronađe način kako da ospori sporazume sa Lakotama što je prije moguće .
(trg)="50"> Custer recommends that Congress find a way to end the treaties with the Lakota as soon as possible .
(src)="51"> 1875 : Počeo je rat s Lakotama zbog kršenja Sporazuma iz Fort Laramija .
(trg)="51"> 1875 : The Lakota war begins over the violation of the Fort Laramie Treaty .
(src)="52"> 1876 . : 26-og jula , u pokušaju napada na Lakota selo , Kasterova Sedma konjanica je pobijeđena u bici kod Litl Big Horna .
(trg)="52"> 1876 : On July 26th , on its way to attack a Lakota village , Custer 's 7th Cavalry was crushed at the battle of Little Big Horn .
(src)="53"> 1877 . : Veliki Lakota ratnik i poglavica , Ludi Konj predao se u utvrđenju Fort Robinson .
(trg)="53"> 1877 : The great Lakota warrior and chief named Crazy Horse surrendered at Fort Robinson .
(src)="54"> Poslije je ubijen za vrijeme boravka u pritvoru .
(trg)="54"> He was later killed while in custody .
(src)="55"> 1877 . godine smo još i uspjeli pronaći način kako zaobići sporazume iz Fort Laramija .
(trg)="55"> 1877 is also the year we found a way to get around the Fort Laramie Treaties .
(src)="56.1"> Novi sporazum je predstavljen poglavicama i vođama Sijuksa pod parolom koja glasi " prodaj ili gladuj " .
(src)="56.2"> Potpiši papir , inače nema hrane za tvoje pleme .
(trg)="56"> A new agreement was presented to Sioux chiefs and their leading men , under a campaign known as " Sell or Starve " -- sign the paper , or no food for your tribe .
(src)="57"> Samo 10 posto odraslih muškaraca su potpisali .
(trg)="57"> Only 10 percent of the adult male population signed .
(src)="58"> No sporazum iz Fort Laramija je zahtijevao da najmanje tročetvrtinski dio plemena potpiše prodaju zemlje .
(trg)="58"> The Fort Laramie Treaty called for at least three-quarters of the tribe to sign away land .
(src)="59"> No , ova stavka se očigledno ignorisala .
(trg)="59"> That clause was obviously ignored .
(src)="60"> 1887 . : Zakon Doz .
(trg)="60"> 1887 : The Dawes Act .
(src)="61"> Okončano je zajedničko vlasništvo nad zemljom u rezervatima .
(trg)="61"> Communal ownership of reservation lands ends .
(src)="62"> Rezervati su isparčani u parcele od 0,65 km² i podijeljeni pojedincima , dok je višak prodan .
(trg)="62"> Reservations are cut up into 160-acre sections , and distributed to individual Indians with the surplus disposed of .
(src)="63"> Plemena su izgubila hiljade kvadratnih kilometara zemlje .
(trg)="63"> Tribes lost millions of acres .
(src)="64"> Američki san o vlasništvu zemlje se ispostavio kao mudar način kako izdijeliti rezervat dok on jednostavno ne nestane .
(trg)="64"> The American dream of individual land ownership turned out to be a very clever way to divide the reservation until nothing was left .
(src)="65"> Ovaj potez je uništio rezervate , olakšavajući daljnju podjelu i prodaju sa svakom dolazećom generacijom .
(trg)="65"> The move destroyed the reservations , making it easier to further subdivide and to sell with every passing generation .
(src)="66"> Veći dio suvišnog zemljišta , kao i znatan broj parcela unutar rezervata , su sad u vlasništvu zemljoradnika bijelaca .
(trg)="66"> Most of the surplus land and many of the plots within reservation boundaries are now in the hands of white ranchers .
(src)="67"> I opet , masni dio zemlje dobiva wašichu .
(trg)="67"> Once again , the fat of the land goes to wasichu .
(src)="68"> 1890 , datum za koji smatram da je najvažniji u ovom nizu .
(trg)="68"> 1890 : A date I believe to be the most important in this slide show .
(src)="69.1"> Ovo je godina masakra kod Ranjenog Koljena .
(src)="69.2"> 29-og decembra ,
(trg)="69"> This is the year of the Wounded Knee Massacre .
(src)="70.1"> američke trupe su opkolile logor Sijuksa kod potoka Ranjeno Koljeno i pobili poglavicu Veliko Stopalo i tri stotine ratnih zarobljenika , koristeći novo rafalno oružje koje je ispaljivalo eksplodirajuće čahure .
(src)="70.2"> To se oružje zove top Hočkis .
(trg)="70"> On December 29 , US troops surrounded a Sioux encampment at Wounded Knee Creek , and massacred Chief Big Foot and 300 prisoners of war , using a new rapid-fire weapon that fired exploding shells , called a Hotchkiss gun .
(src)="71"> Za ovu takozvanu bitku , Kongres je sa 20 Medalja časti odlikovao Sedmu konjanicu za njihovu hrabrost .
(trg)="71"> For this so-called " battle , " 20 Congressional Medals of Honor for Valor were given to the 7th Cavalry .
(src)="72"> Do današnjeg dana , ovo je najveći broj Medalja časti ikad dodijeljenih za jednu jedinu bitku .
(trg)="72"> To this day , this is the most Medals of Honor ever awarded for a single battle .
(src)="73"> Vojnici su sa više Medalja časti odlikovani za jedan krvavi pokolj nad ženama i djecom nego za bilo koju bitku u Prvom svjetskom ratu , Drugom svjetskom ratu , Koreji , Vijetnamu , Iraku ili Avganistanu .
(trg)="73"> More Medals of Honor were given for the indiscriminate slaughter of women and children than for any battle in World War One , World War Two , Korea , Vietnam , Iraq or Afghanistan .
(src)="74"> Masakr kod Ranjenog Koljena se smatra krajem Indijanskih ratova .
(trg)="74"> The Wounded Knee Massacre is considered the end of the Indian wars .
(src)="75"> Kad god posjetim mjesto masovne grobnice kod Ranjenog Koljena , ne vidim ga samo kao grob Lakota ili Sijuksa , nego kao grob svih domorodačkih naroda .
(trg)="75"> Whenever I visit the site of the mass grave at Wounded Knee , I see it not just as a grave for the Lakota or for the Sioux , but as a grave for all indigenous peoples .
(src)="76"> Sveti čovjek , Hehaka Sapa , Crni los , je rekao , " Tada nisam znao čemu je sve došao kraj .
(trg)="76"> The holy man Black Elk , said , " I did not know then how much was ended .
(src)="77.1"> Kada sad pogledam unazad s ovog visokog brda svoje starosti , još uvijek vidim iskasapljene žene i djecu , i njihova tijela na gomili , ili pak razbacana duž zavojitog korita .
(src)="77.2"> Vidim ih jasno kao onomad kad mi oči bijahu mlade .
(trg)="77"> When I look back now from this high hill of my old age , I can still see the butchered women and children lying heaped and scattered all along the crooked gulch , as plain as when I saw them with eyes still young .
(src)="78"> I vidim da je još nešto umrlo u tom zakrvavljenom blatu i bilo sahranjeno pod sniježnom olujom .
(trg)="78"> And I can see that something else died there in the bloody mud and was buried in the blizzard .
(src)="79"> Umro je san jednog naroda ,
(trg)="79"> A people 's dream died there .
(src)="80"> a bio je to lijep san . "
(trg)="80"> And it was a beautiful dream . "
(src)="81"> S ovim događajem , nova era u istoriji Američkih starosjedilaca je započela .
(trg)="81"> With this event , a new era in Native American history began .
(src)="82.1"> Sve se dijeli na period prije Ranjenog Koljena i poslije .
(src)="82.2"> Jer , tog je trenutka , s prstom na okidaču Hočkins topova , Američka vlada otvoreno iznijela svoj stav o pravima starosjedilaca .
(trg)="82"> Everything can be measured before Wounded Knee and after , because it was in this moment , with the fingers on the triggers of the Hotchkiss guns , that the US government openly declared its position on Native rights .
(src)="83.1"> Bilo im je dosta sporazuma .
(src)="83.2"> Bilo im je dosta svetih planina .
(trg)="83"> They were tired of treaties .
(src)="84"> Bilo im je dosta plesa duhova .
(trg)="85"> They were tired of ghost dances .
(src)="85"> I bilo im je dosta svih nevolja sa Sijuksima .
(trg)="86"> And they were tired of all the inconveniences of the Sioux .
(src)="86"> Tako da su iznijeli topove .
(trg)="87"> So they brought out their cannons .
(src)="87"> " Hoćeš li sad da budeš Indijanac ? " , pitali su držeći prst na okidaču .
(trg)="88"> " You want to be an Indian now ? " they said , finger on the trigger .
(src)="88.1"> 1900 . : Broj američkih Indijanaca je najniži u istoriji - ima ih manje od 250.000 .
(src)="88.2"> A smatra se , da je taj broj iznosio osam miliona 1492 . godine .
(trg)="89"> 1900 : the US Indian population reached its low point -- less than 250,000 , compared to an estimated eight million in 1492 .
(src)="89"> Prelazim na godinu
(trg)="90"> Fast-forward .
(src)="90"> 1980 . : Najduži sudski proces u američkoj istoriji , Sijuks Nacija protiv Sjedinjenih Američkih Država , se vodi na Ustavnom Sudu Sjedinjenih Američkih Država .
(trg)="91"> 1980 : The longest-running court case in US history , the Sioux Nation versus the United States , was ruled upon by the US Supreme Court .
(src)="91"> Sud je zaključio da je prisilno naseljavanje Sijuksa u rezervate , i tim naseljavanjem bijelcima doseljenicima i tragačima za zlatom omogućeni pristup indijanskoj zemlji s površinom od 28 328 km² , kršenje odredaba Drugog sporazuma iz Fort Laramija .
(trg)="92"> The court determined that when the Sioux were resettled onto reservations and seven million acres of their land were opened up to prospectors and homesteaders , the terms of the second Fort Laramie Treaty had been violated .
(src)="92.1"> Sud je odlučio da je planina Blek Hils protuzakonito oduzeta i da prva ponuđena cijena sa kamatom mora biti plaćena Sijuks Naciji .
(src)="92.2"> Kao naknadu za Blek Hils ,
(trg)="93"> The court stated that the Black Hills were illegally taken , and that the initial offering price , plus interest , should be paid to the Sioux Nation .
(src)="93"> sud je odredio samo 106 miliona dolara za Sijuks Naciju .
(trg)="94"> As payment for the Black Hills , the court awarded only 106 million dollars to the Sioux Nation .
(src)="94"> Sijuksi su odbili novac uz ujedinjeni poklič : " Blek Hils nije na prodaju . "
(trg)="95"> The Sioux refused the money with the rallying cry , " The Black Hills are not for sale . "
(src)="95"> 2010 . : Statistike o domorodačkoj populaciji danas , više od jednog vijeka nakon masakra kod Ranjenog Koljena , otkrivaju posljedice kolonizacije , prinuđene migracije i kršenja sporazuma .
(trg)="96"> 2010 : Statistics about Native population today , more than a century after the massacre at Wounded Knee , reveal the legacy of colonization , forced migration and treaty violations .
(src)="96"> Nezaposlenost na Pajn Ridž rezervatu oscilira između 85 i 90 posto .
(trg)="97"> Unemployment on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation fluctuates between 85 and 90 percent .
(src)="97.1"> Služba za stanovanje nije u mogućnosti da izgradi nove stambene objekte , a postojeći objekti su u stanju raspadanja .
(src)="97.2"> Mnogi nemaju krov nad glavom , a oni
(trg)="98"> The housing office is unable to build new structures , and existing structures are falling apart .
(src)="98"> koji ga imaju , dijele već istrule kuće s gomilom ljudi , ponekad čak i sa pet drugih porodica .
(trg)="99"> Many are homeless , and those with homes are packed into rotting buildings with up to five families .
(src)="99"> 39 posto kuća u Pajn Ridžu nema struju .
(trg)="100"> Thirty-nine percent of homes on Pine Ridge have no electricity .
(src)="100"> U najmanje 60 posto kuća proširila se crna plijesan .
(trg)="101"> At least 60 percent of the homes on the reservation are infested with black mold .