# lo/TViuHdgPafrq.xml.gz
# nv/TViuHdgPafrq.xml.gz

(src)="1"> They attack us !
(src)="2"> Near of your office .
(trg)="1"> We need to decide which way to travel to our winter holiday resort

(src)="3"> We have to defend your office , because there are all your toys and games .
(trg)="2"> There are several different roads we can take to get there , but this one has the most McDonalds on it

(src)="4"> Do not meditate on my secret .
(trg)="3"> What the hell are you talking about ?
(trg)="4"> I failed maths this semester , I 'm not going .

(src)="5"> Chief but ...
(trg)="5"> But chief .....

(src)="6"> Why do not you tell us this ?
(trg)="6"> We have packed the booze and smokes .....

(src)="7"> All who do not like toys for small girls get out .
(trg)="7"> Everyone who has covered up for me in maths class leave the room

(src)="8"> Why they dont 't like plays pink toys like us ? !
(trg)="8"> Damn it !
(trg)="9"> You should have tried harder !

(src)="9"> They will think we 're weird !
(trg)="10"> I' ve been waiting for this holiday and that damned teacher ruined it

(src)="10"> Why they do not want to be like us ? !
(trg)="11"> When mom and dad find out Santa Clause won 't even come

(src)="11"> The truth is that are the real weapons just kidding there will more for us !
(trg)="12"> I was to get a new bike and a games console

(src)="12"> You cant´ tell them anything !
(trg)="13"> Not to mention Hanka Mostowiak action figure I wanted so much

(src)="13"> I knew it thats why i stayed with you !
(trg)="14"> Chief , we will find you a good tutor , you will retake it

(src)="14"> I 'm proud of you !
(trg)="15"> You moron !
(trg)="16"> Study on holiday ??
(trg)="17"> Me ??

(src)="15"> Don 't be angry daddy .
(trg)="19"> Chief , there 's no other way

(src)="16"> You should told it eveyone .
(trg)="20"> There 's no way that woman is going to make me study

(src)="17"> Thats will be badly end !
(trg)="21"> I was to play Angry Birds for two damn weeks

(src)="18"> Everyone will think we are stupid .
(trg)="22"> She has some spirit to have failed me

(src)="19"> What we will do now ! ?
(src)="20"> We need to fix it somehow , but how ? !
(trg)="23"> I 'm gonna make her really sorry for that i" m gonna poison her cat , stalk her on the net .

(src)="21"> I know , I will give them gift !
(trg)="25"> Such beautiful plans , everything ruined , all the booze and smokes wasted ..... having a few laughs with the boys

(src)="22"> I lose my hair by angry .
(trg)="26"> I can 't believe she made me so angry .
(trg)="27"> And you idiots are useless .

(src)="23"> Soon all my hair will be gone .
(trg)="28"> Why should I keep you in my gang , you dumb idiots ?
(trg)="29"> You can 't even think of a good cover up .

(src)="24"> I just don 't understand why any of you wouldn 't play with me .
(trg)="30"> I just can 't understand why any of you should be here .
(trg)="31"> Go kill yourselves , will you ?

(src)="25"> They will play with us I m sure for 100 % .
(trg)="32"> No harm will be done , and at least I won 't have to look at your stupid faces and listen to your " but chief ... "

(src)="26"> Don 't worry , we will escape .
(trg)="33"> Don 't worry .
(trg)="34"> We 've made three cheat sheets for him

(src)="27"> This is so sad they dont like me .
(trg)="35"> Don 't bother to say you are sorry .
(trg)="36"> I wanted to study .

(src)="28"> I will make small party for them .
(trg)="37"> Go to university .
(trg)="38"> Be someone .

(src)="29"> Maybe they will trust us .
(trg)="39"> But who cares about me ?

(src)="30"> Maybe I shouldn 't get so mad .
(trg)="40"> Well , I shouldn 't lose all hope .

(src)="31"> They will remember this party .
(trg)="41"> We can think of a way to get me out of this mess .

(src)="32"> We will see .
(trg)="42"> So I suggest you roll up your sleeves , boys .