# hup/TViuHdgPafrq.xml.gz
# kik/TViuHdgPafrq.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Green Day is coming to Poland next June .
(trg)="1"> Paktofonika 's concert will be in Cracow next June

(src)="2"> They are going to give concert in Łódź but we must do something .
(src)="3"> They have to come to Cracow .
(trg)="2"> We can drive there by A4 autostrada .

(src)="4"> Yeah , I 'm agree .
(src)="5"> But how In this case we can 't kill them .
(trg)="3"> I can 't wait to see Magik !

(src)="6"> Chief , we ...
(trg)="4"> Eh , brother ...

(src)="7"> We can threaten them .
(src)="8"> We 'll tell something to one of them .
(trg)="5"> Magik died at 2000 ...

(src)="9"> We can 't threaten them because they won 't notice it .
(src)="10"> They probably will be stoned .
(src)="11"> Anyone here who don 't know that , leave the room .
(trg)="6"> Anyone here who didn 't bought the Kinematografia CD , leave the room .

(src)="12"> Now I 'm asking you Why in this hard time they don 't listen the real music !
(trg)="7"> Why no one tell me this before ? !

(src)="13"> It 's the best band I' ve ever heard .
(trg)="8"> It was my dream to see him !

(src)="14"> Their songs are about true values .
(trg)="9"> He was the best polish rapper .

(src)="15"> I prayed and begged God that they 'll come to Poland and what ! ?
(trg)="10"> The words which he sang were very deep

(src)="16"> They 're coming but some dumb people undervalue it !
(trg)="11"> Now my dreams lay in ruins

(src)="17"> Maybe their parents didn 't let them listen Green Day .
(trg)="12"> But there will be Rahim and Fokus .

(src)="18"> It 's impossible !
(trg)="13"> Why would I care about this if there won 't be my idol ? !

(src)="19"> But maybe it 's true .
(trg)="14"> I 'm just try to cheer you .

(src)="20"> Parents aren 't too stupid !
(trg)="15"> They can 't do the same music without Magic !

(src)="21"> I don 't know your parents but you listen the best band .
(trg)="16"> I 'm very agitating whe I 'm listening to him .

(src)="22"> So they are good like everyone .
(trg)="17"> I have never heard someone like he .

(src)="23"> Parens give their children opportiunity to choice .
(trg)="18"> Obviously Rahim is very good too ...

(src)="24"> But they just can 't choice the right way .
(trg)="19"> But not as good as Magik !

(src)="25"> I just don 't get it .
(src)="26"> Green Day is the best thing in my life .
(trg)="20"> And Fokus can not compete with them both .

(src)="27"> Well , we must do something .
(src)="28"> Everyone below me must listen Green Day .
(trg)="21"> I am getting so angry when I hear his new songs !

(src)="29"> But they must want it .
(src)="30"> Since tomorrow in our radio we 're listening only their songs .
(trg)="22"> I think this concert can 't be the best on the World , how I thought earlier .

(src)="31"> All day and all night Green Day .
(src)="32"> This is it .
(trg)="23"> Why anyone didn 't stop him ?

(src)="33"> This is end Justin Biber 's carieer in here .
(trg)="24"> Propably he could be still alive .

(src)="34"> Don 't worry , all these people listen him .
(trg)="25"> Don 't worry , I 'm sure you will get Rahim 's autograph

(src)="35"> I have really hard work to do with them .
(trg)="26"> And now he won 't sign my shirt .

(src)="36"> But what can I do ?
(src)="37"> On the world are many very good band .
(trg)="27"> I can 't wear this never more

(src)="38"> And they are too stupid to learn something .
(trg)="28"> This was very important for me

(src)="39"> Maybe I shouldn 't get so mad .
(trg)="29"> Maybe i should calm down .

(src)="40"> They must help me move Green Day 's concert to Cracow and they don 't have to like them .
(trg)="30"> There are still good rappers .

(src)="41"> Let 's do it .
(trg)="31"> But not to much .