# bs/0BhMynRdRIk6.xml.gz
# en/0BhMynRdRIk6.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Bunu , bana sen yaptın , hissettiklerimi biliyordun . Uzak durmaya çalışsamda erittin içimi .
(trg)="1"> Well , you done , done me and you bet I felt it
(trg)="2"> I tried to be chill but you 're so hot that I melted

(src)="2"> Cenneti bulamayan ruh gibiydim ama şimdi dönüyorum geri .
(trg)="3"> I fell right through the cracks
(trg)="4"> And now I 'm trying to get back

(src)="3"> İçimdeki ateş tükenmeden duyguların en iyisini vereceğim .
(trg)="5"> Before the cool done run out I 'll be giving it my bestest

(src)="4"> Ölüm hariç hiç bir güç durduramayacak beni .
(trg)="6"> And nothing 's going to stop me but divine intervention

(src)="5"> Kazanma ve öğrenme sırası bende artık .
(trg)="7"> I reckon it to get my turn
(trg)="8"> To win some or learn some

(src)="6"> Tutmayacağım kendimi daha fazla duramıyorum artık .
(trg)="9"> But I won 't hesitate no more , no more
(trg)="10"> It cannot wait , I 'm yours

(src)="8"> Bırak akıp gitsin düşüncelerin , benim baktığım gibi bak , içini dök , kahretsin sen özgürsün !
(trg)="11"> Well , open up your mind , and see like me
(trg)="12"> Open up your plans and damn you 're free

(src)="9"> Kalbine dokun orada aşkı hissediceksin . Yüreğinin aşkını ve aşkı .
(trg)="13"> Look into your heart and you 'll find love , love , love , love

(src)="10"> Küçük bir an için insanların söylediği şarkılara kulak ver , dans et ve şarkılarına eşlik et .
(trg)="14"> Listen to the music of the moment people , dance and sing

(src)="11"> Biz kocaman bir aileyiz .
(trg)="15"> We 're just on big family

(src)="12"> Ve kahretsin ki bildiğimiz tek doğrumuz sevilmek, sevilmek sevilmek .
(trg)="16"> And it 's our God- forsaken right to be loved , loved , loved , loved , loved

(src)="13"> Durmayacağım .
(trg)="17"> So I won 't hesitate no more , no more

(src)="14"> Aşk beklemez , eminim
(trg)="18"> It cannot wait , I 'm sure

(src)="15"> Daha fazla güçleştirmenin anlamı yok , zamanımız çok az ve Bu bizim alın yazımız , ben seninim .
(trg)="19"> There 's no need to complicate
(trg)="20"> Our time is short
(trg)="21"> This is our fate , I 'm yours

(src)="16"> Uzun bir süre aynada kendime baktım ... ve geçmişimi daha net görmeye başladım .
(trg)="26"> I 've been spent away to long checking my tongue in the mirror
(trg)="27"> And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer

(src)="17"> Ama nefesim aynayı buğulandırdı .
(trg)="28"> But my breath fogged up the glass

(src)="18"> Bir yüz çizdim ve güldüm
(trg)="29"> And so I drew in a face and laughed

(src)="19"> Söylediğimin üzerine daha iyi bir sebep yok .
(trg)="30"> I guess what I be saying is there ain 't no better reason

(src)="20"> Temizle ruhumu kibirden , akışına bırak kendini .
(trg)="31"> To rid your self of vanitisies and just go with the seasons

(src)="21"> Bizim amaçladığımız bu , erdemimiz bizim herşeyimiz .
(trg)="32"> It 's what we aim to do
(trg)="33"> Our name is our virtue

(src)="22"> Durmayacağım daha fazla , aşk beklemez . Seninim .
(trg)="34"> But I won 't hesitate no more , no more
(trg)="35"> It cannot wait , I 'm yours

(src)="23"> Bırak akıp gitsin düşüncelerin , benim baktığım gibi bak .
(trg)="36"> Well , open up your mind , and see like me

(src)="24"> İçini dök , kahretsin sen özgürsün !
(trg)="37"> Open up your plans and damn you 're free

(src)="25"> Kalbinin içini görüyorum , sana ait olan aşkı elbet bulacaksın .
(trg)="38"> I look into your heart and you 'll find that
(trg)="39"> The sky is yours

(src)="26"> Lütfen artık .
(trg)="40"> So please don 't , please don 't

(src)="27"> Daha fazla güçleştirmenin anlamı yok , zamanımız çok az .
(trg)="41"> There 's no need to complicate
(trg)="42"> ' Cause our time is short

(src)="28"> Bu artık bizim alın yazımız olmalı ve ben seninim .
(trg)="43"> This oh , this oh , this is our fate
(trg)="44"> I 'm yours

# bs/1d3d9p4tMqJe.xml.gz
# en/1d3d9p4tMqJe.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Voljela bih podijeliti sa vama nešto što sam otkrila prije par mjeseci , pišući članak za italijansko izdanje magazina Wired .
(trg)="1"> I 'd like to share with you a discovery that I made a few months ago while writing an article for Italian Wired .

(src)="2"> Uvijek imam svoj rječnik sinonima pri ruci kad nešto pišem , ali sam već završila uređivanje teksta i shvatila da nikad u životu nisam potražila riječ " onesposobljen "
(trg)="2"> I always keep my thesaurus handy whenever I 'm writing anything , but I 'd already finished editing the piece , and I realized that I had never once in my life
(trg)="3"> looked up the word " disabled " to see what I 'd find .

(src)="3"> Dopustite da vam pročitam unos .
(trg)="4"> Let me read you the entry .

(src)="4"> " Onesposobljen , " pridjev : " osakaćen , bespomoćan , beskoristan , ruiniran , ugašen , oštećen , ranjen , manjkav , defektan , obogaljen , uveo , potrošen , onemoćao , impotentan , kastriran , paraliziran , hendikepiran , senilan , oronuo , oboljeo , iznuren , iscrpljen , izmoren , polomljen , otpisan ; također vidi : povrijeđen , nekoristan i slab .
(trg)="5"> " Disabled , adjective : crippled , helpless , useless , wrecked , stalled , maimed , wounded , mangled , lame , mutilated , run- down , worn- out , weakened , impotent , castrated , paralyzed , handicapped , senile , decrepit , laid- up , done- up , done- for , done- in cracked- up , counted- out ; see also hurt , useless and weak .

(src)="5"> Antonimi : zdrav , jak , sposoban . "
(trg)="6"> Antonyms , healthy , strong , capable . "

(src)="6"> Ovu listu sam pročitala prijatelju na glas i prvo sam se smijala , bilo je tako komično , ali sam naprosto odjedanput bila shrvana i ostala bez glasa , i morala sam stati da se saberem od emocionalnog šoka i udara izazvanog napasnošću ovih riječi .
(trg)="7"> I was reading this list out loud to a friend and at first was laughing , it was so ludicrous , but I 'd just gotten past " mangled , " and my voice broke , and I had to stop and collect myself from the emotional shock and impact that the assault from these words unleashed .

(src)="7"> Znate , to je naravno moj stari ofucani rječnik sinonima .
(src)="8"> Mislim da to mora biti neko prastaro izdanje , zar ne .
(trg)="8"> You know , of course , this is my raggedy old thesaurus so I 'm thinking this must be an ancient print date , right ?

(src)="9"> Ali , u stvari , izdanje datira iz ranih osamdesetih , kad sam polazila u osnovnu školu i oblikovala shvatanje sebe same izvan porodičnog kruga te u odnosu prema drugoj djeci i svijetu koji me okružuje .
(trg)="9"> But , in fact , the print date was the early 1980s , when I would have been starting primary school and forming an understanding of myself outside the family unit and as related to the other kids and the world around me .

(src)="10"> I naravno , hvala Bogu da tada nisam koristila rječnik sinonima .
(trg)="10"> And , needless to say , thank God I wasn 't using a thesaurus back then .

(src)="11"> Mislim da bi , iz ovog unosa , izgledalo da sam rođena u svijetu koji nekoga poput mene percepira bez ikakve pozitivne osobine , a ja sam danas , u stvari , slavna zbog mogućnosti i uzbudljivih iskustava koje je moj život kreirao .
(trg)="11"> I mean , from this entry , it would seem that I was born into a world that perceived someone like me to have nothing positive whatsoever going for them , when in fact , today I 'm celebrated for the opportunities and adventures my life has procured .

(src)="12"> Pa sam tako odmah potražila online izdanje iz 2009 . očekujući da ću naći neku reviziju vrijednu pažnje .
(trg)="12"> So , I immediately went to look up the 2009 online edition , expecting to find a revision worth noting .

(src)="13"> Evo ažurirane verzije ovog unosa .
(trg)="13"> Here 's the updated version of this entry .

(src)="14"> Nažalost , nije puno bolja .
(trg)="14"> Unfortunately , it 's not much better .

(src)="15"> Nalazim da su dvije zadnje riječi " Bliski Antonimi " posebno konfuzne ,
(src)="16"> " cjelovit " i " zdrav . "
(trg)="15"> I find the last two words under " Near Antonyms , " particularly unsettling : " whole " and " wholesome . "

(src)="17"> Tako da se tu ne radi samo o riječima .
(trg)="16"> So , it 's not just about the words .

(src)="18"> To je ono što vjerujemo kad su u pitanju ljudi koje imenujemo ovim riječima .
(trg)="17"> It 's what we believe about people when we name them with these words .

(src)="19"> Tu se radi o vrijednostima koje stoje iza riječi i na koji način mi postavljamo ove vrijednosti .
(trg)="18"> It 's about the values behind the words , and how we construct those values .

(src)="20"> Naš jezik utiče na naše mišljenje i naš svjetonazor i našu percepciju drugih ljudi .
(trg)="19"> Our language affects our thinking and how we view the world and how we view other people .

(src)="21"> U stvari , mnoga antička društva , uključujući Grke i Rimljane , su vjerovala u moć verbalnog izricanja kletve , zato što glasno izgovaranje nečega tu stvar čini postojećom .
(trg)="20"> In fact , many ancient societies , including the Greeks and the Romans , believed that to utter a curse verbally was so powerful , because to say the thing out loud brought it into existence .

(src)="22"> Pa , koju stvarnost mi želimo kreirati , osobu sa ograničenjima ili osnaženu osobu ?
(trg)="21"> So , what reality do we want to call into existence : a person who is limited , or a person who 's empowered ?

(src)="23"> Ležerno čineći nešto tako jednostavno poput imenovanja osobe , djeteta , mogli bi smo ugasiti ili prigušiti njihovu moć .
(trg)="22"> By casually doing something as simple as naming a person , a child , we might be putting lids and casting shadows on their power .

(src)="24"> Zar ne bismo umjesto toga željeli da im otvorimo vrata ?
(trg)="23"> Wouldn 't we want to open doors for them instead ?

(src)="25"> Jedna takva osoba , koja je meni otvorila vrata , je bio moj doktor kad sam bila dijete na A . I .
(src)="26"> Dupont Institutu u Wilmingtonu , Delaware .
(trg)="24"> One such person who opened doors for me was my childhood doctor at the A. I. duPont Institute in Wilmington , Delaware .

(src)="27"> Zove se Dr .
(src)="28"> Pizzutillo .
(src)="29"> Amerikanac italijanskog porijekla , čije je ime očito većini Amerikanaca preteško za izgovoriti , tako da ga znaju kao Dr .
(trg)="25"> His name was Dr. Pizzutillo , an Italian American , whose name , apparently , was too difficult for most Americans to pronounce , so he went by Dr. P.

(src)="32"> P . je uvijek nosio mašne sa veselim bojama i imao savršene predispozicije za rad sa djecom .
(trg)="26"> And Dr. P always wore really colorful bow ties and had the very perfect disposition to work with children .

(src)="33"> Voljela sam gotovo u cijelosti vrijeme provedeno u ovoj bolnici , sa izuzetkom mojih fizikalnih terapija .
(trg)="27"> I loved almost everything about my time spent at this hospital , with the exception of my physical therapy sessions .

(src)="34"> Morala sam raditi nešto što je ličilo na bezbrojna ponavljanja vježbi sa ovim glomaznim , elastičnim trakama -- različitih boja -- da se pomogne izgradnja mojih nožnih mišića .
(src)="35"> A ja sam mrzila te trake više od bilo čega drugog .
(trg)="28"> I had to do what seemed like innumerable repetitions of exercises with these thick , elastic bands -- different colors , you know -- to help build up my leg muscles , and I hated these bands more than anything --

(src)="36"> Mrzila sam ih , pogrdno ih zvala .
(trg)="29"> I hated them , had names for them .

(src)="37"> Mrzila sam ih .
(trg)="30"> I hated them .

(src)="38"> I , znate , već sam pregovarala , kao petogodišnja djevojčica , sa dr .
(src)="39"> P . da se izvučem iz ovog vježbanja , bez uspjeha , naravno .
(trg)="31"> And , you know , I was already bargaining , as a five year- old child , with Dr. P to try to get out of doing these exercises , unsuccessfully , of course .

(src)="40"> I , jednog dana , on je došao na moje vježbe -- iscrpljujuće i nemilosrdne , te vježbe -- i rekao mi je , " Opa .
(trg)="32"> And , one day , he came in to my session -- exhaustive and unforgiving , these sessions -- and he said to me , " Wow .

(src)="41"> Aimee , ti si tako jaka i snažna mala djevojčica , mislim da ćeš pokidati ove trake .
(trg)="33"> Aimee , you are such a strong and powerful little girl ,
(trg)="34"> I think you 're going to break one of those bands .

(src)="42"> Ako ih pokidaš , ja ću ti dati sto dolara . "
(trg)="35"> When you do break it , I 'm going to give you a hundred bucks . "

(src)="43"> To je naravno bio mali trik dr .
(src)="44"> P- a da me nagovori da radim vježbe koje nisam htjela raditi zbog mogućnosti da ću biti najbogatija petogodišnjakinja na drugom spratu bolnice , ali ono što je on ustvari učinio za mene je preoblikovanje jednog groznog svakodnevnog događaja u novo i obećavajuće iskustvo za mene .
(trg)="36"> Now , of course , this was a simple ploy on Dr. P 's part to get me to do the exercises I didn 't want to do before the prospect of being the richest five- year- old in the second floor ward , but what he effectively did for me was reshape an awful daily occurrence into a new and promising experience for me .

(src)="45"> I danas se moram zapitati , do koje mjere su njegova vizija i njegovo deklarisanje mene kao snažne i moćne male djevojčice , oblikovali moju osobnu predstavu o samoj sebi kao prirodno snažnoj , moćnoj i atletskoj osobi u poodmakloj budućnosti .
(trg)="37"> And I have to wonder today to what extent his vision and his declaration of me as a strong and powerful little girl shaped my own view of myself as an inherently strong , powerful and athletic person well into the future .

(src)="46"> Ovo je primjer kako odrasli na pozicijama moći mogu potaknuti moć djeteta .
(trg)="38"> This is an example of how adults in positions of power can ignite the power of a child .

(src)="47"> Ali u prethodnim primjerima iz ovog rječnika sinonima , naš jezik nam ne dopušta da ostvarimo sebe onako kako bi smo svi željeli , mogućnost da pojedinac sebe vidi kao sposobnog .
(trg)="39"> But , in the previous instances of those thesaurus entries , our language isn 't allowing us to evolve into the reality that we would all want , the possibility of an individual to see themselves as capable .

(src)="48"> Naš jezik nije išao u korak sa promjenama u našem društvu , od kojih su mnoge vezane za tehnologiju .
(trg)="40"> Our language hasn 't caught up with the changes in our society , many of which have been brought about by technology .

(src)="49"> Uistinu , sa medicinske tačke gledišta , moje noge , laserska korekcija vida , koljeno od titanijuma i umjetni kuk za tijela izložena procesu starenja koji dopuštaju ljudima da potpuno koriste svoje sposobnosti , i nadilaze ograničenja koja im je priroda nametnula , a da ne pominjemo platforme društvenog umrežavanja , koje dopuštaju ljudima da se samostalno identificiraju , definirajući lično svoj opis , tako da mogu postati dio globalnih grupa po vlastitom izboru .
(trg)="41"> Certainly , from a medical standpoint , my legs , laser surgery for vision impairment , titanium knees and hip replacements for aging bodies that are allowing people to more fully engage with their abilities , and move beyond the limits that nature has imposed on them -- not to mention social networking platforms allow people to self- identify , to claim their own descriptions of themselves , so they can go align with global groups of their own choosing .

(src)="50"> Tako nam tehnologija danas možda jasnije otkriva ono što je oduvijek bila istina , da svako ima nešto osobito i snažno da ponudi našem društvu , i da je ljudska sposobnost prilagođavanja naše najveće dobro .
(trg)="42"> So , perhaps technology is revealing more clearly to us now what has always been a truth : that everyone has something rare and powerful to offer our society , and that the human ability to adapt is our greatest asset .

(src)="51"> Ljudska sposobnost prilagođavanja , to je jedna interesantna stvar , zato što ljudi neprestano žele da sa mnom razgovaraju o prevazilaženju nedaće , i ja ću nešto priznati .
(trg)="43"> The human ability to adapt , it 's an interesting thing , because people have continually wanted to talk to me about overcoming adversity , and I 'm going to make an admission :

(src)="52"> Ova fraza mi nikad nije bila razumljiva , i uvijek sam osjećala nelagodu pokušavajući odgovoriti ljudima na njihova pitanja u vezi s tim , i mislim da počinjem shvatati zašto je to tako .
(trg)="44"> This phrase never sat right with me , and I always felt uneasy trying to answer people 's questions about it , and I think I 'm starting to figure out why .

(src)="53"> Implicitna u ovoj frazi o prevazilaženju nedaće je ideja da se uspjeh ili sreća događaju s onu stranu izazovnog iskustva neozlijeđeni ili neobilježeni iskustvom , kao da su se moji uspjesi u životu dogodili zahvaljujući sposobnosti da izbjegnem ili zaobiđem pretpostavljene zamke života sa protezama ili onoga što drugi ljudi percepiraju kao moju nesposobnost .
(trg)="45"> Implicit in this phrase of " overcoming adversity " is the idea that success , or happiness , is about emerging on the other side of a challenging experience unscathed or unmarked by the experience , as if my successes in life have come about from an ability to sidestep or circumnavigate the presumed pitfalls of a life with prosthetics , or what other people perceive as my disability .

(src)="54"> Ali , u stvari , mi smo se promijenili .
(trg)="46"> But , in fact , we are changed .

(src)="55"> Naravno , mi smo obilježeni izazovom , bilo fizički , emocionalno ili i jedno i drugo .
(trg)="47"> We are marked , of course , by a challenge , whether physically , emotionally or both .

(src)="56"> I predložiću da je to dobra stvar .
(trg)="48"> And I 'm going to suggest that this is a good thing .

(src)="57"> Nedaća nije prepreka koju trebamo zaobići u cilju da obnovimo življnje naših života .
(trg)="49"> Adversity isn 't an obstacle that we need to get around in order to resume living our life .

(src)="58"> To je dio našeg života .
(trg)="50"> It 's part of our life .

(src)="59"> I nastojim misliti o tome kao o svojoj sijenci .
(trg)="51"> And I tend to think of it like my shadow .

(src)="60"> Ponekad je vidim kao ogromnu , a ponekad je skoro neprimjetna , ali je uvijek sa mnom .
(trg)="52"> Sometimes I see a lot of it , sometimes there 's very little , but it 's always with me .

(src)="61"> I , svakako , ja ne pokušavam umanjiti uticaj , težinu nečije borbe .
(trg)="53"> And , certainly , I 'm not trying to diminish the impact , the weight , of a person 's struggle .

(src)="62"> U životu postoji nedaća i izazov , i to je sve veoma realno i odnosi se na svakoga , ali pitanje nije da li ćete se suočiti sa nedaćom ili ne , nego kako ćete se suočiti .
(trg)="54"> There is adversity and challenge in life , and it 's all very real and relative to every single person , but the question isn 't whether or not you 're going to meet adversity , but how you 're going to meet it .

(src)="63"> Tako naša odgovornost nije da naprosto štitimo one do kojih nam je stalo od nedaće , nego da ih dobro pripremimo za taj izazov .
(trg)="55"> So , our responsibility is not simply shielding those we care for from adversity , but preparing them to meet it well .

(src)="64"> Mi činimo medvjeđu uslugu našoj djeci ako im stvaramo osjećaj da oni nisu opremljeni za prilagođavanje .
(trg)="56"> And we do a disservice to our kids when we make them feel that they 're not equipped to adapt .

(src)="65"> Postoji jedna važna razlika i distinkcija između objektivne medicinske činjenice da sam ja amputirac i subjektivnog društvenog mišljenja da li sam ja nesposobna ili ne .
(trg)="57"> There 's an important difference and distinction between the objective medical fact of my being an amputee and the subjective societal opinion of whether or not I 'm disabled .

(src)="66"> I , zbilja , jedina realna i konzistentna nesposobnost sa kojom sam se morala suočiti je taj svijet koji misli da me može svesti na te definicije .
(trg)="58"> And , truthfully , the only real and consistent disability I 've had to confront is the world ever thinking that I could be described by those definitions .

(src)="67"> U našoj želji da zaštitimo one do kojih nam je stalo dajući im hladne , surove istine o njihovim medicinskim prognozama , ili , uistinu , prognozu o očekivanom kvalitetu njihovog života , moramo paziti da ne uzidamo prvu ciglu u zid koji će zapravo onesposobiti nekoga .
(trg)="59"> In our desire to protect those we care about by giving them the cold , hard truth about their medical prognosis , or , indeed , a prognosis on the expected quality of their life , we have to make sure that we don 't put the first brick in a wall that will actually disable someone .

(src)="68"> Možda postojeći model koji samo gleda šta je neispravno u vama i kako to popraviti , ide više na ruku onesposobljavanja neke individue nego samo to oboljenje .
(trg)="60"> Perhaps the existing model of only looking at what is broken in you and how do we fix it , serves to be more disabling to the individual than the pathology itself .

(src)="69"> Ne tretirajući cjelovitost jedne osobe , ne priznavajući njenu potencijalnu snagu , mi stvaramo još jednu bolest na površini prirodne borbe koju ona proživljava .
(trg)="61"> By not treating the wholeness of a person , by not acknowledging their potency , we are creating another ill on top of whatever natural struggle they might have .

(src)="70"> Mi efektvno rangiramo nečiju vrijednost za našu zajednicu .
(trg)="62"> We are effectively grading someone 's worth to our community .

(src)="71"> Tako mi trebamo istražiti patologiju i uvidjeti opseg ljudske sposobnosti .
(trg)="63"> So we need to see through the pathology and into the range of human capability .

(src)="72"> I što je najvažnije , postoji partnerstvo između onoga što poimamo kao nedostatak i naše najveće kreativne sposobnosti .
(trg)="64"> And , most importantly , there 's a partnership between those perceived deficiencies and our greatest creative ability .

(src)="73"> Ne radi se ovdje o devalviranju ili negiranju ovih nastojanja kao nečega što hoćemo da izbjegnemo ili pometemo pod tepih , nego da umjesto toga prepoznamo mogućnsti upakovane u nedaću .
(trg)="65"> So it 's not about devaluing , or negating , these more trying times as something we want to avoid or sweep under the rug , but instead to find those opportunities wrapped in the adversity .

(src)="74"> Tako da možda ideja koju želim da izložim je ne u tolikoj mjeri savladavanje nedaće , koliko je to naše otvaranje prema njoj , njeno prigrljivanje , gombanje sa njom , da upotrijebim hrvački termin , možda čak i plesanje sa njom .
(trg)="66"> So maybe the idea I want to put out there is not so much overcoming adversity as it is opening ourselves up to it , embracing it , grappling with it , to use a wrestling term , maybe even dancing with it .

(src)="75"> I ako možda nedaću posmatramo kao prirodnu , konzistentnu i korisnu , manje smo opterećeni njenim prisustvom .
(trg)="67"> And , perhaps , if we see adversity as natural , consistent and useful , we 're less burdened by the presence of it .

(src)="76"> Ove godine slavimo dvjestoti rođendan Čarlsa Darvina , a prije 150 godina , kad je pisao o evoluciji , mislim da je Darvin ilustrirao jednu istinu o ljudskom karakteru .
(trg)="68"> This year we celebrate the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin , and it was 150 years ago , when writing about evolution , that Darwin illustrated , I think , a truth about the human character .