# en/0BhMynRdRIk6.xml.gz
# zul/0BhMynRdRIk6.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Well , you done , done me and you bet I felt it
(trg)="1"> Sana aşık oldum ve sende bunu biliyorsun

(src)="2"> I tried to be chill but you 're so hot that I melted
(trg)="2"> Uzak durmaya çalıştım ama aşkınla beni erityorsun

(src)="3"> I fell right through the cracks
(src)="4"> And now I 'm trying to get back
(trg)="3"> Aşkın içinde kayb oldum ve şimdi çıkış yolu bulmaya çalışyorum .

(src)="5"> Before the cool done run out I 'll be giving it my bestest
(src)="6"> And nothing 's going to stop me but divine intervention
(trg)="4"> Bu , beni yıkıp geçen duygular kayb olmadan önce, neyim varsa sana vericeğim . ve ölümden başka beni hiç birşey durduramaz

(src)="7"> I reckon it to get my turn
(src)="8"> To win some or learn some
(trg)="5"> Sanırım birşey kazanmak ve öğrenmek için sıra bende .

(src)="9"> But I won 't hesitate no more , no more
(trg)="6"> Ama artık daha fazla dayanamicam ...

(src)="10"> It cannot wait , I 'm yours
(trg)="7"> Aşk beklemez , Seninim !!

(src)="11"> Well , open up your mind , and see like me
(trg)="8"> Gözlerini aç ve beni takip et ,

(src)="12"> Open up your plans and damn you 're free
(trg)="9"> Bana içini aç ve özgür ol !!

(src)="13"> Look into your heart and you 'll find love , love , love , love
(trg)="10"> Kalbinin derinliklerine bak , orada aşk bulacağından eminim .

(src)="14"> Listen to the music of the moment people , dance and sing
(trg)="11"> Etrafındaki insanların sesini dinle, şarkı söyle ve dans et !

(src)="15"> We 're just on big family
(trg)="12"> Biz bir büyük ayleyiz !

(src)="16"> And it 's our God- forsaken right to be loved , loved , loved , loved , loved
(trg)="13"> Allahın bize verdiği en güzel haklarda biri " sevilmek "

(src)="17"> So I won 't hesitate no more , no more
(trg)="14"> Ve artık daha fazla dayanamicağım ...

(src)="18"> It cannot wait , I 'm sure
(trg)="15"> Aşk beklemez .
(trg)="16"> Artık eminim .

(src)="19"> There 's no need to complicate
(src)="20"> Our time is short
(trg)="17"> Herşeye zorlaştırmaya ne gerek var , hayatımız zaten kısa ,

(src)="21"> This is our fate , I 'm yours
(trg)="18"> Bu kaderimiz biliyorum !!
(trg)="19"> Ben seninim .

(src)="22"> D- d- do do you , but do you , d- d- do
(trg)="20"> Ama sen ...

(src)="23"> But do you want to come on
(trg)="21"> Başlamaya ne dersin ?

(src)="24"> Scooch on over closer dear
(src)="25"> And I will nibble your ear
(trg)="22"> Denizler üstünde hafif rüzgar gibi es .. Bende nefesin olayim

(src)="26"> I 've been spent away to long checking my tongue in the mirror
(trg)="23"> Kendime aynalara bakarken çok fazla vakit harcadım ..

(src)="27"> And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
(trg)="24"> Ve bakarken aynaya çok fazla yaklaştım ..

(src)="28"> But my breath fogged up the glass
(trg)="25"> Ama cam nefesimden buğlandı ..

(src)="29"> And so I drew in a face and laughed
(trg)="26"> Şimdide yeni bir yüz çiziyorum ve gülüyorum ..

(src)="30"> I guess what I be saying is there ain 't no better reason
(trg)="27"> Biliyorumki yaptığım şey için geçerli bir sebebim yok ..

(src)="31"> To rid your self of vanitisies and just go with the seasons
(trg)="28"> Kendini rüzgarlara bırak ve mevsimlerle birlikte yaşa ..

(src)="32"> It 's what we aim to do
(src)="33"> Our name is our virtue
(trg)="29"> Dünyaya bunun için geldik , ismimiz gururumuz ..

(src)="34"> But I won 't hesitate no more , no more
(trg)="30"> Fakat daha fazla dayanamicağim ...

(src)="35"> It cannot wait , I 'm yours
(trg)="31"> Aşk beklemez !
(trg)="32"> Ben seninim !

(src)="36"> Well , open up your mind , and see like me
(trg)="33"> Gözlerini aç ve beni takip et

(src)="37"> Open up your plans and damn you 're free
(trg)="34"> Bana içini aç ve özgür ol !

(src)="38"> I look into your heart and you 'll find that
(src)="39"> The sky is yours
(trg)="35"> Kalbin derinliklerine bak , orda gökyüzü görebilirsin ..

(src)="40"> So please don 't , please don 't
(trg)="36"> Lütfen yapma ...

(src)="41"> There 's no need to complicate
(trg)="37"> Zorlaştırmaya ne gerek var ?

(src)="42"> ' Cause our time is short
(trg)="38"> Hayat zaten çok kısa ...

(src)="43"> This oh , this oh , this is our fate
(trg)="39"> Bu bizim Kaderimiz ..

(src)="44"> I 'm yours
(trg)="40"> Ve ben seninim .. !

# en/0IqjOcdTC2fg.xml.gz
# zul/0IqjOcdTC2fg.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Warning :
(src)="2"> The entire city of Tokyo is currently under monster attack number .. 973 .
(trg)="1"> Atención ; eEspaña está siendo atacada inesperadamente por Argentina

(src)="3"> If you 're still stupid enough to be standing in the streets ...
(trg)="2"> Si eres lo suficientemente estupido para estar en la calle ...

(src)="5"> Run !
(src)="6"> Run for your life !
(trg)="3"> ¿ Que demonios estás haciendo ? ! Corre ! ! Corre por tu vida !

(src)="7"> - Hi , father .
(src)="8"> - Who is this ! ?
(trg)="4"> - Hola , ePadre - ¿ Quien es ?

(src)="9"> - It 's your son .
(src)="10"> - Oh , that 's right ; I have a son .
(trg)="5"> - Soy yo , tu hijo - Oh , es cierto , yo tengo un eHijo

(src)="11"> How 's your mother doing ?
(trg)="6"> ¿ Como está tu madre Rvega ?

(src)="12"> She 's dead .
(trg)="7"> Ella se fue

(src)="13"> Ahahaha !!
(trg)="8"> Ahahaha !!

(src)="14"> Oh that 's hilarious !
(trg)="9"> Oh , es tan gracioso !

(src)="15"> Ahahaha !
(trg)="10"> Ahahaha !

(src)="16"> She was your wife , too , father !
(trg)="11"> Ella era tu mujer , te dejó , ePadre !

(src)="17"> Don 't be a dick , Shinji .
(trg)="12"> No seas idiota , Jowsis .

(src)="18"> I thought you needed me for something .
(trg)="13"> Creo que me necesitabas para algo ...

(src)="19"> Ah , yes ...
(trg)="14"> Oh , si ...

(src)="20"> What did I need you for ?
(trg)="15"> ¿ Para que te necesitaba ?

(src)="21"> Something about an attack ...
(trg)="16"> Algo sobre un ataque ...

(src)="22"> It 's probably nothing .
(trg)="17"> Probablemente nada .

(src)="23"> AAHHH !
(trg)="18"> AAHHH !

(src)="24"> Get your act together , Shinji !
(src)="25"> The Angels are attacking , humanity is in danger , your dad 's waiting for you , and we 're getting the hell out of here !
(trg)="19"> ! Unete y luchemos juntos , Jowsis ! ! Los Argentos nos atacan , la humanidad está en peligro , y tu ePadre está esperando por ti ! ! Y nosotros tenemos que salir cagando leches de aquí !

(src)="26"> - Wha - ?
(trg)="20"> - ¿ Qu - ?

(src)="27"> - Are you " what" ing already ? !
(src)="28"> But I haven 't even said anything !
(src)="29"> Shut up , Shinji , and get in the goddamn car !
(trg)="21"> - ¿ Estás " Queando " ya ? ! Pero y no tengo ni idea de lo que pasa ! ! Cierra la boca , Jowsis y entra en la maldita MU !

(src)="30"> You sure you can get away from all this action ?
(src)="31"> Don 't you worry .
(src)="32"> I may not look it , but I 'm an excellent driver !
(trg)="22"> ¿ Estas segura de que podremos huir de toda esta acción ? ! No te preocupes , aunque no lo parezca pero yo soy una excelente conductora !

(src)="33"> Fuck !
(trg)="23"> ! MIERDA !

(src)="34"> AT Field detected and analysis pattern confirmed blue .
(trg)="24"> Mate detectado , y el analisis confirma la presencia de piononos .

(src)="35"> It 's an Angel !
(trg)="25"> Es Argentina !

(src)="36"> Well no shit , Sherlock .
(trg)="26"> No me jodas , Sherlock .

(src)="37"> So , after 15 years , the Angels have finally returned .
(trg)="27"> Así que , despues de tantos meses de tensiones , los Argentinos al fin han venido a atacarnos .

(src)="38"> Angels ?
(trg)="28"> ¿ Argentos ?

(src)="39"> You mean it 's not Godzilla attacking us again ?
(trg)="29"> Estás diciendo que quizas es Corchuela ?

(src)="40"> Sir , Godzilla 's a fictional monster .
(src)="41"> Liar !
(trg)="30"> John , Corchuela es un español fantasioso ! Mentiroso !

(src)="42"> What other possible monster could be attacking Tokyo right now ?
(trg)="31"> ¿ Que otro posible ser podría estar atacando Canarias en este momento ?

(src)="43"> Er , no , sir .
(trg)="33"> Veamos , las tensiones empezaron durante la salida de TWO y enton - ! OH , DIOS MIO , ES CORCHUELA !!

(src)="46"> Command , the monster is giving us hell .
(trg)="34"> Gobierno , los atacantes nos están dando una paliza .

(src)="47"> Please advise us on how to act .
(trg)="35"> Por favor , dinos como atacar .

(src)="48"> Okay , got this .
(trg)="36"> De acuerdo , haced esto .

(src)="49"> Copper Unit , circle around the monster making yourselves look as dangerous as a group of threatening butterflies .
(trg)="37"> FFAA , rodead a los atacantes y hacer parecer al enemigo como si fuerais un grupo de peligrosas mariposas voladoras

(src)="50"> Tank battalion , resume bombardment from a far distance like the pussies you are .
(trg)="38"> Guardia Nacional , disparen los Rockets que el gobierno os paga como si fueran unos pagafantas y tuvieriais pussies .

(src)="51"> Air support , continue causing as much collateral damage to the city as possible without actually hitting the target .
(trg)="39"> Apoyo aliado , continuad causando todo el daño como sea posible
(trg)="40"> Pero sin ser en esta batalla .

(src)="52"> Delta team , take your pants off and start prancing around like ballerinas .
(src)="53"> - Do you know what you 've just done ?
(src)="54"> - Not a clue .
(trg)="41"> El uso de Co 's , quitar todas y ponerlas en batallas de aliados en los Balcanes . - ¿ Crees que esto funcionará ?

(src)="55"> Command , this is delta team .
(trg)="42"> - No , en verdad .

(src)="56"> Ballerina dance is ineffective .
(trg)="43"> Gobierno , estas son las CO 's , ponerlas en los Balcanes no es efectivo .

(src)="57"> Well , I 'm stumped .
(trg)="44"> Bueno , yo estoy soprendido .

(src)="58"> Oy , you two , you got any ideas ?
(trg)="45"> Oh , Vosotros dos , ¿ Teneis alguna idea ?

(src)="59"> Perhaps it would be going better if that guy got off the phone .
(src)="60"> No , I said a large pepperoni with extra cheese !
(trg)="46"> Quizas iría mejor si el presidente hablara con los de la alianza . ! No , yo dije una grande de peperoni con extra de queso !

(src)="61"> What do you mean , you don 't deliver here ?
(trg)="47"> ¿ Que significa que solo hablas Polaco ?

(src)="62"> Anything else ?
(trg)="48"> ¿ Algo más ?

(src)="63"> I suggest we fall back for now and come up with a strategy before we do anything stupi -
(src)="64"> NUKE THE FUCKER !
(trg)="49"> Yo recomiendo retirarse a pensar una estrategia antes de hacer algo estupi - ! ATAQUE AÉREO !

(src)="66"> Sir , you do know the thing has an AT Field ?
(src)="67"> Godzilla never had an AT Field !
(trg)="50"> John , ¿ Sabes si los Argentos tienen un escudo de defensa ? ! Corchuela nunca tuvo un escudo de defensa !

(src)="68"> You do know what an AT Field is , right , sir ?
(trg)="51"> ¿ Sabes lo que es un escudo de defensa , verdad ?
(trg)="52"> John

(src)="69"> You 're not even listening to me , are you ?
(trg)="53"> ¿ Nunca me escuchas , no ?

(src)="70"> Say what now ?
(trg)="54"> ¿ Decias algo ?

(src)="71"> We have a visual of the target ... patching it through now .
(trg)="55"> Tenemos confirmación visual con el enemigo ... poniendo en pantalla .

(src)="72"> Well fuck a duck !
(trg)="56"> Bien , estamos jodidos .

(src)="73"> ( Are you even authorized to be here ? )
(trg)="57"> ( ¿ En verdad este es el Ministro de Defensa ? )

(src)="74"> It looks like you were right about that AD Field .
(trg)="58"> Parece que tenías razón sobre el Oscuro de Defensa

(src)="75"> AT Field ...
(trg)="59"> Escudo de Defensa ...

(src)="76"> Thankfully , no one important got caught in that blast .
(trg)="60"> Gracias a Varnish , nadie importante fue cogido por la explosión .

(src)="77"> What 's going on ?
(trg)="61"> ¿ Que ocurre ahora ?

(src)="78"> Don 't worry ; it 's just a little nuclear explosion .
(trg)="62"> No te preocupes ; es solo una pequeña explosión nuclear .

(src)="79"> A what ??
(trg)="63"> ¿¿ Una que ??