# en/ted2013.en-sl.xml.gz
# sl/ted2013.en-sl.xml.gz

(src)="1"> http : / / www.ted.com / talks / sheryl _ wudunn _ our _ century _ s _ greatest _ injustice.html
(trg)="1"> http : / / www.ted.com / talks / lang / sl / sheryl _ wudunn _ our _ century _ s _ greatest _ injustice.html

(src)="2"> Sheryl WuDunn 's book " Half the Sky " investigates the oppression of women globally . Her stories shock . Only when women in developing countries have equal access to education and economic opportunity will we be using all our human resources .
(trg)="2"> Knjiga Sheryl WuDunn z naslovom ''Half the Sky'' raziskuje zatiranje žensk po vsem svetu. Njene zgodbe šokirajo. Le takrat, ko bodo ženske v državah v razvoju imele enak dostop do izobraževalnih in gospodarskih priložnosti, bomo lahko uporabili vse človeške vire.

(src)="3"> Slavery , development , economics , education , poverty , third world , trafficking , women
(trg)="3"> Slavery , development , economics , education , poverty , third world , trafficking , women

(src)="4"> 930
(trg)="4"> 930

(src)="5"> Sheryl WuDunn : Our century 's greatest injustice
(trg)="5"> Največja krivica tega stoletja

(src)="7"> The global challenge that I want to talk to you about today rarely makes the front pages .
(trg)="7"> Svetovni izziv , o katerem želim govoriti danes , se redkokdaj pojavi na naslovnicah .

(src)="8"> It , however , is enormous in both scale and importance .
(trg)="8"> Vendar je izjemno velik , tako po obsegu kot po pomembnosti .

(src)="9"> Look , you all are very well traveled ; this is TEDGlobal after all .
(trg)="9"> Vsi ste že veliko potovali ; to je navsezadnje TEDGlobal .

(src)="10"> But I do hope to take you to some places you 've never been to before .
(trg)="10"> Vseeno upam , da vas odpeljem v kraje , ki jih niste še nikoli obiskali .

(src)="11"> So , let 's start off in China .
(trg)="11"> Tako , začnimo na Kitajskem .

(src)="12"> This photo was taken two weeks ago .
(trg)="12"> Ta fotografija je bila posneta pred dvema tednoma .

(src)="13"> Actually , one indication is that little boy on my husband 's shoulders has just graduated from high school .
(trg)="13"> V resnici je deček na ramenih mojega moža pravkar zaključil srednjo šolo .

(src)="14"> But this is Tiananmen Square .
(trg)="14"> Kakorkoli že , to je Trg nebeškega miru .

(src)="15"> Many of you have been there . It 's not the real China .
(trg)="15"> Mnogi ste že bili tam . To ni resnična Kitajska .

(src)="16"> Let me take you to the real China .
(trg)="16"> Naj vas popeljem do resnične Kitajske .

(src)="17"> This is in the Dabian Mountains in the remote part of Hubei province in central China .
(trg)="17"> To je v gorah Dabian , v odročnem delu province Hubei v osrednji Kitajski .

(src)="18"> Dai Manju is 13 years old at the time the story starts .
(trg)="18"> Dai Manju je ob začetku zgodbe stara 13 let .

(src)="19"> She lives with her parents , her two brothers and her great-aunt .
(trg)="19"> Živi s svojimi starši , z bratoma in s staro teto .

(src)="20"> They have a hut that has no electricity , no running water , no wristwatch , no bicycle .
(trg)="20"> Živijo v kolibi brez elektrike , brez tekoče vode , brez ure , brez kolesa .

(src)="21"> And they share this great splendor with a very large pig .
(trg)="21"> In to sijajno razkošje si delijo z zelo velikim prašičem .

(src)="22"> Dai Manju was in sixth grade when her parents said , " We 're going to pull you out of school because the 13-dollar school fees are too much for us .
(trg)="22"> Ko je bila v 6. razredu , so ji starši rekli : " Vzeli te bomo iz šole , ker je 13 dolarjev šolnine preveč za nas .

(src)="23"> You 're going to be spending the rest of your life in the rice paddies .
(trg)="23"> Do konca življenja boš delala na riževih poljih .

(src)="24"> Why would we waste this money on you ? "
(trg)="24"> Zakaj bi zapravljali denar zate ? "

(src)="25"> This is what happens to girls in remote areas .
(trg)="25"> To se dogaja dekletom v odročnih predelih .

(src)="26"> Turns out that Dai Manju was the best pupil in her grade .
(trg)="26"> Izkazalo se je , da je bila Dai Manju najboljša učenka v svojem letniku .

(src)="27"> She still made the two-hour trek to the schoolhouse and tried to catch every little bit of information that seeped out of the doors .
(trg)="27"> Še vedno je dve uri hodila do šole in lovila vsak košček informacije , ki je ušel izza vrat .

(src)="28"> We wrote about her in The New York Times .
(trg)="28"> O njej smo pisali v New York Timesu .

(src)="29"> We got a flood of donations -- mostly 13-dollar checks because New York Times readers are very generous in tiny amounts but then , we got a money transfer for $ 10,000 -- really nice guy .
(trg)="29"> Dobili smo poplavo prispevkov - - večinoma čeke v vrednosti 13 dolarjev - saj so bralci New York Timesa zelo radodarni z majhnimi zneski . Nato smo dobili nakazilo za 10.000 dolarjev - zares prijazen možakar .

(src)="30"> We turned the money over to that man there , the principal of the school .
(trg)="30"> Denar smo predali gospodu na sliki , ravnatelju šole .

(src)="31"> He was delighted .
(trg)="31"> Bil je presrečen .

(src)="32"> He thought , " Oh , I can renovate the school .
(trg)="32"> Pomislil je : " O , lahko prenovim šolo .

(src)="33"> I can give scholarships to all the girls , you know , if they work hard and stay in school .
(trg)="33"> Vsem dekletom lahko dam štipendijo . " Saj veste , če so pridne in ostanejo v šoli .

(src)="34"> So Dai Manju basically finished out middle school .
(trg)="34"> Tako je Dai Manju v bistvu dokončala osnovno šolo .

(src)="35"> She went to high school .
(trg)="35"> Vpisala se je

(src)="36"> She went to vocational school for accounting .
(trg)="36"> v srednjo upravno administrativno šolo .

(src)="37"> She scouted for jobs down in Guangdong province in the south .
(trg)="37"> Začela je iskati službo v provinci Guangdong na jugu .

(src)="38"> She found a job , she scouted for jobs for her classmates and her friends .
(trg)="38"> Našla je službo in začela iskati službe za sošolke in prijateljice .

(src)="39"> She sent money back to her family .
(trg)="39"> Svoji družini je poslala denar .

(src)="40"> They built a new house , this time with running water , electricity , a bicycle , no pig .
(trg)="40"> Zgradili so novo hišo , tokrat z vodovodom , z elektriko , s kolesom , brez prašiča .

(src)="41"> What we saw was a natural experiment .
(trg)="41"> Kar smo videli , je bil naravni poskus .

(src)="42"> It is rare to get an exogenous investment in girls ' education .
(trg)="42"> Redko se zgodi , da dobimo zunanjo investicijo za šolanje deklet .

(src)="43"> And over the years , as we followed Dai Manju , we were able to see that she was able to move out of a vicious cycle and into a virtuous cycle .
(trg)="43"> Ob večletnem spremljanju Dai Manju smo videli , da se je uspela premakniti iz začaranega kroga v uspešen krog .

(src)="44"> She not only changed her own dynamic , she changed her household , she changed her family , her village .
(trg)="44"> Ni spremenila samo svoje dinamike , spremenila je svoje gospodinjstvo , svojo družino , svojo vas .

(src)="45"> The village became a real standout .
(trg)="45"> Vas je postala res nekaj izrednega .

(src)="46"> Of course , most of China was flourishing at the time , but they were able to get a road built to link them up to the rest of China .
(trg)="46"> Seveda je večina Kitajske takrat napredovala , a njim je uspelo zgraditi cesto , ki jih je povezala s preostalo Kitajsko .

(src)="47"> And that brings me to my first major of two tenets of " Half the Sky . "
(trg)="47"> Prvo izmed dveh velikih načel v knjigi Polovica neba

(src)="48"> And that is that the central moral challenge of this century is gender inequity .
(trg)="48"> se glasi : Osrednji moralni izziv tega stoletja je neenakost med spoloma .

(src)="49"> In the 19th century , it was slavery .
(trg)="49"> V 19. stoletju je to bilo suženjstvo .

(src)="50"> In the 20th century , it was totalitarianism .
(trg)="50"> V 20. stoletju totalitarizem .

(src)="51"> The cause of our time is the brutality that so many people face around the world because of their gender .
(trg)="51"> Današnji problem je krutost , ki jo tako veliko ljudi izkusi po vsem svetu zaradi svojega spola .

(src)="52"> So some of you may be thinking , " Gosh , that 's hyperbole .
(trg)="52"> Nekateri si morda mislite : ''Presneto, to je hiperbola.

(src)="53"> She 's exaggerating . "
(trg)="53"> Pretirava . "

(src)="54"> Well , let me ask you this question .
(trg)="54"> No , naj vas vprašam tole .

(src)="55"> How many of you think there are more males or more females in the world ?
(trg)="55"> Kaj mislite , je na svetu več moških ali žensk ?

(src)="56"> Let me take a poll . How many of you think there are more males in the world ?
(trg)="56"> Naredimo anketo . Koliko vas misli , da je več moških ?

(src)="57"> Hands up , please .
(trg)="57"> Dvignite roke , prosim .

(src)="58"> How many of you think -- a few -- how many of you there are more females in the world ?
(trg)="58"> Nekaj . Koliko vas misli , da je več žensk ?

(src)="59"> Okay , most of you .
(trg)="59"> V redu , večina .

(src)="60"> Well , you know this latter group , you 're wrong .
(trg)="60"> No , vi v zadnji skupini se motite .

(src)="61"> There are , true enough , in Europe and the West , when women and men have equal access to food and health care , there are more women , we live longer .
(trg)="61"> Več žensk je , to je res , v Evropi in na Zahodu , kjer imajo ženske in moški enak dostop do hrane in zdravstvene oskrbe , tu je več žensk , živimo dlje .

(src)="62"> But in most of the rest of the world , that 's not the case .
(trg)="62"> Toda v večini preostalega sveta ni tako .

(src)="63"> In fact , demographers have shown that there are anywhere between 60 million and 100 million missing females in the current population .
(trg)="63"> Pravzaprav so demografi pokazali , da manjka med 60 in 100 milijonov žensk v trenutni populaciji .

(src)="64"> And , you know , it happens for several reasons .
(trg)="64"> To , veste , se zgodi iz več razlogov .

(src)="65"> For instance , in the last half-century , more girls were discriminated to death than all the people killed on all the battlefields in the 20th century .
(trg)="65"> Na primer , v zadnji polovici stoletja je bilo več deklet diskriminiranih do smrti , kot je bilo ubitih ljudi na vseh bojiščih v 20. stoletju .

(src)="66"> Sometimes it 's also because of the sonogram .
(trg)="66"> Včasih je vzrok ultrazvok .

(src)="67"> Girls get aborted before they 're even born when there are scarce resources .
(trg)="67"> Tam , kjer je malo virov , dekleta splavijo , preden se sploh rodijo .

(src)="68"> This girl here , for instance , is in a feeding center in Ethiopia .
(trg)="68"> Dekle na sliki je v centru za oskrbo s hrano v Etiopiji .

(src)="69"> The entire center was filled with girls like her .
(trg)="69"> Cel center je bil poln takih deklet .

(src)="70"> What 's remarkable is that her brothers , in the same family , were totally fine .
(trg)="70"> Presenetljivo je , da so bili njeni bratje popolnoma v redu .

(src)="71"> In India , in the first year of life , from zero to one , boy and girl babies basically survive at the same rate because they depend upon the breast , and the breast shows no son preference .
(trg)="71"> V Indiji v prvem letu življenja , od rojstva do prvega leta , fantki in punčke preživijo v približno enakem razmerju , saj so odvisni od dojenja in prsi ne dajejo prednosti sinovom .

(src)="72"> From one to five , girls die at a 50 percent higher mortality rate than boys , in all of India .
(trg)="72"> Od prvega do petega leta pa je delež smrtnosti deklet za 50 odstotkov višji od fantov .

(src)="73"> The second tenet of " Half the Sky " is that , let 's put aside the morality of all the right and wrong of it all , and just on a purely practical level , we think that one of the best ways to fight poverty and to fight terrorism is to educate girls and to bring women into the formal labor force .
(trg)="73"> Drugo načelo knjige Polovica neba je : Pustimo ob strani moralo in pravičnost . Čisto na praktičnem nivoju menimo , da je en najboljših načinov za boj proti revščini in terorizmu izobraževanje deklet in njihova vključitev v formalno delovno silo .

(src)="74"> Poverty , for instance .
(trg)="74"> Revščina , na primer .

(src)="75"> There are three reasons why this is the case .
(trg)="75"> Obstajajo trije razlogi , zakaj je tako .

(src)="76"> For one , overpopulation is one of the persistent causes of poverty .
(trg)="76"> Kot primer , prenaseljenost je eden od nenehnih vzrokov revščine .

(src)="77"> And you know , when you educate a boy , his family tends to have fewer kids , but only slightly .
(trg)="77"> Ko izobraziš dečka , ima njegova družina običajno manj otrok , a le neznatno manj .

(src)="78"> When you educate a girl , she tends to have significantly fewer kids .
(trg)="78"> Ko izobraziš deklico , ima običajno občutno manj otrok .

(src)="79"> The second reason is it has to do with spending .
(trg)="79"> Drugi razlog je povezan z zapravljanjem .

(src)="80"> It 's kind of like the dirty , little secret of poverty , which is that , not only do poor people take in very little income , but also , the income that they take in , they don 't spend it very wisely , and unfortunately , most of that spending is done by men .
(trg)="80"> To je majhna , umazana skrivnost revščine . Ne samo , da imajo revni ljudje zelo malo dohodkov , tudi tistih dohodkov , ki jih prejmejo , ne zapravijo preveč modro . In na žalost večino denarja zapravijo moški .

(src)="81"> So research has shown , if you look at people who live under two dollars a day -- one metric of poverty -- two percent of that take-home pay goes to this basket here , in education .
(trg)="81"> Raziskava je pokazala , da ljudje , ki imajo manj kot 2 dolarja na dan - - kar je eno merilo revščine - dajo 2 odstotka dohodka v košaro za izobraževanje .

(src)="82"> 20 percent goes to a basket that is a combination of alcohol , tobacco , sugary drinks -- and prostitution and festivals .
(trg)="82"> 20 odstotkov gre v košaro , ki je kombinacija alkohola , tobaka , sladkih pijač , prostitucije in zabav .

(src)="83"> If you just take four percentage points and put it into this basket , you would have a transformative effect .
(trg)="83"> Če bi vzeli samo 4 odstotke in jih položili v to košaro , bi se veliko spremenilo .

(src)="84"> The last reason has to do with women being part of the solution , not the problem .
(trg)="84"> Ta zadnji razlog je povezan s tem , da so ženske del rešitve , ne problema .

(src)="85"> You need to use scarce resources .
(trg)="85"> Moramo uporabiti omejene vire .

(src)="86"> It 's a waste of resources if you don 't use someone like Dai Manju .
(trg)="86"> Škoda je , če ne uporabiš nekoga , kot je Dai Manju .

(src)="87"> Bill Gates put it very well when he was traveling through Saudi Arabia .
(trg)="87"> Bill Gates je to lepo povedal , ko je potoval skozi Saudovo Arabijo .

(src)="88"> He was speaking to an audience much like yourselves .
(trg)="88"> Govoril je pred občinstvom , podobnim vam .

(src)="89"> However , two-thirds of the way there was a barrier .
(trg)="89"> Vendar je prostor delila pregrada .

(src)="90"> On this side was men , and then the barrier , and this side was women .
(trg)="90"> Na eni strani so bili moški , nato pregrada in na drugi strani ženske .

(src)="91"> And someone from this side of the room got up and said , " Mr. Gates , we have here as our goal in Saudi Arabia to be one of the top 10 countries when it comes to technology .
(trg)="91"> Nekdo s te strani je vstal in vprašal : " G . Gates , naš cilj je , da bi bili ena izmed 10 top držav , kar zadeva tehnologijo .

(src)="92"> Do you think we 'll make it ? "
(trg)="92"> Mislite , da nam bo uspelo ? "

(src)="93"> So Bill Gates , as he was staring out at the audience , he said , " If you 're not fully utilizing half the resources in your country , there is no way you will get anywhere near the top 10 . "
(trg)="93"> Bill Gates je , medtem ko je opazoval občinstvo , rekel : " Če ne boste povsem izkoristili polovice virov v državi , nimate možnosti , da bi prišli med najboljših 10 . "

(src)="94"> So here is Bill of Arabia .
(trg)="94"> Tukaj je Bil Arabski .

(src)="95"> So what would some of the specific challenges look like ?
(trg)="95"> Kako torej izgledajo nekateri specifični izzivi ?

(src)="96"> I would say , on the top of the agenda is sex trafficking .
(trg)="96"> Rekla bi , da je po pomembnosti na vrhu trgovanje z belim blagom .

(src)="97"> And I 'll just say two things about this .
(trg)="97"> O tem bom povedala samo dve stvari .

(src)="98"> The slavery at the peak of the slave trade in the 1780s : there were about 80,000 slaves transported from Africa to the New World .
(trg)="98"> Suženjstvo na vrhuncu trgovine s sužnji okrog leta 1780 : Okrog 80.000 sužnjev je bilo prepeljanih iz Afrike v Novi svet .

(src)="99"> Now , modern slavery : according to State Department rough statistics , there are about 800,000 -- 10 times the number -- that are trafficked across international borders .
(trg)="99"> Zdaj , moderno suženjstvo : Po okvirni statistiki notranjega ministrstva je okrog 800.000 ljudi - 10-krat več - prepeljanih preko mednarodnih meja .

(src)="100"> And that does not even include those that are trafficked within country borders , which is a substantial portion .
(trg)="100"> To niti ne vključuje tistih , s katerimi trgujejo znotraj meja , kar predstavlja znaten delež .