# cv/TViuHdgPafrq.xml.gz
# dv/TViuHdgPafrq.xml.gz

(src)="1"> we can go there by bus or just walk instead cinema is near the Pizza Hut so we can go there after the film if you want sounds great i can 't wait to see HOBBIT eh bro all the tickets for hobbit has benn sold out we are going to " my little pony the movie " anyone that has tickets for hobbit get out why i 'm going to this stupid film about ponnies !! ? !! i wanted to see hobbit i have been waiting for this since last lord of the rings it was really important to me and i hate those ponnies !!! the critics say that my little pony is the best movie of the year why would i care what critics say ? ! ? i m just saying the film is good my little pony SUKCS !! it can 't compare with hobbit it 's a masterpiece and you can 't argue with that
(trg)="1"> ... then fegelein rolled natural 20 .
(trg)="2"> It was a critical hit enchanced with several level 1 spells .
(trg)="3"> Pretty good for a low level bard , huh ?

(src)="2"> It 's like comparing hamburger with very classy meal
(trg)="24"> With my stats , I should have beat him with just one hit , but no !
(trg)="25"> He reflected it like it was a flyswatter , not a hude sword !

(src)="3"> I 'm devastated .
(trg)="26"> And then this critical hit !

(src)="4"> I really wanted to see that movie .
(src)="5"> I was waiting whole year .
(trg)="27"> I swear I saw him rolling natural 20 five times in a row when he was fighting Goebbels !

(src)="6"> When i first saw trailer I started to counting days till premiere
(trg)="28"> I can 't let this man become the bunker champion again .
(trg)="29"> I can 't believe you guys ,

(src)="7"> Now I 'm just gonna waste 4 hours watching this silly film : c
(trg)="30"> How can you allow him to fool you like that ?
(trg)="31"> Even