# la/fbpZ98nxEgnj.xml.gz
# sco/fbpZ98nxEgnj.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Expectata ut lectionem de additione simplici .
(trg)="1"> Walcom tae the video oan BASEEC ADDITION .
(trg)="2"> Ah ken whit yer thinkin :

(src)="2"> Intellego sententias tuas :
(src)="3"> " Sal , additio non apparet esse simplex ad me . "
(trg)="3"> " Sal , addeetion isna sae baseec fer me . "

(src)="4"> Mea culpa .
(trg)="4"> Weel , Ah 'm sairrie .

(src)="6"> Spero autem quod
(trg)="5"> Hopefulie , at the end o this video , or in twa- three weeks , it 'l seem baseec .