# en/dvmnkd83CJgI.xml.gz
# ff/dvmnkd83CJgI.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Teambox is an online collaboration software that can be hosted in the cloud or onsite that allows teams of any size to collaborate more efficiently , communicate with each other , share files and manage tasks .
(trg)="2"> Teambox ko topirde gollotiral e geese waawnde kadi hoɗneede e ruulde walla e nganndi ɓadiindi nawfowal gollotiral hakkunde goomuuji no mbaawi fotde kala e mabydi ɓurndi yuɓɓude , jokkondireede , wostondireede piille e yuɓɓinde golle .

(src)="2"> We 're fortunate enough to have customers all over the world and using HTML5 we know that we can deliver a consistent user experience to those customers anywhere they are , no matter what device they are using .
(trg)="3"> Amin njogii fartaŋŋe jogaade kiliyaneeɓe heewɓe e winndere ndee no diidorinoo kadi e huutoraade HTML5 amin nganndi amin mbaawi addande dawtol kuutoro cellungol fayde e ɓeen kiliyaneeɓe ɗo ɓe mbaawi wonde kala e kaɓirɗi ɓe mbaawi huutoraade kala .

(src)="3"> There is actually one customer that 's coming to mind called iBolt and they manufacture wireless accessories all over the world .
(trg)="4"> Won kiliyaan gooto mo ciiftorat- mi ena wiyee iBolt ko ɓe tafooɓe kakurleeje ɗe ɗe ngalaa ɓoggi e nder winndere ndee kala .

(src)="4"> All of them are on different devices , some of them are using phones some are on tablets , some are on the desktop , but we know that all of them have a consistent and great user experience using HTML5 and that gives us a lot of assurance as a software developer .
(trg)="5"> Kamɓe fof ɓe ngonnoo ko e kaɓirɗi ceertuɗi , won e maɓɓe ena kuutortonoo cinnde ɓeya ena kuutoroo taable , ɓeya ordinateeruuji , kono amin nganndi kamɓe fof eɓe njogii dawtol kuutoro cellungol e kuutorogol HTML5 tee ɗum ena hokka min semmbe mawɗo e ko min ngoni topyaɓe koo .

# en/jyvVXMAWEJ2J.xml.gz
# ff/jyvVXMAWEJ2J.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Patrick Otema is 15 years old .
(trg)="1"> ( Debbo Jaayndiyanke ) :
(trg)="2"> Patrick Otema ko mo duuɓi 15

(src)="2"> He was born deaf , but in this remote region of northern Uganda , there are no schools for deaf children .
(trg)="3"> O jibindina e pahu
(trg)="4"> E ngal diiwal weddiingal nder Ugandaa .

(src)="3"> In his whole life , Patrick 's never had a conversation .
(trg)="5"> Ekkol alanaa fayɓe pahooɓe ɓen .

(src)="4"> Hello , you good ?
(trg)="6"> Gila o heɓaa , o wowlaali .

(src)="5"> His father , Charles , looks after him .
(trg)="7"> Jam weeti , hiɗa e jam ?

(src)="6"> They are only able to communicate through very basic gestures .
(trg)="8"> Ben makko , Charles , hino dankitoomo .

(src)="7"> We 've been sitting here talking about Patrick in front of him , and while he 's been watching us , he doesn 't understand what we 're saying .
(trg)="9"> Ɓe yewtirtaa si wanaa ɓaaƴoragol .
(trg)="10"> Si mi yewtiriimo no mi yewtirta nii ,

(src)="8"> It feels almost rude , but this is what Patrick 's life is like all the time .
(trg)="11"> O faamataa .

(src)="9"> I 'm here with someone who wants to change all that .
(src)="10"> Raymond Okkelo is deaf himself and a sign language teacher .
(trg)="12"> Kono miɗo waawi ɓaaƴoraade mo nii mi fewtina mo hondu fii yo o ƴettu keri kin o fewra ka sarden .

(src)="11"> Do you think he could learn sign language ?
(trg)="13"> Men wowlaymo dow makko , tawa himo sutii men ,

(src)="12"> This is pretty much Patrick 's existence .
(trg)="14"> o faamataa ko men haalata .

(src)="13"> His father gestures to him what he wants him to do , and when he 's finished , he goes back to his hut to spend the rest of the day on his own .
(trg)="15"> Ɗum no nanndi e neetoriyaagal , kono ko nii Patrick woowiri .
(trg)="16"> Miɗo wondi e goɗɗo wayloowo ɗum .

(src)="14"> Patrick 's fate is not unusual .
(trg)="17"> Raymond Okkelo kadi ko paho , o jannay ɗum .

(src)="15"> The majority of deaf people in Sub- Saharan Africa have never been taught sign language .
(trg)="18"> O waaway ekkitaade siifugol ?
(trg)="19"> Miɗo tawƴinii ka mi jannirta mo newaare .

(src)="16"> Unable to communicate with others , they 're trapped in their own minds .
(trg)="20"> Ko nii mi wa' unoo .

(src)="17"> Raymond became deaf as a child after a bout of malaria .
(trg)="21"> Mi waawataano siifude , ko dogugol tun hula suuɗoo .

(src)="18"> Six months ago , he traveled to the capital for intensive training in sign language .
(trg)="22"> Ko nii ngurndam Patrick ɗam wa 'i :

(src)="19"> Now he 's returned to his village to do something unprecedented .
(trg)="23"> ben makko ñemmbanay mo ko o haani waɗde .

(src)="20"> He 's going to teach the first sign language course ever set up here .
(trg)="24"> No o gayniri , o yiltitoo ka togooru makko .

(src)="21"> Raymond , are you nervous ?
(trg)="25"> o yawtinira ñallal ngal weddagol .

(src)="22"> It 's 2 o 'clock , the first deaf students start turning up ...
(trg)="26"> Fodoore Patrick nden wonaa ko ɓolɗi

(src)="23"> .. and class begins .
(src)="24"> The course has already started , but Patrick hasn 't turned up yet .
(src)="25"> I 'm worried his father couldn 't convince him to leave home .
(trg)="27"> Koheewi e pahooɓe Afrik ɓen ekkitotaako siifugol . ɓe ronka feere yewtidugol e jamaa on .

(src)="26"> A few minutes later , Patrick arrives .
(trg)="28"> ko kamɓe kasi hoore- maɓɓe .

(src)="27"> Patrick 's transformation is amazing .
(trg)="29"> Raymond pahiɗu gila ko o nawni palii e entum .

(src)="28"> It 's almost impossible to believe it 's the same boy we met yesterday .
(trg)="30"> Duuɓi 6 nii , gila o setii ka saare mawnde

(src)="29"> New deaf students keep arriving .
(trg)="31"> fii janngugol gannde paho .

(src)="30"> Many have walked miles to be here .
(trg)="32"> Jooni non o artii waɗugol ko woowanooka :

(src)="31"> There 's a nine- year- old boy and an 80- year- old woman .
(trg)="33"> O jannginay fiinannde aranere nden e gannde paho ka nden diiwal !

(src)="32"> Before the end of the class , each new student goes to the front .
(trg)="34"> Raymond , hiɗa ɓiɗtii ?

(src)="33"> The class votes on a new name for them .
(trg)="35"> Oo 'oo , mi weltor ko ɓe ekkitotoo kon siifugol .

(src)="34"> This is now Patrick 's sign name , and he will use it for the rest of his life .
(trg)="36"> Ñallii , almuuɓe pahooɓe ɓe fuɗɗii arde ... fiinannde nden fuɗɗoo .

# en/n546OHa18daW.xml.gz
# ff/n546OHa18daW.xml.gz

(src)="1"> [ Music ]
(trg)="1"> Gaaci

(src)="2"> & gt ; & gt ; One word to describe cultural humility for me is love actually . & gt ; & gt ; If I had to encapsulate cultural humility , the whole concepts of cultural humility , it doesn 't do it justice , but the word that I think of is essence .
(trg)="2"> Kongol gootol fii sifagol yankinaare finaa- tawaa
(trg)="3"> E miijo am , ko giggol fewndo ɗoo
(trg)="4"> Si ko yo mi laɓɓin fii yankinaare finaa- tawaa

(src)="3"> [ Inaudible ]
(trg)="6"> [ Ko nanaaka ]

(src)="4"> & gt ; & gt ; Being . & gt ; & gt ; You . & gt ; & gt ; Opening . & gt ; & gt ; Receive . & gt ; & gt ; Compassion . & gt ; & gt ; Love . & gt ; & gt ; The principles of cultural humility offer one more framework to contribute to what has got to be our ultimate goal , yes .
(trg)="7"> & gt ; & gt; Wonugol . & gt ; & gt; An . & gt ; & gt; Finugol & gt ; & gt; Jaɓɓagol . & gt ; & gt; Yurmeende & gt ; & gt; Giggol & gt ; & gt; Tugalaale yankinaare finaa- tawaa ɗen okkay ko ɓuri & gt ; & gt; dankitagol ngam wallitoo e ko waɗi tawee e faadaare men haɗtude , eyyo .

(src)="5"> Our ultimate goal is that there will be a sense of equity , a sense of equality and a kind of respect that we are driving forward .
(src)="6"> [ Music ]
(trg)="8"> Faandaare men nden ko tawde okka maanaa ka yerondiral e teddungal ko ɗum ɗaɓɓe- ten yeeso [ Gaaci ]

(src)="7"> & gt ; & gt ; Cultural humility is a multidimensional concept .
(trg)="9"> & gt ; & gt; Yankinaare finaa- tawaa hino ɗuuɗi firooji .

(src)="8"> And certainly Melanie Tervalon and I conceptualized three dimensions . & gt ; & gt ; The first is lifelong learning and critical self - reflection .
(trg)="10"> Ee pellet Melanie Tervalon ɗoo
(trg)="11"> Firidii e am nooneeji tawi . & gt ; & gt; Aranun ɗum ko ganndal jokkondirgal reft felugol heere- mun ko ngol felugol hoore- mun woni anndugol no wawɗen , maande gooto kala e men ,

(src)="9"> And in that critical self- reflection it is the understanding of how each of us , every singe one of us , is a complicated , multidimensional human being .
(trg)="12"> Fii neɗɗo on hino jilɓi

(src)="10"> Each of us comes with our own histories and stories , our heritage , our point of view .
(trg)="13"> Gooto kala e men arday e taariikaaji men , ko ronu- ɗen , faamu men

(src)="11"> You are looking at me now .
(trg)="14"> Hiɗa ndaara lam nii

(src)="12"> I am very fair skinned .
(trg)="15"> Lam jalbi tal .

(src)="13"> When I was a little girl my hair was blond .
(trg)="16"> Ko mi jiwɗunoo hari cukulli am ɗin no netiɗi .

(src)="14"> My eyes are blue .
(trg)="17"> Gite am ɗen ko mbule .

(src)="15"> People often tried to call me anything but African- American .
(trg)="18"> Tuma kala jamaa on noddiray lam ko faalaa kono Afrik- Ameriknaao

(src)="16"> I have a history .
(trg)="19"> Lam mari taariika .

(src)="17"> My identity is rooted in that history .
(trg)="20"> Dantite am on no notaa e on taariikaa .

(src)="18"> My parents gave me the knowledge of my own social identity , and my own experience in life has created that .
(trg)="21"> Mawɓe am okkii lam faamu renndo dandite am kadi ko yangodal am ngal ka ngurndam waɗi ɗum

(src)="19"> I get to say who I am . & gt ; & gt ; The second tenet after self- reflection and ongoing lifelong learning and development is this notion that we must mitigate the power imbalances , to recognize and mitigate the power imbalances that are inherent often in our clinician patient or clinician client for service provider community dynamics . & gt ; & gt ; And then finally the piece that I would offer that Jann and I feel people often either don 't read or don 't like .
(src)="20"> And the institution has to model these principles as well .
(src)="21"> [ Music ]
(trg)="22"> Miɗo mari ka mi wi 'a hombo woni lam . & gt ; & gt; Ko hikki ɗon ɓaawo felugol hooremun ko eltal jokkondirngal e ɓamtugol oo maanaa sabu e haanii ɗuytude senngiɗugol bawɗe , yananee kadi ɗuytugol doole bawɗe ɗe en dañiraa ñawndooɓe en maa ɗum