# ber/NmkV5cbiCqUU.xml.gz
# nl/NmkV5cbiCqUU.xml.gz

(src)="1"> -
(trg)="1"> Wij zijn begonnen met ´Universal Subtitles´ omdat wij denken dat elke video op het internet in staat moet zijn om te worden ondertiteld .

# ber/VyQgX3gKexHr.xml.gz
# nl/VyQgX3gKexHr.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Don 't you know our national team is playing a very important match today ?
(trg)="1"> What are you going to do today ?

(src)="2"> My friends are coming to watch it with me
(trg)="2"> Swimming , skimming or simmering ?

(src)="3"> You have to join us and bring something to eat , otherwise we 'll be hungry .
(trg)="3"> You should be prepared to write a quick summary of the activities you did yesterday .

(src)="4"> the question is how you 'll manage to do it with not enough money for so many guests ...
(trg)="4"> This should help you decide what you want to do today .

(src)="5"> My dear you will have to make something .. she cannot cook asd
(trg)="5"> Excuse me !
(trg)="6"> I don 't think ...
(trg)="7"> He can 't write a summary of what he did yesterday because didn 't do anything yesterday .

(src)="6"> ad asd dsad
(trg)="8"> Listen to me , everybody . go home go home

(src)="7"> daads das dsa dsa das ad asd asd dsa dsa sad sadsa asd sad sda sd
(trg)="9"> go home go home go home go home go home go home go home go home go home go home go home go home go home go home go home go home

(src)="8"> sadsad das dssad
(trg)="10"> go home go home go home

(src)="9"> dss das sd sds sd
(trg)="11"> go home go home go home go home go home

(src)="10"> sd sd sd sad
(trg)="12"> go home go home go home go home

(src)="11"> ds ds sdd sad
(trg)="13"> go home go home go home go home