# ber/VyQgX3gKexHr.xml.gz
# sq/VyQgX3gKexHr.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Don 't you know our national team is playing a very important match today ?
(trg)="1"> We were supposed to obtain the Szkoła 2 . 0 Certificate but someone has lost the report

(src)="2"> My friends are coming to watch it with me
(trg)="2"> The Kuratiorium officials are coming next week .
(trg)="3"> What have you got to say ??

(src)="3"> You have to join us and bring something to eat , otherwise we 'll be hungry .
(trg)="4"> Someone has got to pay for that .

(src)="4"> the question is how you 'll manage to do it with not enough money for so many guests ...
(src)="5"> My dear you will have to make something .. she cannot cook asd
(trg)="5"> gfd gfd gfsd gsd gfsd

(src)="6"> ad asd dsad
(trg)="6"> dsg sdga ga

(src)="7"> daads das dsa dsa das ad asd asd dsa dsa sad sadsa asd sad sda sd
(trg)="7"> ag agfda agf afgsd sdfg dsafg dfs fga dfgda fgsda afgdg fga fadgfg gfdag fgagd dgas

(src)="8"> sadsad das dssad
(trg)="8"> fgasf gasg fafg

(src)="9"> dss das sd sds sd
(trg)="9"> fadgfg gagfag fgadgf gasg agfadg

(src)="10"> sd sd sd sad
(trg)="10"> fgdasfg fgag fgad fgdag

(src)="11"> ds ds sdd sad
(trg)="11"> fgag fgag gfadg fgadg