# en/0BhMynRdRIk6.xml.gz
# eu/0BhMynRdRIk6.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Well , you done , done me and you bet I felt it
(src)="2"> I tried to be chill but you 're so hot that I melted
(trg)="1"> İşte başardın beni kendine aşık ettin Senden soğumaya çalıştım ama sıcaklığın beni eritti

(src)="3"> I fell right through the cracks
(src)="4"> And now I 'm trying to get back
(src)="5"> Before the cool done run out I 'll be giving it my bestest
(trg)="2"> Unutulmustum ama simdi geri dönmeye çalışıyorum yapabileceğim en iyisini yapacaım ve beni ilahi bir güç dışında hiçbirşey durduramaz

(src)="7"> I reckon it to get my turn
(src)="8"> To win some or learn some
(src)="9"> But I won 't hesitate no more , no more
(trg)="3"> Kazanma ve öğrenme sırası artık benim .

# en/0IipDVlgwp7u.xml.gz
# eu/0IipDVlgwp7u.xml.gz

(src)="1"> ( Applause )
(trg)="1"> ( Txaloak )

(src)="2"> ( Music ) ( Applause )
(trg)="2"> ( Musika ) ( Txaloak )

# en/0Io0iVUI61lG.xml.gz
# eu/0Io0iVUI61lG.xml.gz

(src)="1"> As someone who has spent his entire career trying to be invisible standing in front of an audience is a cross between an out- of- body experience and a deer caught in the headlights , so please forgive me for violating one of the TED commandments by relying on words on paper , and I only hope I 'm not struck by lightning bolts before I 'm done .
(trg)="1"> Bere bizitza profesional osoan zehar ikustezina izaten ahalegindu den norbaitentzat jendaurrean agertzea gorputzaz kanpoko esperientzia baten eta faroen argiek itsututako oreinak sentitzen duenaren arteko zerbaiten antzekoa da , beraz , barkaidazue TEDen aginduetako bat haustea paperean idatzitako hitzetaz fidatuz .
(trg)="2"> Soilik bukatu baino lehen tximista batek harrapa ez nazan espero dut .

(src)="2"> I 'd like to begin by talking about some of the ideas that motivated me to become a documentary photographer .
(trg)="3"> Argazkilari dokumentala izatera bultzatu ninduten ideietako batzuei buruz mintzatuz hasi nahiko nuke .

(src)="3"> I was a student in the '60s , a time of social upheaval and questioning , and on a personal level , an awakening sense of idealism .
(trg)="4"> Ikaslea nintzen 60ko hamarkadan , gizarte- asaldura eta eztabaiden garai batean eta , pertsonal mailan , idealismo sentimendu baten hasiera .

(src)="4"> The war in Vietnam was raging ; the Civil Rights Movement was under way ; and pictures had a powerful influence on me .
(trg)="5"> Vietnamgo gerra goren mailan zegoen ; eskubide zibilen aldeko mugimendua abian zen ; eta irudiek eragin bizia zeukaten nigan .

(src)="5"> Our political and military leaders were telling us one thing , and photographers were telling us another .
(trg)="6"> Gure buruzagi politiko eta militarrek gauza bat esaten ziguten eta argazkilariek beste bat .

(src)="6"> I believed the photographers , and so did millions of other Americans .
(trg)="7"> Nik argazkilariengan sinesten nuen , beste miloika estatubatuarrek bezala .

(src)="7"> Their images fueled resistance to the war and to racism .
(trg)="8"> Euren irudiek gerra eta arrazakeriaren aurkako erresistentzia suspertu zuten .

(src)="8"> They not only recorded history ; they helped change the course of history .
(trg)="9"> Ez zuten historia erregistratu soilik ; historia aldatzen lagundu zuten .

(src)="9"> Their pictures became part of our collective consciousness and , as consciousness evolved into a shared sense of conscience , change became not only possible , but inevitable .
(src)="10"> I saw that the free flow of information represented by journalism , specifically visual journalism , can bring into focus both the benefits and the cost of political policies .
(trg)="10"> Euren argazkiak gure kontzientzia kolektiboaren parte bihurtu ziren , eta , kontzientzia hau bateratua izatera pasa zenean , aldaketa ez zen soilik posible bihurtu , ezinbestekoa baizik . konturatu nintzen kazetaritzak dakarren informazio askearen jarioak , bereziki argazki kazetaritzak , erabaki politikoen onurak zein ondorioak nabarmendu ditzakela .

(src)="11"> It can give credit to sound decision- making , adding momentum to success .
(trg)="11"> Erabaki onuragarriei sinesgarritasuna eman diezaieke , euren arrakasta bultzatuz .

(src)="12"> In the face of poor political judgment or political inaction , it becomes a kind of intervention , assessing the damage and asking us to reassess our behavior .
(trg)="12"> Erabaki politiko txar edo geldotasun politikoaren aurrean , bitartekotza batean bilakatzen da , kalteen berri emanez eta gure jokaera berrazter dezagun eskatuz .

(src)="13"> It puts a human face on issues which from afar can appear abstract or ideological or monumental in their global impact .
(trg)="13"> Giza aurpegi jartzen die , urrunetik , euren inpaktu globalean , abstraktuak , ideologikoak edo monumentalak diruditen arazoei .

(src)="14"> What happens at ground level , far from the halls of power , happens to ordinary citizens one by one .
(trg)="14"> Oinarrian gertatzen dena , boterearen korridoreetatik urrun , herritar arrunt orori gertatzen zaie .

(src)="15"> And I understood that documentary photography has the ability to interpret events from their point of view .
(trg)="15"> Eta ulertu nuen argazkilaritza dokumentalak gertakizunak euren ikuspegitik interpretatzeko gaitasuna duela .

(src)="16"> It gives a voice to those who otherwise would not have a voice .
(trg)="16"> Hitza ematen die bestela hitzik edukiko ez luketen horiei .

(src)="17"> And as a reaction , it stimulates public opinion and gives impetus to public debate , thereby preventing the interested parties from totally controlling the agenda , much as they would like to .
(trg)="17"> Eta , ondorioz , iritzi publikoa suspertzen du eta jendarteko eztabaidari bultzada ematen dio , horrela , interesdunek agenda guztiz kontrola dezaten eragotziz , haiek horixe lortzea nahiko luketen arren .

(src)="18"> Coming of age in those days made real the concept that the free flow of information is absolutely vital for a free and dynamic society to function properly .
(trg)="18"> Garai hoietan heltzeak egiazko egin zuen gizarte aske eta dinamiko batek behar bezala funtzionatzeko informazio askearen jarioa guztiz beharrrezkoa duenaren kontzeptua .

(src)="19"> The press is certainly a business , and in order to survive it must be a successful business , but the right balance must be found between marketing considerations and journalistic responsibility .
(trg)="19"> Prentsa , zalantzarik gabe , negozio bat da , eta bizirauteko negozio arrakastatsua izan beharra dauka , baina oreka egokia aurkitu behar da marketin kontuen eta kazetaritza- erantzukizunen artean .

(src)="20"> Society 's problems can 't be solved until they 're identified .
(trg)="20"> Gizartearen arazoak ezin daitezke konpondu identifikatuak izan diren arte .

(src)="21"> On a higher plane , the press is a service industry , and the service it provides is awareness .
(trg)="21"> Maila gorenago batean , prentsa zerbitzu industria bat da , eta eskaintzen duen zerbitzua kontzientziazioa da .

(src)="22"> Every story does not have to sell something .
(trg)="22"> Istorio guztiek ez dute zertan zerbait saldu behar .

(src)="23"> There 's also a time to give .
(trg)="23"> Emateko garai bat ere badago .

(src)="24"> That was a tradition I wanted to follow .
(trg)="24"> Hau da nik jarraitu nahi nuen tradizioa .

(src)="25"> Seeing the war created such incredibly high stakes for everyone involved and that visual journalism could actually become a factor in conflict resolution --
(src)="26"> I wanted to be a photographer in order to be a war photographer .
(trg)="25"> Gerrak bertan zeudenei eragiten zizkien arrisku izugarriak ikusita eta argazki kazetaritza gatazkak konpontzeko tresna bat izan zitekeela jakinda , argazkilari izan nahi nuen gerra- argazkilari izan ahal izateko .

(src)="27"> But I was driven by an inherent sense that a picture that revealed the true face of war would almost by definition be an anti- war photograph .
(trg)="26"> Baina berezkoa nuen sentimendu batek gidatzen ninduen gerraren benetazko aurpegia ezagutzera ematen zuen argazki bat , ia definizioz , gerraren aurkako argazki bat izango zela , alegia .

(src)="28"> I 'd like to take you on a visual journey through some of the events and issues I 've been involved in over the past 25 years .
(trg)="27"> Azken 25 urteetan sartua egon naizen gertakizunen eta gatazken zeharreko ikus- bidaia batera eraman nahi zintuzketet .

(src)="29"> In 1981 , I went to Northern Ireland .
(trg)="28"> 1981ean , Ipar Irlandara joan nintzen .

(src)="30"> 10 IRA prisoners were in the process of starving themselves to death in protest against conditions in jail .
(trg)="29"> IRAko hamar preso , kartzela baldintzen aurkako gose- greba baten ondorioz hiltzear zeuden .

(src)="31"> The reaction on the streets was violent confrontation .
(trg)="30"> Erantzun gisa , kaleetan istilu larriak izan ziren .

(src)="32"> I saw that the front lines of contemporary wars are not on isolated battlefields , but right where people live .
(trg)="31"> Ikusi nuen gaur egungo gerrak ez direla urrutiko gudu- zelaietan borrokatzen , jendea bizi den lekuetan baizik .

(src)="33"> During the early '80s , I spent a lot of time in Central America , which was engulfed by civil wars that straddled the ideological divide of the Cold War .
(trg)="32"> 80ko hamarkadaren hasieran zehar , denbora luzea pasa nuen Erdialdeko Amerikan , zeina Gerra Hotzaren zatiketa ideologikoa
(trg)="33"> lausotzen zuen gerra zibiletan murgilduta zegoen .

(src)="34"> In Guatemala , the central government -- controlled by a oligarchy of European decent -- was waging a scorched Earth campaign against an indigenous rebellion , and I saw an image that reflected the history of Latin America : conquest through a combination of the Bible and the sword .
(trg)="34"> Guatemalan , gobernu zentralak
(trg)="35"> -- europarren ondorengo zen oligarkia baten menpe zegoena --
(trg)="36"> lur kiskaliaren taktika hasia zuen matxinada indigena baten aurka , eta Latinoamerikaren historia islatzen zuen irudi bat ikusi nuen :

(src)="35"> An anti- Sandinista guerrilla was mortally wounded as Commander Zero attacked a town in Southern Nicaragua .
(trg)="38"> Sandinisten aurkako gerrillari bat larriki zauritua izan zen
(trg)="39"> Zero Komandantea Nikaragua hegoaldeko herri bat erasotzen ari zela .

(src)="36"> A destroyed tank belonging to Somoza 's national guard was left as a monument in a park in Managua , and was transformed by the energy and spirit of a child .
(trg)="40"> Somozaren Guardia Nazionalaren tanke suntsitu bat monumentu gisa utzi zuten Managuako parke batean , eta ume baten energiak eta izpirituak transformatu egin zuen .

(src)="37"> At the same time , a civil war was taking place in El Salvador , and again , the civilian population was caught up in the conflict .
(trg)="41"> Aldi berean , gerra zibila zegoen El Salvadorren , eta , berriro , populazio zibilak gatazkaren erdian aurkitu zuen bere burua .

(src)="38"> I 've been covering the Palestinian- Israeli conflict since 1981 .
(trg)="42"> Palestinarren eta israeldarren arteko gatazkari buruz berri eman dut 1981etik .

(src)="39"> This is a moment from the beginning of the second intifada , in 2000 , when it was still stones and Molotovs against an army .
(trg)="43"> Hau bigarren intifadaren hasierako une bat da , 2000n , noiz harriak eta molotovak zeuden oraindik armada baten kontra .

(src)="40"> In 2001 , the uprising escalated into an armed conflict , and one of the major incidents was the destruction of the Palestinian refugee camp in the West Bank town of Jenin .
(trg)="44"> 2001ean , altxamendua borroka armatu bihurtu zen , eta gertakari larrienetariko bat errefuxiatu palestinarren kanpalekuaren suntsipena izan zen ,
(trg)="45"> Zisjordaniako Jenin herrian .

(src)="41"> Without the political will to find common ground , the continual friction of tactic and counter- tactic only creates suspicion and hatred and vengeance , and perpetuates the cycle of violence .
(trg)="46"> Oinarrizko adostasun bat lortzeko borondate politikorik gabe , taktikaren eta kontrataktikaren tirabira etengabeak susmo txarra , gorrotoa eta mendekua dakartza soilik , eta indarkeriaren zikloa betikotzen du .

(src)="42"> In the '90s , after the breakup of the Soviet Union ,
(trg)="47"> 90eko hamarkadan , Sobietar Batasuna desegin eta gero ,

(src)="43"> Yugoslavia fractured along ethnic fault lines , and civil war broke out between Bosnia , Croatia and Serbia .
(trg)="48"> Jugoslavia faila- lerro etnikoetan zehar puskatu eta gerra zibila piztu zen
(trg)="49"> Bosnia , Kroazia eta Serbiaren artean .

(src)="44"> This is a scene of house- to- house fighting in Mostar , neighbor against neighbor .
(trg)="50"> Hau etxez etxeko borrokaren une bat da , Mostarren , auzotarrak auzotarren aurka .

(src)="45"> A bedroom , the place where people share intimacy , where life itself is conceived , became a battlefield .
(trg)="51"> Logela bat , jendeak une intimoak igarotzen dituen tokia , non bizitza bera sortzen den , gudu- zelai bihurtu zen .

(src)="46"> A mosque in northern Bosnia was destroyed by Serbian artillery and was used as a makeshift morgue .
(trg)="52"> Serbiar artilleriak Bosnia iparraldeko mezkita bat suntsitu zuen eta gorputegi inprobisatu bezala erabili zuten .

(src)="47"> Dead Serbian soldiers were collected after a battle and used as barter for the return of prisoners or Bosnian soldiers killed in action .
(trg)="53"> Hildako serbiar soldaduak jaso zituzten bataila baten ondoren eta truke gisa erabili zituzten bosniar presoen edo gudan hildako bosniar soldaduen truke .

(src)="48"> This was once a park .
(trg)="54"> Hau parke bat izan zen behin .

(src)="49"> The Bosnian soldier who guided me told me that all of his friends were there now .
(trg)="55"> Gidatzen ninduen soldadu bosniarrak esan zidan bere lagun guztiak bertan zeudela orain .

(src)="50"> At the same time in South Africa , after Nelson Mandela had been released from prison , the black population commenced the final phase of liberation from apartheid .
(trg)="56"> Aldi berean , Hegoafrikan ,
(trg)="57"> Nelson Mandela espetxetik atera eta gero , biztanleria beltzak apartheid- etik askatzeko azken fasea hasi zuen .

(src)="51"> One of the things I had to learn as a journalist was what to do with my anger .
(trg)="58"> Kazetari bezala ikasi behar izan nuen gauzetariko bat nire amorruarekin zer egin izan zen .

(src)="52"> I had to use it , channel its energy , turn it into something that would clarify my vision , instead of clouding it .
(trg)="59"> Erabili beharra nuen , bere energia bideratu , nire ikusmena itsutu beharrean argituko zuen zerbaitean bihurtu .

(src)="53"> In Transkei , I witnessed a rite of passage into manhood , of the Xhosa tribe .
(trg)="60"> Transkein , Xhosa tribuaren heldutasunerako pasabide- erritu baten lekuko izan nintzen .

(src)="54"> Teenage boys lived in isolation , their bodies covered with white clay .
(trg)="61"> Gazteak isolaturik bizi ziren , gorputzak buztin zuriz estalita zituztela .

(src)="55"> After several weeks , they washed off the white and took on the full responsibilities of men .
(trg)="62"> Aste batzuk geroago , zuria garbitu eta gizonen erantzukizun guztiak hartu zituzten euren gain .

(src)="56"> It was a very old ritual that seemed symbolic of the political struggle that was changing the face of South Africa .
(trg)="63"> Hegoafrikako aurpegia aldatzen ari zen borroka politikoaren ikur zirudien erritual zaharra zen .

(src)="57"> Children in Soweto playing on a trampoline .
(trg)="64"> Soweton , umeak tranpolin batean jolasean .

(src)="58"> Elsewhere in Africa there was famine .
(trg)="65"> Afrikako beste toki batzuetan gosetea zegoen .

(src)="59"> In Somalia , the central government collapsed and clan warfare broke out .
(trg)="66"> Somalian , gobernu zentrala kolapsatu eta klanen arteko gerra piztu zen .

(src)="60"> Farmers were driven off their land , and crops and livestock were destroyed or stolen .
(trg)="67"> Nekazariak euren lurretatik bota zituzten eta uztak eta abereak suntsituak edo lapurtuak izan ziren .