# efi/V7IJAXMRMUc9.xml.gz
# sq/V7IJAXMRMUc9.xml.gz

(src)="1"> C' est la Brigade du Tigre !
(trg)="1"> C' est la Brigade du Tigre !

(src)="2"> Mes amis , réveillons nous , assez différence , c' est la guerre !
(trg)="2"> Mes amis , réveillons nous , assez différence , c' est la guerre !

(src)="3"> La guerre de défense contre la misčre , qui attaque l' univers totale des hommes .
(trg)="3"> La guerre de défense contre la misère , qui attaque l' univers totale des hommes .

(src)="4"> En Europe le savez- vous , 40 millions de personnes , vivent en dessous du seuil de la pauvreté .
(trg)="4"> En Europe le savez- vous , 40 millions de personnes , vivent en dessous du seuil de la pauvreté .

(src)="5"> Dans les banlieues , dans les cités de nos grandes villes , des générations de jeunes sont laissés ŕ l' abandon sans espoir de logements , sans projet , sans avenir
(trg)="5"> Dans les banlieues , dans les cités de nos grandes villes , des générations de jeunes sont laissés à l' abandon sans espoir de logements , sans projet , sans avenir

(src)="6"> Est- ce qu 'il faut attendre des catastrophes bien visibles , bien filmées , pour enfin se mobiliser .
(trg)="6"> Est- ce qu 'il faut attendre des catastrophes bien visibles , bien filmées , pour enfin se mobiliser .

(src)="7"> [ Texte ] ŕ suivre
(trg)="7"> [ Texte ] à suivre

# efi/cWWxtJRNOPBi.xml.gz
# sq/cWWxtJRNOPBi.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Downloaded From www . AllSubs . org
(trg)="1"> Downloaded From www . AllSubs . org

(src)="2"> Episode 6 The Anchor is stuck
(trg)="2"> Episode 6 The Anchor is stuck

(src)="3"> Come here !
(trg)="3"> Come here !

(src)="4"> Come here , please !
(trg)="4"> Come here , please !

(src)="5"> We 'll make a nice photo of you !
(trg)="5"> We 'll make a nice photo of you !

(src)="6"> Yes , like this .
(trg)="6"> Yes , like this .

(src)="7"> You stay here , don 't move .
(trg)="7"> You stay here , don 't move .

(src)="8"> With the door behind you .
(trg)="8"> With the door behind you .

(src)="9"> Stand up .
(trg)="9"> Stand up .

(src)="10"> You sit down .
(trg)="10"> You sit down .

(src)="11"> Come .
(trg)="11"> Come .

(src)="12"> The dog goes here .
(trg)="12"> The dog goes here .

(src)="13"> You sit down on the steps .
(trg)="13"> You sit down on the steps .

(src)="14"> Come , miss !
(trg)="14"> Come , miss !

(src)="15"> Here , at his side .
(trg)="15"> Here , at his side .

(src)="16"> And the father , beside her .
(trg)="16"> And the father , beside her .

(src)="17"> That 's good .
(trg)="17"> That 's good .

(src)="18"> A little to the left .
(trg)="18"> A little to the left .

(src)="19"> That 's good .
(trg)="19"> That 's good .

(src)="20"> Don 't move .
(trg)="20"> Don 't move .

(src)="21"> Attention !
(trg)="21"> Attention !

(src)="22"> No , no , no !
(trg)="22"> No , no , no !

(src)="23"> Like this .
(trg)="23"> Like this .

(src)="24"> Now it 's good .
(trg)="24"> Now it 's good .

(src)="25"> Attention !
(trg)="25"> Attention !

(src)="26"> Don 't move !
(trg)="26"> Don 't move !

(src)="27"> Say cheese !
(trg)="27"> Say cheese !

(src)="28"> To ´Speranta´s triumph !
(trg)="28"> To ´Speranta´s triumph !

(src)="29"> Yes .
(trg)="29"> Yes .

(src)="30"> Let 's drink for our hopes .
(trg)="30"> Let 's drink for our hopes .

(src)="31"> Cheers !
(trg)="31"> Cheers !

(src)="32"> This soup is buiabes .
(trg)="32"> This soup is buiabes .

(src)="33"> Ismail knows how to do it better !
(trg)="33"> Ismail knows how to do it better !

(src)="34"> You take 20 pounds of fish and boil it in white wine , not in water !
(trg)="34"> You take 20 pounds of fish and boil it in white wine , not in water !

(src)="35"> Then you take a lot of garlic .
(trg)="35"> Then you take a lot of garlic .

(src)="36"> A lot !
(trg)="36"> A lot !

(src)="37"> Then saffron and red tomatoes and olive oil .
(trg)="37"> Then saffron and red tomatoes and olive oil .

(src)="38"> It 's a delicacy !
(trg)="38"> It 's a delicacy !

(src)="39"> Why don 't you tell me what happened ?
(trg)="39"> Why don 't you tell me what happened ?

(src)="40"> The other night , some low- lifes attacked him and he barely escaped .
(trg)="40"> The other night , some low- lifes attacked him and he barely escaped .

(src)="41"> Who could do such a thing ?
(trg)="41"> Who could do such a thing ?

(src)="42"> It’s a common thing in the harbours .
(trg)="42"> It’s a common thing in the harbours .

(src)="43"> We 're used to it .
(trg)="43"> We 're used to it .

(src)="44"> But couldn 't he run or call for help ?
(trg)="44"> But couldn 't he run or call for help ?

(src)="45"> He doesn 't run from a fight .
(trg)="45"> He doesn 't run from a fight .

(src)="46"> To call for help , it would have been cowardly .
(trg)="46"> To call for help , it would have been cowardly .

(src)="47"> He accepted the fight .
(trg)="47"> He accepted the fight .

(src)="48"> But they were three against one .
(trg)="48"> But they were three against one .

(src)="49"> That 's not the worst thing .
(trg)="49"> That 's not the worst thing .

(src)="50"> The worst thing is we lost a good part of our fortune .
(trg)="50"> The worst thing is we lost a good part of our fortune .

(src)="51"> Gherasim had 5000 francs on him .
(trg)="51"> Gherasim had 5000 francs on him .

(src)="52"> Why didn 't you go to the police ?
(trg)="52"> Why didn 't you go to the police ?

(src)="53"> It 's no use .
(trg)="53"> It 's no use .

(src)="54"> The bastard ran away .
(trg)="54"> The bastard ran away .

(src)="55"> Who knows where he is now ...
(trg)="55"> Who knows where he is now ...

(src)="56"> You spent a lot of money with the bakery too ...
(trg)="56"> You spent a lot of money with the bakery too ...

(src)="57"> - Now I have no money to pay you back .
(trg)="57"> - Now I have no money to pay you back .

(src)="58"> - Don 't worry .
(trg)="58"> - Don 't worry .

(src)="59"> It’s a big loss , but we have enough to go no matter how far .
(trg)="59"> It’s a big loss , but we have enough to go no matter how far .

(src)="60"> When do you leave ?
(trg)="60"> When do you leave ?

(src)="61"> I 'm waiting for a letter from Pierre 's grandfather .
(trg)="61"> I 'm waiting for a letter from Pierre 's grandfather .

(src)="62"> Then we sail away .
(trg)="62"> Then we sail away .

(src)="63"> But until then , let 's cheer up !
(trg)="63"> But until then , let 's cheer up !

(src)="64"> Ismail , bring our bottles !
(trg)="64"> Ismail , bring our bottles !

(src)="65"> It 's a wine from our country .
(trg)="65"> It 's a wine from our country .

(src)="66"> Cotnari wine .
(trg)="66"> Cotnari wine .

(src)="67"> I didn 't want to sell them so soon , but where can we get a better price than here ?
(trg)="67"> I didn 't want to sell them so soon , but where can we get a better price than here ?

(src)="68"> Look , we have 10 diamonds , sapphires , garnets , rubies .
(trg)="68"> Look , we have 10 diamonds , sapphires , garnets , rubies .

(src)="69"> And almost two pounds of Japanese pearls .
(trg)="69"> And almost two pounds of Japanese pearls .

(src)="70"> Don 't worry .
(trg)="70"> Don 't worry .

(src)="71"> We 'll be OK .
(trg)="71"> We 'll be OK .

(src)="72"> It 's a shame , sir .
(trg)="72"> It 's a shame , sir .

(src)="73"> We cold have sold these at a better price in Stanbul .
(trg)="73"> We cold have sold these at a better price in Stanbul .

(src)="74"> It 's a fake !
(trg)="74"> It 's a fake !

(src)="75"> - It can 't be !
(trg)="75"> - It can 't be !

(src)="76"> - What does he say ?
(trg)="76"> - What does he say ?

(src)="77"> - That it 's impossible !
(trg)="77"> - That it 's impossible !

(src)="78"> - Oh , it 's very possible .
(trg)="78"> - Oh , it 's very possible .

(src)="79"> And don 't try to fool me .
(trg)="79"> And don 't try to fool me .

(src)="80"> I' ve been in this business for no less than 40 years !
(trg)="80"> I' ve been in this business for no less than 40 years !

(src)="81"> It 's a fake !
(trg)="81"> It 's a fake !

(src)="82"> Also a fake !
(trg)="82"> Also a fake !

(src)="83"> Don 't you hear the sound ?
(trg)="83"> Don 't you hear the sound ?

(src)="84"> It 's common glass !
(trg)="84"> It 's common glass !

(src)="85"> They wanted to cheat us .
(trg)="85"> They wanted to cheat us .

(src)="86"> I chose the gems myself !
(trg)="86"> I chose the gems myself !

(src)="87"> Let 's try across the street .
(trg)="87"> Let 's try across the street .

(src)="88"> Do you have more of them ?
(trg)="88"> Do you have more of them ?

(src)="89"> Is that all ?
(trg)="89"> Is that all ?

(src)="90"> Didn 't my brother tell you they were fake ?
(trg)="90"> Didn 't my brother tell you they were fake ?

(src)="91"> - Which brother ?
(trg)="91"> - Which brother ?

(src)="92"> - The one across the street .
(trg)="92"> - The one across the street .

(src)="93"> When did he have the time to tell him ?
(trg)="93"> When did he have the time to tell him ?