# en/0g613yeWAELN.xml.gz
# orm/0g613yeWAELN.xml.gz

(src)="1"> We need to calculate 9 . 005 minus 3 . 6 , or we could view it as 9 and 5 thousandths minus 3 and 6 tenths .
(trg)="1"> 9 . 005 hir 'isu 3 . 6 herreeguu qabna , ykn hin laalla akka 9 tuqa 5 hir 'isu 3 tuqa 3 tti .

(src)="2"> Whenever you do a subtracting decimals problem , the most important thing , and this is true when you 're adding decimals as well , is you have to line up the decimals .
(src)="3"> So this is 9 . 005 minus 3 . 6 .
(trg)="2"> Yeroo Lakkofsa tuqaa hir 'isu dha dalgdu hunda , wanti guddaan yeroo iddatullee , tuqaawwan wal jalatti tarreessuu qabda . marree kun , 9 . 005 hir 'isu 3 . 6 ti .

(src)="4"> So we 've lined up the decimals , and now we 're ready to subtract .
(src)="5"> Now we can subtract .
(src)="6"> So we start up here .
(trg)="3"> Marree waljalatti tarreessinee jirra amma . hir' isuuf . amma hir 'su ni dandeenna marree asitti eegalla .

(src)="7"> We have 5 minus nothing .
(src)="8"> You can imagine this 3 . 6 , or this 3 and 6 tenths .
(src)="9"> We could add two zeroes right here , and it would be the same thing as 3 and 600 thousandths , which is the same thing as 6 tenths .
(trg)="4"> 5 hir 'isu 0 qabna can akka 3 . 6 ykn ammoo akka 3 tuqa 6 tti laaluu dandeetta . asitti duwwaa lamaa dabali 3 fi 600ffaa( 3 . 600 ) , akkasitt yoo laaltu marree , hayyee , 5 hir 'isu 0 jetta 5 numa ta 'a . ykn yomaa achi yoo hin jirre shan afoo , 5 irraa duwwaa yoo fudhan shanumata ta 'a jechu 0 irra duwwaa yoo hir' isan , duwwama ta 'a . achin 0 hir 'isu 6 qabda 6 duwwaa irra hir 'isu hin dandeettu . waa asitti galtuu qabna wanti godhuuf deemnu , walitti makuu 1 , 9 irraa fudhachuudha deemna .

(src)="16"> We 're going to take one 1 from the 9 , so let 's do that .
(src)="17"> So let 's take one 1 from the 9 , so it becomes an 8 .
(trg)="5"> Hayyee , akkas haa goonu . marre 1 , 9 irraa haafuunu . achin 8 ta 'a .

(src)="18"> And we need to do something with that one 1 .
(src)="19"> We 're going to put it in the tenths place .
(trg)="6"> 1 saniin waa godhuu qabna . bakka kudhanii keenna

(src)="20"> Now remember , one whole is equal to 10 tenths .
(src)="21"> This is the tenths place .
(src)="22"> So then this will become 10 .
(trg)="7"> Amma yaadadhu kaa , 1 guutuu , 10 qita kun bakka kudhaniiti marree kun kudhan ta 'a

(src)="23"> Sometimes it 's taught that you 're borrowing the 1 , but you 're really taking it , and you 're actually taking 10 from the place to your left .
(trg)="8"> Akka waan ergifattuu fa 'a jedhanii barsiisan
(trg)="9"> Ima fodhatarta jechu , dhugatti 10 bitaa kee irraafudhataa jirta .

(src)="24"> So one whole is 10 tenths , we 're in the tenths place .
(src)="25"> So you have 10 minus 6 .
(src)="26"> Let me switch colors .
(trg)="10"> 1 guutuun , 10ffa , bakka kudhaffaa jirra marree 10 , hir 'isu 6 qabna . bifa haa jijjiiruu mee 10 hir 'isu 6 , 4 ta 'a . tuqa tee achuu qabda , achin 8 .

(src)="28"> You have your decimal right there , and then you have 8 minus 3 is 5 .
(src)="29"> So 9 . 005 minus 3 . 6 is 5 . 405 .
(trg)="11"> 8 hir 'isu 3 , 5 ta 'a . marree 9 . 005 hir 'isu 3 . 6 , 5 . 405 ti .

# en/26N1RyhPb9S4.xml.gz
# orm/26N1RyhPb9S4.xml.gz

# en/8MBXzYIXhlP5.xml.gz
# orm/8MBXzYIXhlP5.xml.gz

(src)="2"> Everything we 've been dealing with so far has just been with the individual atoms , but atoms bond .
(trg)="1"> Waneenn nuti hanga Amma Ilaala turre , atomoota mataa mataa isaanitin ture .

(src)="3"> Or another way of saying it is , they stick together .
(trg)="2"> Garuu atamoonni wal- qabatu yookin ammo walitti maxxananni waliin jiraatu .

(src)="4"> Because if atoms didn 't stick together , then we 'd all be essentially just a collection of atoms and this video wouldn 't be being produced .
(src)="5"> So atoms stick together and they form molecules .
(trg)="3"> Sababni isaatis , yoo atamoonni wal- qabatanii waliin kan hin jiraanne ta 'e , wantoonni nuti argaa jirru kuni hundi isaatu , adda adda bahee kopha kophaan jiraatu .