# en/ted2013.en-zh.xml.gz
# zh/ted2013.en-zh.xml.gz

(src)="1"> http : / / www.ted.com / talks / stephen _ palumbi _ following _ the _ mercury _ trail.html
(trg)="1"> http : / / www.ted.com / talks / lang / zh-cn / stephen _ palumbi _ following _ the _ mercury _ trail.html

(src)="2"> There 's a tight and surprising link between the ocean 's health and ours , says marine biologist Stephen Palumbi . He shows how toxins at the bottom of the ocean food chain find their way into our bodies , with a shocking story of toxic contamination from a Japanese fish market . His work points a way forward for saving the oceans ' health -- and humanity 's .
(trg)="2"> 生物学家史蒂芬 · 帕伦认为 , 海洋的健康和我们的健康之间有着紧密而神奇的联系 。 他通过日本一个渔场发生的让人震惊的有毒污染的事件 , 展示了位于海洋食物链底部的有毒物质是如何进入我们的身体的 。 他的工作主要是未来拯救海洋健康的方法 — — 同时也包括人类的 。

(src)="3"> fish , health , mission blue , oceans , science
(trg)="3"> fish , health , mission blue , oceans , science

(src)="4"> 899
(trg)="4"> 899

(src)="5"> Stephen Palumbi : Following the mercury trail
(trg)="5"> 史蒂芬 · 帕伦 : 追寻水银的踪迹

(src)="7"> It can be a very complicated thing , the ocean .
(trg)="7"> 海洋是一个非常复杂的事物 。

(src)="8"> And it can be a very complicated thing , what human health is .
(trg)="8"> 人类的健康也是一件非常复杂的事情 。

(src)="9"> And bringing those two together might seem a very daunting task , but what I 'm going to try to say is that even in that complexity , there 's some simple themes that I think , if we understand , we can really move forward .
(trg)="9"> 将两者统一起来看起来是一件艰巨的任务 。 但我想要试图去说明的是 即使是如此复杂的情况 , 也存在一些我认为简单的话题 , 一些如果我们能理解 , 就很容易向前发展的话题 。

(src)="10"> And those simple themes aren 't really themes about the complex science of what 's going on , but things that we all pretty well know .
(trg)="10"> 这些简单的话题确实不是 有关那复杂的科学有了怎样的发展 , 而是一些我们都恰好知道的事情 。

(src)="11"> And I 'm going to start with this one : If momma ain 't happy , ain 't nobody happy .
(trg)="11"> 接下来我就来说一个 。 如果老妈不高兴了 , 大家都别想开心 。

(src)="12"> We know that , right ? We 've experienced that .
(trg)="12"> 我们都知道 , 不是吗 ? 我们都经历过 。

(src)="13"> And if we just take that and we build from there , then we can go to the next step , which is that if the ocean ain 't happy , ain 't nobody happy .
(trg)="13"> 接下来如果我们能理解这一点 从这里出发 , 可以得出下一步的 , 那就是如果海洋不高兴了 大家也都别想开心 。

(src)="14"> That 's the theme of my talk .
(trg)="14"> 这就是我演讲的主题 。

(src)="15"> And we 're making the ocean pretty unhappy in a lot of different ways .
(trg)="15"> 我们正在通过许多不同的方法惹怒海洋 。

(src)="16"> This is a shot of Cannery Row in 1932 .
(trg)="16"> 这是1932年在坎纳里鲁夫拍的一副照片

(src)="17"> Cannery Row , at the time , had the biggest industrial canning operation on the west coast .
(trg)="17"> 那时的坎纳里鲁夫 , 有着西海岸最大的 工业化罐头工厂 。

(src)="18"> We piled enormous amounts of pollution into the air and into the water .
(trg)="18"> 我们堆积了大量的污染物 在空气中和水中

(src)="19"> Rolf Bolin , who was a professor at the Hopkin 's Marine Station where I work , wrote in the 1940s that " The fumes from the scum floating on the inlets of the bay were so bad they turned lead-based paints black . "
(trg)="19"> 我所工作的霍普金的海洋研究站的 罗尔夫 · 博林教授 , 在二十世纪40年代指出 , “ 海湾入口里浮沫所散发的臭气 特别难闻 那里有含铅的黑涂料 。

(src)="20"> People working in these canneries could barely stay there all day because of the smell , but you know what they came out saying ?
(trg)="20"> 工作在罐头厂的人们 每天都只能待在这样的气味之中 。 然而你知道他们说什么吗 ?

(src)="21"> They say , " You know what you smell ?
(trg)="21"> 他们说 : “ 你知道你闻到的是什么吗 ?

(src)="22"> You smell money . "
(trg)="22"> 你闻到的是钱的气味 。 ”

(src)="23"> That pollution was money to that community , and those people dealt with the pollution and absorbed it into their skin and into their bodies because they needed the money .
(trg)="23"> 污染来自于社区的金钱利益 。 那些人们和污染生活在一起 并把污染吸入了它们的皮肤和身体 因为他们需要钱 。

(src)="24"> We made the ocean unhappy ; we made people very unhappy , and we made them unhealthy .
(trg)="24"> 让海洋不高兴 , 人们也特别不高兴 , 并且人类还不再健康 。

(src)="25"> The connection between ocean health and human health is actually based upon another couple simple adages , and I want to call that " pinch a minnow , hurt a whale . "
(trg)="25"> 海洋的健康和人类健康之间的联系 确实就像另一组谚语说的那样 。 我觉得这么说 : “ 抓了小鱼 , 害死鲸鱼 ”

(src)="26"> The pyramid of ocean life ...
(trg)="26"> 海洋生物的食物链 … …

(src)="27"> Now , when an ecologist looks at the ocean -- I have to tell you -- we look at the ocean in a very different way , and we see different things than when a regular person looks at the ocean because when an ecologist looks at the ocean , we see all those interconnections .
(trg)="27"> 现在 … … 当一位生态学者看待海洋的时候 — — 我承认 — — 我们用一种十分不同的方式来看待海洋 , 比起普通人 , 我们看待海洋时发现的不同之处更多 。 因为当生态学家看待海洋的时候 , 会看到其中的相互联系 。

(src)="28"> We see the base of the food chain , the plankton , the small things , and we see how those animals are food to animals in the middle of the pyramid , and on so up this diagram .
(trg)="28"> 我们看食物链的下层 , 浮游生物这种小东西 , 还会看这些小动物们 是如何成为位于金字塔中部动物们的食物的 , 然后就这样一直向上走到这幅图的顶部 。

(src)="29"> And that flow , that flow of life , from the very base up to the very top , is the flow that ecologists see .
(trg)="29"> 这种生命的流动 从最底部流向最顶部 , 是生态学家们关注的 。

(src)="30"> And that 's what we 're trying to preserve when we say , " Save the ocean . Heal the ocean . "
(trg)="30"> 并且这就是我们努力去保护的 当我们说 : “ 救救海洋 , 给海洋治治病吧 。 ”

(src)="31"> It 's that pyramid .
(trg)="31"> 说的就是这金字塔 。

(src)="32"> Now why does that matter for human health ?
(trg)="32"> 那么为什么这与人类的健康有关系呢 ?

(src)="33"> Because when we jam things in the bottom of that pyramid that shouldn 't be there , some very frightening things happen .
(trg)="33"> 因为 , 当我们把一些本不该在食物链底部存在 的东西塞进了金字塔食物链之后 , 就出现了很可怕的事情 。

(src)="34"> Pollutants , some pollutants have been created by us : molecules like PCBs that can 't be broken down by our bodies .
(trg)="34"> 一些由我们制造的污染物 , 像是PCB分子 ( 多氯联苯 , 一种致癌物质 ) 是不能被我们的身体吸收的 。

(src)="35"> And they go in the base of that pyramid , and they drift up ; they 're passed up that way , on to predators and on to the top predators , and in so doing , they accumulate .
(trg)="35"> 它们进入到食物链金字塔的底部 , 并不断向上 , 经过食物链 , 到达肉食动物和顶端肉食动物这里 。 这样的话 , 就堆积起来了 。

(src)="36"> Now , to bring that home , I thought I 'd invent a little game .
(trg)="36"> 然后 , 为了能彻底了解这个问题 , 我想邀请大家做个小游戏

(src)="37"> We don 't really have to play it ; we can just think about it here .
(trg)="37"> 我们并不是真的要玩 , 只是在这里想一下就好 。

(src)="38"> It 's the Styrofoam and chocolate game .
(trg)="38"> 这是个保丽龙发泡胶和巧克力的游戏 。

(src)="39"> Imagine that when we got on this boat , we were all given two Styrofoam peanuts .
(trg)="39"> 想象一下当我们登上这艘船 , 我们都得到了 两个保丽龙的花生 。

(src)="40"> Can 't do much with them : Put them in your pocket .
(trg)="40"> 除了把它们放在兜里 , 你也做不了什么其他的 。

(src)="41"> Suppose the rules are : every time you offer somebody a drink , you give them the drink , and you give them your Styrofoam peanuts too .
(trg)="41"> 因为规则是 : 每一次你请别人喝一杯的时候 , 除了要给别人酒之外 , 也要把你的保丽龙花生给别人 。

(src)="42"> What 'll happen is that the Styrofoam peanuts will start moving through our society here , and they will accumulate in the drunkest , stingiest people .
(trg)="42"> 接下来发生的事情就是保丽龙花生 会开始在我们的团体里流通 。 并且它们会集中在 最吝啬的醉鬼身上

(src)="43"> There 's no mechanism in this game for them to go anywhere but into a bigger and bigger pile of indigestible Styrofoam peanuts .
(trg)="43"> ( 笑声 ) 这个游戏里面的机制 让人们什么也做不了 除了得到越来越大的一堆 无法消化的保丽龙花生 。

(src)="44"> And that 's exactly what happens with PDBs in this food pyramid : They accumulate into the top of it .
(trg)="44"> 这就是和PDB分子 ( 对二氯苯 , 化学合成药剂 , 致癌 ) 在食物链中的堆积一样 。 它们富集在食物链的顶部 。

(src)="45"> Now suppose , instead of Styrofoam peanuts , we take these lovely little chocolates that we get and we had those instead .
(trg)="45"> 然后假设不用保丽龙花生 , 我们用这些可爱的巧克力 来替代它们 。

(src)="46"> Well , some of us would be eating those chocolates instead of passing them around , and instead of accumulating , they will just pass into our group here and not accumulate in any one group because they 're absorbed by us .
(trg)="46"> 嗯 , 我们之中的一些人会把巧克力吃了 而不给别人 。 这样就不会产生堆积 , 它们只会在人群中流通 但不会堆积在人群里 。 因为巧克力可以被我们吸收 。

(src)="47"> And that 's the difference between a PCB and , say , something natural like an omega-3 , something we want out of the marine food chain .
(trg)="47"> 这与PCB分子是不同的 , 可以说 , 就像ω- 3脂肪酸一样天然 , 我们希望海洋食物链里有这些东西 。

(src)="48"> PCBs accumulate .
(trg)="48"> PCB的富集 。

(src)="49"> We have great examples of that , unfortunately .
(trg)="49"> 很不幸 , 有许多这种例子

(src)="50"> PCBs accumulate in dolphins in Sarasota Bay , in Texas , in North Carolina .
(trg)="50"> PCB堆积在海豚体内 就发生在萨拉索塔湾 , 得克萨斯州 , 北卡罗来纳州 。

(src)="51"> They get into the food chain .
(trg)="51"> PCB分子进入了食物链 。

(src)="52"> The dolphins eat the fish that have PCBs from the plankton , and those PCBs , being fat-soluble , accumulate in these dolphins .
(trg)="52"> 海豚吃了小鱼 小鱼从浮游生物那里得到了PCB分子 , 这些脂溶性的PCB分子 就富集在了海豚体内 。

(src)="53"> Now , a dolphin , mother dolphin , any dolphin -- there 's only one way that a PCB can get out of a dolphin .
(trg)="53"> 现在 , 一只海豚 , 海豚母亲 , 或者是任何的海豚 只有一种方法 排出PCB分子 。

(src)="54"> And what 's that ?
(trg)="54"> 是什么呢 ?

(src)="55"> In mother 's milk .
(trg)="55"> 通过母乳 。

(src)="56"> Here 's a diagram of the PCB load of dolphins in Sarasota Bay .
(trg)="56"> 这是一张萨拉索塔湾海豚 体内PCB含量的图表 。

(src)="57"> Adult males : a huge load .
(trg)="57"> 成年雄性体内的含量巨大 。

(src)="58"> Juveniles : a huge load .
(trg)="58"> 幼年海豚体内也有很大含量 。

(src)="59"> Females after their first calf is already weaned : a lower load .
(trg)="59"> 雌性在第一次哺乳期之后 含量稍低 。

(src)="60"> Those females , they 're not trying to .
(trg)="60"> 雌性海豚并不想这样 。

(src)="61"> Those females are passing the PCBs in the fat of their own mother 's milk into their offspring , and their offspring don 't survive .
(trg)="61"> 它们将PCB分子 通过乳汁里面的脂肪 传递给了它们的后代 。 而后代没有活下来 。

(src)="62"> The death rate in these dolphins , for the first calf born of every female dolphin , is 60 to 80 percent .
(trg)="62"> 这些海豚的死亡率 , 每只雌性海豚的第一胎 , 大约在60 % 到80 % 。

(src)="63"> These mothers pump their first offspring full of this pollutant , and most of them die .
(trg)="63"> 母亲们把污染物 都输送给了第一胎后代 。 其中大部分都会死去 。

(src)="64"> Now , the mother then can go and reproduce , but what a terrible price to pay for the accumulation of this pollutant in these animals -- the death of the first-born calf .
(trg)="64"> 现在 , 雌性海豚可以继续繁殖了 , 但这代价太大了 污染物富集在 这些动物体内 — — 这要由第一胎后代的死来买单 。

(src)="65"> There 's another top predator in the ocean , it turns out .
(trg)="65"> 原来 , 在海洋食物链里还有另外一个顶端捕食者

(src)="66"> That top predator , of course , is us .
(trg)="66"> 显然 , 这个顶端捕食者就是我们 。

(src)="67"> And we also are eating meat that comes from some of these same places .
(trg)="67"> 我们也吃肉 来自于同样一些地方的肉 。

(src)="68"> This is whale meat that I photographed in a grocery store in Tokyo -- or is it ?
(trg)="68"> 这是鲸鱼肉 我在东京一家食品店拍到的 或者不是 ?

(src)="69"> In fact , what we did a few years ago was learn how to smuggle a molecular biology lab into Tokyo and use it to genetically test the DNA out of whale meat samples and identify what they really were .
(trg)="69"> 实际上 , 我们做了几年的研究 研究如何偷运 一所分子生物实验室进东京 用于遗传学的检验 检验鲸鱼肉中去出的DNA样本 并鉴定它们到底是什么 。

(src)="70"> And some of those whale meat samples were whale meat .
(trg)="70"> 一部分鲸鱼肉样本确实是鲸鱼肉 。

(src)="71"> Some of them were illegal whale meat , by the way .
(trg)="71"> 顺带一说 , 另一部分检验出不合规格 。

(src)="72"> That 's another story .
(trg)="72"> 这是另一个话题了 。

(src)="73"> But some of them were not whale meat at all .
(trg)="73"> 但是有一些就根本不是鲸鱼肉 。

(src)="74"> Even though they were labeled whale meat , they were dolphin meat .
(trg)="74"> 即使有着鲸鱼肉的幌子 , 实际上这些是海豚肉 。

(src)="75"> Some of them were dolphin liver . Some of them were dolphin blubber .
(trg)="75"> 有一些是海豚肝脏 。 有一些是海豚的鳍 。

(src)="76"> And those dolphin parts had a huge load of PCBs , dioxins and heavy metals .
(trg)="76"> 那些海豚肉 都含巨量的PCB分子 , 二恶英 ( 剧毒 ) 和重金属 。

(src)="77"> And that huge load was passing into the people that ate this meat .
(trg)="77"> 这些有害物质都流入到 食用这些肉的人身体内 。

(src)="78"> It turns out that a lot of dolphins are being sold as meat in the whale meat market around the world .
(trg)="78"> 这证明许多海豚 在世界上的鲸肉市场里 都被当作肉食出售 。

(src)="79"> That 's a tragedy for those populations , but it 's also a tragedy for the people eating them because they don 't know that that 's toxic meat .
(trg)="79"> 对海豚来说这是一场悲剧 。 但对食用它们的人类来说 同样是一场悲剧 因为他们并不知道这是有毒的肉 。

(src)="80"> We had these data a few years ago .
(trg)="80"> 几年前的一天我们得出的这些数据 。

(src)="81"> I remember sitting at my desk being about the only person in the world who knew that whale meat being sold in these markets was really dolphin meat , and it was toxic .
(trg)="81"> 我记得我坐在办公桌旁 作为世界上唯一的人 唯一知道在鲸鱼肉市场上卖的那些鲸鱼肉 实际上是海豚肉 , 并且含毒的人 。

(src)="82"> It had two-to-three-to-400 times the toxic loads ever allowed by the EPA .
(trg)="82"> 含有的毒素是有史以来环保局允许的 2-3倍到400倍 。

(src)="83"> And I remember there sitting at my desk thinking , " Well , I know this . This is a great scientific discovery , " but it was so awful .
(trg)="83"> 并且我记得我坐在办公桌之前想 : “ 嗯 , 我发现了这个 , 这是个伟大的科学发现 。 ” 但它如此可怕 。

(src)="84"> And for the very first time in my scientific career , I broke scientific protocol , which is that you take the data and publish them in scientific journals and then begin to talk about them .
(trg)="84"> 在我科学生涯中 , 我第一次 打破了科学的协议 , 就是做出数据并发布在科学杂志上 , 然后再谈论它们 。

(src)="85"> We sent a very polite letter to the Minister of Health in Japan and simply pointed out that this is an intolerable situation , not for us , but for the people of Japan because mothers who may be breastfeeding , who may have young children , would be buying something that they thought was healthy , but it was really toxic .
(trg)="85"> 我们写了一封很客气的信 给日本卫生部长 并简单的指出 并非对于我们是一个不可忍受的情况 , 而是对于日本人民 。 因为需要哺乳的母亲们 , 有小孩的母亲们 , 应该买她们认为健康的东西 , 但这些东西实际上有毒 。

(src)="86"> That led to a whole series of other campaigns in Japan , and I 'm really proud to say that at this point , it 's very difficult to buy anything in Japan that 's labeled incorrectly , even though they 're still selling whale meat , which I believe they shouldn 't .
(trg)="86"> 这导致了日本一系列的其他运动 。 在这一点上 , 我真的非常骄傲的说 , 在日本买任何东西都很难 这是标签贴错了 , 即使他们仍然在出售鲸肉 , 而我认为他们不该这么做 。

(src)="87"> But at least it 's labeled correctly , and you 're no longer going to be buying toxic dolphin meat instead .
(trg)="87"> 但是至少标签帖对了 你就不回再去买 有毒的海豚肉 。

(src)="88"> It isn 't just there that this happens , but in a natural diet of some communities in the Canadian arctic and in the United States and in the European arctic , a natural diet of seals and whales leads to an accumulation of PCBs that have gathered up from all parts of the world and ended up in these women .
(trg)="88"> 并不是只有日本才这样 , 而是在一些国家的自然食物链都这样 在加拿大北部 , 在美国 还有欧洲北部 , 海豹和鲸鱼的自然食物链 导致了PCB分子的富集 从世界上的各个地方 聚集到妇女的身上 。

(src)="89"> These women have toxic breast milk .
(trg)="89"> 这些妇女的乳汁含毒 。

(src)="90"> They cannot feed their offspring , their children , their breast milk because of the accumulation of these toxins in their food chain , in their part of the world 's ocean pyramid .
(trg)="90"> 她们不能用她们的乳汁 来喂养她们的孩子们 因为富集的毒素 在她们的食物链之中 , 在她们世界中的一部分 在海洋金字塔食物链里 。

(src)="91"> That means their immune systems are compromised .
(trg)="91"> 这说明她们的免疫系统已经受到危害 。

(src)="92"> It means that their children 's development can be compromised .
(trg)="92"> 这说明她们后代的生长发育 也会受到危害 。

(src)="93"> And the world 's attention on this over the last decade has reduced the problem for these women , not by changing the pyramid , but by changing what they particularly eat out of it .
(trg)="93"> 近十年世界上对这一问题的关注 已经帮助这些妇女 解决了这个问题 , 不是通过改变食物链结构 , 而是改变她们特有的饮食 。

(src)="94"> We 've taken them out of their natural pyramid in order to solve this problem .
(trg)="94"> 我们已经让这些妇女脱离自然的食物链 目的就是解决这个问题 。

(src)="95"> That 's a good thing for this particular acute problem , but it does nothing to solve the pyramid problem .
(trg)="95"> 对于这个特别尖锐的问题 , 这是个好办法 , 但它对解决金字塔食物链问题没什么帮助 。

(src)="96"> There 's other ways of breaking the pyramid .
(trg)="96"> 还有另一种方法打破金字塔食物链 。

(src)="97"> The pyramid , if we jam things in the bottom , can get backed up like a sewer line that 's clogged .
(trg)="97"> 如果我们在金字塔食物链底部塞入一些东西 , 食物链可以像下水道那样回堵上来 。

(src)="98"> And if we jam nutrients , sewage , fertilizer in the base of that food pyramid , it can back up all through it .
(trg)="98"> 如果我们在食物链底部加入 营养物质 、 污水和化肥 , 那将影响整个食物链 。

(src)="99"> We end up with things we 've heard about before : red tides , for example , which are blooms of toxic algae floating through the oceans causing neurological damage .
(trg)="99"> 下面用我们之前听过的例子结束这件事 : 赤潮 , 赤潮里有大量有毒藻类 , 漂浮在海洋之上的赤潮 能造成精神受损 。

(src)="100"> We can also see blooms of bacteria , blooms of viruses in the ocean .
(trg)="100"> 我们也可能会让海洋里的细菌 , 和病毒大量繁殖 。