# en/ayK87AbVILJn.xml.gz
# mo/ayK87AbVILJn.xml.gz

(src)="1"> On her shoulders her hair is flowing a river
(trg)="1"> Pi wumiri plietili- i curg rîu

(src)="2"> Graceful she is like a wheat ear
(trg)="2"> Mladii- i ca wun schic di grîu

(src)="3"> Her apron tucked at her waist
(trg)="3"> Cu șorțu niegru prins la șingatoari

(src)="4"> So dear I lose sight of her
(trg)="4"> Wo cherd din wochi di dragî

(src)="5"> When I see her , I get pale
(trg)="5"> Io cîn wo văd ma- ngalghiniesc

(src)="6"> And when I don 't , I get sick
(trg)="6"> Șî cîn n- wo văd ma- mbwolnajiesc

(src)="7"> And when others come to woo her
(trg)="7"> Șî cîn vin alțî di- o piățăsc

(src)="8"> Priests come to exorcise me
(trg)="8"> Vin pochi di ma dizliagî

(src)="9"> And when others come to woo her
(trg)="9"> Șî cîn vin alțî di- o piățăsc

(src)="10"> Priests come to exorcise me
(trg)="10"> Vin pochi di ma dizliagî

(src)="11"> Chatting in the road three hours pass
(trg)="11"> Di vorbî- n ulițî trii șiasuri triec

(src)="12"> She leaves , I pretend to
(trg)="12"> Ie pliacî , io ma fac cî pliec

(src)="13"> But I stay there and accompany her with my eyes as far as the horizon
(trg)="13"> Da șăd acwolu- șa ș- wo chitriec
(trg)="14"> Cu wochii cît îi zaria

(src)="14"> But I stay there and accompany her with my eyes as far as the horizon
(trg)="15"> Da șăd acwolu- șa ș- wo chitriec
(trg)="16"> Cu wochii cît îi zaria

(src)="15"> Let people tell me whatever they want
(trg)="17"> Sî- m dzîcî lumia cîti- o vre

(src)="16"> I love her and she is mine
(trg)="18"> Ni- i dragî nii șî- i a me

(src)="17"> Than separate from her
(trg)="19"> Dicît sî ma dispart di ie

(src)="18"> I 'd rather set the whole village on fire
(trg)="20"> Mai ghini- aprind tăt satu

(src)="19"> Than separate from her
(trg)="21"> Dicît sî ma dispart di ie

(src)="20"> I 'd rather set the whole village on fire
(trg)="22"> Mai ghini- aprind tăt satu