# ast/ted2020-724.xml.gz
# en/ted2020-724.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Güei quedría falaros del celebru humanu , que ye lo que investigamos na Universidá de California .
(trg)="1"> I 'd like to talk to you today about the human brain , which is what we do research on at the University of California .

(src)="2"> Pensái n 'esti problema un segundu .
(trg)="2"> Just think about this problem for a second .

(src)="3"> Equí hai un bultu de carne , de kilu y mediu , que pués sostener na palma de la mano .
(trg)="3"> Here is a lump of flesh , about three pounds , which you can hold in the palm of your hand .

(src)="4"> Pero pué contemplar la inmensidá del espaciu interestelar .
(trg)="4"> But it can contemplate the vastness of interstellar space .

(src)="5"> Pué contemplar el significáu d ' infinitú. entrugar preguntes sobre 'l significáu de la so propia esistencia , de la naturaleza de Dios .
(trg)="5"> It can contemplate the meaning of infinity , ask questions about the meaning of its own existence , about the nature of God .

(src)="6"> Y esto ye verdaderamente la cosa más apasionante nel mundu .
(trg)="6"> And this is truly the most amazing thing in the world .

(src)="7.1"> Ye 'l mayor misteriu de los seres humanos .
(src)="7.2"> D 'ú vien tó esto ?
(trg)="7"> It 's the greatest mystery confronting human beings : How does this all come about ?

(src)="8"> Bono , el celebru , como sabe , ta fechu de neurones .
(trg)="8"> Well , the brain , as you know , is made up of neurons .

(src)="9"> Equí tamos viendo neurones .
(trg)="9"> We 're looking at neurons here .

(src)="10"> Hai 100 billones de neurones nel celebru d 'un home adultu .
(trg)="10"> There are 100 billion neurons in the adult human brain .

(src)="11"> Y cada neurona fái ente 1000 y 10000 contautos con otres neurones del celebru .
(trg)="11"> And each neuron makes something like 1,000 to 10,000 contacts with other neurons in the brain .

(src)="12"> Y basáu n 'esto , xente calculara qu 'el númberu de permutaciones y combinaciones de l 'actividá celebral supera 'l númberu de partícules elementales nel universu .
(trg)="12"> And based on this , people have calculated that the number of permutations and combinations of brain activity exceeds the number of elementary particles in the universe .

(src)="13"> Asina que , ¿ cómo estudies el celebru ?
(trg)="13"> So , how do you go about studying the brain ?

(src)="14"> Una posibilidá ye mirar a pacientes que tuvieran lesiones en diferentes partes del celebru , y estudiar cambios na so conducta .
(trg)="14"> One approach is to look at patients who had lesions in different part of the brain , and study changes in their behavior .

(src)="15"> D 'eso falé na última TED .
(trg)="15"> This is what I spoke about in the last TED .

(src)="16"> Güei voy falar d 'un otru abordaxe que ye poner electrodos en diferentes partes del celebru , y grabar l 'actividá real de céllules individuales nel celebru .
(trg)="16"> Today I 'll talk about a different approach , which is to put electrodes in different parts of the brain , and actually record the activity of individual nerve cells in the brain .

(src)="17"> Ye como espiar l 'actividá des célules nervioses .
(trg)="17"> Sort of eavesdrop on the activity of nerve cells in the brain .

(src)="18"> Y un descubrimientu reciente fechu por investigaores n 'Italia , en Parma , por Giacomo Rizzolatti y los sos collacios , ye un grupu de neurones llamáu neurones espexu , que tan alantre nel celebru , nos llóbulos frontales .
(trg)="18"> Now , one recent discovery that has been made by researchers in Italy , in Parma , by Giacomo Rizzolatti and his colleagues , is a group of neurons called mirror neurons , which are on the front of the brain in the frontal lobes .

(src)="19"> Y xurde qu 'hai neurones que se llamen neurones d 'órdenes motores ordinarias na parte anterior del celebru , que se conocieran dende más de 50 años .
(trg)="19"> Now , it turns out there are neurons which are called ordinary motor command neurons in the front of the brain , which have been known for over 50 years .

(src)="20"> Estes neurones dispáranse cuando una persona fái una acción específica .
(trg)="20"> These neurons will fire when a person performs a specific action .

(src)="21"> Por exemplu , si yo faigo esto , y alcanzo y coyo una manzana , una orden motora na parte anterior del mio celebru se disparará .
(trg)="21"> For example , if I do that , and reach and grab an apple , a motor command neuron in the front of my brain will fire .

(src)="22"> Si alcanzo y emburrio un oxetu , otra neurona se disparará , ordenándome emburriálu .
(trg)="22"> If I reach out and pull an object , another neuron will fire , commanding me to pull that object .

(src)="23"> Estes llámanse neurones d 'ordenes motores , y conócense dende fái tiempu .
(trg)="23"> These are called motor command neurons that have been known for a long time .

(src)="24"> Pero lo que Rizzolatti atopó foi un grupu d 'estes neurones , como 'l 20 por cientu d 'elles , que también se disparará cuando veo a daquién facer la mesma acción .
(trg)="24"> But what Rizzolatti found was a subset of these neurons , maybe about 20 percent of them , will also fire when I 'm looking at somebody else performing the same action .

(src)="25"> Asina , equí tá una neurona que se dispara cuando alcanzo y coyo daqué , pero que también se dispara cuando veo a Joe alcanzar y coyelo .
(trg)="25"> So , here is a neuron that fires when I reach and grab something , but it also fires when I watch Joe reaching and grabbing something .

(src)="26"> Y ye braeramente esmechante .
(trg)="26"> And this is truly astonishing .

(src)="27"> Porque ye como si esta neurona adoptara el puntu de vista del otru .
(trg)="27"> Because it 's as though this neuron is adopting the other person 's point of view .

(src)="28"> Ye casi como si tuviera n 'una simulación de realidá virtual de l 'aición de la otra persona .
(trg)="28"> It 's almost as though it 's performing a virtual reality simulation of the other person 's action .

(src)="29"> Pero , cuál ye 'l significáu d 'estes neurones espexu ?
(trg)="29"> Now , what is the significance of these mirror neurons ?

(src)="30"> Por un lláu , tienen que tar involucraes en procesos como la imitación ya emulación .
(trg)="30"> For one thing they must be involved in things like imitation and emulation .

(src)="31"> Porque imitar un actu complexu requiér qu 'el mio celebru adopte 'l puntu de vista de la otra persona .
(trg)="31"> Because to imitate a complex act requires my brain to adopt the other person 's point of view .

(src)="32"> Asín , esto ye lo importante d 'imitar y emular .
(trg)="32"> So , this is important for imitation and emulation .

(src)="33"> ¿ Y por qué ye importante ?
(trg)="33"> Well , why is that important ?

(src)="34"> Bono , miremos a esta diapositiva .
(trg)="34"> Well , let 's take a look at the next slide .

(src)="35.1"> ¿ Cómo faes pa imitar ?
(src)="35.2"> ¿ Por qué ye importante ?
(trg)="35.1"> So , how do you do imitation ?
(trg)="35.2"> Why is imitation important ?

(src)="36"> Neurones espexu ya imitación , emulación .
(trg)="36"> Mirror neurons and imitation , emulation .

(src)="37"> Miremos agora a la cultura , al fenómenu de la cultura humana .
(trg)="37"> Now , let 's look at culture , the phenomenon of human culture .

(src)="38"> Si vas p 'atrás nel tiempu , entre 75 y 100 mil años , miremos a la evolución humana , xurde qu 'algo perimportante pasó fái 75.000 años .
(trg)="38"> If you go back in time about [ 75,000 ] to 100,000 years ago , let 's look at human evolution , it turns out that something very important happened around 75,000 years ago .

(src)="39"> Ye un xurdimientu súbitu y una diseminación rápida d 'una serie d 'habilidaes úniques pa 'l ser humanu como usar les ferramientes , el usu 'l fueu , d 'abellugos , y , per supuestu , llenguaxe , y l 'habilidá de lleer la mente d 'otru y d 'interpretar la so conducta .
(trg)="39"> And that is , there is a sudden emergence and rapid spread of a number of skills that are unique to human beings like tool use , the use of fire , the use of shelters , and , of course , language , and the ability to read somebody else 's mind and interpret that person 's behavior .

(src)="40"> Y too eso pasó relativamente rápido .
(trg)="40"> All of that happened relatively quickly .

(src)="41"> Incluso aunque 'l celebru humanu había alcanzáu el so tamañu facía tres o cuatrocientos mil años entá , fái cien mil años too esto pasó perrápido .
(trg)="41"> Even though the human brain had achieved its present size almost three or four hundred thousand years ago , 100,000 years ago all of this happened very , very quickly .

(src)="42"> Y pueo dicir que lo que paso foi el xurdimientu súbitu d 'un sofisticáu sistema de neurones espexu , que te permitía emular ya imitar les aiciones d 'otres persones .
(trg)="42"> And I claim that what happened was the sudden emergence of a sophisticated mirror neuron system , which allowed you to emulate and imitate other people 's actions .

(src)="43"> Asina que cuando hubiera un descubrimientu accidental súbitu por un miembru 'l grupu , por exemplu , l 'usu 'l fueu , o d 'un tipu particular de ferramienta , en vez de morrer , esto se extendería rápido , horizontalmente per la población , o verticalmente , tres les xeneraciones .
(trg)="43"> So that when there was a sudden accidental discovery by one member of the group , say the use of fire , or a particular type of tool , instead of dying out , this spread rapidly , horizontally across the population , or was transmitted vertically , down the generations .

(src)="44"> Asina , esto fizo que la evolución fora lamarckiana , non darwiniana .
(trg)="44"> So , this made evolution suddenly Lamarckian , instead of Darwinian .

(src)="45"> L 'evolución darwiniana ye llenta , echa cientos de miles d 'años .
(trg)="45"> Darwinian evolution is slow ; it takes hundreds of thousands of years .

(src)="46"> Un osu polar , pa desarrollar pelaxe , echará cientos de xeneraciones , quizá cien mil años .
(trg)="46"> A polar bear , to evolve a coat , will take thousands of generations , maybe 100,000 years .

(src)="47.1"> Un ser humanu , un guah.e , pué simplemente ver al so pá matar a otru osu polar , despeyeyalu y ponése la piel nel so cuerpu y aprendelo n 'un pasu .
(src)="47.2"> Lo que al osu polar llevó-y cien mil años aprender , pué ser aprendío en cinco , igual diez minutos .
(trg)="47.1"> A human being , a child , can just watch its parent kill another polar bear , and skin it and put the skin on its body , fur on the body , and learn it in one step .
(trg)="47.2"> What the polar bear took 100,000 years to learn , it can learn in five minutes , maybe 10 minutes .

(src)="48"> Y una vez que foi aprendío , s 'extiende en proporción xeometrica por toa la población .
(trg)="48"> And then once it 's learned this it spreads in geometric proportion across a population .

(src)="49.1"> Esta ye la base .
(src)="49.2"> Imitar habilidaes complexes ye lo que llamamos cultura y ye la base de la civilización .
(trg)="49.1"> This is the basis .
(trg)="49.2"> The imitation of complex skills is what we call culture and is the basis of civilization .

(src)="50"> Pero hay otru tipu de neurones espexu , que se dedica a daqué diferente .
(trg)="50"> Now there is another kind of mirror neuron , which is involved in something quite different .

(src)="51"> Y ye qu 'hai neurones espexu , igual qu 'hai neurones espexu pa les acciones , les hay pa 'l tautu .
(trg)="51"> And that is , there are mirror neurons , just as there are mirror neurons for action , there are mirror neurons for touch .

(src)="52"> N 'otres pallabres , si daquién me toca , la mio mano , una neurona n 'el córtex sensorial na rexón sensorial del cerebru dispara .
(trg)="52"> In other words , if somebody touches me , my hand , neuron in the somatosensory cortex in the sensory region of the brain fires .

(src)="53"> Pero la mesma neurona , n 'algunos casos disparará cuando veo a otra persona ser tocada .
(trg)="53"> But the same neuron , in some cases , will fire when I simply watch another person being touched .

(src)="54"> Asina , tá empatizando a la otra persona siendo tocada .
(trg)="54"> So , it 's empathizing the other person being touched .

(src)="55.1"> Y asína , munches d 'elles s 'activarán cuando me toquen en diferentes sitios .
(src)="55.2"> Diferentes neurones pa diferentes sitios .
(trg)="55.1"> So , most of them will fire when I 'm touched in different locations .
(trg)="55.2"> Different neurons for different locations .

(src)="56"> Pero un subgrupu d 'elles s 'activará incluso cuando veo a daquién ser tocáu n 'esi sitiu .
(trg)="56"> But a subset of them will fire even when I watch somebody else being touched in the same location .

(src)="57"> Otra vez tenemos neurones dedicaes a l 'empatía .
(trg)="57"> So , here again you have neurons which are enrolled in empathy .

(src)="58"> Y la pregunta xurde : si yo simplemente veo a otra persona ser tocada , ¿ por qué nun me confundo y lliteramlente siento esa sensación simplemente viendo a esa persona siendo tocada ?
(trg)="58"> Now , the question then arises : If I simply watch another person being touched , why do I not get confused and literally feel that touch sensation merely by watching somebody being touched ?

(src)="59"> Quiero dicir , empatizo con esa persona pero nun siento el toque .
(trg)="59"> I mean , I empathize with that person but I don 't literally feel the touch .

(src)="60"> Bueno , eso ye porque tienes receptores na to piel , receptores del tautu y del dolor , que conectan col celebru y y-dicen " Tranquilu , nun te tan tocando .
(trg)="60"> Well , that 's because you 've got receptors in your skin , touch and pain receptors , going back into your brain and saying " Don 't worry , you 're not being touched .

(src)="61"> Asina qu 'empatiza , por toos los medios , con la otra persona , pero nun sientas el toque porque si non confundiráste . "
(trg)="61"> So , empathize , by all means , with the other person , but do not actually experience the touch , otherwise you 'll get confused and muddled . "

(src)="62"> Vale , entós hay una señal de retroalimentación que veta la señal de la neurona espexu pa que nun pueas sentir conscientemente esi toque .
(trg)="62"> Okay , so there is a feedback signal that vetoes the signal of the mirror neuron preventing you from consciously experiencing that touch .

(src)="63"> Pero si quites el brazu , simplemente lu anestesies , ye decir , pónesme una inyeición , anestesies el plexu braquial , así qu 'el brazu ta insensible , y nun capta sensaciones , si agora te veo siendo tocáu , siéntolo literalmente na mio mano .
(trg)="63"> But if you remove the arm , you simply anesthetize my arm , so you put an injection into my arm , anesthetize the brachial plexus , so the arm is numb , and there is no sensations coming in , if I now watch you being touched , I literally feel it in my hand .

(src)="64"> N 'otres pallabres , acabes de tirar el muru entre ti y otros seres humanos .
(trg)="64"> In other words , you have dissolved the barrier between you and other human beings .

(src)="65"> Asina que les llamo neurones Gandhi , o neurones empátiques .
(trg)="65"> So , I call them Gandhi neurons , or empathy neurons .

(src)="66"> ( Rises ) Y esto nun ye n 'un sentíu metafóricu y abstractu ,
(trg)="66"> ( Laughter ) And this is not in some abstract metaphorical sense .

(src)="67"> too lo que te separa d 'el de l 'otra persona , ye la to piel .
(trg)="67"> All that 's separating you from him , from the other person , is your skin .

(src)="68"> Quita la piel , y esperimentarás el toque a la otra persona na to mente .
(trg)="68"> Remove the skin , you experience that person 's touch in your mind .

(src)="69"> Acabes de tirar el muru entre ti y otros seres humanos .
(trg)="69"> You 've dissolved the barrier between you and other human beings .

(src)="70"> Y esto ye , por supuestu , la base de muncha de la filosofía oriental , y de que nun hay un yo independiente , aislláu d 'otros seres humanos , inspeccionando 'l mundiu , inspeccionando a otres persones .
(trg)="70"> And this , of course , is the basis of much of Eastern philosophy , and that is there is no real independent self , aloof from other human beings , inspecting the world , inspecting other people .

(src)="71"> Tú tas conectáu , non solamente por el Facebook ya Internet , tas lliteralmente conectáu por les tos neurones .
(trg)="71"> You are , in fact , connected not just via Facebook and Internet , you 're actually quite literally connected by your neurons .

(src)="72"> Y hái cadenes enteres de neurones en esti cuartu , falando con otres .
(trg)="72"> And there is whole chains of neurons around this room , talking to each other .

(src)="73"> Y nun hái distinción entre la to conciencia y la d 'otra persona .
(trg)="73"> And there is no real distinctiveness of your consciousness from somebody else 's consciousness .

(src)="74"> Y esto nun ye ningún cuentu filosóficu .
(trg)="74"> And this is not mumbo-jumbo philosophy .

(src)="75"> Xurde del nuestru conocimientu de la neurociencia .
(trg)="75"> It emerges from our understanding of basic neuroscience .

(src)="76.1"> Y si tienes un paciente con miembru fantasma .
(src)="76.2"> Si-y quitaron el brazu y tienes un " fantasma " , y ves a daquién ser tocáu , percíbeslo nel to " fantasma " .
(trg)="76.1"> So , you have a patient with a phantom limb .
(trg)="76.2"> If the arm has been removed and you have a phantom , and you watch somebody else being touched , you feel it in your phantom .

(src)="77"> Y lo impresionante ye , que si tienes dolor nel to miembru fantasma ya aprietes la mano 'l otru , masaxes la so manu , quítate 'l dolor nel to miembru fantasma , casi como si la neurona tuviera calmando 'l dolor simplemente viendo a daquién más ser masaxeáu .
(trg)="77"> Now the astonishing thing is , if you have pain in your phantom limb , you squeeze the other person 's hand , massage the other person 's hand , that relieves the pain in your phantom hand , almost as though the neuron were obtaining relief from merely watching somebody else being massaged .

(src)="78"> Y equí ta la mio última diapositiva .
(trg)="78"> So , here you have my last slide .

(src)="79"> Durante munchu tiempu la xente ha visto la ciencia y les humanidaes como coses diferentes .
(trg)="79"> For the longest time people have regarded science and humanities as being distinct .

(src)="80"> C.P. Snow faló de dos cultures : ciencia n 'un lau , humanidaes nel otru ; nunca se deberán alcontrar .
(trg)="80"> C.P. Snow spoke of the two cultures : science on the one hand , humanities on the other ; never the twain shall meet .

(src)="81"> Y toi diciendo qu 'el sistema de neurones espexu tá baxo l 'interfaz , dexándote repensar coses como la conciencia , la representación del yo , lo que te separa d 'otros seres humanos , lo que te dexa empatizar con otros seres humanos , incluso coses como 'l xurdimientu de la cultura y la civilización , úniques pa los seres humanos .
(trg)="81.1"> So , I 'm saying the mirror neuron system underlies the interface allowing you to rethink about issues like consciousness , representation of self , what separates you from other human beings , what allows you to empathize with other human beings , and also even things like the emergence of culture and civilization , which is unique to human beings .
(trg)="81.2"> Thank you .

(src)="82.1"> Gracies .
(src)="82.2"> ( Aplausos )
(trg)="82"> ( Applause )

# ast/ted2020-755.xml.gz
# en/ted2020-755.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Imaxina que tas en una cai cualquiera de Estados Unidos y un xaponés acércasete y dizte : " Perdone , ¿ cómo se llama esta manzana ? "
(trg)="1"> So , imagine you 're standing on a street anywhere in America and a Japanese man comes up to you and says , " Excuse me , what is the name of this block ? "

(src)="2.1"> Y tu respondes : " Lo siento .
(src)="2.2"> Esta ye la cai Oak y esa ye la cai Elm .
(trg)="2"> And you say , " I 'm sorry , well , this is Oak Street , that 's Elm Street .

(src)="3"> Esti ye el númberu 26 y esi el 27 " .
(trg)="3"> This is 26th , that 's 27th . "

(src)="4.1"> Y él diz : " Vale .
(src)="4.2"> ¿ Pero cómo se llama esa manzana ? "
(trg)="4"> He says , " OK , but what is the name of that block ? "

(src)="5"> Y tu respondes : " Les manzanes nun tienen nome .
(trg)="5"> You say , " Well , blocks don 't have names .

(src)="6"> Les cais tienen nome , pero les manzanes son los espacios sin nome que tan entre les cais " .
(trg)="6"> Streets have names ; blocks are just the unnamed spaces in between streets . "

(src)="7"> Él marcha , un poco confusu y desilusionau .
(trg)="7"> He leaves , a little confused and disappointed .

(src)="8"> Ahora imaxina que tas en una cai cualquiera del Xapón , acércaste a una persona y preguntes : " Perdone , ¿ cómo se llama esta cai ? "
(trg)="8"> So , now imagine you 're standing on a street , anywhere in Japan , you turn to a person next to you and say , " Excuse me , what is the name of this street ? "

(src)="9"> Y respóndente : " Oh , aquella ye la manzana 17 y esta la 16 " .
(trg)="9"> They say , " Oh , well that 's Block 17 and this is Block 16 . "

(src)="10"> Y dices : " Vale , ¿ pero cómo se llama esta cai ? "
(trg)="10"> And you say , " OK , but what is the name of this street ? "

(src)="11"> Y te responden : " Les cais nun tienen nome .
(trg)="11"> And they say , " Well , streets don 't have names .

(src)="12"> Les manzanes sí .
(trg)="12"> Blocks have names .

(src)="13.1"> Mira Google Maps .
(src)="13.2"> Esta ye la manzana 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 .
(trg)="13.1"> Just look at Google Maps here .
(trg)="13.2"> There 's Block 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 .

(src)="14.1"> Toes estes manzanes tienen nome .
(src)="14.2"> Les cais son los espacios sin nome que tan entre les manzanes " .
(trg)="14"> All of these blocks have names , and the streets are just the unnamed spaces in between the blocks .

(src)="15"> Y tú dices : " Vale , ¿ pero cómo sabes la tu direición ?
(trg)="15"> And you say then , " OK , then how do you know your home address ? "

(src)="16"> Él responde : " Ye muy fácil , esti ye 'l Distritu Ocho .
(trg)="16"> He said , " Well , easy , this is District Eight .

(src)="17"> Esta ye la manzana 17 , casa númberu Un " .
(trg)="17"> There 's Block 17 , house number one . "

(src)="18.1"> Tú dices : " Ok .
(src)="18.2"> Pero mientres caminaba pol barriu , dime cuenta les cases nun tan numberaes per orde " .
(trg)="18"> You say , " OK , but walking around the neighborhood , I noticed that the house numbers don 't go in order . "