# ber/rj3mvmX1gUGL.xml.gz
# swa/rj3mvmX1gUGL.xml.gz

(src)="1"> So , whata 'ya doing ?
(trg)="1"> Portugues , direto do vídeo 1 - upload

(src)="2"> It 's one of the first questions we often ask friends and family .
(trg)="2"> Portugues , direto do vídeo 1 - upload

(src)="3"> Even if the answer is just mowing the lawn , or cooking dinner , it 's interesting to us .
(trg)="3"> Portugues , direto do vídeo 1 - upload
(trg)="4"> Portugues , direto do vídeo 1 - upload
(trg)="5"> Portugues , direto do vídeo 1 - upload

(src)="4"> It makes us feel connected , and a part of each others lives .
(trg)="6"> Portugues , direto do vídeo 1 - upload
(trg)="7"> Portugues , direto do vídeo 1 - upload

(src)="5"> Unfortunately , most of our day- to- days lives are hidden from people that care .
(trg)="8"> Portugues , direto do vídeo 1 - upload
(trg)="9"> Portugues , direto do vídeo 1 - upload

(src)="6"> Of course , we have e- mail , and blogs , and phones to keep us connected but you wouldn 't send an email to a friend to tell them you 're having coffee .
(trg)="10"> Portugues , direto do vídeo 1 - upload