# en/0BCXM0UAYJaR.xml.gz
# sq/0BCXM0UAYJaR.xml.gz

(src)="1"> As we begin our journey into the world of economics ,
(src)="2"> I thought I would begin with a quote from one of the most famous economists of all time , the Scottish philosopher Adam Smith .
(trg)="1"> Para se te fillojme udhetimin tone ne boten e ekonomise , mendova te filloj me nje citim te nje prej ekonomisteve me te famshem te te gjitha koherave , filozofi skocez Adam Smith .

(src)="3"> And he really is kind of the first real economist in the way that we view it now .
(trg)="2"> Ai eshte pak a shume i pari ekonomist qe shihte ekonomine sic e shohim ne ditet e sotme .

(src)="4"> And this is from his The Wealth of Nations , published in 1776 , coincidentally , the same year as the American Declaration of Independence , and it 's one of his most- famous excerpts .
(trg)="3"> Kjo eshte nga libri i tij " Pasuria e Kombeve " , publikuar ne 1776 , rastesisht , i njejti vit me
(trg)="4"> Deklaraten Amerikane te Pavaresise , dhe eshte nje nga pjeset me te famshme .

(src)="5"> He generally indeed , he being an economic actor , neither intends to promote the public interest , nor knows how much he is promoting it .
(trg)="5"> Cdo person , duke qene aktor ekonomik , nuk ka per qellim te promovoje interesin publik , por edhe nuk e di se sa po e promovon ne te njejten kohe .

(src)="6"> By directing that industry , so that the industry in control of that individual actor in such a manner , as its produce may be of the greatest value , he intends only his own gain .
(trg)="6"> Duke marre pjese ne ate industri , ne menyre qe industria te kete prodhimtarine me te madhe , ai ka per qellim perfitimin e tij personal

(src)="7"> ' He intends only his own gain ' .
(trg)="7"> " Ai ka per qellim perfitimin e tij personal " .

(src)="8"> And he is in this , as in many other cases , led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention .
(trg)="8"> Dhe ai drejtohet ne kete gje , si ne shume raste te tjera , nga nje dore e padukshme qe te promovoje dicka te cilen nuk e kishte si qellim .

(src)="9"> And this term " the invisible hand " is famous .
(trg)="9"> Ky term " dora e padukshme " eshte i famshem

(src)="10"> Led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention .
(trg)="10"> I drejtuar nga nje dore e padukshme qe te promovoje dicka te cilen nuk e kishte si qellim .

(src)="11"> He is saying , look , when individual actors just act in their own self- interest , that often in aggregate leads to things that each of those individual actors did not intend .
(trg)="11"> Ai thote , shiko , kur pjesemarresit individual ekonomik marrin vendime ne interesin personal te tyre , ajo gje shpesh ne agregat , sjell gjera qe secili person nuk e kishte marre parasysh .

(src)="12"> Then he says : nor is it always the worst for society that it was no part of it .
(trg)="12"> Me poshte thote :
(trg)="13"> Po ashtu nuk eshte gjeja me e keqe per shoqerine qe nuk ishte e perfshire ne kete gje .

(src)="13"> So , it was not necessarily a bad thing .
(trg)="14"> Keshtu qe nuk eshte detyrimisht dicka e keqe .

(src)="14"> By pursuing his own interest , he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it .
(trg)="15"> Duke ndjekur qellimet vetjake , cdo person shpesh promovon interesat e shoqerise ne menyre me efektive se sa kur ai e ka per qelllim kete gje .

(src)="15"> So , this is really a pretty strong statement .
(trg)="16"> Keshtu qe kjo eshte me te vertete nje thenie e rendesishme .

(src)="16"> It 's really at the core of capitalism .
(trg)="17"> Eshte ne qender te kapitalizmit .

(src)="17"> And that 's why I point out that it was published in the same year as the American Declaration of Independence , because obviously America , the Funding Fathers , they wrote the Declaration of Independence , the Constitution , that really talks about what it means to be a democratic country , what are the rights of its citizens .
(trg)="18"> Prandaj e theksoj qe eshte publikuar ne te njejtin vit me Deklaraten Amerikane te Pavaresise , sepse Amerika , baballaret e shtetit amerikan , shkruajten Deklaraten e Pavaresise , Kushtetuten qe pershkruan tamam c' do te thote te jesh nje shtet demokratik , cilat jane te drejtat e qytetareve .

(src)="18"> But the United States , with its overall experience of an American , is at least as influenced by the work of Adam Smith , by this kind of foundational ideas of capitalism .
(trg)="19"> Por Shtetet e Bashkuara , jane influencuar nga punimet e Adam Smith , nga keto ide qendrore te kapitalizmit

(src)="19"> And they just both happened to happen around the same time .
(trg)="20"> Dhe te dyja qelluan rreth te njejtes kohe .

(src)="20"> But this idea is not always that intuitive .
(trg)="21"> Por kjo ide nuk eshte gjithmone kaq intuitive .

(src)="21"> Individual actors , by essentially pursuing their own self- interested ends might be doing more for society than than if any of them actually tried to promote the overall well- being of society .
(trg)="22"> Aktoret individual , duke ndjekur qellimet e tyre personale , mund te jene duke bere me shume per shoqerine sesa po te kishin provuar te promovonin mireqenien e shoqerise .

(src)="22"> And I don 't think that Adam Smith would say that it 's always good for someone to act self- interested , or that it 's never good for people to actually think about the implications of what they are doing in an aggregate sense , but he is saying that frequently .. frequently , this self- interested action could lead to the greater good .
(trg)="23"> Nuk besoj qe Adam Smith do te thoshte qe kjo eshte gjithmone gje e mire per dike te veproje ne menyre egoiste , ose qe nuk eshte asnjehere mire qe njerezit te mendojne per pasojat e veprimeve te tyre per shoqerine si e tere , por ai thote qe shpesh ... shpesh , ky veprim egoist mund te sjelle te miren e pergjitshme .

(src)="23"> Could lead to more innovation .
(trg)="24"> Mund te sjelle me shume inovacion .

(src)="24"> Could lead to better investment .
(trg)="25"> Mund te sjelle me shume investime .

(src)="25"> Could lead to more productivity .
(trg)="26"> Mund te sjelle produktivitet me te mire .

(src)="26"> COuld lead to more wealth , more , a larger pie for everyone .
(trg)="27"> Mund te sjelle me shume pasuri , me shume per gjithsecilin .

(src)="27"> And now Economics is frequently .. and when he makes a statement , he is actually making a mix of micro- economic and macro- economic statements .
(trg)="28"> Ne ditet e sotme ne Ekonomi shpesh ... kur behen deklarata te ndryshme , ato jane nje perzierje theniesh mikroekonomie dhe makroekonomie .

(src)="28"> Micro is that people , individual actors are acting out of their own self- interest .
(trg)="29"> MIkro eshte rreth njerezve , aktoreve individual marrin vendime ne interesin personal te tyre

(src)="29"> And the macro is that it might be good for the economy , or the nation as a whole .
(trg)="30"> Makro eshte cfare mund te ishte mire per ekonomine ose kombin ne teresi .

(src)="30"> And so , now , modern economists tend to divide themselves into these two schools , or into these two subjects : microeconomics , which is the study of individual actors .
(trg)="31"> Sot ekonomistet ndahen ne dy shkolla te ndryshme , ose ne dy nen- ndarje :
(trg)="32"> Mikroekonomia , qe studion aktoret individual .

(src)="31"> Microeconomics .. and those actors could be firms , could be people , it could be households .
(trg)="33"> Mikroekonomia ... dhe ato aktore mund te jene firma , persona ose familje .

(src)="32"> And you have macro- economics , which is the study of the economy in aggregate .
(trg)="34"> Me pas vjen dhe Makroekonomia , qe studion ekonomine ne agregat .

(src)="33"> Macro- economics .
(trg)="35"> Makroekonomia .

(src)="34"> And you get it from the words .
(trg)="36"> Kuptohet nga vete fjala .

(src)="35"> Micro -- the prefix refers to very small things .
(trg)="37"> Mikro -- prefixi do te thote gjera te vogla .

(src)="36"> Macro refers to the larger , to the bigger picture .
(trg)="38"> Makro i referohet gjerave madhore .
(trg)="39"> Figures madhore .

(src)="37"> And so , micro- economics is essentially how actors .. actors make decisions or , you could actually say 'allocations ' , allocations .. decisions or allocations .
(trg)="40"> Keshtu qe , mikroekonomia tregon se si aktoret marrin vendime ose mund te thuash ´alokimet ' , alokimet .. vendimet ose alokimet .

(src)="38"> Allocation .. of scarce resources .
(trg)="41"> Alokimi ... i resurveve te pakta .

(src)="39"> And you hear the words scarce resources a lot when people talk about economics .
(trg)="42"> Dhe shume shpesh degjohen termat resurset e pakta kur njerezit flasin per ekonomi .

(src)="40"> And a scarce resource is one you don 't have an infinite amount of .
(trg)="43"> Nje burim i paket eshte ai qe nuk eshte i pafund .

(src)="41"> For example , love might not be a scarce resource .
(trg)="44"> Per shembull , dashuria mund te mos jete burim i paket .

(src)="42"> You might have an infinite amount of love .
(trg)="45"> Mund te kesh nje dashuri te pafundme .

(src)="43"> But a resource that would be scarce is something like food , or water , or money , or time , or labor .
(trg)="46"> Por nje burim qe eshte i paket si ushqimi , uji , parate , koha ose puna .

(src)="44"> These are all scarce resources .
(src)="45"> And so microeconomics is how do people decide where to put those scarce resource , how do they decide where to deploy them .
(trg)="48"> Keshtu mikroekonomia tregon si njerezit marrin vendime si ti shperndajne keto burime te pakta .

(src)="46"> And how does that .. does that affect prices and markets , and whatever else .
(trg)="49"> Dhe se si ajo ndikon ne cmimet e produkteve dhe ne tregje .

(src)="47"> Macro- economics is the study of what happens at the aggregate to an economy .
(trg)="50"> Makroekonomia merret me studimin e asaj qe ndodh ne ekonomine si e tere .

(src)="48"> So , 'aggregate ' , what happens in aggregate to an economy , from the millions of individual actors .
(trg)="51"> Keshtu qe , ne ´agregat , cfare ndodh ne agregat ne ekonomi , nga miliona persona individual .

(src)="49"> Aggregate economy .
(trg)="52"> Ekonomia agregate .

(src)="50"> We now have millions of actors .
(trg)="53"> Ne tani kemi miliona persona .

(src)="51"> And often focuses on policy- related questions .
(trg)="54"> Ajo fokusohet ne pyetje qe kane te bejne me politika te ndryshme .

(src)="52"> SO , do you raise or lower taxes .
(trg)="55"> Si per shembul , duhen rritur apo ulur taksat .

(src)="53"> Or , what 's going to happen when you raise or lower taxes .
(trg)="56"> Cfare do te ndodhe kur rriten ose ulen taksat .

(src)="54"> Do you regulate or de- regulate ?
(src)="55"> How does that affect the overall productivity when you do this .
(trg)="57"> Duhet te nderhysh me shume ne ekonomi apo me pak .

(src)="56"> So , it 's policy , top- down .. 'top- down ' questions .
(trg)="58"> Dhe si ndikon ajo ne produktivitet kur ben kete gje .
(trg)="59"> Keto jane politika , politika nga lart- poshte .

(src)="57"> And in both macro - and micro- economics , there is especially in the modern sense of it , there is an attempt to make them rigorous , to make them mathematical .
(trg)="60"> Ne makro dhe mikro ne kohet moderne , ka nje tendence qe te shnderrohen ne shkenca rigoroze matematikore .

(src)="58"> So , in either case you could start with some of the ideas , some of the philosophical ideas , so of the logical ideas , to say someone like Adam Smith might have .
(trg)="61"> Por sidoqofte mund te fillohet me disa ide , disa ide filozofike , per te thene dicka si Adam Smith .

(src)="59"> So , you have these basic ideas about how people think , how people make decisions .
(trg)="62"> Keshtu ekzistojne disa ide bazike, se si njerezit mendojne , si marrin vendime .

(src)="60"> So , philosophy , 'philosophy ' of people , of decision- making , in the case of micro- economics -- 'decision- making '
(trg)="63"> Filozofi , ´filozofi´ njerezish ne vendimmarrje , ne sensin e mikroekonomise -- ' vendim- marrja ' .

(src)="61"> And then you make some assumptions about it .
(trg)="64"> Me pas behen disa supozime mbi kete gje .

(src)="62"> Or you simplify it .. let me write this .. you simplify it .
(trg)="65"> Ose mund ta thjeshtezosh .

(src)="63"> And you really are simplifying .
(src)="64"> You say " oh , all people are rational " ,
(trg)="66"> Thjeshtezimi eshte ne sensin kur thuhet " te gjithe njerezit jane racional " ,

(src)="65"> " all people are gonna act in their own self- interest , or all people are going to maximize their gain " , which isn 't true -- human beings are motivated by a whole bunch of things .
(trg)="67"> " te gjithe njerezit veprojne ne interesin e tyre persona , ose njerezit maksimizojne perfitimet e tyre personale " , qe nuk eshte e vertete - njerezit motivohen nga shume gjera .

(src)="66"> We simplify things , so we can start to deal with it kind of a mathematical way .
(trg)="68"> Gjerat thjeshtezohen , qe te mundesohet studimi matematik i ekonomise .

(src)="67"> SO you simplify it , so you can start dealing with it in a mathematical sense .
(trg)="69"> Simplifikohen qe te zgjidhen matematikisht .

(src)="68"> So , this is valuable to clarify your thinking .
(trg)="70"> Kjo ka vlere per te qartesuar menyren e mendimit .

(src)="69"> It can allow you to prove things based on your assumptions .
(trg)="71"> Keshtu mund te vertetohen gjerat bazuar ne supozime .

(src)="70"> And so , you can start to visualize things mathematically , with charts and graphs and think about what would actually happen with markets .
(trg)="72"> Keshtu mund te fillosh te vizualizosh gjerat me tabela dhe grafike dhe te mendosh cfare ndodh ne te vertete ne tregje .

(src)="71"> So it 's very valuable to have this mathematical , rigorous , thinking .
(trg)="73"> Keshtu qe ka shume vlere te kesh kete menyre te menduari matematikore .

(src)="72"> But at the same time , it could be a little bit dangerous , because you are making these huge simplifications , and sometimes the math might lead you to some very strong conclusions .
(trg)="74"> Por ne te njejten kohe eshte e rrezikshme sepse behen . keto thjeshtezime te medha , dhe disa here matematika mund te sjelle konkluzione te forta .

(src)="73"> Conclusions , which you might feel very strongly about , because it looks like you 've proven them in the same way that you might prove relativity , but they were based on some assumptions that either might be wrong , or might be over- simplifications , or might not be relevant to the context that you 're trying to make conclusions about .
(trg)="75"> Konkluzione , qe mund te ndihesh shume i sigurt sepse duket sikur e ke vertetuar ne te njejten menyre sic mund te vertetohet relativiteti , por ai bazohej ne disa supozime , qe ose ishin gabim , ose e thjeshtezonin problemin me shume sec duhet , ose mund te jene te rendesishme per kontekstin ne te cilin je .

(src)="74"> So it 's very very very important to take it all with a grain of salt , to remember that it 's all based on some simplifying assumption .
(trg)="76"> Keshtu qe eshte shume e rendesishme qe gjithcka te merret me nje sens mosbesimi , per te kujtuar qe gjithcka bazohet ne supozime thjeshtezuese .

(src)="75"> And macro- economics is probably more guilty of it .
(trg)="77"> Dhe markoekonomia ndoshta vuan me shume nga kjo gje .

(src)="76"> In micro- economics you are taking these deeply complicated things that are the human brain , how people act and respond to each other , and then you are aggregating it over millions of people , so it 's ultra- complicated .
(trg)="78"> Ne mikroekonomi merren disa gjera te komplikuara si mendja njerezore , si njerezit veprojne dhe reagojne ndaj njeri tjetrit dhe me pas agregohen keto vendime per miliona njerez , keshtu qe eshte shume e komplikuar .

(src)="77"> You 've millions of these infinitely complicated people , all interacting with each other .
(trg)="79"> Ekzistojne miliona njerez te komplikuar qe bashkeveprojne me njeri tjeterin .

(src)="78"> SO , it 's very complicated .
(trg)="80"> Keshtu qe , eshte shume e komplikuar .

(src)="79"> Many millions of interactions , and fundamentally unpredictable interactions , and then trying to make assumptions on those , trying to make assumptions and then doing math with that -- that could lead you to some conclusions or might be leading you to some predictions .
(trg)="81"> Shume miliona bashkveprime ne esence bashkeveprime te paparashikueshem , dhe me vone behen supozime , behen supozime dhe me ndihmen e matematikes mund te behen disa konkluzione qe ndihmojne per disa parashikime .

(src)="80"> And , once again , this is very important .
(trg)="82"> Perseri , kjo eshte shume e rendesishme .

(src)="81"> This is valuable , it is valuable to make these mathematical models , with these mathematical assumptions for these mathematical conclusions , but it always need to be taken with a grain of salt .
(trg)="83"> Eshte shume e vlefshme te besh keto modele matematikore , me keto supozime matematikore per keto konkluzione matematikore , por gjithmone duhet te merren me nje sens dyshimi .

(src)="82"> So , then you have a proper grain of salt , so that you are always focused on the true intuition .
(trg)="84"> Me kete sens dyshimi duhet gjithmone te jesh i fokusuar ne intuiten e gjerave .

(src)="83"> And that 's really the most important thing to get from a course on economics .
(trg)="85"> Dhe kjo eshte pikerisht gjeja me e rendesishme per te marre nga nje kurs ekonomie .

(src)="84"> So you can truly reason through what 's likely to happen , maybe even without the mathematics .
(trg)="86"> Ne menyre qe te arsyetosh se cfare ka mundesi te ndodhe , ndoshta dhe pa matematike .

(src)="85"> I 'll leave you with two quotes .
(trg)="87"> Do e mbyll me dy citime .

(src)="86"> And thse quotes are a little bit .. a little bit funny , but they 're really I think helpful things to keep in mind , especially when you go deep into the mathematical side of economics .
(trg)="88"> Dhe keto citime jane paksa me humor . por jane gjera te rendesishme per te pasur parasysh , ne menyre te vecante kur i futesh thelle anes matematikore te ekonomise .

(src)="87"> So , this right over here is a quote by Aflred Knopf , who was publisher in the 1900s .
(trg)="89"> Ky eshte nje citima nga Alfred Knopf , qe ishte editor ne vitet 1900 .

(src)="88"> " An economist is a man who states the obvious in terms of the incomprehensible . "
(trg)="90"> " Nje ekonomist eshte nje njeri qe thote gjerat e dukshme ne terma te pakuptueshme " .

(src)="89"> And I 'm assuming what he is talking about as the incomprehensible , he is referring to some of the 'mathy ' stuff that you see in economics , and hopefully we 're going to make this as comprehensible as possible .
(trg)="91"> Dhe besoj qe kur flet per gjerat e pakuptueshme e ka fjalen per pjesen matematike qe shihet ne ekonomi , dhe shpresoj qe kete pjese ta bejme sa me te kuptueshme

(src)="90"> You 'll see there is value in this .
(trg)="92"> Do te shihni qe kjo gje ka vlere .

(src)="91"> But it 's a very important statement he is making .
(trg)="93"> Por kjo eshte nje thenie shume e rendesishme per tu bere .

(src)="92"> Oftentimes , it 's taking a common- sense thing .
(trg)="94"> Shpesh here , flitet per gjera te thjeshta

(src)="93"> It 's taking something that 's obvious .. that 's obvious .
(trg)="95"> Gjera qe jane evidente ..

(src)="94"> And it 's very important to always keep that in mind , to always make sure that you have the intuition for what 's happening in the math , or to know when the math is going into a direction that might be strange based on over- simplifications or wrong assumptions .
(trg)="96"> Dhe eshte shume e rendesishme qe gjithmone te kihet parasysh kjo gje , gjithmone te keni intuiten per ate qe po ndodh ne matematike , ose ta dini nese matematika po ju con ne nje rruge te habitshme bazuar ne supozime .

(src)="95"> And then you have this quote here by Lawrence J. Peter , most famous for Peter 's Principals , a professor at USC .
(trg)="97"> E dyta eshte thenia nga Lawrence J .
(trg)="98"> Peter , i famshem per Parimet e Peterit , profesor ne USC .

(src)="96"> " An economist is an expert know will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn 't happen today . "
(trg)="99"> " Nje ekonomist eshte nje ekspert qe do dije neser pse gjerat qe parashikoi dje nuk ndodhen sot . "

(src)="97"> And once again -- important to keep in the back of one 's mind , because especially relevant to macro- economics , because in macro- economics there is always all sorts of prediction about the state of the economy : about what need to be done , about how long the recession will last , what will be the economic growth next year , what will inflation do ... and they often prove to be wrong .
(trg)="100"> Edhe njehere , e rendesishme te kihet parasysh , sidomos ne makro , sepse ne makro gjithmone ka parashikime per gjendjen e ekonomise : per ate qe duhet bere , sa do zgjase recesioni , sa do jete rritja ekonomike vitin e ardhshem , sa do jete inflacioni ... dhe shpesh behen gabime .

(src)="98"> In fact , few economists even tend to agree on many of these things .
(trg)="101"> Ne fakt , pak ekonomiste jane dakord ne shumicen e gjerave .

(src)="99"> And it 's very important to realize that , because oftentimes when you are deep in the mathematics , economics might seem to be a science , like physics , but it 's not a science like physics .
(trg)="102"> Dhe eshte shume e rendesishme te dihet kjo sepse kur futesh thelle ne matematike , ekonomia mund te duket si shkence si fizika , por nuk eshte tamam si fizika .

(src)="100"> It is open .. it is open to subjectivity , and a lot of that subjectivity is all around the assumptions that you choose to make .
(trg)="103"> Eshte e hapur ... eshte subjektive , dhe shume nga pjesa subjektive varet nga cilat supozime behen .

# en/0Ect7xGrwfMf.xml.gz
# sq/0Ect7xGrwfMf.xml.gz

(src)="1"> A few months ago , a 40 year- old woman came to an emergency room in a hospital close to where I live , and she was brought in confused .
(trg)="1"> Disa muaj më parë , një 40 vjeçare erdhi në dhomën e emergjencës në një spital pranë vendit ku unë jetoj , dhe ishte e hutuar .

(src)="2"> Her blood pressure was an alarming 230 over 170 .
(trg)="2"> Presionin e gjakut e kishte shumë të lartë 230 mbi 170 .

(src)="3"> Within a few minutes , she went into cardiac collapse .
(trg)="3"> Brenda pak minutash , ajo pati kolaps kardiak .