# en/06maZDmGztKT.xml.gz
# sl/06maZDmGztKT.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Human beings start putting each other into boxes the second that they see each other --
(trg)="1"> Ljudje opredeljujemo druge ljudi takoj , ko se zagledamo .

(src)="2"> Is that person dangerous ?
(trg)="2"> Ali je ta oseba nevarna ?

(src)="3"> Are they attractive ?
(trg)="3"> Ali je privlačna ?

(src)="4"> Are they a potential mate ?
(trg)="4"> Ali je potencialni partner ?

(src)="5"> Are they a potential networking opportunity ?
(trg)="5"> Ali je potencialna možnost za navezovanje stikov ?

(src)="6"> We do this little interrogation when we meet people to make a mental resume for them .
(trg)="6"> Ko nekoga spoznamo , jih malce izprašamo , da bi naredili nekakšen namišljeni življenjepis .

(src)="7"> What 's your name ?
(trg)="7"> Kako ti je ime ?

(src)="8"> Where are you from ?
(trg)="8"> Od kod si ?

(src)="9"> How old are you ?
(trg)="9"> Koliko si star ?

(src)="10"> What do you do ?
(trg)="10"> Kaj počneš ?

(src)="11"> Then we get more personal with it .
(trg)="11"> Potem postanemo bolj osebni .

(src)="12"> Have you ever had any diseases ?
(trg)="12"> Ali si kdaj imel kako bolezen ?

(src)="13"> Have you ever been divorced ?
(trg)="13"> Ali si se kdaj ločil ?

(src)="14"> Does your breath smell bad while you 're answering my interrogation right now ?
(trg)="14"> Ali ti med mojimi vprašanji smrdi iz ust ?

(src)="15"> What are you into ?
(trg)="15"> Kaj te zanima ?

(src)="16"> Who are you into ?
(trg)="16"> Kdo te zanima ?

(src)="17"> What gender do you like to sleep with ?
(trg)="17"> S katerim spolom imaš rad spolne odnose ?

(src)="18"> I get it .
(trg)="18"> Razumem .

(src)="19"> We are neurologically hardwired to seek out people like ourselves .
(trg)="19"> Nevrolško smo programirani , da iščemo ljudi podobne nam samim .

(src)="20"> We start forming cliques as soon as we 're old enough to know what acceptance feels like .
(trg)="20"> Skupine oblikujemo takoj , ko smo dovolj stari da vemo , kaj pomeni biti sprejet .

(src)="21"> We bond together based on anything that we can -- music preference , race , gender , the block that we grew up on .
(trg)="21"> Povežemo se na podlagi , česarkoli se lahko ; glasbenega okusa , rase , spola , ulice , kjer smo odrasli .

(src)="22"> We seek out environments that reinforce our personal choices .
(trg)="22"> Iščemo okolja , ki potrjujejo naše osebne odločitve .

(src)="23"> Sometimes , though , just the question " what do you do ? " can feel like somebody 's opening a tiny little box and asking you to squeeze yourself inside of it .
(trg)="23"> Včasih pa samo vprašanje " Kaj počneš ? "
(trg)="24"> lahko da občutek , da nekdo odpira majhno škatlico in te prosi , da se stisneš vanjo .

(src)="24"> Because the categories , I 've found , are too limiting .
(trg)="25"> Ugotovila sem namreč , da so te kategorije preveč omejujoče .

(src)="25"> The boxes are too narrow .
(trg)="26"> Škatle so premajhne .

(src)="26"> And this can get really dangerous .
(trg)="27"> In to je lahko zelo nevarno .

(src)="27"> So here 's a disclaimer about me , though , before we get too deep into this .
(trg)="28"> Najprej nekaj o meni preden zabredemo preveč globoko .

(src)="28"> I grew up in a very sheltered environment .
(trg)="29"> Odrasla sem v zelo varnem okolju .

(src)="29"> I was raised in downtown Manhattan in the early 1980s , two blocks from the epicenter of punk music .
(trg)="30"> Vzgojena sem bila v Manhattnu v zgodnjih 80- ih
(trg)="31"> le dve ulici stran od epicentra panka .

(src)="30"> I was shielded from the pains of bigotry and the social restrictions of a religiously- based upbringing .
(trg)="32"> Prihranjena mi je bila bolečina nazadnjaštva in socialnih omejitev , ki jih da verska vzgoja .

(src)="31"> Where I come from , if you weren 't a drag queen or a radical thinker or a performance artist of some kind , you were the weirdo .
(trg)="33"> Če pri nas nisi bil transvestit ali radikalec ali nekakšen umetnik , si bil ti čudak .

(src)="32"> ( Laughter )
(trg)="34"> ( smeh )

(src)="33"> It was an unorthodox upbringing , but as a kid on the streets of New York , you learn how to trust your own instincts , you learn how to go with your own ideas .
(trg)="35"> Bila je neobičajna vzgoja , a , če si otrok na ulicah New Yorka , se naučiš zaupati lastnim instinktom , naučiš se , kako se držati svojih idej .

(src)="34"> So when I was six , I decided that I wanted to be a boy .
(trg)="36"> Ko sem bila stara šest , sem se odločila , da hočem biti fantek .

(src)="35"> I went to school one day and the kids wouldn 't let me play basketball with them .
(trg)="37"> Nekega dne sem šla v šolo in otroci mi niso pustili , da bi z njimi igrala košarko .

(src)="36"> They said they wouldn 't let girls play .
(trg)="38"> Rekli so , da puncam ne pustijo .

(src)="37"> So I went home , and I shaved my head , and I came back the next day and I said , " I 'm a boy . "
(trg)="39"> Šla sem domov , si obrila glavo in naslednji dan prišla v šolo ter rekla :
(trg)="40"> " Fant sem . "

(src)="38"> I mean , who knows , right ?
(trg)="41"> Mislim , kdo ve , kajne ?

(src)="39"> When you 're six , maybe you can do that .
(trg)="42"> Morda lahko to storiš , ko si star šest let .

(src)="40"> I didn 't want anyone to know that I was a girl , and they didn 't .
(trg)="43"> Nisem hotela , da bi kdo vedel , da sem dekle , in niso .

(src)="41"> I kept up the charade for eight years .
(trg)="44"> To igrico sem nadaljevala osem let .

(src)="42"> So this is me when I was 11 .
(trg)="45"> To sem jaz , ko sem bila stara 11 .

(src)="43"> I was playing a kid named Walter in a movie called " Julian Po . "
(trg)="46"> Igrala sem fantka po imenu Walter v filmu z naslovom " Julian Po " .

(src)="44"> I was a little street tough that followed Christian Slater around and badgered him .
(trg)="47"> Bila sem mali ulični silak , ki je sledil naokrog in težil Christianu Slaterju .

(src)="45"> See , I was also a child actor , which doubled up the layers of the performance of my identity , because no one knew that I was actually a girl really playing a boy .
(trg)="48"> Bila sem tudi otroška igralka , kar je podvojilo možnosti igralske identitete , ker nihče ni vedel , da sem pravzaprav dekle , ki igra fanta .

(src)="46"> In fact , no one in my life knew that I was a girl -- not my teachers at school , not my friends , not the directors that I worked with .
(trg)="49"> Pravzaprav ni nihče v mojem življenje vedel , da sem dekle ; ne moji učitelji v šoli , ne moji prijatelji , ne direktorji , s katerimi sem delala .

(src)="47"> Kids would often come up to me in class and grab me by the throat to check for an Adam 's apple or grab my crotch to check what I was working with .
(trg)="50"> Otroci so pogosto prišli do mene v razredu in me zgrabili za grlo , da bi našli Adamovo jabolko , ali za mednožje , da bi videli , kaj imam tam spodaj .

(src)="48"> When I would go to the bathroom , I would turn my shoes around in the stalls so that it looked like I was peeing standing up .
(trg)="51"> Ko sem šla na stranišče , sem čevlje obrnila naokrog , da bi bilo videti , kot da lulam stoje .

(src)="49"> At sleepovers I would have panic attacks trying to break it to girls that they didn 't want to kiss me without outing myself .
(trg)="52"> Na pižama žurih sem imela napade panike , ko sem dekletom poskusila razložiti , da me nočejo poljubiti , ne da bi se izdala .

(src)="50"> It 's worth mentioning though that I didn 't hate my body or my genitalia .
(trg)="53"> Potrebno je omeniti , da nisem sovražila svojega telesa ali spolnih organov .

(src)="51"> I didn 't feel like I was in the wrong body .
(trg)="54"> Nisem se počutila , kot da sem v napačnem telesu .

(src)="52"> I felt like I was performing this elaborate act .
(trg)="55"> Počutila sem se , kot da sem izvajala zapleteno točko .

(src)="53"> I wouldn 't have qualified as transgender .
(trg)="56"> Ne bi rekla , da sem zamenjala spol .

(src)="54"> If my family , though , had been the kind of people to believe in therapy , they probably would have diagnosed me as something like gender dysmorphic and put me on hormones to stave off puberty .
(trg)="57"> Če bi moja družina verjela v terapijo , bi me verjetno diagnosticirali s telesno dismorfijo in mi dali hormone , da bi odložili puberteto .

(src)="55"> But in my particular case ,
(src)="56"> I just woke up one day when I was 14 , and I decided that I wanted to be a girl again .
(trg)="58"> V mojem primeru pa sem se nekega dne , ko mi je bilo 14 let , zbudila in se odločila , da želim zopet biti dekle .

(src)="57"> Puberty had hit , and I had no idea what being a girl meant , and I was ready to figure out who I actually was .
(trg)="59"> Začela se je puberteta in pojma nisem imela , kaj pomeni biti dekle , a pripravljena sem bila ugotoviti , kdo dejansko sem .

(src)="58"> When a kid behaves like I did , they don 't exactly have to come out , right ?
(trg)="60"> Ko se otrok vede , kot sem se jaz , jim ni treba priznati , kdo so , kajne ?

(src)="59"> No one is exactly shocked .
(trg)="61"> Pravzaprav ni nihče zares presenečen .

(src)="60"> ( Laughter )
(trg)="62"> ( smeh )

(src)="61"> But I wasn 't asked to define myself by my parents .
(trg)="63"> A moji starši niso zahtevali od mene , da se definiram .

(src)="62"> When I was 15 , and I called my father to tell him that I had fallen in love , it was the last thing on either of our minds to discuss what the consequences were of the fact that my first love was a girl .
(trg)="64"> Ko sem bila stara 15 , sem poklicala očeta , da bi mu povedala , da sem se zaljubila .
(trg)="65"> Zadnja stvar , ki jo je hotel katerikoli izmed nas , je bila razpravljati o posledicah , da je bila moja prva ljubezen dekle .

(src)="63"> Three years later , when I fell in love with a man , neither of my parents batted an eyelash either .
(trg)="66"> Ko sem se tri leta kasneje zaljubila v moškega , ni prav tako noben od mojih staršev bil šokiran .

(src)="64"> See , it 's one of the great blessings of my very unorthodox childhood that I wasn 't ever asked to define myself as any one thing at any point .
(trg)="67"> To je eden izmed najlepših delov mojega neobičajnega otroštva ; da nikoli niso zahtevali , da se definiram kot karkoli in to kadarkoli .

(src)="65"> I was just allowed to be me , growing and changing in every moment .
(trg)="68"> Dovolili so mi , da sem jaz , da neprestano rastem in se razvijam .

(src)="66"> So four , almost five years ago ,
(src)="67"> Proposition 8 , the great marriage equality debate , was raising a lot of dust around this country .
(trg)="69"> Štiri , skoraj pet let nazaj , se je zaradi predloga 8 in debate o enakovrednem zakonu dvignilo veliko prahu po tej državi .

(src)="68"> And at the time , getting married wasn 't really something
(src)="69"> I spent a lot of time thinking about .
(trg)="70"> Takrat poroka ni bila nekaj , o čemur bi veliko razmišljala .

(src)="70"> But I was struck by the fact that America , a country with such a tarnished civil rights record , could be repeating its mistakes so blatantly .
(trg)="71"> Presenetilo pa me je , da bi Amerika , država , ki ima tako zaznamovano zgodovino s človekovimi pravicami ,
(trg)="72"> lahko tako nesramno ponavljala svoje napake .

(src)="71"> And I remember watching the discussion on television and thinking how interesting it was that the separation of church and state was essentially drawing geographical boundaries throughout this country , between places where people believed in it and places where people didn 't .
(trg)="73"> Spomnim se , da sem na televiziji spremljala debato in razmišljala , kako zanimivo je , da je delitev cerkve in države po celi državi risala geografske meje med kraji , kjer so ljudje verjeli vanjo in kjer niso .

(src)="72"> And then , that this discussion was drawing geographical boundaries around me .
(trg)="74"> In še , da je ta razprava risala meje v moji okolici .

(src)="73"> If this was a war with two disparate sides ,
(src)="74"> I , by default , fell on team gay , because I certainly wasn 't 100 percent straight .
(trg)="75"> Če je bila to vojna med dvema različnima stranema , sem bila jaz jasno v gej ekipi , ker nisem bila 100- odstotno hetero .

(src)="75"> At the time I was just beginning to emerge from this eight- year personal identity crisis zigzag that saw me go from being a boy to being this awkward girl that looked like a boy in girl 's clothes to the opposite extreme of this super skimpy , over- compensating , boy- chasing girly- girl to finally just a hesitant exploration of what I actually was , a tomboyish girl who liked both boys and girls depending on the person .
(trg)="76"> Takrat sem ravno prihajala iz te osemletne krize identitete , v kateri sem se iz fanta spremenila v to nerodno dekle , ki je bilo v dekliških oblačilih videti kot fant , nato v popoln ekstrem pomanjkljivo oblečeno , preveč zavzeto , punčkasto dekle , ki je na lovu za fanti , in končno v obotavljivo raziskovanje pravega sebe ; fantovskega dekleta , ki so ji bili všeč tako fantje kot dekleta ; odvisno od osebe .

(src)="76"> I had spent a year photographing this new generation of girls , much like myself , who fell kind of between- the- lines -- girls who skateboarded but did it in lacy underwear , girls who had boys ' haircuts but wore girly nail polish , girls who had eyeshadow to match their scraped knees , girls who liked girls and boys who all liked boys and girls who all hated being boxed in to anything .
(trg)="77"> Eno leto sem fotografirala to novo generacijo deklet , ki so bile nekako med mejama ; dekleta s skejtbordi , ki nosijo čipkasto perilo , dekleta s fantovskimi pričeskami , a s punčkastim lakom za nothe dekleta , katerih ličenje se je ujemalo z opraskanimi koleni , dekleta , ki so jim všeč fantje in dekleta , in fantje , ki so jim všeč fantje in dekleta , ki so sovražili , da jih nekdo opredeljuje .

(src)="77"> I loved these people , and I admired their freedom , but I watched as the world outside of our utopian bubble exploded into these raging debates where pundits started likening our love to bestiality on national television .
(trg)="78"> Rada sem imela te ljudi , občudovala njihovo svobodo , a zunaj našega utopičnega mehurčka sem videla , kako so na svetu eksplodirale te divje debate , v katerih so kritiki na javni televiziji našo ljubezen enačili z bestialnostjo .

(src)="78"> And this powerful awareness rolled in over me that I was a minority , and in my own home country , based on one facet of my character .
(trg)="79"> In močno sem se zavedla , da sem v svoji domovini del manjšine zaradi ene plasti mojega karakterja .

(src)="79"> I was legally and indisputably a second- class citizen .
(trg)="80"> Zakonsko in neoporekljivo sem bila drugorazredni državljan .

(src)="80"> I was not an activist .
(trg)="81"> Nisem bila aktivistka .

(src)="81"> I wave no flags in my own life .
(trg)="82"> V življenju nisem nikoli mahala z zastavo .

(src)="82"> But I was plagued by this question :
(src)="83"> How could anyone vote to strip the rights of the vast variety of people that I knew based on one element of their character ?
(trg)="83"> A napadlo me je naslednje vprašanje : kako lahko kdorkoli glasuje za odvzem pravic velikim količinam ljudem , ki jih poznam , zaradi enega elementa njihove osebnosti ?

(src)="84"> How could they say that we as a group were not deserving of equal rights as somebody else ?
(trg)="84"> Kako lahko rečejo , da si mi kot skupina ne zaslužimo enakih pravic , kot kdorkoli drug ?

(src)="85"> Were we even a group ?
(trg)="85"> Ali smo sploh bili skupina ?

(src)="86"> What group ?
(trg)="86"> Katera skupina ?

(src)="87"> And had these people ever even consciously met a victim of their discrimination ?
(trg)="87"> In ali so te ljudje kadarkoli zavestno spoznali žrtev svoje diskriminacije ?

(src)="88"> Did they know who they were voting against and what the impact was ?
(trg)="88"> Ali so vedeli , proti komu glasujejo in kakšen je bil učinek ?

(src)="89"> And then it occurred to me , perhaps if they could look into the eyes of the people that they were casting into second- class citizenship it might make it harder for them to do .
(trg)="89"> In potem se mi je posvetilo , da bi morda , če bi lahko pogledali v oči tistih , ki so jih označili kot drugorazredne državljane , to otežilo stvari .

(src)="90"> It might give them pause .
(trg)="90"> Morda bi jih ustavilo .

(src)="91"> Obviously I couldn 't get 20 million people to the same dinner party , so I figured out a way where I could introduce them to each other photographically without any artifice , without any lighting , or without any manipulation of any kind on my part .
(trg)="91"> Jasno ne bi mogli na eno zabavo povabiti 20 milijonov ljudi , zato sem poiskala način , kako bi jih lahko predstavila drug drugemu s fotografijami , brez izumetničenosti , brez osvetljave , ali kakršnekoli manipulacije z moje strani .

(src)="92"> Because in a photograph you can examine a lion 's whiskers without the fear of him ripping your face off .
(trg)="92"> Ker lahko na fotografiji proučuješ levje brke , ne da bi te bilo strah , da te bo raztrgal .

(src)="93"> For me , photography is not just about exposing film , it 's about exposing the viewer to something new , a place they haven 't gone before , but most importantly , to people that they might be afraid of .
(trg)="93"> Zame fotografija ni le razvijanje filma , je izpostavljanje gledalca nečemu novemu , kraju , kjer še niso bili , a , kar je najbolj pomembno , ljudem , ki se jih morda bojijo .

(src)="94"> Life magazine introduced generations of people to distant , far- off cultures they never knew existed through pictures .
(trg)="94"> Revija Life je generacijam ljudi pokazala oddaljene kulture , za katere niso vedeli , da obstajajo , skozi fotografije .

(src)="95"> So I decided to make a series of very simple portraits , mugshots if you will .
(trg)="95"> Odločila sem se narediti serijo zelo preprostih portretov , kot nekakšne policijske fotografije .

(src)="96"> And I basically decided to photograph anyone in this country that was not 100 percent straight , which , if you don 't know , is a limitless number of people .
(trg)="96"> In odločila sem se , da bom fotografirala kogarkoli v tej državi , ki ni bil 100- odstotno hetero , kar , če ne veste , je nešteto ljudi .

(src)="97"> ( Laughter )
(trg)="97"> ( smeh )

(src)="98"> So this was a very large undertaking , and to do it we needed some help .
(trg)="98"> To je bil zelo velik podvig in , da bi ga izvedla , sem potrebovala pomoč .

(src)="99"> So I ran out in the freezing cold , and I photographed every single person that I knew that I could get to in February of about two years ago .
(trg)="99"> V peklenskem mrazu sem šla ven in fotografirala vsako osebo , za katero sem vedela , da bi jih lahko dobila februarja dve leti nazaj .

(src)="100"> And I took those photographs , and I went to the HRC and I asked them for some help .
(trg)="100"> Posnela sem fotografije in prosila za pomoč Kampanjo za človekove pravice .

(src)="101"> And they funded two weeks of shooting in New York .
(trg)="101"> Dali so sredstva za dvotedensko snemanje v New Yorku .

(src)="102"> And then we made this .
(trg)="102"> Naredili smo to .

(src)="103"> ( Music )
(trg)="103"> ( glasba )

(src)="104"> Video :
(trg)="104"> Video :

(src)="105"> I 'm iO Tillett Wright , and I 'm an artist born and raised in New York City .
(trg)="105"> Sem iO Tillett Wright in sem umetnica .
(trg)="106"> Rodila sem se in odrasla v New Yorku .