# an/0BhMynRdRIk6.xml.gz
# en/0BhMynRdRIk6.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Beni kendine aşık ettin ve bunu biliyorsun . Soğumaya çalışıyorum ama beni aşkınının sıcaklığı ile eritiyorsun .
(trg)="1"> Well , you done , done me and you bet I felt it
(trg)="2"> I tried to be chill but you 're so hot that I melted

(src)="2"> Unutulup gittim ve şimdi geri döndürmeye çalışıyorum
(trg)="3"> I fell right through the cracks
(trg)="4"> And now I 'm trying to get back

(src)="3"> Senden soğumadan verebileceğim aşkın en iyisini vereceğim sana ta ki ölene kadar
(trg)="5"> Before the cool done run out I 'll be giving it my bestest
(trg)="6"> And nothing 's going to stop me but divine intervention

(src)="4"> Sanıyorum , bir şeyler kazanmak veya öğrenmek için yine benim sıram
(trg)="7"> I reckon it to get my turn
(trg)="8"> To win some or learn some

(src)="5"> Ama bundan hiç şüphe duymuyorum daha fazla bekleyemem .
(trg)="9"> But I won 't hesitate no more , no more
(trg)="10"> It cannot wait , I 'm yours

(src)="7"> Artık kendine gel ve benim gibi gör her şeyi . Özgürsün hissettiklerini açıklamakta .
(trg)="11"> Well , open up your mind , and see like me
(trg)="12"> Open up your plans and damn you 're free

(src)="8"> Kalbinin sesini dinle , aşkı bulacaksın .
(trg)="13"> Look into your heart and you 'll find love , love , love , love

(src)="9"> Bu anın müziğini dinle , dans et ve şarkı söyle
(trg)="14"> Listen to the music of the moment people , dance and sing

(src)="10"> Biz büyük bir aile gibiyiz .
(trg)="15"> We 're just on big family

(src)="11"> Terk edilmiş olsak da sevileceğiz
(trg)="16"> And it 's our God- forsaken right to be loved , loved , loved , loved , loved

(src)="12"> Daha fazla şüphe duyamam .
(trg)="17"> So I won 't hesitate no more , no more

(src)="13"> Bekleyemez eminim
(trg)="18"> It cannot wait , I 'm sure

(src)="14"> Bu çok basit bir şey .
(trg)="19"> There 's no need to complicate

(src)="15"> Hayat kısa , bizim kaderimiz bu ben sana aitim .
(trg)="20"> Our time is short
(trg)="21"> This is our fate , I 'm yours

(src)="16"> Aynadaki halime baktım ve daha iyi görebilmek için uğraştım .
(trg)="26"> I 've been spent away to long checking my tongue in the mirror
(trg)="27"> And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer

(src)="17"> Ayna nefesimden buğulandı . Yüzümü çizdim ve güldüm .
(trg)="28"> But my breath fogged up the glass
(trg)="29"> And so I drew in a face and laughed

(src)="18"> Sanırım ne söylemem gerekenlere daha fazla bir sebep yok .
(trg)="30"> I guess what I be saying is there ain 't no better reason

(src)="19"> Boş şeylerle uğraşma .
(src)="20"> Mevsimleri yaşa .
(trg)="31"> To rid your self of vanitisies and just go with the seasons

(src)="21"> Bu bizim amacımız , bizim adımız erdem .
(trg)="32"> It 's what we aim to do
(trg)="33"> Our name is our virtue

(src)="22"> Daha fazla şüphe duyamam .
(trg)="34"> But I won 't hesitate no more , no more

(src)="23"> Daha fazla bekleyemem . Ben sana aitim .
(trg)="35"> It cannot wait , I 'm yours

(src)="24"> Artık kendine gel ve benim gibi gör her şeyi
(trg)="36"> Well , open up your mind , and see like me

(src)="25"> Hissettiklerini açıkla , artık özgürsün
(trg)="37"> Open up your plans and damn you 're free

(src)="26"> Kalbinin içini görüyorum ve orada mutluluğu bulacaksın .
(trg)="38"> I look into your heart and you 'll find that
(trg)="39"> The sky is yours

(src)="27"> Lütfen yapma .
(trg)="40"> So please don 't , please don 't

(src)="28"> Zorlaştırmaya gerek yok .
(trg)="41"> There 's no need to complicate

(src)="29"> Çünkü hayat çok kısa
(trg)="42"> ' Cause our time is short

(src)="30"> Bu bizim kaderimiz .
(trg)="43"> This oh , this oh , this is our fate
(trg)="44"> I 'm yours

# an/1LxPegdY2vTo.xml.gz
# en/1LxPegdY2vTo.xml.gz

(src)="1"> علِمنا بأن عمرَ ( جاريد ) يساوي ضعف عمرِ أخيه ( بيتر ) . إذاً عمر ( جاريد ) يساوي ضعف عمرِ أخيه ( بيتر ) . عمر ( بيتر ) أربعة سنوات . عمر ( بيتر ) أربعة سنوات . وعمر ( جاريد ) يساوي ضعف عمرِ أخيه ( بيتر ) . إذاً عمر ( جاريد ) يساوي ضعف عمر ( بيتر ) وهو أربعة سنوات . ثمّ علِمنا بأن عمر ( تاليا ) يساوي ثلاثة أضعاف عمر ( جاريد ) . فكم عمر كلّاً من ( تايا ) و ( جاريد ) ؟ إذاً عمر ( تاليا ) يساوي ثلاثة أضعاف عمر ( جاريد ) . لنسجّل هذه المعلومات ؟ إذاً ( بيتر ) عمره أربعة سنوات . عمرَ ( جاريد ) يساوي ضعف عمرِ أخيه ( بيتر ) . إذاً ( جاريد ) - دعني أكتب هذا بالأصفر - إذاً جاريد - هذا ليس أصفراً . عمر ( جاريد ) يساوي ضعف عمر أخيه . إذاً ضعف - ضعف يعني إثنان ، إثنان ضرب عمر أخيه . يمكنكَ أن تقول بأن عمر ( جاريد ) هو ضعف عمر أخيه . أو أن عمر ( جاريد ) يسواي عمر أخيه ضرب إثنان . حسناً ، عمر أخيه أربعة سنوات ؛ فقد علِمنا هذا من السؤال هنا . إذاً عمر ( جاريد ) سيكون ضعف الأربعة سنوات . فضعف الأربعة سنوات وإذا كنت تحفظ جدول الضرب ، فأنت تعلم بأنه يساوي ثمانية . إثنان ضرب أربعة يسواي ثمانية . إثنان ضرب أربعة يسواي ثمانية ، أو كما تعلم فإن هذا عو ضعف عمر ( بيتر ) . وهو كذالك أربعة زائد أربعة . فإن نتيجة ذلك أربعة أيضاً . فإن ذاك يعطيك النتيجة - إذاً عمر ( جاريد ) يساوي ثماية . وأخيراً عمر ( تاليا ) - دعني أكتب ( تاليا ) هنا - ( تاليا ) هنا . عمر ( تاليا ) ذُكر لنا - عمر تايا ذُكر لنا هنا . فإنّه ثلاثة أضعاف عمر ( جاريد ) . إذا عمر ( تاليا ) يساوي ثلاثة أضعاف عمر ( جاريد ) . لقد استطعنا إيجاد عمر ( جاريد ) . إنّه ثمانية . عمرها ثلاثة أضعاف عمر ( جاريد ) . فإن كنتَ تعرف جدول الضرب فالإجابة ستكون واضحة لك . جدول الضرب هو أحد الأشياء في الرياضيّات التي عليك أن تحفظة غيباً ، لمجرّد أنه سيجعل باقي أمور حياتك سهلة جداً جداً . أو يمكنك أن تقوم بمضاعفة الثمانية ثلاثة بأن تجمع الثمانية ثلاثة مرّات . فإذاً إنّها ثمانية زائد ثمانية زائد ثمانية . ثمانية زائد ثمانية تسواي ستّة عشر . ستّة عشر زائد ثمانية تساوي أربعة وعشرون . إذاً عمر ( بيتر ) أربعة سنوات ، ( جاريد ) ثمانية سنوات ، و( تاليا ) أربعة وعشرين .
(trg)="1"> We 're told that Jared is twice the age of his brother , Peter .
(trg)="2"> So , Jared is twice the age of his brother , Peter .
(trg)="3"> Peter is four years old .

# an/5eDjZEUv5eiy.xml.gz
# en/5eDjZEUv5eiy.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Have you ever tried searching Google in Google ?
(trg)="1"> Have you ever tried searching Google in Google ?

(src)="2"> H- e- e- e- e- l- p m- e- e- e- e .
(trg)="2"> H- e- e- e- e- l- p m- e- e- e- e .

(src)="3"> Search engines do not just swallow people like it 's a normal thing .
(trg)="3"> Search engines do not just swallow people like it 's a normal thing .

(src)="4"> We 're inside Google .
(trg)="4"> We 're inside Google .

(src)="5"> So embarassing .
(trg)="5"> So embarassing .

(src)="6"> Can you read me ?
(trg)="6"> Can you read me ?

(src)="7"> [ Comment ] :
(trg)="7"> [ Comment ] :

(src)="8"> This comment will appear at the beginning of the next episode .
(trg)="8"> This comment will appear at the beginning of the next episode .

(src)="9"> [ Comment ] :
(trg)="9"> [ Comment ] :

(src)="10"> I can definitely say this is the most beautiful/ brilliant/ cool thing on Youtube Italia right now .
(trg)="10"> I can definitely say this is the most beautiful/ brilliant/ cool thing on Youtube Italia right now .

(src)="11"> [ Barrage of comments ]
(trg)="11"> [ Barrage of comments ]

(src)="12"> [ Advertisement voice ] :
(src)="13"> You 're the 9 . 999 . 999th visitor .
(trg)="12"> You 're the 9 . 999 . 999th visitor .

(src)="14"> [ Comment ] :
(trg)="13"> [ Comment ] :

(src)="15"> Congratulations you 're the 9 . 999 . 999th visitor !
(trg)="14"> Congratulations you 're the 9 . 999 . 999th visitor !

(src)="16"> You won !
(trg)="15"> You won !

(src)="17"> Congratulations !
(trg)="16"> Congratulations !

(src)="18"> You 're our number 9 . 999 . 999th visitor .
(trg)="17"> You 're our number 9 . 999 . 999th visitor .

(src)="19"> Enlarge your penis up to two inches in only two weeks .
(trg)="18"> Enlarge your penis up to two inches in only two weeks .

(src)="20"> Click to find out how .
(trg)="19"> Click to find out how .

(src)="21"> [ Comment ] :
(src)="22"> Does nobody " feel lucky " ?
(trg)="20"> Enlarge your penis up to two inches [ Comment ] :

(src)="23"> [ Advertisement voice ] :
(trg)="21"> Does nobody " feel lucky " ?
(trg)="22"> Do you feel lucky

(src)="25"> Do you feel lucky ?
(trg)="23"> Do you feel lucky ?

(src)="26"> [ Advertisement voice 1 ] :
(src)="27"> Do you feel lucky ?
(trg)="24"> Do you feel lucky ?

(src)="28"> [ Advertisement voice 2 ] :
(src)="29"> You 're the 9 . 999 . 999th visitor .
(trg)="25"> You 're the 9 . 999 . 999th visitor .

(src)="30"> Enlarge your penis up to two inches ...
(src)="31"> [ Comment ] :
(trg)="26"> Enlarge your penis up to two inches ...

(src)="32"> They 'll try and convince him to enlarge his penis .
(trg)="27"> [ Comment ] :
(trg)="28"> They 'll try and convince him to enlarge his penis .