# en/39Bt6wdBpRXD.xml.gz
# zam/39Bt6wdBpRXD.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Your excellencies ,
(trg)="1"> Re gó ne vé

(src)="2"> UN Secretary General ,
(trg)="2"> Gó ko ne vé ONU

(src)="3"> President of the General Assembly ,
(trg)="3"> Gó ko ne vé Asamblea General

(src)="4"> Executive Director of UN Women , and distinguished guests .
(trg)="4"> Xha ko ne vé ONU Mujeres
(trg)="5"> Re ta men du tre

(src)="5"> Today , we are launching a campaign called He for She .
(trg)="6"> Nal lash no lo no gó " Ko de li mi xha got "

(src)="6"> I am reaching out to you because we need your help .
(trg)="7"> No , dedizh lo gó , li chenó no gó

(src)="7"> We want to end gender inequality , and to do this , we need everyone involved .
(trg)="8"> Lash no lus nó xha mud wï no re got
(trg)="9"> Par li no kona , li che re ta men lo xiu

(src)="8"> This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN .
(trg)="10"> Güis re ONUmtete kue

(src)="9"> We want to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change .
(trg)="11"> Ko lash no nak te güin re mi ner re bien mie
(trg)="12"> Nakin cé no kue .

(src)="10"> And we don 't just want to talk about it .
(trg)="13"> No na lash no yan na lo dizh ta .

(src)="11"> We want to try and make sure that it 's tangible .
(trg)="14"> Lash cé kue .

(src)="12"> I was appointed as Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women six months ago .
(trg)="15"> Na nak " embajadora " na ONU Mujeres , xhop bé lin kue ,

(src)="13"> And the more I 've spoken about feminism , the more I have realized that fighting for women 's rights has too often become synonymous with man- hating .
(trg)="16"> Cé dedizh na kuan nak " feminismo " , nen ke kan dien re miy na xhen xha kuan nak ka .

(src)="14"> If there is one thing I know for certain , it is that this has to stop .
(trg)="17"> Nen , ke na kue luzh ah .

(src)="15"> For the record , Feminism , by definition , is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities .
(trg)="18"> Feminismo nak rop na , mgotn ner mi nak na " igual " nakin tak lin reta .

(src)="16"> It is the theory of the political , economic , and social equality of the sexes .
(trg)="19"> Kue nak ko lash no
(trg)="20"> lahs no ke no xhin .

(src)="17"> I started questioning gender based assumptions a long time ago .
(trg)="21"> Mteten güin xha mud thus kue re men na´

(src)="18"> When I was eight , I was confused about being called " bossy " because I wanted to direct the plays that we would put on for our parents .
(trg)="22"> Xhe genún xhont lit , re men ne lot lu mtal pó ne lasna talna ló reé ní lo xhunt nó

(src)="19"> But the boys were not .
(trg)="23"> Re biet na de lín tiy .

(src)="20"> When , at 14 , I started to be sexualized by certain elements of the media .
(trg)="24"> Cé gun 14 lit , re xha ke ko kub kap nien .

(src)="21"> When , at 15 , my girlfriends started dropping out of their beloved sports teams because they didn 't want to appear muscly .
(trg)="25"> Cé gun 15 , re ta 'an bla re ko re xhin xha par kid sa
(trg)="26"> Na last xha nies xha nie re mbí

(src)="22"> When , at 18 , my male friends were unable to express their feelings ...
(trg)="27"> Cé gun 18 , re ta 'an mbí na xhon ta xha ...

(src)="23"> I decided that I was a feminist .
(trg)="28"> Xha men ke ná de´ yu chan mgol

(src)="24"> And this seemed uncomplicated to me .
(trg)="29"> Xá ne´ niy

(src)="25"> But my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word .
(trg)="30"> Será dekuan ná ner mnen ke ko de lin na dó last re men na´

(src)="26"> Women are choosing not to identify as feminists .
(trg)="31"> Re got na last ta xha gak xha " feministas "

(src)="27"> Apparently , I am among the ranks of women whose expressions are seen as too strong , too aggressive , isolating , and anti- men .
(src)="28"> Unattractive , even .
(trg)="32"> Nal , reés nien na kap , na nak dib mgol mbí ré mbí na do last ko na

(src)="29"> Why has the word become such an uncomfortable one ?
(trg)="33"> ¿ Po´ ne ke xhian xha ?

(src)="30"> I am from Britain , and I think it is right that I am paid the same as my male counterparts .
(trg)="34"> Na nak " Británica "
(trg)="35"> No lash na kis xha na lit ta , mgot ner mbí

(src)="31"> I think it is right that I should be able to make decisions about my own body .
(trg)="36"> Na lash na güin kuan lin men dá

(src)="32"> - I think -- - ( raucous applause )
(trg)="37"> Na lash ... ( men de tes ya 'an )

(src)="33"> I think it is right that women be involved , on my behalf , in the policies and the decisions that will affect my life .
(trg)="38"> Na lash reta mgol te dizh , li
(trg)="39"> Lo re xhin na yes , kuan li chees

(src)="34"> I think it is right that , socially , I am afforded the same respect as men .
(trg)="40"> Na lash güis re no tes xha güis lo re mbí

(src)="35"> But sadly , I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights .
(trg)="41"> Nal , mnén na xhon ni did yes isluo ko de li kue
(trg)="42"> Yent yes ko güi chan re mgot

(src)="36"> No country in the world can yet say that they have achieved gender equality .
(trg)="43"> Yent ni dib yes ko de lí ke re got ner re mbí guen xho

(src)="37"> These rights ... I consider to be human rights , but I am one of the lucky ones .
(trg)="44"> Nakin kue nak par re ta nó , mgot ner mbí
(trg)="45"> Na , besta xhon

(src)="38"> My life is a sheer privilege because my parents didn 't love me less
(trg)="46"> Re xhun ná mkelash re mtán nó re bel nó

(src)="39"> - because I was born a daughter .
(src)="40"> - ( hooting )
(trg)="47"> Na gol mgot , na blit ko na ke re xhun na ke lash na

(src)="41"> My school did not limit me because I was a girl .
(trg)="48"> Guan go ló

(src)="42"> My mentors didn 't assume that I would go less far because I might give birth to a child one day .
(trg)="49"> Yent cho mne ke na xhien ná
(trg)="50"> Xín dib güis kan dib bet .

(src)="43"> These influences , with the Gender Equality Ambassadors that made me who I am today ... they may not know it , but they are the inadvertent feminists who are changing the world today .
(trg)="51"> Re ko bezh re men re blí ko nak na nal
(trg)="52"> Ta men na mnet goóy re men re de xé isluo .

(src)="44"> We need more of those .
(trg)="53"> Na kín li chen re en ko li esgab kue .

(src)="45"> And if you still hate the word , it is not the word that is important .
(src)="46"> It 's the idea and the ambition behind it .
(trg)="54"> This na lo lats xha mub xhab dis re ko tak nak kuan liy

(src)="47"> Because not all women have received the same rights that I have .
(trg)="55"> Re ta mgot na genún re kue

(src)="48"> In fact , statistically , very few have been .
(trg)="56"> Lut xha tak liy

(src)="49"> In 1997 , Hillary Clinton made a famous speech in Beijing about women 's rights .
(trg)="57"> Hillary Clinton dedizh li 199 let Beijing
(trg)="58"> Niet kuan tak li re mgot

(src)="50"> Sadly , many of the things that she wanted to change are still true today .
(trg)="59"> Nal , lut ko shab xha na de yak tiy nal

(src)="51"> But what stood out for me the most was that less than 30 % of the audience were male .
(trg)="60"> Ko güin nak ke
(trg)="61"> lut mbí gua ( 30 % )

(src)="52"> How can we affect change in the world when only half of it is invited , or feel welcomed to participate in the conversation ?
(src)="53"> Men ...
(trg)="62"> Xha mud lash na xét isluo this na dunt re ta ná nakin kues na re men na kin kues na re mbí

(src)="54"> I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation .
(src)="55"> ( applause )
(trg)="63"> Ko nal , debes na gó ( men detees ya 'an )

(src)="56"> Gender equality is your issue too .
(trg)="64"> Nú gó nakin li goy

(src)="57"> Because , to date , I 've seen my father 's role as a parent being valued less by society , despite my needing his presence as a child as much as my mother 's .
(trg)="65"> Nal mnen ke ko li xhun ná na tag tiy
(trg)="66"> Cé lut na , li chen xhun na ner snan

(src)="58"> I 've seen young men suffering from mental illness , unable to ask for help , for fear it would make them
(src)="59"> less of a men -- or less of a man .
(trg)="67"> Niet re miu diak yis yek re miu sieb nies xha nag xha " mbí "

(src)="60"> In fact , in the UK , suicide is the biggest killer of men between 20- 49 , eclipsing road accidents , cancer , and coronary heart disease .
(trg)="68"> Inglaterra ka dosh men gudt
(trg)="69"> le ka xha gudxha , re mbí xho 20 ó 49 lit

(src)="61"> I 've seen men made fragile and insecure by a distorted sense of what constitutes male success .
(trg)="70"> Nien re mbí sieb sieb xha na niet xha nie mbí

(src)="62"> Men don 't have the benefits of equality either .
(trg)="71"> Re mbí na li xhin na lit ta gak men

(src)="63"> We don 't often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes , but I can see that they are , and that when they are free , things will change for women as a natural consequence .
(trg)="72"> Na dedizh ta re men yac na nali mtía thus
(trg)="73"> Xé cé kue , re got xha yú xha yak ah

(src)="64"> If men don 't have to be aggressive in order to be accepted , women won 't feel compelled to be submissive .
(src)="65"> If men don 't have to control , women won 't have to be controlled .
(src)="66"> Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive .
(trg)="74"> Thir re mbí na gadt nayes xha nies xha como mbí re gót na kin li che yek na this re mbí nakin re mgot , re mgot besta yú mgot ner mbí nakin na lit ta yu rop xha nakin nak naye 's

(src)="68"> It is time that we all perceived gender on a spectrum , instead of two sets of opposing ideals .
(trg)="75"> Nakin güin nalit ta nak ná nadta xhata ( men teés yan )

(src)="69"> ( applause ) ( Ms. Watson ) If we stop defining each other by what we are not , and start defining ourselves by who we are , we can all be freer .
(src)="70"> And this is what He for She is about .
(trg)="76"> This laan kue thes day nakin mteten yut nalí kue nak ¨ko le mbí lo mgot "

(src)="71"> It 's about freedom .
(trg)="77"> Kue nak xha nalin yun

(src)="72"> I want men to take up this mantle , so that their daughters , sisters , and mothers can be free from prejudice .
(trg)="78"> Lasna re mbí
(trg)="79"> lash yú re xhiín xha mgot

(src)="73"> But also so that their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human too , reclaim those parts of themselves they abandoned , and , in doing so , be a more true and complete version of themselves .
(trg)="80"> Nakin las xha re mbí tak gón nakin kuan xha gak xha men xha gak xha dib men mbí

(src)="74"> You might be thinking , " Who is this Harry Potter girl ? "
(trg)="81"> Ser de lí xho sgab , mxá re bru " Harry Potter "

(src)="75"> - ( laughter ) - " And what is she doing
(trg)="82"> ¿ kuan de bez xha ?

(src)="76"> - speaking at the UN ? "
(src)="77"> - And it 's a really good question .
(trg)="83"> Loo ONU ?

(src)="78"> I 've been asking myself the same thing .
(trg)="84"> Na li sgab po né ne

(src)="79"> All I know is that I care about this problem , and I want to make it better .
(trg)="85"> Na dú tre por ke mnen kap xho re mgot tre ner lasna cé niy

(src)="80"> And having seen what I 've seen , and given the chance ,
(trg)="86"> Manl neén kue

(src)="81"> I feel it is my responsibility to say something .
(trg)="87"> Ner nakin mnen nakin lín dib ko xha cé né

(src)="82"> Statesman Edmund Burke said ,
(trg)="88"> Edmund Burke xhab :

(src)="83"> " All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing . "
(trg)="89"> " This lazmen ko kap na´ güe nakin re men ko güem laá ?

(src)="84"> In my nervousness for this speech , and in my moments of doubt ,
(trg)="90"> Cé cieb ná

(src)="85"> I 've told myself firmly ,
(trg)="91"> lín sgab

(src)="86"> " If not me , who ? "
(trg)="92"> ¿ This na lit nay ?
(trg)="93"> ¿ Cho liy ?

(src)="87"> " If not now , when ? "
(trg)="94"> ¿ This nak nay nal queer lit niy ?

(src)="88"> If you have similar doubts when opportunites are presented to you ,
(trg)="95"> This na xheen gooy

(src)="89"> I hope that those words will be helpful because ... the reality is that if we do nothing , it will take 75 years , or for me to be nearly 100 , before women can expect to be paid the same as men .
(src)="90"> For the same work .
(trg)="96"> Re dizh re tak li xhin lo gó this na lit niy nal , li che 75 lit na last na genún 100 lit ner nien ke re got ner re mbí na lit ta gash loós cé de ques xhin

(src)="91"> 15 . 5 million girls will be married in the next 16 years as children .
(trg)="97"> 15 . 5 millón mgot xelia tat ta nak xha beet lut

(src)="92"> And , at current rates , it won 't be until 2086 before all rural African girls can have a secondary education .
(trg)="98"> Ner kuen na xhin 2086 xha re mgot na Áfrca tak ya gó loó

(src)="93"> If you believe in equality , you might be one of those inadvertent feminists that I spoke of earlier .
(src)="94"> And , for this , I applaud you .
(trg)="99"> This de kuan que re mgot ner re mbí nad ti kue ko do laznay

(src)="95"> We are struggling for a uniting word , but the good news is that we have a uniting movement .
(trg)="100"> De ke no xhi xha cé no kue
(trg)="101"> Nakin li reta nay

(src)="96"> It is called He for She .
(trg)="102"> Kue le " mbí mtá yaan lo mgot "

(src)="97"> I am inviting you to step forward , to be seen , and to ask yourself ,
(trg)="103"> Lasna güi gó kuan nak ah

(src)="98"> " If not me , who ?
(src)="99"> If not now , when ? "
(trg)="104"> This na lit nayc ¿ Cho liy ? , ¿ This nak nay nal queer lit niy ?

(src)="100"> - Thank you very , very much .
(src)="101"> - ( applause )
(trg)="105"> Tes kis gó ( men de tes ya 'an )

# en/6tQRl4V1uITS.xml.gz
# zam/6tQRl4V1uITS.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Firefox in indigenous languages
(trg)="1"> Firefox dedizh diiste

(src)="2"> Mozilla Mexico believes that preserving our indigenous languages is very important ...
(trg)="2"> Na kint ko xhog na dizh na ree men , ta lo xhiab Mozilla México

(src)="3"> My name is Vicente Canché Móo , I 'm from Halacho , Yucatán , and I speak Maya .
(trg)="3"> Na lé Vicente Canché Móo , ner gol na dif yes le Halacho , Yucatán .
(trg)="4"> Na dedizh maya .

(src)="4"> I 'm a primary school teacher and member of the Mozilla Mexico community .
(trg)="5"> Na ló re mbiet primaria ner mtan dif yan lo Mozilla México .

(src)="5"> I currently work on localizing Firefox into the Mayan language .
(trg)="6"> Nal , de toob na dizh na na ( maya ) lo Firefox .

(src)="6"> Join Mozilla !
(trg)="7"> ¡ Gú lent Mozilla !

(src)="7"> I am Esleban Landeros and I 'm from San Antonio Rayón , Puebla .
(trg)="8"> Na lé Esteban Landeros , ner mdial na lent lo yes le San Antonio Rayón , Puebla .

(src)="8"> I speak Nahuatl , Sierra Norte de Puebla and I studied computer systems engineering .
(trg)="9"> Na dedizh nahuatl na Sierra Norte na Puebla .
(trg)="10"> Na mke go loó na Computación ner Sistemas .

(src)="9"> I 'm participating in Mozilla Mexico by localizing Firefox into Nahuatl , Sierra Norte de Puebla .
(trg)="11"> Na detoob dizh na lo Firefox

(src)="10"> Join Mozilla !
(trg)="12"> ¡ Gú lent Mozilla !

(src)="11"> Hi !
(trg)="13"> Mal , na lé Domingo Hernández Pérez .

(src)="12"> I 'm Domingo Hernándes Pérez , I speak Tojonabal and I 'm from Palenque , Chiapas .
(trg)="14"> Na dedizh tojonabal ner na dial Palenque , Chiapas .

(src)="13"> I 'm currently studying computer systems engineering .
(trg)="15"> Nal de ted na Ingeniería en Sistemas Computaciones .