# ful/TViuHdgPafrq.xml.gz
# kik/TViuHdgPafrq.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Godzilla is coming to the city .
(trg)="1"> Paktofonika 's concert will be in Cracow next June

(src)="2"> It 's coming from the south , we don 't know where exactly it is now , but our highway to Dessau- Rosslau is destroyed .
(trg)="2"> We can drive there by A4 autostrada .

(src)="3"> It 's bad , it was my favourite highway .
(src)="4"> What is it wants ?
(trg)="3"> I can 't wait to see Magik !

(src)="5"> Mr .
(src)="6"> President
(trg)="4"> Eh , brother ...

(src)="7"> We don 't know , but it probably wants our cookies .
(trg)="5"> Magik died at 2000 ...

(src)="8"> Anyone , who don 't like cookies , leave this room .
(trg)="6"> Anyone here who didn 't bought the Kinematografia CD , leave the room .

(src)="9"> Why is it wants our cookies ? !
(src)="10"> We don 't have enough for us !
(trg)="7"> Why no one tell me this before ? !

(src)="11"> These cookies are our priceless precious
(trg)="8"> It was my dream to see him !

(src)="12"> We have to defend them , we have to fight for our cookies .
(trg)="9"> He was the best polish rapper .

(src)="13"> You know these unforgetable taste of chocolate .
(trg)="10"> The words which he sang were very deep

(src)="14"> This shortcrust consistency , and they are amazing !
(trg)="11"> Now my dreams lay in ruins

(src)="15"> But my mom is still making more and more of them .
(trg)="12"> But there will be Rahim and Fokus .

(src)="16"> I 'm saying , that we can have enough cookies for Godzilla
(trg)="14"> I 'm just try to cheer you .

(src)="17"> Your mom can 't bake 5 tons of cookies , it 's ridicoulus !
(trg)="15"> They can 't do the same music without Magic !

(src)="18"> We 're producing a lot of flour , chocolate and sugar , but we don 't have enough ovens !
(trg)="16"> I 'm very agitating whe I 'm listening to him .

(src)="19"> I' ve commandend that , we have to have more ovens .
(trg)="17"> I have never heard someone like he .

(src)="20"> But no , why somebody should listen to me .
(trg)="18"> Obviously Rahim is very good too ...