# en/0IipDVlgwp7u.xml.gz
# mt/0IipDVlgwp7u.xml.gz

(src)="1"> ( Applause )
(trg)="1"> ( iċ- ċapċap )

(src)="2"> ( Music ) ( Applause )
(trg)="2"> ( mużika ) ( iċ- ċapċap )

# en/1YWCVAJUiqNn.xml.gz
# mt/1YWCVAJUiqNn.xml.gz

(trg)="1"> L- Avventuri ta Holmes Sherlock minn

(trg)="2"> SIR Arthur Conan Doyle

(src)="3"> ADVENTURE I.
(trg)="3"> Avventura I .

(trg)="4"> Skandlu fil- Boemja

(src)="5"> I.
(trg)="5"> I .

(src)="6"> To Sherlock Holmes she is always THE woman .
(trg)="6"> To Sherlock Holmes hija dejjem il- mara .

(src)="7"> I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name .
(trg)="7"> I rari jinstemgħu lilu isemmu tagħha taħt kull isem ieħor .

(src)="8"> In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex .
(trg)="8"> Fl- għajnejn tiegħu hi eclipses u jippredomina
(trg)="9"> l- intier ta ´sess .

(src)="9"> It was not that he felt any emotion akin to
(src)="10"> love for Irene Adler .
(trg)="10"> Ma kienx li huwa ħass xi emozzjoni li jixbhu lil imħabba għall Irene Adler .

(src)="11"> All emotions , and that one particularly , were abhorrent to his cold , precise but admirably balanced mind .
(trg)="11"> L- emozzjonijiet , u li waħda partikolarment , kienu mistmella għall tiegħu kiesaħ , preċiża iżda admirably bilanċjat moħħ .

(src)="12"> He was , I take it , the most perfect reasoning and observing machine that the world has seen , but as a lover he would have placed himself in a false position .
(trg)="12"> Huwa kien , I jieħdu , l- aktar perfetta motivazzjoni u bħala magna tal tosserva li l - dinja rat , iżda bħala lover kien se jkunu qiegħdu lilu nnifsu f' pożizzjoni falza .

(src)="13"> He never spoke of the softer passions , save with a gibe and a sneer .
(trg)="13"> Hu qatt ma tkellem dwar il- passjonijiet artab , ħlief ma ta ´gibe u sneer .

(src)="14"> They were admirable things for the observer -- excellent for drawing the veil from men 's motives and actions .
(trg)="14"> Huma kienu affarijiet admirable għall - osservatur - eċċellenti għat- tfassil tal- velu mill- motivazzjonijiet irġiel u azzjonijiet .

(src)="15"> But for the trained reasoner to admit such intrusions into his own delicate and finely adjusted temperament was to introduce a distracting factor which might throw a doubt upon all his mental results .
(trg)="15"> Iżda għall- reasoner mħarrġa biex tammetti tali intrużjonijiet fl tiegħu stess delikat u fin temperament aġġustat kien li tiġi introdotta fattur li jista ´jaljena tarmi dubju fuq ir- riżultati kollha mentali tiegħu .

(src)="16"> Grit in a sensitive instrument , or a crack in one of his own high- power lenses , would not be more disturbing than a strong emotion in a nature such as his .
(trg)="16"> Naqal fi strument sensittivi , jew xaqq fil waħda mill- lentijiet tiegħu għoli ta ´enerġija tagħhom stess , se m' għandhomx ikunu aktar inkwetanti minn qawwi emozzjoni fil- natura tali tiegħu .

(src)="17"> And yet there was but one woman to him , and that woman was the late Irene Adler , of dubious and questionable memory .
(trg)="17"> U għadhom ma kien hemm iżda wieħed mara li lilu , u
(trg)="18"> li l- mara kienet l- Adler Irene late , ta ´ dubjużi u dubjuża memorja .

(src)="18"> I had seen little of Holmes lately .
(src)="19"> My marriage had drifted us away from each other .
(src)="20"> My own complete happiness , and the home - centred interests which rise up around the man who first finds himself master of his own establishment , were sufficient to absorb all my attention , while Holmes , who
(trg)="19"> I kienu raw ftit ta ´Holmes aħħar . żwieġ My kien injorat magħna bogħod minn kull oħra . kuntentizza komplet tiegħi stess , u l- dar - interessi ċċentrata li jogħlew sa madwar l - bniedem li l- ewwel isib ruħu kaptan ta ´dmirijietu istabbiliment stess , kienu suffiċjenti sabiex jassorbu l- attenzjoni tiegħi , filwaqt li Holmes , li

(src)="21"> loathed every form of society with his whole Bohemian soul , remained in our
(src)="22"> lodgings in Baker Street , buried among his old books , and alternating from week to week between cocaine and ambition , the drowsiness of the drug , and the fierce energy of his own keen nature .
(trg)="20"> loathed kull forma ta ´soċjetà bil tiegħu ruħ Bohemian sħiħ , baqgħu fil tagħna alloġġar fl Baker Street , midfun fost tiegħu kotba qodma , u l- alternanti minn ġimgħa għal ġimgħa bejn kokaina u l- ambizzjoni , il - ngħas tad- droga , u l- ħarxa enerġija ta ´natura ħerqana tiegħu stess .

(src)="23"> He was still , as ever , deeply attracted by the study of crime , and occupied his immense faculties and extraordinary powers of observation in following out those clues , and clearing up those mysteries which had been abandoned as hopeless by the official police .
(trg)="21"> Huwa kien għadu , bħal dejjem , profondament attirati mill -
(trg)="22"> l- istudju tal- kriminalità , u okkupati tiegħu fakultajiet enormi u setgħat straordinarji ta ´osservazzjoni fil ġejjin barra dawk ħjiel , u clearing up dawk misteri
(trg)="23"> li kien ġie abbandunat bħala bla tama mill - uffiċjali ta ´pulizija .

(src)="24"> From time to time I heard some vague account of his doings : of his summons to
(trg)="24"> Minn żmien għal żmien smajt xi vaga kont ta ´doings tiegħu : itazzjoni tiegħu li

(src)="25"> Odessa in the case of the Trepoff murder , of his clearing up of the singular tragedy of the Atkinson brothers at Trincomalee , and finally of the mission which he had accomplished so delicately and successfully for the reigning family of Holland .
(trg)="25"> Odessa fil- każ tal- qtil Trepoff , ta ´ikklerjar tiegħu sa tat- traġedja singular ta ´l- aħwa Atkinson fil Trincomalee , u finalment tal- missjoni li kellu jitwettqu sabiex delicately u b' suċċess għall- familja renjanti tal- Olanda .

(src)="26"> Beyond these signs of his activity , however , which I merely shared with all the readers of the daily press , I knew little of my former friend and companion .
(trg)="26"> Lil hinn minn dawn is- sinjali ta ´attività tiegħu , madankollu , li jiena sempliċement maqsuma ma ´l - qarrejja ta ´l- istampa ta´ kuljum , kont naf ftit tal- ħabib tiegħi ta ´qabel u l- ħbieb .

(src)="27"> One night -- it was on the twentieth of
(trg)="27"> Lejl wieħed - kien fuq l- għoxrin

(src)="28"> March , 1888 -- I was returning from a journey to a patient ( for I had now returned to civil practice ) , when my way led me through
(trg)="28"> Marzu , 1888 - I kien jirritorna mill- vjaġġ għal pazjent ( għal kelli issa rritornaw lejn prattika ċivili ) , meta tiegħi mod wasslitni permezz

(src)="29"> Baker Street .
(trg)="29"> Triq Baker .

(src)="30"> As I passed the well- remembered door , which must always be associated in my mind with my wooing , and with the dark incidents of the Study in Scarlet , I was seized with a keen desire to see Holmes again , and to know how he was employing his extraordinary powers .
(trg)="30"> Kif għaddiet il- bieb sew mfakkar , li għandhom dejjem ikunu assoċjati fil- fehma tiegħi ma ´ wooing tiegħi , u ma ´l- inċidenti skur ta´
(trg)="31"> l- Istudju fil Scarlet , I kien maqbuda bil - xewqa ħerqana biex tara Holmes mill- ġdid , u biex taf kif kien jimpjegaw tiegħu straordinarji setgħat . kmamar tiegħu kienu brilliantly mixgħula , u , anki

(src)="31"> His rooms were brilliantly lit , and , even as I looked up , I saw his tall , spare figure pass twice in a dark silhouette against the blind .
(trg)="32"> I kif sorveljata , rajt tiegħu tall , parts figura jgħaddu darbtejn fil siluwett dlam kontra l- għomja .

(src)="32"> He was pacing the room swiftly , eagerly , with his head sunk upon his chest and his hands clasped behind him .
(trg)="33"> Huwa kien mixi l- kamra malajr , eagerly , bir- ras tiegħu għereq fuq sidru u tiegħu idejn clasped warajh .

(src)="33"> To me , who knew his every mood and habit , his attitude and manner told their own story .
(trg)="34"> Lili , li kienu jafu kull burdata tiegħu u l- vizzju , attitudni tiegħu u l- mod told tagħhom stess istorja .

(src)="34"> He was at work again .
(trg)="35"> Hu kien fuq ix- xogħol ġdid .

(src)="35"> He had risen out of his drug- created dreams and was hot upon the scent of some new problem .
(trg)="36"> Huwa tela ´barra tal- ħolm- droga maħluqa tiegħu u kien sħun fuq il- riħa ta ´xi ġodda problema .

(src)="36"> I rang the bell and was shown up to the chamber which had formerly been in part my own .
(src)="37"> His manner was not effusive .
(trg)="37"> I daqqew il- qanpiena u kien muri sa l - kamra li kien diġà fil- parti tiegħi stess . mod tiegħu ma kienx effusive .

(src)="38"> It seldom was ; but he was glad , I think , to see me .
(trg)="38"> Huwa rari kien ; iżda kien ferħan , naħseb , li ara lili .

(src)="39"> With hardly a word spoken , but with a kindly eye , he waved me to an armchair , threw across his case of cigars , and indicated a spirit case and a gasogene in the corner .
(trg)="39"> Ma tantx kelma mitkellma , iżda bi ġentilment għajnejn , huwa xxejret me għal pultruna , threw madwar każ tiegħu ta ´sigarri , u indikat każ ispirtu u fil gasogene
(trg)="40"> - kantuniera .

(src)="40"> Then he stood before the fire and looked me over in his singular introspective fashion .
(trg)="41"> Imbagħad huwa kien qabel il- nar u ħarsu me fuq fil- moda introspective tiegħu singular .

(src)="41"> " Wedlock suits you , " he remarked .
(trg)="42"> " Żwieġ teħtieġ , " huwa irrimarka .

(src)="42"> " I think , Watson , that you have put on seven and a half pounds since I saw you . "
(trg)="43"> " Naħseb li , Watson , li inti għandek tpoġġi fuq seba ´liri u nofs peress rajt int . "

(src)="43"> " Seven ! "
(trg)="44"> " Seba ' ! "

(src)="44"> I answered .
(trg)="45"> I wieġeb .

(src)="45"> " Indeed , I should have thought a little more .
(trg)="46"> " Fil- fatt , I għandu jkollhom ħsieb ftit aktar .

(src)="46"> Just a trifle more , I fancy , Watson .
(trg)="47"> Just a Watson trifle aktar , I fancy , .

(src)="47"> And in practice again , I observe .
(trg)="48"> U fil- prattika mill- ġdid , nosserva .

(src)="48"> You did not tell me that you intended to go into harness . "
(trg)="49"> Inti ma tgħidli li inti maħsuba biex tmur fis- xedd . "

(src)="49"> " Then , how do you know ? "
(trg)="50"> " Imbagħad , kif tkun taf ? "

(src)="50"> " I see it , I deduce it .
(trg)="51"> " Nara dan , niddeduċi dan .

(src)="51"> How do I know that you have been getting yourself very wet lately , and that you have a most clumsy and careless servant girl ? "
(trg)="52"> Kif inkun naf li inti ġew jkollna
(trg)="53"> lilek innifsek imxarrab ħafna dan l- aħħar , u li inti għandek tfajla impjegat aktar clumsy u Ŝejjed ? "

(src)="52"> " My dear Holmes , " said I , " this is too much .
(trg)="54"> " Għeżież Holmes , " qal I , " dan huwa wisq ħafna .

(src)="53"> You would certainly have been burned , had you lived a few centuries ago .
(trg)="55"> Inti żgur li nħarqu , kienet inti għext ftit sekli ilu .

(src)="54"> It is true that I had a country walk on
(trg)="56"> Huwa veru li kelli walk pajjiż fuq

(src)="55"> Thursday and came home in a dreadful mess , but as I have changed my clothes I can 't imagine how you deduce it .
(trg)="57"> Ħamis u daħal dar fil- mess koroh , imma kif inbdilt ħwejjeġ tiegħi ma nistax jimmaġina kif inti dedott dan .

(src)="56"> As to Mary Jane , she is incorrigible , and my wife has given her notice , but there , again , I fail to see how you work it out . "
(trg)="58"> Fir- rigward Mary Jane , hija incorrigible , u marti jkun għamel notifika tagħha , imma hemm , darb 'oħra , ma narax kif inti taħdem out . "

(src)="57"> He chuckled to himself and rubbed his long , nervous hands together .
(trg)="59"> Huwa chuckled li lilu nnifsu u jintmesħu twila tiegħu , idejn nervuża flimkien .

(src)="58"> " It is simplicity itself , " said he ; " my eyes tell me that on the inside of your
(src)="59"> left shoe , just where the firelight strikes it , the leather is scored by six almost parallel cuts .
(trg)="60"> " Huwa sempliċità stess , " qal ; " tiegħi għajnejn tell me li fuq ġewwa tal tiegħek xellug taż- żraben , biss fejn il- firelight strajkijiet dan , il- ġilda huwa skorja minn sitt kważi qatgħat paralleli .

(src)="60"> Obviously they have been caused by someone who has very carelessly scraped round the edges of the sole in order to remove crusted mud from it .
(trg)="61"> Ovvjament dawn ikunu ġew ikkawżati minn xi ħadd
(trg)="62"> li ħafna bi traskuraġni mibruxa madwar il - truf tal- lingwata sabiex titneħħa crusted tajn minnha .

(src)="61"> Hence , you see , my double deduction that you had been out in vile weather , and that you had a particularly malignant boot - slitting specimen of the London slavey .
(trg)="63"> Għalhekk , tara , tnaqqis doppju tiegħi li inti kienu fl- temp Vile , u li kellek but partikolarment malinn - tqatta kampjun tal- slavey Londra .

(src)="62"> As to your practice , if a gentleman walks into my rooms smelling of iodoform , with a black mark of nitrate of silver upon his right forefinger , and a bulge on the right side of his top- hat to show where he has secreted his stethoscope , I must be dull , indeed , if I do not pronounce him to be an active member of the medical profession . "
(trg)="64"> Fir- prattika tiegħek , jekk gentleman mixjiet fi kmamar tiegħi jinxtammu ta iodoform , bil - marka sewda ta ´nitrat tal- fidda fuq tiegħu werrej dritt , u nefħa fuq il- lemin ġenb ta ´top- tiegħu hat biex turi fejn hu jkun sekretat stethoscope tiegħu , I għandhom ikunu matt , tabilħaqq , jekk jien ma jippronunzja lilu tkun membru attiv tal- professjoni medika . "

(src)="63"> I could not help laughing at the ease with which he explained his process of deduction .
(trg)="65"> I ma jista ´jgħin laughing fil- faċilità
(trg)="66"> li huwa spjega proċess tiegħu ta ´ tnaqqis .

(src)="64"> " When I hear you give your reasons , " I remarked , " the thing always appears to me to be so ridiculously simple that I could easily do it myself , though at each successive instance of your reasoning I am baffled until you explain your process .
(trg)="67"> " Meta Nisma inti tagħti r- raġunijiet tiegħek , " I irrimarka , " il- ħaġa dejjem jidhirli li
(trg)="68"> li jkun hekk ridiculously sempliċi I li jistgħu faċilment do myself , għalkemm f' kull eżempju suċċessivi ta ´raġunament tiegħek I am baffled sakemm inti tispjega proċess tiegħek .

(src)="65"> And yet I believe that my eyes are as good as yours . "
(trg)="69"> U għadhom Nemmen li l- għajnejn tiegħi huma tajbin bħal tiegħek . "

(src)="66"> " Quite so , " he answered , lighting a cigarette , and throwing himself down into an armchair .
(trg)="70"> " Anzi hekk , " hu wieġeb , dawl a tas- sigaretti , u tfigħ innifsu isfel fil pultruna .

(src)="67"> " You see , but you do not observe .
(trg)="71"> " You see , imma inti ma josservaw .

(src)="68"> The distinction is clear .
(trg)="72"> Id- distinzjoni hija ċara .

(src)="69"> For example , you have frequently seen the steps which lead up from the hall to this room . "
(trg)="73"> Per eżempju , inti għandek spiss raw l - passi li jwasslu sa mill- sala biex dan kamra . "

(src)="70"> " Frequently . "
(trg)="74"> " Spiss . "

(src)="71"> " How often ? "
(trg)="75"> " Kemm spiss ? "

(src)="72"> " Well , some hundreds of times . "
(trg)="76"> " Ukoll , xi mijiet ta ´drabi . "

(src)="73"> " Then how many are there ? "
(trg)="77"> " Imbagħad kemm hemm ? "

(src)="74"> " How many ?
(trg)="78"> " Kemm ?

(src)="75"> I don 't know . "
(trg)="79"> I do not know . "

(src)="76"> " Quite so !
(trg)="80"> " Anzi hekk !

(src)="77"> You have not observed .
(trg)="81"> Int ma osservati .

(src)="78"> And yet you have seen .
(trg)="82"> U għadhom rajt .

(src)="79"> That is just my point .
(trg)="83"> Dan huwa biss il- punt tiegħi .

(src)="80"> Now , I know that there are seventeen steps , because I have both seen and observed .
(trg)="84"> Issa , naf li hemm sbatax passi , għaliex jien kemm jidhru u osservati .

(src)="81"> By- the- way , since you are interested in these little problems , and since you are good enough to chronicle one or two of my trifling experiences , you may be interested in this . "
(trg)="85"> Permezz ta ´l- mod - , peress li inti interessat fil - dawn il- problemi ftit , u peress li inti tajba biżżejjed biex Chronicle wieħed jew tnejn ta tiegħi esperjenzi trifling , tista ´tkun interessat f' dan . "

(src)="82"> He threw over a sheet of thick , pink- tinted note- paper which had been lying open upon the table .
(trg)="86"> Huwa threw fuq folja ta ' , roża ħxuna ikkulurit
(trg)="87"> - Nota tal- karta li kienu ġew tinsab jinfetħu malli il- mejda .

(src)="83"> " It came by the last post , " said he .
(trg)="88"> " Huwa daħal mill- aħħar post , " qal .

(src)="84"> " Read it aloud . "
(trg)="89"> " Aqra dan b' leħen għoli . "

(src)="85"> The note was undated , and without either signature or address .
(trg)="90"> In- nota kienet datata , u mingħajr ma la firma jew l- indirizz .

(src)="86"> " There will call upon you to- night , at a quarter to eight o 'clock , " it said , " a gentleman who desires to consult you upon a matter of the very deepest moment .
(src)="87"> Your recent services to one of the royal houses of Europe have shown that you are one who may safely be trusted with matters which are of an importance which can hardly be exaggerated .
(trg)="91"> " Se jkun hemm jinterpellawk biex bil- lejl , fi 07 : 45 o' clock , " huwa qal , " a gentleman li jixtieq li tikkonsulta int fuq kwistjoni tal- mument ħafna aktar fonda . servizzi riċenti tiegħek għal waħda mill- rjali djar ta ´l- Ewropa wrew li inti wieħed li jista ´b' mod sikur jiġu fdati ma´ kwistjonijiet

(src)="88"> This account of you we have from all quarters received .
(trg)="93"> Dan il- kont tal inti għandna minn kull kwarti riċevuti .

(src)="89"> Be in your chamber then at that hour , and do not take it amiss if your visitor wear a mask . "
(trg)="94"> Be fil- kamra tiegħek imbagħad fuq dik is- siegħa , u ma jieħdux jekk amiss viżitatur tiegħek jilbsu maskra . "

(src)="90"> " This is indeed a mystery , " I remarked .
(trg)="95"> " Dan huwa tabilħaqq misteru , " I irrimarka .

(src)="91"> " What do you imagine that it means ? "
(trg)="96"> " What do timmaġina li dan ifisser ? "

(src)="92"> " I have no data yet .
(trg)="97"> " Għandi l- ebda dejta s' issa .

(src)="93"> It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data .
(trg)="98"> Huwa żball kapital theorize qabel wieħed għandu dejta .

(src)="94"> Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories , instead of theories to suit facts .
(trg)="99"> Insensibly wieħed jibda fatti twist teoriji suit , minflok ta ´teoriji li jixirqu fatti .

(src)="95"> But the note itself .
(trg)="100"> Iżda n- nota innifisha .

(src)="96"> What do you deduce from it ? "
(trg)="101"> What do you tiddeduċi minn dan ? "

(src)="97"> I carefully examined the writing , and the paper upon which it was written .
(trg)="102"> I eżaminati bir- reqqa l- kitba , u l - karta li fuqha kien miktub .

(src)="98"> " The man who wrote it was presumably well to do , " I remarked , endeavouring to imitate my companion 's processes .
(trg)="103"> " Il- bniedem li kiteb kien preżumibbilment ukoll tagħmel , " I irrimarka , jippruvaw jimitaw proċessi ħbieb tiegħi .

(src)="99"> " Such paper could not be bought under half a crown a packet .
(trg)="104"> " Karta bħal dawn ma setgħux jiġu mixtrija minn nofs kuruna packet .

(src)="100"> It is peculiarly strong and stiff . "
(trg)="105"> Huwa pekuljari qawwija u iebes . "

(src)="101"> " Peculiar -- that is the very word , " said
(trg)="106"> " Karatteristika partikolari - li hija l- kelma ħafna , " qal

(src)="102"> Holmes .
(trg)="107"> Holmes .

(src)="103"> " It is not an English paper at all .
(trg)="108"> " Din mhix karta Ingliż fil- livelli kollha .

(src)="104"> Hold it up to the light . "
(trg)="109"> Żomm dan sa l- dawl . "