# sq/0kMzeUepq05T.xml.gz
# zul/0kMzeUepq05T.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Nјë bujk kultivon 531 domate dhe ia ka dalë mbanë të shesë 176 nga to për tre ditë .
(trg)="1"> iedjcxjksxjkski, eskldskeskdskkjrfikrfko, df567hfc ydjcjcjxkxkxkduududjfjcjcj888888jcjvj ju hc vhhjskjjzxmjmxmsdjfjhdcdd

(src)="2"> Marrë parasysh se tani sasia e domateve i është pakësuar për 176 , sa domate i kanë ngelur tani atij në fund të ditës së tretë ?
(src)="3"> Pra ai fillon me 531 domate prisni pak të liroj hapësirë për të punuar ... ai fillon me 531 domate dhe ia del të shesë 176 .
(src)="4"> Do të thotë se ai do të zbresë 176 domate që i ka shitur .
(trg)="2"> hjdwhjshgdsbdxvbdcbdvbxc76980jdujshdufjuejejj jxzxjhjngcgcgccvhdshnududdjxjmjcmmxmxmx ,,,,,, xjxjhjds ncvnvnvnhfhfvbhfhbhfgujfvcjvhfjgdihrigfkdjvcnjdmvn ;;;; dcgcggcgcgx888bjjfjf88383883 n n n nn n n n n bfgghhhghghghgghhghgvuiccududiudsusiisuycgcvhvccvhchjxchcxcxnchvhvcjfhvufhhvf nvn n nhvchnvvvjjvjfhfjfjkvhydccvydvjdjfuy004949949 hjfhbbtgrebgtrbfgbtrbgbbgbfgbhghhghgh ghfhgdfgfdfbgfcfsdadfxadgfvxdagfvdsfffgdgfbgcfgfgfcgbdcbdbgd vbhv7438473847385785hc vghfgvdhfhdhfhfhhf itittiituyuyiyiituyuiitutjutjvhhjhyfurjurhtrjtjhyturudued gdgffgfhrhdehgdgfgfgndfgfhgusdjusfilurfjufhfhfehgfdhhdf gbcxgvgddghhhfrhfjfhjfkrkrjdhgfhfhfhfhf hgfhigfhgfhgtgidufjghjfigfufkdjkjfhjdfkdjgfjfgjfjgjfjjg vdxhhdjfffffffffffffghjfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffhgggggggggggggggggggggjffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffjfjfjjfjfjfjfjfhghghghghghghghghghgghfhhfhf gfhfghgfggjgjhgjkflfkglfkglfkfkgfkglfffffffllgkflgklfkgfflflflflflflflffffffff hdgvgcvgvvfhfbhfgbhfvhdhjdhfjdhfhjdfgjdfhgjfdfkfdkkdkddk999999 jcvhjcvhjchvjchvjchvjchvjchjvvhjcjccjcj ..... foeur4eurieuieurieuriueirujjjjcjcjcjcjjcjc --------- ggfgedhfhdfshhdfh hvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv jk . xk fghfhvfhdfjhdhj bcnfhdfjdjjdjdcjcfyheeyhydhdhdhdhdhyeyeeyye jucjcjvhvhfjdjkjxj uehdhdjdhccchc ijfjfjdjdjsjxjxxjjchchvchchccghfchdfdjdsjudjdjdjhcxhxh fvjvjvjvjvjvjvjvjvjvjvjvjv, m xhhxhxjhcbsfdhsj 373737373737dxbcbcbccccncnchjdjssjhshdhhgfhdjdshsjsahsjasjj 500=30=1 cxgbchdhsgdhegfsjdshgfhh bcbcbchxbzxgfxcdvdxvfxhzshzsjhshshsgshshsh 63w363662gxgxgxsgsgdx623626bxbgxbgxxbvxvxbxbxxbgxssxhshhshshshxhhx vbddhdhdhdhdhdvgcc 7dhdhd7dhdhdhj888sdhdhdh8d8d8d88d888 hvjfjhftydghjshyfvghdfdt ufeyir474

# sq/42XzGZ2QrdLf.xml.gz
# zul/42XzGZ2QrdLf.xml.gz

(src)="1"> En esta sesion vamos a ir mas a fondo en crear contenido de valor , especificamente vamos a hablar como darle formato tu informacion para el mayor entendimiento y valor .
(src)="2"> Ambos maximo entendimiento y maximo valor .
(src)="3"> Resulta que el valor esta en mas que solo la informacion .
(trg)="1"> in this session we 're gonna go deeper into creating valuable content and specifically we 're really gonna talk about how tough for manager information for maximum understanding and value gave both maximum understanding and maximum value so turns out that the value is in more than just the information it 's important to connect your information with the emotional need of your customer they which is their aspiration or their frustration and communicate in a way that 's impossible to misunderstand by making it as clear as possible so first let 's talk a little bit about this idea that the value is in more than just the information it 's not enough when creating an information product or creating a training were doing a coaching session or giving advice it 's not enough to just give the information that 's valuable it also must be connected to the need of the other person we actually have to understand what the other person is thinking what they 're feeling what they 're trying to do the most powerful things to connect to or their aspirations and their frustrations another words they 're wants in their desires or their fears and their problems to pull a really is that motivate people in the first place you see most of their how- to or information below ccim o' neill programs and video programs that are created or just that they 're information there are a big book full of facts and techniques and trivia on a particular topic that or written by the author or created by the coach or advisor or trainer as kind of a compendium of of their best ideas they took all the best stuff they know and they just put it together in a book or product and then they named it something and then they hope that people will come and buy it now that 's the intuitive way to do things kate 's the automatic it 's the natural way of course that 's what i do it put all my best ideas together and then of course someone 's gonna come along and they 're gonna wanna buy that turns out that that is not anywhere near is valuable to your prospect of customer now there was not anywhere near uh ... is valuable in terms of something that they would wanna trade their money for as one technique or a few techniques that helped them solve their very specific problem so let 's say that you help people get out of debt okay that 's what your information is all about that 's what you 're niches you help people who are in debt get out of debt you could create a huge you know bible size book with every piece of the information trivia fact and technique money and debt and you could name it you can even name at the debt bible and you probably would not sell anywhere near as many copies of it as if you 've got more specific and you came up with one really really great approach to getting out of

(src)="22"> Puedes crear un libro tan grande como una bibla con cada informacion , trivia , hecho y tecnica en dinero y deuda y puedes llamarlo , La Biblia de la Deuda , y probablemente no venderias ni cerca de tantas copias que si fueras mas especifico y vinieras con un acercamiento muy bueno de salir de deudas de 10, 000 de tarjeta de credito y tuvieras un libro mas pequenio , mas facil de entender , con menos tecnicas , llamado Como Salir de Deudas de Tarjeta de Credito de $10M .
(src)="23"> Esto es mas a un nivel general porque la informacion general de un tema no es percibida como algo de valor o tan cerca que algo especifico , una respuesta a problemas especificos .
(src)="24"> En este caso , lo que asumo es que tu cliente prospecto tiene $10, 000 o mas de deudas de tarjeta de credito y quiere salir .
(trg)="2"> let 's say ten thousand dollars or more worth of credit card debt and you had a smaller book it was easier to understand with much fewer techniques how to get out of ten thousand dollars worth of credit card debt now this is kind of on a more general level right i say this because ke general information on a topic isn 't perceived uh ... as as valuable anywhere near is valuable as very specific answers to very specific problems now in this case what i am assuming your prospect of customer has ten thousand dollars or more worth of credit card debt and they want to get out of it so the last rains what we 've been doing is we 've been learning to target danish and what we 've specifically been doing is learning to talk to real keep on ask them what their real problems or frustrations are so that we can find needs that aren 't being met and in those trainings you 've heard me say what we 're learning here in this targeting and their chin understanding the needs of others this is going to act as the foundation that we 're going to use later when we create our products and we create our marketing and now what you 're starting to see is that when we create information if we understands the need of the customer if we really did specifically what they want to understand what they want learn what they want will void their fears and frustrations we get those things and then we connect to the information we create to their need that 's what really creates the value that 's where it goes from just being something that someone might pay ten or twenty dollars for to something that people would pay a hundred to hundred or thousand or two thousand dollars for because when we have an unmet need and we really want to meet it and we find someone who can meet that specific need because it 's a really driving emotional need that 's what gets us motivated to learn we have to shift our mindset thinking that the value was in what we know and at the value is in the information that we 're teaching and we have to kinda mentally project ourselves into the other person into the customer an ask what is there need what is it that they want to know and when we just guess or we think we know better that 's we´ve run into problems uh ... the easiest way to see this is when you think that you understand what your romantic partner needs where you think you understand what someone in your family needs without asking them without checking in with them and you just jump to try to meet their need or a jump to solve the problem or jump to make them happy and a screws things up and actually makes things worse then everyone gets frustrated because you were trying to make them happy and they wanted to be happy but it actually made the thing worse ice seeds because we didn 't understand what their need was so the value isn 't in what you know or your information it soon understanding what they need and then matching the information specifically to their need very important to understand so we also talked about the idea here of communicating in a way that 's impossible to misunderstand by making it as clear as possible in uh ... dylan marketing for a lot of years and creating information products and also really focusing on

(src)="43"> Haciendo marketing por muchos anios y creando productos de informacion , y enfocandome en aprender como los humanos se comunican y entienden , me he dado cuenta de algo que estuvo en frente mio todo el tiempo pero no era obvio y es que no entender es la clave .
(trg)="3"> learning about how human beings communicate and understand uh ... i' ve realize something that was right in front of me all the time but just wasn 't obvious and that is that misunderstanding is the rule it 's much harder to communicate and idea clearly then you might think or then seems intuitive don 't automatically assume that the other person gets it instead make sure they get it better to assume that you 're likely to be misunderstood this way your attention is in the right place okay so if you 're setting out on a journey and the journey is far and it 's a very difficult path it 's good to know that in advance because if you think that the journey is easy and its identity not very far when you 're likely to not pack all the things you need and you 're likely to get in trouble and have a lot of problems in this case the journey that we 're setting out on is communicating with the other person and creating information that they find a really really valuable so valuable in fact that they 're willing to plot their credit card in their money and pay you for it it 's vital that we have the right idea of the journey and when we start with the idea that it 's harder to communicate an idea clearly than we might think and assumed that we 're likely to be misunderstood what we do is we focus on making sure that the other person understands us and the sets us up can again with the right paradigm so that we do more to be missed we do more to be understood okay we take more action to be understood and another way of looking this is to eliminate misunderstanding okay it 's not just about being understood it 's about trying to eliminate miss understanding when you work from the place of delivery needing misunderstanding you put your brain into a different mode of thinking and it works to do just that jay to eliminate misunderstanding illuminating misunderstanding is about clarifying repeating in new ways and communicating with different modalities okay so one of the things i like to say when i 'm naming products or naming a business uh ... war naming you know any number of things inside of a business is that you don 't want to create a name that 's easy to remember you want to create a name that 's impossible to forget and the two different things and here we 're trying to do is not communicate in a way that where understood we wanna communicate in a way where we eliminate misunderstanding c we eliminate misunderstand and uh ... as you 've probably heard from me if you communicate something one way okay you maybe twenty percent likely to the understood if you communicated in two ways you know you might get up forty to fifty percent if you communicate something in three different ways now you start getting into that eighty percent plus realm of being understood and what we 're talking about here is communicating in different modalities so that you start communicating not just the same way over and over and over but you actually go into you different ways of communicating different paradise here for example i said physical emotional analogical after studying psychology in cognitive science in different ways that uh ... the scientists in the psychologist think about the brain and communication learning uh ... i 'd like to www divide up power realms of experiences humans into these three chunks the physical the emotional analogical there 's an interesting research that suggests that we have three different parts of our brain the physical older reptilian brain the emotional in a new world developed mammalian brain that allows for motions and bonding and then the very recent

(src)="64"> Hay investigacion interesante que sugiere que tenemos tres partes del cerebro , la parte fisica reptil mas vieja , la emocional , nuevo y desarrollado llamado el cerebro del mamifero que permite emociones y conexiones y el reciente cerebro logico y conceptual o abstracto de pensamiento que los humanos hemos desarrollado mas que los animales .
(trg)="4"> logical or conceptual uh ... or uh ... abstract thinking brain that we he learns i have really developed passed all the other animals and for example you know and in in this sense

(src)="65"> Por ejemplo , en este sentido , digamos que estas enseniandole a alguien como mejorar su relacion con su pareja .
(src)="66"> Puedo hablar de una tecnica para resolver conflictos y puedo darles el entendimiento logico y decir , " bueno el conflicto es sobre dos personas que no se entienden y es importante que los dos de ustedes estan pensando lo mismo para tener entendimiento para tener el mismo vocabulario y hablen de las mismas cosas para prevenir conflicto y superarlo .
(src)="67"> Esto es un acercamiento logico y orientado en la cabeza .
(trg)="5"> let 's say that i was teaching someone how to improve their relationship with their partner okay i could talk about uh ... technique for solving conflict and i can give them the logical understanding and i could say you know conflict is about to people not understanding each other and it 's really important that the two of you or thinking the same things so that you have understanding so you have the same vocabularies you can talk about the same thing to prevent conflict and overcome it that 's a very head to orient id logical uh ... kind of approach well if i want to explain a different way i could say humans are very uh ... very affected by their emotions in fact the emotions that youre a fee that you 're feeling affect your thinking and if you 're feeling a strong emotion whether negative or positive it 's going to completely color all of the different fonts you have in your mind so it 's very important that you are in emotional synchrony with your partner so that you 're feeling what they 're feeling in their feeling what your feelings because if you 're not synchronized with them you 're very likely to get into a conflict in the not be able to get out and in fact spin out of control because each of you is going in a different direction cats interesting read a different different way of doing it that i could talk about techniques for doing it except for a bit i 'm just a high level right now showing you you 're just kind of the bird 's eye view of these three different ones then there 's the ah ... who 's a physical realm i could be talking about conflict and i could say when you 're in conflict with your partner u<u>n</ u> your partner are making physical gestures you have certain posture icontact uh ... facial expression patterns that are communicating with a very incheon part of your brain and your physiology and if you don 't understand how to communicate physically with your partner how comfort them physically and also how to not appear threatening physically you 're really not likely to be successful at solving your conflict with them what i just did there is actually gave you kind of an abstract way of looking at it but hopefully we did is you got a taste three different modalities three different ways of approaching the same thing which is conflict with your romantic partner now someone who 's primarily a logic brained person is only gonna be asking for logical answers will explain the logic to me explained to me conceptually how this works explain the theory of how it works anderson sm each of us typically alikes one of these channels better if let 's say you 're emotional and you 're listening to this logical person none of it 's going to make sense to you because they 're not addressing your feelings

(src)="78"> Como cada uno de nosotros , tipicamente les gusta uno de estos canales mejor , si eres emocional y escuchas a la persona logica no te va a hacer sentido porque no esta acercandose a tus sentimientos .
(src)="79"> Tratemos con otro , digamos que eres una persona orientada fisicamente , estas mas orientada por acciones fisicas , gestos , movimientos , tacto y eres orientado fisicamente solo piensas , como hago fisicamente para resolver el problema con mi pareja .
(src)="80"> Digamos que estas aprendiendo de alguien que es emocional y dicen , lo que importa es que sincronizen con la emocion de la otra persona .
(trg)="6"> let 's try another one let 's say that you 're a physical oriented person you 're really much more oriented toward the physical actions gestures movement touch and your totally physically oriented you 're just looking at what do i do physically to solve this conflict with my partner and let 's say that your uh ... learning from someone who 's an emotional and they 're saying all that 's important is that you tune in to the emotion of the other person eternity motion ask them what they 're feeling call up a time inside you when you were feeling the same emotion get into emotional synchrony with them then explain to them how you 're feeling he has a physical minded person you 're going to be kids coming to be a big question mark in or thought bubble outside of your head with a question mark and i like what are they talking about well if you really want to communicate well okay you can take these three modalities physical emotional and logical and you can make sure that in every communication and every concept that you 're communicating in every technique can approach that you communicate alluded of logic a little bit of a motion and a little bit of physical action and if you do this if you communicate on all three of those channels you 'll dramatically reduce miss understanding you 'll dramatically reduce miss understanding now will talk about before learning styles here in a moment which actually encompass the physical emotional analogical realms but for now just important to kind of a refresher here and remember we need ten different modalities different ways of communicating and use all of them when we 're communicating and then kind of the next level up we have to remember to always communicate incomplete concepts every idea technique or concept that you communicate should be complete it should stand alone as a self- contained package of informative knowledge in action the concept should meet the other person where they 're at then lead them through insight understanding and action steps and what i 'm trying to say here is that as your building in information business or an advice or coaching or knowledge based business your currency now knowledge your currency is concepts and techniques and you 're likely to create many of them in the future he 'll probably have at least eater ten or twelve that are your core uh ... kind of you know big techniques the things that are the things that worked the best you keep coming back to your central ideas but then you 're likely to create dozens or hundreds are may be over your career even thousands of different concepts and pieces of content whether they be blog posts or audio podcasts or pieces of content that go on other websites or little videos or chapters inside of your product or interviews or all different formats that your content you 're informational take you 're likely to create a lot of them well as you 're doing this each one of these pieces of content needs to contain complete concepts that can stand up alone so that you don 't need to all the rest of it to understand that one piece and this is because inside of an information products business it 's likely that your customers are not going to come in at the beginning and go through every single piece of content you have there not to go through every newsletter and read every part of your website watch every video you have but they 're likely to come in at some point in- process okay kind of like getting on a freeway they 're going to get on it and on ramp that 's different from where everyone else dot on and you want to make sure that they can catch up you wanna make sure that everything makes sense to them so for example you know if you teach people how to lose weight naturally and you have a series of products about natural fat loss for instance you know i make sure that when someone tunes into chapter four if they open up your book and they start reading chapter four uh ... about how to eat in order to lose fat that they don 't really need everything else that came before it because you 're communicating right from their they can just dive right in you 're giving them everything that they need to know to start learning how to keat in order to lose fat and everything makes sense and so the complete concept idea is making sure that every child of content that 's likely to be consumed on its own stands alone and you could chop it out and you could present all by itself and it would make sense a part of this is a little bit redone didn 't okay we 're gonna have to be repeating ourselves here in different ways and that 's the art really powerful communication and creating great information products is the art of repeating herself but not repeating herself in a way that seems boring a redundant doing it in new different interesting ways and now my favorite formula for doing this and is a formula of that i' ve learned that comes from uh ... an PLN in from david kolb who uh ... uh ... i actually order from my good friend mentor wildwood small and it 's called before learning styles you know uh ... and you 're last session you should 've learned about this but as a refresher here i cause like this why what how and what if casey hughes the for learning style system communicate in four different ways and make sure and speak to every type of learner and every type of communicator this is simplest most powerful and most reliable way i found to create a complete concept starting from scratch so let 's talk about the why and l tied this back to the physical emotional an a logical types the why before we get in the content here you might just make a little note the why maps to emotions ok the " why " maps to emotions some of this is a little counter- intuitive so you might be in stay with me on this and the why is about speaking to why the other person should learn what you 're teaching ok , it is speaks to the though why you learning style the type of person who 's a while